Success Essay | Essay on Success for Students and Children in English

Success Essay: What is Success? Is it achieving your goal or aim? Yes it is. Success is termed as the hard work, dedication and the desire to achieve one’s goal.

It is rightly said that “Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”

Success and failure always go hand in hand with each other. Achieving success is not easy, but it’s not impossible either. It’s important to know that the destination to success is through the ladder of failures. Failure acts as a stepping stone for success and inspires one to work harder towards his/her goals. The harder one works it is easier to achieve success. Being optimistic towards life and believing in yourself that even if the journey is difficult one must have passion to achieve the is very important to push your limit every day, to achieve the success.

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Success essay reminds that the road to success is not easy and it’s difficult but it’s not impossible. Also staying positive is a key to success.

We all are born with some goals in life. We have some dreams to accomplish. And when we make our dreams come true that is what we call success.

To achieve success one has to work harder every day and manage their time properly. Proper vision in life is a must for everyone. A clear vision of what they want to become, will not drift them around and will not end in the wrong place. Success is only granted to those who are really desperate for it.. Failure is a must for any success, it helps us to learn from our mistakes. The meaning of success is different for everyone. According to me, real success is that thing which will make you happy and satisfied.

Success is not achieved by a shortcut. It requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and firm determination to achieve the goal. It can never be achieved by people who just dream to become successful and do nothing to get it.

Success is much more than name or fame. Success is simply the feeling of satisfaction and happiness after achieving one’s desire. But achieving success is not an eye blink activity, it can only be achieved through serious hard work, determination and dedication. Success means to be different to different people. Success differs according to people’s interests and goals.

The most important factor to achieve success is hard work. It is rightly said that ‘no pain, no gain.’ You need to put little effort and sow the seeds of hard work and perseverance, then we are sure to reap the success tree. If you have strong will power then nothing can stop you to climb the success stairs.

One must keep inspiring themself by being a self-motivator. Once we get a push, the rest will work automatically. Failures must not step you back from your path of success. Even if the situations go against you, do not let go of our dreams. Failures are part of success. Mistakes are quite common and we have to ensure that we learn from the mistakes and in turn do not repeat them. No matter how difficult your goal is, never quit. Keep trying and one day you will succeed. Follow your passion and focus on your dreams.

We all have heard the story of spiders. How a spider keeps on making his web. Every time it falls down it rises with more force. And it works effortlessly day and night to achieve success. Finally a piece of art, a spider web is ready.This is the best example of hard work and dedication to achieve success.

Success is surely not achieved within a moment. It needs a lot of patience, hard work, dedication and also strong will power to achieve it. It is not easy. We have to face many failures too during the journey of success. Everytime we fall we must rise up again and again till our goals are accomplished. This can be possible by keeping yourself motivated.

Success essay is sure to boost your motivation levels to achieve success. We see many successful people in different fields like singers, actors, scientists, politicians, artists, etc . Their achievements inspire the hearts of many and keep them motivated to do better.

All you need to remember is to never lose faith in yourself. If you really want to achieve your goals pour all of your energy into it, then, definitely success will garland you. Make a routine of your choice and follow it religiously. Stay punctual. Fix your eyes on the goal and keep working.

FAQ’s on Success Essay

Question 1.
What are the factors to be followed to achieve success?

These three success factors will surely lead one towards the success:-

  • We should follow our passion. If we do so there is no need for us to put any extra effort.
  • The path to success is always difficult and challenging. We should have a strong will power to achieve success in any situation.
  • The third and most important success factor is discipline and time management. When we work in a disciplined manner with proper time management, things will automatically work and success will be at your doorstep.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Kshitij Chapter 1 दो बैलों की कथा

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Kshitiz Chapter 1 दो बैलों की कथा is part of NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Chapter 1 दो बैलों की कथा.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Kshitij Chapter 1 दो बैलों की कथा


(पाठ्यपुस्तक से)

प्रश्न 1.
काँजीहौस में कैद पशुओं की हाजिरी क्यों ली जाती होगी?
काँजीहौस वह स्थान है, जहाँ आवारा पशुओं को बाँधकर लाया जाता है। उनके मालिकों के न आने पर उन्हें नीलाम कर दिया जाता है। काँजीहौस में कैद पशुओं की इसीलिए हाजिरी ली जाती थी, जिससे पकड़े गए पशुओं का पूरा ध्यान रखा जा सके कि कहीं कोई जानवर भाग न गया हो। कोई किसी जानवर को लेकर न चला गया हो।

प्रश्न 2.
छोटी बच्ची को बैलों के प्रति प्रेम क्यों उमड़ आया था?
भैरों की छोटी बच्ची को अपने घर में ममता नहीं मिली थी। पहली बार जब उस बच्ची ने हीरा और मोती को विवश, परेशान और दुःखी देखा। बंधन को उसने अपनी बेबसी और बँधन माना अतः उनकी पीड़ा देख उस बच्ची के प्रति प्रेम उमड़ आया था।

प्रश्न 3.
कहानी में बैलों के माध्यम से कौन-कौन से नीति विषयक मूल्य उभर कर आए हैं।
प्रस्तुत कहानी केवल दो बैलों की कथा नहीं है, अपितु इनके माध्यम से मानवीयता, भारतीय संकृति आदि को उकेरा है। कथा में बैलों के माध्यम से नीति विषयक निम्नलिखित मूल्य उभारे गए हैं।

  • सीधापन संसार के लिए उपयुक्त नहीं है।
  • बैरी को ऐसा चाहिए कि फिर न उठे।
  • ऐसा जोर किस काम का कि और बंधन पड़ते जाएँ।

प्रश्न 4.
प्रस्तुत कहानी में प्रेमचंद ने गधे की किन स्वभावगत विशेषताओं को आधार पर उसके प्रति रूढ अर्थ ‘मूर्ख’ का प्रयोग न कर, किस नए अर्थ की ओर संकेत किया है?
कहानीकार प्रेमचंद एक सर्जक कहानी सर्जक हैं, जिन्होंने प्रस्तुत कहानी में गधे, संबंधी स्वभावगत विशेषताएँ बताकर उसे मात्र रूढ अर्थ ‘मूर्ख’ में प्रयोग न करके ‘सीधेपन’, निरापद सहिस्णुता के नए अर्थ में लिया है, क्योंकि गधा मूर्ख नहीं होता है।, उसमें सहन करने, सहज रहने, सीधेपन की प्रवृति होती है। वर्तमान समाज सीधेपन को मूर्खता का पर्याय समझता है।।

प्रश्न 5.
किन घटनाओं से पता चलता है कि हीरा और मोती में गहरी दोस्ती थी?
हीरा और मोती साधारण बैल न थे। वे गहरे मित्र थे और उनकी दोस्ती गहतना निम्न रूपों में देखी जा सकती है-

  1. दोनों एक दूसरे से मूक-भाषा में बाते करते थे।
  2. दोनों एक दूसरे को चाटकर संघकर प्रेम प्रकट करते थे।
  3. दोनों गाड़ी में जुतने पर सोचते कि मुझ पर सारा भार रहे।
  4. दोनों साँझ को एक दसरे को चाट कर थकान मिटाते थे।
  5. नाँद में भूसा खाने के लिए एक साथ उठते, मुह डालते और एक साथ मुंह हटाते थे।

प्रश्न 6.
“लेकिन औरत जात पर सींग चलाना मना है, यह भूलं जाते हो।” -हीरा के इस कथन के माध्यम से स्त्री के प्रति प्रेमचंद के दृष्टिकोण को स्पष्ट कीजिए?
प्रेमचंद एक सजग सर्जक सामाजिक चेता हैं। वह कृषक मजदूरों की विषमता के साथ-साथ स्त्री संबंधी विषमता को भी महसूस करते हैं उसे मिटाने के लिए प्रत्यक्ष अप्रत्यक्ष अपनी कथाओं के माध्यम से आवाज उठाते हैं। इस कहानी में भी हीरा के मुख से यह कथन कहलवाकर की लेकिन औरत जात पर सींग चलाना मना है यह भूल जाते हो तयुगीन स्त्री-संबंधी सामाजिक विषमता को उकेरे जाने का प्रयास किया है कि किस प्रकार स्त्रियां पशुवत पुरुष प्रधान समाज में शोषित थी।

प्रश्न 7.
किसान जीवन वाले समाज में पशु और मनुष्य के आपसी संबंधों को कहानी में किस तरह व्यक्त किया गया है।
प्रेमचंद एक कुशल कलाकार हैं। उन्होंने अपने कथा साहित्य में कृषक जीवन से जुड़ी समस्याओं को ही स्थान दिया है। प्रस्तुत कहानी में दो बैलों की कथा के माध्यम से प्रेमचंद ने कृषक जीवन में देखा कि पशु और मनुष्य का आपसी घनिष्ठ संबंध होते हैं, जोकि शहरी वातावरण में नारद है। गाँव में पशु पालने वाले लोग उन पशुओं को अपने परिवार के सदस्य के सामान रखते है। उनसे आत्मीय संबंध बना लेते हैं जैसे झरी का हीरा और मोती बहनों के साथ संबंध था। गया भी उनकी पीड़ा से पीड़ित होता है। उसकी पुत्री को भी उनसे स्नेह मिलता है।

प्रश्न 8.
इतना तो हो ही गया है कि नौ-दस प्राणियों की जान बच गई यह सब तो आशीर्वाद देंगे-मोती के इस कथन के आलोक में उसकी विशेषताएं बताए।
काँजीहौस की दीवार तोड़ कर सभी जानवरों को भगाकर न भाग पाने की विवशता से मोती ने हीरा से कहा इतना तो हो ही गया कि नौ-दस प्राणियों की जान बच गई। यह सब तो आशीर्वाद देंगे मोती के इस कथन से ज्ञात होता है कि मोती सहनशील, प्रौढ़, दयालु और मानवीय सकारात्मक गुणों से ओतप्रोत है।

प्रश्न 9.
आशय स्पष्ट कीजिए-
(क) अवश्य ही उनमें कोई ऐसी गुप्त सकती थी, जिससे जीवो में श्रेष्ठता का दावा करने वाला मनुष्य वंचित है।
(ख) उस एक रोटी से उनकी भूख तो क्या शांत होती, पर दोनों के हृदय को मानो भोजन मिल गया।
हीरा और मोती साधारण जानवर होते हुए भी साधारण न थे। उनके हाव-भाव, क्रिया-कलाप, उनका भाई-चारा मानो मनुष्य को संदेश देता था। आज मनुष्य अपने को सभी जीवों में बुद्धिमान और श्रेष्ठ जीव होने का दावा करता है। हीरा और मोती को देख मनुष्य का दावा खोखला नजर आता है, क्योंकि मनुष्य आज भी मनुष्य के दर्द, उसकी पीड़ा, उसके भाव को समझ नहीं पा रहा है। जबकि हीरा और मोती मूक भाषा में ही एक दूसरे की बात जान लेते हैं।

(ख) उस एक रोटी……….मिल गया।
हीरा और मोती साधारण जानवर न थे। उनमें मानवीय गुण विद्यमान थे। उन्हें झूरी के यहाँ पारिवारिक प्रेम मिला था, स्वतन्त्रता मिली थी, लेकिन गया के घर में बंधन, उपेक्षा में बँधकर उनकी भूख मानो मर गई थी। उनका स्वाभिमान उन्हें भूसे की ओर देखने भी दे रहा था। लेकिन जब भैरों की लड़की जो पूरा मां होते हुए भी मातृत्वहीन थी। वह उनके लिए एक रोटी लाई तो उनका मन द्रवीभूत हो गया था उस एक रोटी से उनकी भूख नहीं मिटनी थी, लेकिन लड़की की भावना ने मानों दोनों को पूरा भोजन करा दिया था।

प्रश्न 10.
गया ने हीरा-मोती को दोनों बार सूखा-भूसा खाने के लिए दिया, क्योंकि-
(क) गया पराये बैलों पर अधिक खर्च नहीं करना चाहता था।
(ख) गरीबी के कारण खली आदि खरीदना उसके बस की बात न थी।
(ग) वह हीरा-मोती के व्यवहार से बहुत दुखी था।
(घ) उसे खली आदि सामग्री की जानकारी न थी।
सही उत्तर-के आगे (✓) का निशान लगाई है।
(ख) गरीबी के कारण खली आदि न खरीदना उसके बस की बात न थी।

रचना और अभिव्यक्ति

प्रश्न 11.
हीरा और मोती ने शोषण के खिलाफ आवाज उठाई लेकिन उसके लिए प्रताड़ना भी सही। हीरा-मोती की प्रतिक्रिया पर तर्क सहित अपने विचार प्रकट करें?
जब-जंब शोषण, अन्याय या अत्याचार होता है, तब-तब उसके विरोध में प्रतिक्रिया-स्वरूप क्रांति होती है। इस कहानी में भी हीरा और मोती ने जब अपनी स्वतन्त्रता पर बँधन का आभास किया। उन्हें लगा कि गया के घर उनका शोषण हो रहा है। या काँजीहौस में उन्हें बंदी बना लिया है और भूखा रखा. जा रहा है, तब हीरा और मोती ने शारीरिक बल द्वारा अपनी मुक्ति पाने के लिए संघर्ष किया। इस प्रतिक्रिया में उन्हें प्रताड़ना के रूप में गया की स्त्री डांट-फटकार, उपेक्षा और भूख सहनी पड़ी तो काँजीहौस में मार खनी पड़ी।

प्रश्न 12.
क्या आपको लगात है कि यह कहानी आजीवन की लड़ाई की ओर संकेत करती है।
प्रेमचंद ने इस कहानी का सृजन उस समय किया, जब भारत अंग्रेजों से आजादी के लिए जूझ रहा था। उनकी तत्कालीन रचनाओं में स्वाधीनता-आंदोलन की छाया स्पष्ट देखी जा सकती है। इस कहानी में भी चाहे प्रेमचंद ने हीरा और मोती जैसे बैलों को आधार बनाया था, किन्तु इनके माध्यम से तत्कालीन अंग्रेजों के विरूद्ध आजादी के लिए संघर्ष कर रहे भारतीयों को ही उजागर किया है। जिस प्रकार हीरा-मोती गया के यहाँ बँधन महसूस करते हैं अपनी स्वतन्त्रता छीन जाने पर उन्हें कुछ भी अच्छा नहीं लगता है और वे स्वतन्त्रता पाने के लिए संघर्ष करते हैं आजाद होकर हीरा झूरी के घर सुख पाते हैं। अतः यह कहानी आजादी की लड़ाई की ओर संकेत करती हैं।


प्रश्न 13.
बस इतना ही काफी है।
फिर में भी जोर लगाता हूँ।
‘ही’, ‘भी’ भाक्य में किसी बात पर जोर देने का काम कर रहे हैं ऐसे शब्दों को निपात कहते हैं कहानी में से पांच ऐसे वाक्य छाँटिए, जिसमें निपात का प्रयोग हुआ हो।
कुत्ता भी बहुत गरीब जानवर है।
किसी भी दशा में उसे बदलते नहीं देखा।
फिर भी बदनाम है।
साथ नांद में मुंह डालते और साथ ही बैठते थे।
घुटने तक पांव कीचड़ से भरे हैं।

प्रश्न 14.
रचना के आधार पर वाक्य-भेद बताइए तथा उप-वाक्य छांटकर उसके भी भेद लिखिए-
(क) दीवार का गिरना था कि अधमरे से पड़े जुए जानवर सभी चेत उठे।
(ख) सहसा एक दढ़ियल आदमी, जिसकी आंखें लाल थी और मुद्रा अत्यंत कठोर, आया।
(ग) हीरा ने कहा-गया के घर से नाहक भागे।
(घ) मैं बेचूंगा, तो बिकेंगें।
(ड) अगर वह मुझे पकड़ता तो मैं बे-मारे न छोड़ता।
(क) जटिल वाक्य → मिश्र वाक्य।

  • दीवार का गिरना था। (प्रधान उपवाक्य)
  • कि अधमरे से पड़े हुए जानवर सभी चेत उठे। (आश्रित उपवाक्य)
  • अधमरे से पड़े हुए। (विशेषण उपवाक्य)

(ख) जटिल वाक्य → मिश्र एवं संयुक्त वाक्य।

  • जिसकी आंखें लाल थी। (संज्ञा उपवाक्य) एवं (विशेषण उपवाक्य)
  • जिसकी आंखें लाल थी और मुद्रा अत्यंत कठोर। (संयोगजंक सयुक्त वाक्य)

(ग) जटिल वाक्य → मिश्र वाक्य।

  • हीरा ने कहा (प्रधान उपवाक्य)
  • गया के घर नाहक भागे। (आश्रित उपवाक्य)
  • हीरा ने कहा। (संज्ञा उपवाक्य)

(घ) जटिल वाक्य → संयुक्त वाक्य।

  • परिमाणवाची संयुक्त वाक्य।
  • मैं बेचूंगा। (प्रधान उपवाक्य)
  • तो बिकेंगे (आश्रित उपवाक्य)

(ड) जटिल वाक्य → मिश्र वाक्य।

  • अगर वह मुझे पकड़ता। (प्रधान उपवाक्य)
  • तो मैं बे-मारे न छोड़ता। (आश्रित उपवाक्य)
  • शर्तवाचक क्रिया-विशेषण उपवाक्य।

प्रश्न 15.
कहानी में जगह-जगह मुहावरों का प्रयोग हुआ है। कोई पांच मुहावरे छांटिएं और उन्हें वाक्यों में प्रयोग किजिए।

  1. जी तोड़ कर काम करना ⇒ मजदूर जी-तोड़कर मेहनत करते हैं, पर पैसा नहीं मिलता है।
  2. गम खना ⇒ मजदूरों की जिंदगी तो काम करने और गम खाने में ही बती जाती है।
  3. ईट का जवाब पत्थर से देना ⇒ युद्ध में दुश्मन को ईंट का जवाब पत्थ से देना चाहिए।
  4. दिल भारी होना ⇒ परीक्षा में अच्छे अंक न आने पर मेरा दिल भारी हो गया।
  5. आंख न उठाना ⇒ अध्यापक के सामने बच्चे आंख उठाकर भी देख नहीं पाते हैं।

पाठेत्तर सक्रियता

प्रश्न 16.
पशु-पक्षियों से संबंधित अन्य रचनाएँ ढूंढकर पढ़िए और कक्षा में चर्चा कीजिए।
विद्यार्थी अध्यापक की सहायता से स्वयं करें।

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi

HBSE Board Details: Haryana Board of School Education Roles, Objectives, Curriculum, Syllabus, Examinations


Want to know all about the Haryana Board of School Education (HBSE or BSEH)? you have come to the right place. Here, we have given so many details regarding HBSE and its education system. There are plenty of roles and responsibilities that the Haryana board performs every year for the improvement of education in the state of Haryana.

From the past 2006-2007 academic year onwards, HBSE implementing the semester system of education which comes first board in India to do so. Also, BSEH is the first Board to introduce relative grading, CCE (Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation) in Board classes i.e. Secondary & Senior Secondary. Go ahead and continue knowing about the Haryana Board of School Education. 

All About HBSE – Board of School Education, Haryana (BSEH)

HBSE full form is Board of School Education Haryana also known as BSEH. It was established in the year 1969 according to Haryana Act No. 11 of 1969 with its head-quarters at Chandigarh later shifted to Bhiwani in January 1981. Later in 1970, HBSE conducted its first examination of Matric-level. The major role of BSEH is to conduct class 8 (middle level), class 10 (matric) and Class 12 (senior secondary) exams for all affiliated schools in Haryana state.

The main vision of the Haryana board is to effectively contribute to the Quality, Equity, Relevance, and Access of school education. The overview of HBSE is tabulated here which involves basic information about the Haryana Board of School Education (HBSE).

Haryana Board Name Board of School Education Haryana
Abbreviated as HBSE or BSEH
Inception November 3, 1969
Administered by State Government of Haryana
Headquarters Bhiwani, Haryana
Parent Organization Department of School Education, Haryana
HBSE (BSEH) Role Conducting Class 8, 10, and 12 Exams
Official Website

HBSE Roles and Responsibilities

There are many major functions that are managed, regulated, and supervised by the Board of School Education, Haryana (BSEH). Some of them are list out below for your reference. So, check them out and completely understand what they are used to do & provide for students’ education.

  • Timely affiliation of schools, Prescribing of relevant syllabi and textbooks
  • Fairly and Timely conducting of examinations, evaluation, and declaration of results
  • Timely provision of Re-checking and Re-evaluation
  • Revamping D.Ed curriculum and providing orientation to Teacher-Educators
  • Promoting school-based assessment with the help of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation and also Contact Programme Evaluation under Open Schooling, on the lines of CCE
  • Smooth conduct of eligibility test for prospective teachers
  • Motivating meritorious students and schools with suitable awards. Special provision for Girl students
  • Benefiting students of Open learning by providing the system of On-Demand Examination and exploring other avenues to strengthen access to those who are outside formal schooling
  • Motivating teachers for their contribution in fair and smooth conduct of examination by instituting the award
  • Exploring means and ways of promoting the application of the latest information and communication technology in the working of the Board.

BSEH Exams and Results

Generally, the board of Haryana conducts the SSC and HSSLC examinations in the month of March to April every year to all affiliated schools in the state. Mostly, HBSE Class 10 examinations start earlier than BSEH Class 12 examinations. Post declaration the results of Haryana board of school education class 10 and 12 will be out on its online website ie.,

See More:

HBSE Syllabus

The primary responsibility of Haryana BSE is to prescribe the syllabus for all affiliated schools in the state. After doing thorough research and brain mapping the requirements of the students, the board prepares the syllabus for all classes.

HBSE Syllabus is designed in a systematic way to get familiar with all important concepts for all core subjects like maths, science, social studies, etc. Also, the basic syllabus of this subject will help you all in further studies. So cover up all the topics included in the Haryana board syllabus properly & study well for your exams.

Haryana Board Question Papers

One of the smartest exam prep resources for any board examination is Previous year and Sample Question papers. By solving the HBSE previous year question papers, you will get an idea about the important and repeated questions, marking scheme of the exam paper.

With the help of BSEH Sample Papers, students will get better information about the new exam pattern, question types, and many more. So, download Haryana Board Questions papers from our site or from the official website and kickstart your preparation to become confident in upcoming annual board exams.

Textbooks of HBSE or BSEH

The best book is that you find all answers to your doubts about the subject. The education board of Haryana is the destination to get the best textbooks for your preparation. Because they prescribe, print, and publish textbooks for all classes to all affiliated schools come under the HBSE board.

These BSEH books are designed in a way that students can easily understand the topics and clarify their queries in seconds. So, view all classes HBSE textbooks from here and download them in pdf format to access offline at any time & anywhere you wish.

Stay tuned with our site ie.,, and avail all the information related to the Haryana board of school education. Also, you can get complete assistance from our team while HBSE exam preparation so that you can learn all the subjects in detail and score more marks in the exams.

FAQs on Haryana Board of School Education (HBSE)

1. What is the Full Form of HBSE?

HBSE stands for Board of School Education, Haryana also abbreviated as BSEH.

2. In which year HBSE formed?

Haryana Board of School Education (HBSE), Established in 1969 is now known as Board of School Education Haryana (BSEH)., is the authority that contributes to the Quality, Equity, Relevance, and Access of school education.

3. How to check the results for the Haryana Board of School Education?

Students should visit the official site of HBSE online to check for the Haryana Board Results of class 10 and 12. For quick access to the official site of HBSE to view your scores just click on the links available on our site Haryana Board Results page.

4. Can the Haryana Board of School Education design textbooks for all respective classes?

Yes, students of all affiliated schools of Haryana state can get the board designed HBSE textbooks for all subjects from the official board of school education, Haryana (BSEH).

NCERT Class 7 Hindi Books PDF Download [Updated 2023-24]

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NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science History Chapter 10 Eighteenth Century Political Formations

Eighteenth Century Political Formations Class 7 Questions and Answers History Chapter 10

Class 7 History Chapter 10 NCERT Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Match the following-

Subedar a revenue farmer
Faujdar a high noble
Ijaradar provincial governor
Misl Maratha peasant warriors
Chauth a Mughal military commander
Kunbis a band of Sikh warriors
Umara tax levied by the Marathas


Subedar provincial governor
Faujdar a Mughal military commander
Ijaradar a revenue farmer
Misl a band of Sikh warriors
Chauth tax levied by the Marathas
Kunbis Maratha peasant warriors
Umara a high noble

Question 2.
Fill in the blanks
1. Aurangzeb fought a protracted war in the ……………… .
2. Umara and jagirdars constituted powerful sections of the Mughal ……………….. .
3. Asaf Jah founded the Hyderabad state in ………………. .
4. The founder of the Awadh state was …………….. .
1. Deccan
2. Administration
3. 18th century
4. Burhan-ul-Mulk Saidat Khan.

Question 3.
State whether true or false.
1. Nadir Shah invaded Bengal.
2. Sawai Raja Jai Singh was the ruler of Indore.
3. Guru Gobind Singh was the tenth Guru of the Sikhs.
4. Poona became the capital of the Marathas in the eighteenth century.
1. False
2. False
3. True
4. True

Question 4.
What were the offices held by Saadat Khan?
The offices held by Saadat Khan are as follows

  • He was appointed Subedar of Awadh in 1722.
  • He also held the combined offices of Subedari, diwani and faujdar. (He was responsible for managing the political, financial and military affairs of the province of Awadh.)

Question 5.
Why did the Nawabs of Awadh and Bengal try to do away with the jagirdari system?
The Nawab of Awadh and Bengal tried to do away with the jagirdari system in order to reduce Mughal influenc.

For example, Burhan-ul-Mulk, reduced the size of jagirs, and appointed his own loyal servants to vacant positions. The accounts of jagirdars were checked to prevent cheating and the revenues of all districts were reassessed by officials appointed by the Nawab’s court. In the same way Murshid Quli Khan the nawab of Bengal transferred all Mughal jagirdars to Orissa and ordered a major reassessment of the revenues of Bengal. Revenue was collected by cash with great strictness from all zamindars.

Question 6.
How were the Sikhs organised in the eighteenth century?
In the eighteenth century, under a number of leaders, the Sikhs organised themselves into a number of bands called jathas and later on misls.

  • Their combined forces were known as the grand army.
  • The entire body used to meet at Amritsar at the time of Baisakhi and Diwali to take collective decisions known as resolutions of the Guru (gurmatas)f.
  • A system called rakhi was introduced, offering protection to cultivators on the payment of a tax of 20 per cent of the produce.

Question 7.
Why did the Marathas want to expand beyond the Deccan?
The Maratha kingdom was a powerful regional kingdom to arise out of a sustained opposition to Mughal rule.

  • Between 1700 and 1761 the Maratha empire expanded. It gradually chipped away at the authority of the Mughal Empire.
  • Expansion brought enormous resources.
  • They wanted to crush the Mughal power and gain supremacy in India.

Question 8.
What were the policies adopted by Asaf Jah to strengthen his position?
Policies adopted by Asaf Jah to strengthen his position—

  • As the Mughal governor of the Deccan provinces, during 1720-22 he had already gained control over its political and financial administration.
  • Taking subsequent advantage of the turmoil of Deccan and the competition amongst the court nobility he gathered power in his hands and became the actual ruler of that region.
  • He brought skilled soldiers and administrators from northern India who welcomed the new opportunites in the south.
  • He appointed mansabdars and granted jagirs.
  • Though he was still a servant of the Mughal emperor, he ruled quite independently without seeking any direction from Delhi or facing any interference.

Question 9.
Do you think merchants and bankers today have the kind of influence they had in the eigtheenth century?
Yes, to some extent merchants (big businessmen) today, too have some kind of influence upon the leaders and ministers. However, banks, now-a-days, are under the influence of the Central Bank (Reserve Bank of India). All banks run according to the rules and regulations set by the Central Bank.

Question 10.
Did any of the kingdoms mentioned in this chapter develop in your state ? If so, in what ways do you think life in the state would have been defferent in the eighteenth century from what it is in the twenty-first century?
One example:

  • Hyderabad (now in Andhra Pradesh)
  • Now democracy,
  • No dictatorship

Question 11.
Find out more about the architecture and culture associated with the new courts of any of the following Awadh, Bengal or Hyderabad.
In Bengal, people of all religions were present. Each and everyone was given same status. Both mosques and temples were built. People were free to worship any god. There was no discrimination regarding sex, colour, race and caste.

Question 12.
Collect popular tales about rulers from any one of the following groups of people : the Rajputs, Jats, Sikhs or Marathas.
The most outstanding Rajput ruler of the 18th century was Raja Sawai Jai Singh of Amber (1681-1743). He was a distinguished status man, law-maker and reformer. But most of all he showed as a man of science in an age when Indians were oblivious of scientific progress. He founded the city of Jaipur and made it a great seat of science and art. Jaipur was built upon strictly scientific principles and according to a regular plan.

Jai Singh was above everything a great astronomer. He erected observatories with accurate and advanced instruments, some of them of his own invention, at Delhi, Jaipur, Ujjan, Varanasi and Mathura. His astronomical observations were remarkably accurate. He had Euclid’s Elements of Geometry/translated into Sanskrit as also several works on trigonometry, and Napier work on the construction and use of logarithms.

Jai Singh was also a social reformer. He tried to enforce a law to reduce the lavish expenditure which the Rajput had to incur on their daughter’s weddings.

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SCERT Kerala Books for Class 12 Islamic History | Kerala State Syllabus 12th Standard Textbooks English Malayalam Medium

SCERT Kerala Books for Class 12 Islamic History

SCERT Kerala Books Class 12 Islamic History: The State Council of Education Research and Training(SCERT Kerala) publishes Islamic History textbooks for Class 12 in English Medium. The SCERT Samagra Kerala Class 12th Islamic History textbooks are well known for it’s updated and thoroughly revised syllabus. The SCERT Kerala Islamic History Books are based on the latest exam pattern and Kerala State syllabus.

SCERT Kerala keeps on updating the Islamic History books with the help of the latest question papers of each year. The Class 12 Islamic History books of SCERT Kerala are very well known for its presentation. The use of SCERT Kerala State Books for Class 12 Islamic History is not only suitable for studying the regular syllabus of various boards but it can also be useful for the candidates appearing for various competitive exams, Engineering Entrance Exams, and Olympiads.

SCERT Kerala Class 12 Islamic History Books PDF Download

Students can download the Samagra SCERT Kerala Textbooks for Class 12

SCERT Kerala State Syllabus Class 12 Islamic History Books:

SCERT Kerala Class 12 Islamic History Books are provided in PDF form so that students can access it at any time anywhere. Class 12 SCERT Kerala Syllabus Islamic History Books are created by the best professors who are experts in Islamic History and have good knowledge in the subject.

The SCERT Kerala syllabus mainly focuses on this book to make it student-friendly to make it useful for both the students and the competitive exam aspirants. The book covers a detailed Islamic History based on the syllabuses of various boards. SCERT Kerala Islamic History Books for Class 12 is perfectly compatible with almost every Indian education state and central boards.

We hope that this detailed article on SCERT Kerala Samagra Textbooks for Class 12 Islamic History helps you in your preparation and you crack the exams or competitive exams with excellent scores.