AP SCERT Books for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 | Andhra Pradesh SCERT Telugu, Hindi, English, Urdu Medium Text Books


AP SCERT Books: Andhra Pradesh SCERT Books for Class 1 to 12 exists here. You can rely on them as they are completely reliable and suggested by subject experts. Make use of the Andhra Pradesh SCERT Books & Study Material and do well in your exams. Students can download the SCERT Andhra Pradesh Books PDF available on this page or visit the page whenever you feel like preparing.

Textbooks are the primary source of preparation no matter how many online resources you have at your fingerprints. Utilize the APSCERT Study Material and make your preparation effective, score better grades in the examination. Avail the SCERT AP Textbooks in Telugu, Hindu, English, & Urdu Mediums respectively.

Andhra Pradesh SCERT Textbooks PDF for Class 1 to 12

Refer to the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Educational Research Books Subjectwise for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Utilize the study material and notes and kick start your preparation ahead to score well in the exams. Excercise Questions at the end of each chapter in the APSCERT Textbooks covers topics as per the syllabus.

Have an insight into Andhra Pradesh SCERT Books for 1st Class to 12th Class in Telugu, Hindi, English, Urdu Mediums. You can click on the Download link to access the APSCERT Text Books for free of cost or visit this page.


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FAQs on AP SCERT Books

1. Where can I download AP SCERT Books?

You can download the AP SCERT Books for Classes 1 to 12 from the direct links available on this page or by referring to the official website.

2. What is the full form of APSCERT?

APSCERT Stands for Andhra Pradesh State Council of Educational Research.

3. Is APSCERT Books for Classes 1 to 12 are enough for Exam Preparation?

They are more than enough and help you score better grades in the examination.

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Students have evolved from memorizing textbooks to practicing the theories taught to them at a very early age. Also, marks in final board exams are also important for the students’ educational career. Therefore, NCERT Exemplar Books will help them practice on the concepts and theories.

They are one of the best study materials that guide the students in clearing the board exams with flying colours. Exemplar Books help the students in the learning process.


NCERT Exemplar Books for Class 9 consist of extra questions that the students can work on. In fact, they are the practice books to all the concepts taught in subjects like Science and Mathematics. The questions are varied: from multiple-choice to twisted. The conceptual sums help the student increase his or her analytical skills. They follow the CBSE curriculum.

Exemplar Books prepare the students for competitive exams like JEE Main, JEE Advanced, NEET etc because they are specifically designed for entrance exams. Educational experts wrote the text for Class 9. The questions and problems are authentic and standard. Students can find that there are different levels of difficulty throughout the books.

Practising on the questions provided in these texts will increase the curiosity of the student. Basics will be strong enough to have a strong foundation with the concepts. This will create an interest in the minds of the students toward subjects like Science and Mathematics. Comprehension of the concepts will make it easier for the students to secure the highest marks in board exams.

The Exemplar books for Class 9 are given below. Students can start preparing for their board exams:

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Science

Students of class 9 will be exposed to the basic concepts in science. These basic concepts will introduce the students to the field of science. Practicing on the introductory concepts provide a strong foundation. As a result, the students meet the requirements to face the final exam. In conclusion, students will have an idea of how the concepts could be asked in the question paper.

Topics such as laws of motion, the structure of atoms and molecules need to be understood by the student. Students practice questions in biology with the unit of life, living organisms etc. Instead of memorizing these theories, when students comprehend there are high chances of securing the highest marks in exams.

Unit No. Unit Name Download Link
1 Matter in our Surroundings Download PDF
2 Is Matter around us Pure? Download PDF
3 Atoms and Molecules Download PDF
4 Structure of the Atom Download PDF
5 The Fundamental Unit of Life Download PDF
6 Tissues Download PDF
7 Diversity in Living Organisms Download PDF
8 Motion Download PDF
9 Force and Laws of Motion Download PDF
10 Gravitation Download PDF
11 Work and Energy Download PDF
12 Sound Download PDF
13 Why do we fall ill? Download PDF
14 Natural Resources Download PDF
15 Improvement in Food Resources Download PDF

NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Mathematics

Mathematics can be easier if the students are strong with the fundamentals. Firstly, the practice books will help the students progress in the mathematics subject. Secondly, The conceptual sums can be easily decoded if the students spend enough time in NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Mathematics.

Students are to be thorough with formulas and theories. In fact, the books will help them to solve the questions in many other ways. More importantly, students will also get to know the shortcuts and tips when it comes to solving twisted problems. In conclusion, the Exemplar Books will make everyone fall in love with mathematics.

Unit No. Unit Name Download Link
1 Number Systems Download PDF
2 Polynomials Download PDF
3 Coordinate Geometry Download PDF
4 Linear Equation in Two Variable Download PDF
5 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry Download PDF
6 Lines and Angles Download PDF
7 Triangles Download PDF
8 Quadrilaterals Download PDF
9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles Download PDF
10 Circles Download PDF
11 Constructions Download PDF
12 Heron’s Formula Download PDF
13 Surface Area and Volumes Download PDF
14 Statistics and Probability Download PDF


NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Unit-2 Nina and the baby Sparrow

NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Unit-2 Nina and the baby Sparrow are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Unit-2 Nina and the baby Sparrow.

NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Unit-2 Nina and the baby Sparrow

NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Unit-2 Nina and the baby Sparrow 1
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Unit-2 Nina and the baby Sparrow 2
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Unit-2 Nina and the baby Sparrow 3
We hope the NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Unit-2 Nina and the baby Sparrow, help you. If you have any query regarding NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Unit-2 Nina and the baby Sparrow, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

Should I Be Worried About My Baby’s Heart Murmur?

Teenage Drug Abuse Essay | Causes and Effects Of Drug Abuse on Children and Young People

Teenage Drug AbuseEssay

Teenage Drug Abuse Essay: Drugs use has turned into an overall issue, particularly in youngsters. Numerous youngsters become subject to various kinds of substances and invigorating prescriptions that come inseparably with opiate impact. The existence of addicts becomes ruined in all perspectives, as they lose contact with their families and live in an alternate world. They burn through bunches of cash on medications and afterwards search for ways of bringing in cash wrongfully. On the off chance that we analyze the medical issues, there are numerous hazardous impacts of medications.

There is a central issue about teen medication used today. Inside the ages 15 through 24, half of the passings (from murders, mishaps, suicides) include drugs. The two normal justifications for why teenagers use drugs are tension and melancholy. Factors like friend pressure, want to get away, interest, passionate battles, and stress may likewise prompt the utilization of medications or liquor.

Students can find more English Essay Writing Topics, Ideas, Easy Tips to Write Essay Writing and many more.

Teenagers are more bound to manhandle drugs than grown-ups in light of the fact that the piece of their mind utilized for judgment and independent direction is yet to be completely created. In this way, they do not have the intellectual ability to genuinely comprehend the outcomes of medications. Because of this remissness, youngsters face a progression of issues, for example, mind harm, deferred pubescence, compulsion, passionate and actual issues. For instance, Marijuana is the substance most broadly utilized by young people, later liquor. Concentrates on the show that about a third of the people who use Marijuana has some degree of Marijuana use issue. Drugs have been manhandled for millennia and their belongings are simply long.

Essay On Teenage Drug Abuse

The most ridiculously upsetting thing about chronic drug use is that individuals in various nations of the world are becoming dependent on a wide range of medications. There are various sorts of road medications, for example, – cocaine, meth, Mariuana, break, heroin and so forth Heroin is one of the risky medications that smother your heart’s work and is proper to accomplish an opiate impact.

The disturbing pace of medication utilization has forever been an issue and effects affects the general public. Individual and family issues additionally lead to Drugs use among adolescents who neglect to manage individual issues. The physiological impacts of Drugs use can be hard to suffer and to this end, the fiend should be treated for their condition. The most noticeably terrible thing is that medications are that they influence youth in each nation of the world.

The term drug implies medication, however deadly opiates with various determinations. These medications have their detestable impacts on brain and body cells of the addicts. The fiend becomes reliant upon the medication by and large that he/she can’t quit utilizing it. Regardless of having full information on its impacts on wellbeing, addicts use it consistently.

Drugs use is essentially a cerebrum illness that changes the working of the mind. There is a wild craving to burn-through drugs, because of which dependent individuals participate in enthusiastic conduct to ingest medications. The addicts think that it is difficult to control the admission of medications, because of which they neglect to satisfy everyday obligations in a proficient way. Chronic drug use is additionally alluded to as medication reliance, as the fanatic creates reliance on a specific substance.

Causes of Drug Addiction

There are various motivations behind why youth and teens are dependent on drugs or related substances. The absence of self-assurance is considered one of the essential drivers of Drugs use. It can likewise be because of extreme pressure, peer pressure, absence of parental contribution in youngster’s exercises and so forth certain individuals consider chronic drug use can be the reason for drug use and obliviousness. The obliviousness of chronic drug use alongside actual agony of condition turns into an essential driver of Drugs use. Here is a portion of the reasons for chronic drug use.

Significant Level Stress: Youngsters who have quite recently begun their school life or moved to another city looking for work frequently deal with issues with life change. They are bound to lighten pressure using drugs and comparable substances. Observing a simple fix frequently appears to be simpler than dealing with the genuine issue and managing it. Attempting unlawful medications can prompt dependence and turn into a drawn-out propensity.

Prevailing difficulty: Today, we are living in a profoundly serious world and it is hard to fill in such a world. There is dependably a friend strain in youthful and elderly folks individuals. Nonetheless, it is barely noticeable. Many youngsters hope to encounter the strain to utilize medications, smoke and drink liquor. Youngsters view it troublesome as the individual who doesn’t drink or smoke. As they feel disconnected and like an oddball, they make a propensity for consuming medications.

Emotional well-being Conditions: One more essential justification behind attempting drugs is emotional wellness condition. Individuals who are sincerely more vulnerable will more often than not have a discouraging outlook on the current realities of the world. They search for ways of feeling free and carry on with life in a typical manner as they go through the time of growing up. In such circumstances, they make a propensity for consuming medications and can prompt fixation.

Mental Trauma: A past filled with a mental injury seems to build the danger of substance misuse. Over 75% of individuals who experienced mental injury use drugs as a piece of a self-curing system or give a road towards pointless practices. Ladies are more delicate to drugs than men, and subsequently need less openness to comparable impacts. The accessibility of these medications assumes a basic part in the propagation of habit-forming practices inside families.

Openness to Drug Abuse: Openness to chronic drug use in which the youngsters are raised is one more reason why youngsters get dependent on drugs. In the event that the people experience childhood in a space where grown-ups use drugs, then, at that point, the individual is probably going to attempt the actual substance. Setting a genuine model is critical to keep them off drugs and related substances. Giving real data about drugs is the most ideal way to forestall chronic drug use.

Teenage DrugAbuse

FAQ’s on Teenage Drug Abuse Essay

Question 1.
What are the effects of drug abuse on youths?

Drugs use among teenagers goes from trial and error to extreme drug use issues. All drug use, even exploratory use, puts teenagers in danger of momentary issues, like mishaps, battles, undesirable sexual action, and excess. Drug use likewise impedes young adult mental health. Teenagers are powerless against the impacts of substance use and are at an expanded danger of growing long haul results, for example, psychological well-being messes, underachievement in school, a substance use problem, and higher paces of enslavement, assuming they consistently use liquor, cannabis, nicotine, or different medications during puberty.

Question 2.
What is drug abuse?

The utilization of Drugs or the utilization of remedy or over-the-counter medications for purposes other than those for which they are intended to be utilized, or in unreasonable sums. Drugs use might prompt social, physical, enthusiastic, and work-related issues.

Question 3.
What are the main causes of drug abuse?

There could be many causes of drug abuse such as:

  • Family addiction problem
  • Mental health issues
  • Too much mental pressure
  • Depression

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List of Largest Fruits Producing Countries in the World | Top 5 Ranked Fruits Producing Country As Per Fruits

Largest Fruits Producing Countries in the World

Largest Fruits Producing Countries in the World: Fruits are the healthiest food item and they formed from the ovary after flowering. Actually, humans and many animals became dependent on fruits as a source of food for a daily lifestyle. So that, the demand for fruits all over the world are increased and the production of fruits is rapidly increasing from older days to present days.

In Botanical utilization, “fruit” contains many structures which are not often known as ‘fruits’ like Tomatoes, corn kernels, wheat grains, and bean pods. However, in common language usage, normally ‘fruit’ is the fleshy seed-associated structures of a plant that are sweet or sour, and edible in the raw state, like grapes, oranges, bananas, strawberries, lemons, apples, etc.

Furthermore, there are plenty of advantages you will see by eating fruits. Some of your diseases or health issues like diabetics and many more can be cured with doctors’ suggested fruits. As people know all its benefits that’s the reason for the growth of fruit production in the world. In this article, we have shared some of the details about fruit production like mainly “Largest Fruits Producing Countries in the World” and then what are the production trends for fruits? So now without any delay, let’s get jump into the topic.

All About Largest & Highest Ranked Fruits Produced Countries of the World

Production of Fruits & other agricultural plant goods has a different geographical distribution. Besides climate and similar types of vegetation, the economy of a nation also impacts the agricultural production level. There are various Produce Types like Cereal, Vegetables, Fruits, Dairy, Meat, Spices, Drinks, Nuts, Spices, and others. The production of some main products like fruits, vegetables, meat, fibers, etc. is highly focused in a few countries of the world.

Now, we all will know the list of the world’s ten top largest fruits production countries as of 2013 report and along with the list of top 5 ranked countries in the world with most fruits production. This list was reported by FAOSTAT, Food, and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations as of 2018. So, check out this latest list of the largest fruit production countries in the world and memorize them for answering your quiz-related questions or for your general knowledge.

top 5 ranked Fruit production countries in the world

World Top Ten Countries With Most Fruits Production List

Here is the list of Top 10 countries that cultivate and produce fruits in the world as of the 2013 year. The fruit production can be measured by the quantity so here also we have listed the countries names and the million tones of fruits they have produced in the year 2013. Let’s check the list of the World’s Top 10 Largest Fruits Production Countries:

  • China – 154.364
  • India – 82.632
  • Brazil – 37.774
  • USA – 26.986
  • Spain – 17.699
  • Mexico – 17.553
  • Italy – 16.371
  • Indonesia – 16.003
  • Philippines – 15.887
  • Turkey – 15.341
  • Others – 276.06

List of Largest Fruits Production Countries in the World by 2018

This section is all about the list of the largest countries that produce fruits in the world. Here, we have listed out the Largest Top 5 Fruits Producing Countries in the world per Fruits in a table. This information is collected with the help of Wikipedia on Google and all these ranks may differ from year to year. So, have a glance at the table and find the top 5 World’s Largest Fruit Producing Countries based on the 2018 year.

Name of the Fruit First Rank Second Rank Third Rank Fourth Rank Fifth Rank
Apricot Turkey Uzbekistan Iran Algeria Italy
Olive Spain Italy Morocco Turkey Greece
Pear India United States Italy Argentina Turkey
Banana India China Indonesia Brazil Ecuador
Mango, Mangosteen, Guava India China Thailand Indonesia Mexico
Coconut Indonesia India Brazil Philippines Sri Lanka
Fig Turkey Egypt Morocco Algeria Iran
Grapes China Italy United States Spain France
Oranges Brazil China India United States Mexico
Papaya Brazil India Mexico Dominican Republic Indonesia
Peach China Italy India Spain Turkey
Apple China United States Poland Turkey Iran
Pineapple India Brazil Philippines Thailand Indonesia
Gooseberry Germany Russia Poland Ukraine United Kingdom
Lemons & Lime India Mexico Argentina Brazil China
Raspberry Russia Mexico Serbia Poland United States
Currant Russia Poland Ukraine Germany United Kingdom
Cherry Turkey United States India Chile Iran
Kiwifruit China Italy New Zealand Iran Greece
Plums & Sloes China Romania Serbia United States Iran
Blueberry United States Canada Peru Spain Mexico
Strawberry China United States Mexico Japan Egypt
Date Egypt Saudi Arabia Iran Algeria Iraq
Avacado Mexico Dominican Republic Peru Indonesia Colombia
Tomato China India United States Turkey Egypt
Quince Turkey China Uzbekistan Iran Morocco
Watermelon China Iran Turkey Brazil India

Information About Production Trends for Fruits

We all have seen how many countries are producing fruits in the largest quantity all over the world in the above sections. Now, it’s time for knowing what are the production trends for fruits? Let’s start the discussion on it.

The world’s most-produced fruits are measured by quantity. Firstly, most fruit production is done for Watermelons with 97.763.039 T in 2013 and now it turns twice times much. Then, bananas (95.159.567 T) followed by apples (64.387.061 T), mangoes (58.245.875 T), and oranges (49.877.145 T). In 2013, the overall production of fruits in the world increased by 3.2 percent compared to the 2012 year. So, you can assume how many times the fruit production get increased from 2013 to 2020.

Here are the detailed trends for fruit production done in the time period of 2009 to 2013. So, check the below image and understand the production trends for fruits thoroughly;

Production trends for fruits from 2009 to 2013

FAQs on Most Fruits Production Countries in the World

1. Which country is the world’s largest producer of fruits?

China is the largest fruit production country in the world that measured with 204.023 quantity.

2. Which country is the world’s second-largest fruit producer?

The second best & largest fruit production country in the world is India. 

3. Which fruit is the most expensive?

The most expensive fruit in the world is Melons. These special melons are black in colors and it grows in Hokkaido Island near Sapporo and is a hybrid species of other sweet melons.

6 Side Effects Of Eating Too Many Pineapples

Healthy Lifestyle Essay | Essay on Healthy Lifestyle for Students and Children in English

Healthy Lifestyle Essay

Healthy Lifestyle Essay: “We are what we eat,” this is a common saying and holds true. Nutrition is a vital process for our body, and we need to know the vitamins and minerals our body requires.

Having a specifically balanced diet, doing yoga, keeping oneself away from all the toxicity and negative vibes help one to lead a fit and healthy life. Therefore, it is necessary for us to know how to drive a fit and healthy lifestyle, and thus, we have compiled some long and short essays on Healthy Lifestyle for the use of the readers.

Long and Short Essays on Healthy Lifestyle for Kids and Students in English

Given below is an extended essay of approximately 400-500 words and is suitable for the students of standards 7, 8, 9, and 10 and a short piece of nearly 100-150 words for the students of standard 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Essay on Healthy Lifestyle

Long Essay on Healthy Lifestyle 500 Words in English

It is easy to learn bad things, but it is tough to learn useful and good things. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not easy, but it does pay back a lot. It takes a lot of strength to stick to a healthy lifestyle. To begin with a healthy lifestyle, we have to start with baby steps and try not to go overboard with it.

To achieve the specified goals in keeping the mind and body fit and healthy, we have to follow specific rules. The first and the most important one is to stick to a particular diet and be strict about following it regularly. The diet must include a certain amount of carbohydrate, protein, fat, and water as per the body’s requirement. Also, packaged food, skipping meals, and having junk food must be avoided.

In addition to a balanced diet, having a routine of going to bed early and waking up early.

Self-care is very much needed to have a happy and healthy life. Exercising regularly, visiting prayer meetings, and talking about life and one’s perspective towards life helps in promoting positivity.

For maintaining a healthy lifestyle, communication is essential. Spending quality time with your kith and kins is necessary. Having a proper sleep routine and a specific socializing time helps in keeping one’s mind fresh.

One has to reduce the time one spends on a mobile phone because the radiation emitted by a cell phone and the light emitted from the screen is not suitable for health. Also, continuously using phones leads to neck and backaches and also reduces one’s capability to communicate with the person around you. It leads to several mental and physical issues. So, the time one spends using a mobile phone must be limited.

To summarize the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, we can say that it helps one to stay calm and positive. It also helps in spreading positive vibes amongst the people one meets or is close with. It also helps one to achieve success in one’s field. One becomes way more energetic as one starts living a healthy lifestyle; this makes the person feel good about himself as well as the people around him find him to be a nice person to be around with.

A healthy lifestyle is a mantra to being successful in not only the work field but also in life and enjoying life without any negativity.

Healthy Lifestyle Essay

Short Essay on Healthy Lifestyle 150 Words in English

If someone loses money, he or she can recover it in due time, but if one’s health deteriorates, it is very hard to get back.

There is a type of positivity and goodness in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and everyone should try to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Maintaining a proper routine, avoiding junk foods, exercising, keeping away from a cell phone, and communicating with people in real life are ways to start a healthy lifestyle.

Having a healthy lifestyle is not just about having a proper physique. It is more about having mental peace and sanity, which helps one to concentrate on the work he or she does and helps one to thrive in his field.

Our body is our temple, and leading a healthy lifestyle is the least we can do to respect the beautiful life we have.

10 Lines on the topic of Healthy Lifestyle Essay in English

  • A healthy lifestyle is a necessity in times of urbanization.
  • A healthy lifestyle eases the stress of the hectic schedule and helps get over the rat race that goes in daily.
  • In order to live a healthy life, one must start eating healthily.
  • It is essential to keep one’s mind at peace.
  • The time spent on using electronic and electric devices must be reduced.
  • Bidding goodbye to food items like chocolates, ice creams, chips, burgers, and pizzas are necessary.
  • One must exercise regularly to keep oneself fit and healthy.
  • For going to places that are nearby, instead of taking a car or a bike, one can either walk to cycle his way to reach the place.
  • One should cut off all the toxicity from one’s life.
  • Health is a Wealth that belongs to oneself, and everyone must try to take care of it.

Essay on Healthy Lifestyle

Students can find more English Essay Writing Topics, Ideas, Easy Tips to Write Essay Writing and many more.

FAQ’s On Healthy Lifestyle Essay

Question 1.
What is meant by a healthy lifestyle?

A good and healthy lifestyle does mean not only a disease-free life but also a life where one has mental peace and is in a state of complete social well-being.

Question 2.
How can one have a simple yet healthy lifestyle?

For a fit and healthy lifestyle, the first and the most important thing to do is to have a schedule with proper time for meals. Having a balanced diet is very necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Question 3.
Name some of the healthy habits.

There are innumerable things a man can do to stay healthy and have a healthy lifestyle. Some of them are having no addiction, tracking body weight to avoid the problems of being underweight or overweight, a balanced diet, exercising, and many more.

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