10 Lines on Corruption for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on Corruption

10 Lines on Corruption: No matter which country you are living in today, Corruption is a huge problem. The fact that the system has too many people running for their benefits has corrupted the entire country. No matter how much you try to change the system, the large countries face a similar issue today. With Corruption increases the considerable number of business that grows and operates at the place.

The Corruption Perception Index (CPI) has ranked India further down. The CPI ranks around one hundred and eight countries and territories around the World as perceived on the Corruption of public sectors.  Here we have assembled three sets of 10 lines on Corruption which will help the students of different grades to know what it is, and how to prevent it.

Enhance your vocabulary and writing skills with 10 Lines Essays available. Spark up the creativity in you and access various Topics on 10 Lines all in one place.

Set 1 – 10 Lines on Corruption for kids

The first set is for the students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

  1. Corruption is a form of dishonesty or crime conducted by a group or an evil individual.
  2. The unfair and unethical means of earning benefits is called Corruption.
  3. According to analysis, around ninety-two per cent of Indians have paid a government official to get their work done fast or do something out of the law.
  4. Be it a private sector or public sector, India’s Corruption is present in every system.
  5. Among the top five most corrupted countries of Asia, India tops the list with a seventy per cent bribery rate.
  6. According to the World Bank, the grain kept for poor people does not reach them entirely. Only forty per cent reaches them.
  7. There are various MLS and MPs who have arrest warrants and tags of Corruption against them. However, even with the guarantees, they can stand for election in India.
  8. If you are planning to fight Corruption at the entry level, the best way to do so is through the Right to Information Act of the Indian Constitution.
  9. Government offers various schemes for the poor and the mediocre families to enjoy multiple benefits. However, only a small portion of these reaches the people.
  10. It will take e huge number of people from different sectors to remove Corruption from India. It is impossible to be conducted by a single person of a particular state.

10 Lines on Corruption 1

Set 2 – 10 Lines on Corruption for School Children

The second set will help the students of classes 6, 7, and 8 to understand Corruption’s concept and how it is disrupting the entire system of the country.

  1. When a government official serves the public with its services offered by the power of government and takes benefits for the services, it is called Corruption.
  2. Many countries revolt against the corrupted government because of the inequality treatment among the people.
  3. According to the corruption index table, Denmark is the only country with the least corruption problems.
  4. Somalia, Syria, and Sudan lead the list of top corrupted countries ranked by the CPI Corruption Perception Index.
  5. According to the Global Perception table of 2017, India holds eighty-first corrupted country listed by Transparency International ranks.
  6. Corruption has increased the number of criminal activities especially among business holders and high officials of the government.
  7. The activists of Right to Information have suffered through various personal attacks for exposing the corrupt officials and are still trying to promote transparency in government officials’ role and functions.
  8. Since 2005, after the formation of the Right to Information act for removing Corruption, more than sixty-five RTI activists have been murdered.
  9. The government must make proper steps to give protection to the Right to Information Act’s activities and impose strict laws with immediate justice.
  10. The government and society need to join hands together to rule out Corruption from the country.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Corruption for Higher Class Students

The third set is for the classes of 9, 10, 11, and 12. It will help you to understand Corruption.

  1. India is suffering a lot from Corruption today, and it is a grave issue faced by the people, especially poor people today.
  2. Many people in the local areas support Corruption in some way or the other, which has become a huge problem today.
  3. In transparency International Rankings, of 2018, India has held eighty-first among the list of one hundred and eighty counties and territories and has suffered a fall of two points.
  4. Indian people are keeping corrupted black money in Swiss Bank, which has been a huge problem in the country.
  5. Several reasons cause Corruption in India, like excessive laws and restrictions, licensing system, complicated tax system, and the problem of inspector rules.
  6. Political Corruption has reached its heights in the Indian country, due to the corrupted government officials.
  7. There are various sectors of Corruption, especially with property and land. Other than these IT departments, hospitals, mining, awarding tenders, etc.
  8. The money earned by the government officials after Corruption is called Black money which is saved in the Swiss Bank.
  9. In 2016, the Indian government introduced a demonstration to destroy black money and corrupted officials.
  10. Enforcement Directorate, Central Vigilance Commission, and Central Bureau Investigation are investigating Corruption on high levels.

10 Lines on Corruption 2

Corruption is a curse to any nation, and in India, the major part of the system is deep into the curse. It is important to know that Corruption is not only within the government officials and business owners but also in making the country’s normal people. When you bribe a government official for getting your work done is also a part of Corruption. Although various activists are working under the Right to Information act to expose Corruption, most of them are under severe life threats, and many have lost their lives.

Frequently Asked Questions on Corruption

Question 1.
What are the causes of Corruption?

Professional ethics, morality, economic and political condition, customs, tradition, demographics, and habits are the most common causes of Corruption.

Question 2.
What are the types of Corruption?

There are variations to Corruption. However, some of them include extortion, nepotism, cronyism, bribery, patronage, embezzlement, institutional Corruption, and so on.

Question 3.
How to detect that Corruption is taking place?

Corruption can be detected through various processes, which are reported by citizen journalists, self-reporting, external and internal audits, and using open data web platforms.

Question 4.
How to prevent Corruption?

It is important to follow transparency with the public to prevent Corruption. It is important to stop bribery and dishonest steps to get the work done.

Factor Tree of 45

A factor tree is a special diagram where we find the factors of a number and then factors of those numbers until we can’t factor them anymore. In the end, what we get are all the prime factors of the original number.

Factor Tree of 45

Factor Tree of 45 is the list of prime numbers when multiplied results in original number 45.

Splitting Numbers 

We can split the number into any of its two factors. In other words, we are finding the numbers that when multiplied together give 45. Let’s start with 3*15 as it results in 45 on multiplying. Just like in any family tree we are now going to find the factors or ancestors of 3 and 15.

Let’s begin with 3 and on breaking down 3 we get factors as 3 and 1. This could go on as 1 and 3 are the 3’s only factors. As per the factor tree, we would stop at the prime numbers i.e. prime factors to stop the infinite chain of the same factors.

Prime Factors

Let’s look out 15 now and we can write it as 3*5 and place those factors on the tree. similar to prime number 3 in the initial step 3, 5 obtained here are also prime numbers and we will end up these branches.

FAQs on Factor Tree

1.  What is Factor Tree?

A factor tree is a tool that breaks down any number into its prime numbers.

2.  What is Prime Factorization?

Prime Factorization is the list of prime numbers that when multiplied gives a certain product.

3. How to find a Factor Tree of 45?

Step 1:

Split the number given to two factors

thus, we can write 45 as 5*9

Step 2:

Look at the numbers and check if at least one of them is not prime.

If it is not prime repeat the process until all are prime.

On further splitting 8, we can express as multiples of 2*4 and 4 can be further written as 2 *2

If we take 9 we can write it down as 3*3

∴ Factor tree of 45 is 5*3*3

4. What are the Prime Factors of 45?

Prime Factors of 45 are 3*3*5.

SWAYAM Online Course Details | Eligibility Criteria, Course Duration, and Registration

SWAYAM Online Course Details

SWAYAM Online Course Details: To create a platform for students to earn academic credits, the government launched an initiative called SWAYAM. Certification courses from this MOOC platform add an extra credential on your resume.

SWAYAM offers instrumental courses to cater to students for self-actualization and to look forward to a professional course in their fields of interest through opportunities for life-long learning. The below-mentioned article provides the program’s recorded structure for aspirants to pursue after twelfth or after graduation

This report covers the overall topics like prospectus, course gradations, particulars on qualification, the confirmation process, fee structure, and vocation possibilities.

A Brief on SWAYAM Online Course

SWAYAM is an acronym derived from a Hindi word and refers to as ‘Study Webs of Active-Learning for Young Aspiring Minds.’ SWAYAM is a platform of India’s higher education and offers students an opportunity to earn academic credit earmarked as credit-eligible for universities or institutions’ certificates.

The SWAYAM platform offers over 700+ courses from over 135 Indian Institutions. Every individual can access SWAYAM courses, and the portal hosts courses for classes from standard nine till post-graduation.

Students can access to SWAYAM at free of cost. However, those participants wanting to hold a SWAYAM certificate should register for the final invigilated examinations. The academic test comes with a fee and attends in-person at designated centers on specified dates. The SWAYAM certificates offer students in India to earn academic credit online.

SWAYAM Online Course Overview

Portal SWAYAM Portal
SWAYAM Full Form Study Webs of Active–Learning for Young Aspiring Minds
Conducting body National Testing Agency (NTA)
SWAYAM Courses List Certificate, diploma, graduate, postgraduate
Self-paced courses 11
Scheduled courses 350+
Language English and Hindi

SWAYAM courses are categorized into four quadrants – video lecture category, specially prepared reading materials to be accessible, and that can be downloaded as well as printed by the learners, self-assessment tests through tests, and quizzes. An online discussion forum clears any doubts.

Learners should take the necessary steps to enrich the learning experience through audio-video and multi-media consumption. It is also inclusive of the state of the art pedagogy or technology.

The National Testing Agency (NTA) has appointed nine National Coordinators to ensure that the best quality content is produced and delivered. They are as follows:

  1. AICTE – The All India Council for Technical Education that administers self-paced and international courses
  2. NPTEL – National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning that administers all Engineering courses
  3. UGC -The University Grants Commission that administers all the non-technical post-graduation education courses
  4. CEC – Consortium for Educational Communication that administers all under-graduate education courses
  5. NCERT -National Council of Educational Research and Training to administer school education courses
  6. NIOS – National Institute of Open Schooling that administers school education courses
  7. IGNOU – The Indira Gandhi National Open University that administers the out-of-school students
  8. IIMB – Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore that administers all management studies
  9. NITTTR – National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research that administers Teacher Training program

SWAYAM Online Course Eligibility Criteria

To pursue courses under the SWAYAM portal, there is no specific eligibility criterion for learners. The main aim of this education portal is to develop skills, education, and knowledge of every Indian citizen.

SWAYAM Online courses can be accessed by any individual belonging to any age, hold any qualification, belonging to any caste/creed, or address at any location can avail of any of the courses that are delivered through the SWAYAM portal. However, to get a certificate, participants have to check the eligibility requirement of the particular course in the portal.

Learners must secure a minimum of 40 percent or above with the overall online assignment score to deem eligible to receive a suitably altered certificate that indicates Pass. Those institutions approving the SWAYAM online course credit transfer can use the course marks or the certificate(s) obtained in these courses.

Also, Read

SWAYAM Online Course Duration

The course duration for SWAYAM courses varies based on the category and subjects. SWAYAM courses are usually offered between two to four months. Certain courses are offered for four weeks, six weeks, eight weeks, 12 weeks, 15 weeks, 16 weeks, and 24 weeks. Students are also given the freedom to pursue the course according to the course duration.

Courses Offered by SWAYAM

SWAYAM offers two types of courses – Credit and Non-Credit courses. Credit course is taught for at least one semester as part of a subject or curriculum, and non-credit courses such as awareness programs or specific skill-set training do not belong to any set curriculum.

SWAYAM offers 700+ online courses that provide a certificate upon completion. The courses are categorized into 11 sections:

  • AICTE–NITTTR Courses
  • Annual Refresher Program in Teaching (ARPIT)
  • Architecture and Planning
  • Education
  • Engineering and Technology
  • Humanities and Arts
  • Law
  • Management and Commerce
  • Mathematics and Science
  • NPTEL Domain
  • School

Below are the subject-wise courses offered by SWAYAM:

  • Engineering: offers 167 SWAYAM certification courses
  • Science: offers 131 SWAYAM certification courses
  • Business: offers 83 SWAYAM certification courses
  • Social Science: offers 75 SWAYAM certification courses
  • Data science: offers 6 SWAYAM certification courses
  • Computer Science: offers 36 SWAYAM certification courses
  • Humanities: offers 61 SWAYAM certification courses
  • Mathematics: offers 40 SWAYAM certification courses
  • Education and Teaching: offers 36 SWAYAM certification courses
  • Art and Design: offers 21 SWAYAM certification courses
  • Programming: offers 20 SWAYAM certification courses
  • Health and Medicine: offers 13 SWAYAM certification courses
  • Personal Development: offers 10 SWAYAM certification courses

SWAYAM Online Course Credit

At the end of each course, students will be assessed through an invigilated examinations. The marks or grades obtained by the learners in the examination are transferrable to their academic records.

To implement the credit process, The University Grant Commission (UGC) has issued the UGC credit framework for students opting online learning courses through SWAYAM Regulation 2016. The SWAYAM regulation recommends universities and colleges offering SWAYAM courses to identify the courses in which credits are transferrable to course-participants’ academic records.

SWAYAM Online Course Format

The Swayam courses hosted on the swayam.gov.in website are categorized into four quadrants – video lecture category, specially prepared reading materials to be accessible, self-assessment tests through tests and quizzes, and an online discussion forum clear any doubts.

SWAYAM Online Registration

To be a part of SWAYAM’s online classes, students need to register through the swayam.gov.in web portal. Below is the step by step procedure for students to sucessfully register and join at Swayam portal.

  1.  SWAYAM portal- Interested learners, need to visit the official SWAYAM portal through the website https://swayam.gov.in
  2. Click on the “Register” button provided at the top of the homepage.
  3. A new pop-up page will be opened with the needed credentials. New learners should sign up to create a login address. Existing learners can log in through social media login – Facebook, Google, or Microsoft.
  4. The page directs you to a new page. Learners should fill all the required details to create the account.
  5. Learners will receive a verification code in the email ID and then have to click on the “Create” button for the creation of a new account.

SWAYAM Online Course Fee Structure

SWAYAM courses can be accessed under the SWAYAM web portal for free of cost. However, students who require certification are required to pay a specified fee to obtain a certificate after completing any of the SWAYAM courses. However, the fee is usually meager. These learners must be registered with the SWAYAM portal. Certifications will be allotted to only those course-participants who are registered and have paid the course fee.

SWAYAM Online Course Details

FAQ’s on SWAYAM Online Course Details

Question 1.
What benefit do the SWAYAM Online courses offer?

SWAYAM platform hosts 80000 hours of valuable academic learning. The portal covers school, undergraduate, postgraduate, engineering, law, and other professional courses. Any students can access SWAYAM courses, and these courses are available free of cost. SWAYAM also offers certifications for those registered students upon the successful completion of the course.

Question 2.
What are the requirements to be met for the SWAYAM Online courses?

To pursue courses under the SWAYAM portal, there is no specific eligibility criterion for learners. The main aim of this education portal is to develop skills, education, and knowledge of every Indian citizen.

SWAYAM Online courses can be accessed by any individual belonging to any age, hold any qualification, belonging to any caste/creed, or address at any location can avail of any of the courses that are delivered through the SWAYAM portal. However, to get a certificate, participants have to check the eligibility requirement of the particular course in the portal.

Learners must secure a minimum of 40 percent or above with the overall online assignment score to deem eligible to receive a suitably altered certificate that indicates Pass. Those institutions approving the SWAYAM online course credit transfer can use the course marks or the certificate(s) obtained in these courses.

Question 3.
What are the course formats involved for SWAYAM Online courses?

The Swayam courses hosted on the swayam.gov.in website are categorized into four quadrants – video lecture category, specially prepared reading materials to be accessible, self-assessment tests that are conducted through puzzles,  tests, and quizzes, and an online discussion forum for students to clear any doubts.

Summary of SWAYAM Online Course Details

We hope that the information mentioned above regarding SWAYAM Online Course Details has helped improve your understanding of the subject with in-depth knowledge.

Surface Area of a Cylinder Calculator

Surface Area of a Cylinder Calculator: Searching for the ways to calculate the total surface area of a cylinder in much easier and faster. Then, this is the right page for you. By using our surface area of a cylinder calculator, you can perform all the calculations in many different units. Need to learn more about Unit Conversions, check out our Unit Converter Calculator now at areavolumecalculator.com

Continue with the below sections and learn what is the surface area of a cylinder formula and how to find the surface area of a cylinder easily.

What is meant by Surface Area of a Cylinder?

The surface area of the cylinder is the summation of the areas of two congruent circles and a rectangle. The area of this rectangle is the lateral area of the cylinder. It is obvious that the length of the rectangle is equal to the circumference of the base. Hence, the lateral area of the cylinder is L=2rπ×h, where π ≈ 3.14.

Finally, to find the surface area of a cylinder, first, calculate the lateral area and then compute the areas of base circles by summation. The formula for the surface area of a right cylinder is A = 2πrh + 2(πr2) = 2πr(h+r).

Surface Area of a Cylinder Formula

The total surface area of a closed cylinder Formula is:

  • A = L + T + B = 2πrh + 2(πr2) = 2πr(h+r).

The lateral surface area of a cylinder (just the curved outside):

  • L = 2πrh

The top and bottom surface area of a cylinder (2 circles):

  • T = B = πr2

How to Find Surface Area of a Cylinder?

To calculate the Surface Area of a Cylinder, first, you should break it down into three parts in your imagination. The three parts can be represented as,

  • The two circles that make up the ends of the cylinder.
  • The side of the cylinder, which when “unrolled” is a rectangle.

Hence, the base surface area of a cylinder equals two times the area of a circle with the radius r, and the lateral surface area of a cylinder is equal to the area of a rectangle. The first side of this rectangle is the height of the cylinder h and the second is the circumference of the base ie., 2 * π * r.

Thus, the lateral surface area of a cylinder is 2 * π * r * h.

Now, you need to calculate the base surface area, so you must compute the area of a circle with the radius r and multiply it two because that every cylinder has two bases.

Thus, the base area of a cylinder is 2 * π * r².

Finally, the formula of the total surface area of the cylinder is the sum of the base surface area and the lateral surface area ie.,

Total Surface Area of a Cylinder = base area + lateral area,

A = 2 * π * r² + (2 * π * r) * h,

A = 2 * π * r * (r + h)

That’s it, now you had an output of the Surface Area of a Cylinder after substituting the values in base radius and height.


Find the Surface Area of a Cylinder when the radius is 12 cm and height is 6 cm?


Given that Base radius(r) = 12 cm, and

Height(h) = 6 cm

Substitute the values in the formula of the Surface Area of Cylinder = 2π * (Radius)2 + 2π * (Radius) * (Height)

where Pi (π) is approximately equal to 3.14.

On simplifying further we get as such A= 2 (π) * (122) cm2 + 2 (π) * (12) cm * (6.0) cm

⇒Raise 12.0 cm to the power of 2.

2(π) * (144.0) cm2 + 2 (π) * (12.0) cm * (6.0) cm

⇒ Multiply 144.0 cm2 by 2

288.0 cm2 π + 2(π) * 12.0 cm * 6.0 cm

⇒ Multiply 12.0 cm and 6.0 cm

288.0 cm π + 72.0 cm2 π * 2

⇒ Multiply 72.0 cm2 and 2

288.0 cm2 . π + 144.0 cm2 . π

⇒ Add 288.0 π cm2 and 144.0 π cm2

The result can be shown in multiple forms as 432.0 π cm2

Thus, Surface Area of Cylinder whose radius and height are 12.0 cm & 6.0 cm is 432.0 π cm2

If you solve it in a Decimal Form the Surface Area of Cylinder 12.0 cm by 6.0 cm is 1356.48 cm2

How to Use Surface Area of Cylinder Calculator?

Students can easily use our Surface Area of a Cylinder Calculator because it is a very handy and free online tool. By using our handy calculator you can make your calculations like how to find the Surface Area of a Cylinder faster. So, follow the below steps and know how to use this free online Surface Area of Cylinder Calculator:

  • First, give your parameters like base radius and heights as inputs in the appeared fields.
  • Now, choose the given metric for each input in cm, m, ft, yd, mi, etc. by clicking on them in the dropdown list.
  • Then, tap on the Area Button located below to the input fields.
  • At last, you will get your Surface Area of a Cylinder as an Output along with a detailed solution.

FAQs on Surface Area Calculator for Cylinder

1. What is the Surface Area of a Cylinder (closed) & Formula?

The surface area of a closed cylinder can be calculated by summing the total areas of its base and lateral surface:

  • base SA = 2πr2,
  • lateral SA = 2πrh,
  • Total Surface Area of a Cylinder = 2πr(r + h) where ‘r’ is radius and ‘h’ is height

2. How do you find the surface area of a closed cylinder?

You can find the surface area of a cylinder using our free online & handy calculator and get the output in a fraction of seconds.

3. What is the surface area of a cylinder with the base radius r = 3 cm and the height h = 5 cm?

After substituting the given parameters into the formulas, the base surface area is 56.55 cm² and the lateral surface area is 94.25 cm². Now substitute the two values in the formula of the total surface area and then the output of the cylinder surface area is 150.8 cm².

4. What is the Surface Area of a Cylinder Calculator?

The Surface Area of a Cylinder Calculator is a free online tool that displays the cylinder surface area in a given unit metric.

Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering – Course Duration, Fees, Eligibility, Admission Procedure, Colleges, Jobs, Salary

Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Diploma in electrical and electronics engineering: With the advent of technology and an ever-increasing dependence on devices that are meant to improve our standard of living, right from smartphones virtual and augmented reality to the newly found metaverse, the importance of chips, electronics, and electrical equipment is nowhere near the downward trend of the spiral curve. The importance of knowledge in the field will increase manifold in the years to come.

Given the growing importance of knowledge and intelligence with respect to electrical and electronics engineering, the demand from the student community to pursue this course is increasing by the day. Also, the demand for quality talent from the private industry and academia to improve research and development in the electrical and electronics space is always on the higher end of the spectrum.

With such a scenario in place, it is of no surprise that a diploma in electrical and electronics engineering is a fantastic career opportunity for a student to pursue early in their life. In this particular article in diploma in electrical and electronics engineering, we are going to answer the following questions and try to cover as many topics as possible related to a diploma in electrical and electronics engineering.

What is Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering?

A diploma in electrical and electronics engineering is a 3-year course that a student can pursue after his or her 10th from a recognized board in India

The following points will help an aspirant understand what is a diploma in electrical and electronics engineering:

1. Diploma in electrical and electronics engineering is a three-year course that one can do after 10th standard from any recognized board in India.
2. Electrical engineering is the study and application of magnetism and electromagnetism, electricity, and is a subset of the science of engineering. Ever since the discovery of electricity, the role and application of electricity in our life has been increasing by the day, and electrical and electronics engineering as study has a major contribution in that arena.
3. Right from the manufacturing sector to the service sector and agriculture sector and governmental and non-governmental organizations, the application of electricity and electronics is paramount for proper day-to-day functionalities of these industries.
4. Diploma in electrical and electronics engineering will help a student land a job in any of the industries that have the application of electricity. In other words, an electrical and electronics engineering graduate can work anywhere at any point of time in his or her career because that is the kind of job that is in demand across the globe.

Who should pursue a Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering?

The following points should be some of the eligibility criteria to pursue electrical and electronic engineering in diploma:

Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering(DEEE) Eligibility

1. The candidate should have passed the 10th standard from any recognized board in the country.
2. The candidate should have a minimum aggregate of 35% in his 10th standard.
3. The main subjects of the candidate in the 10th standard should be science and mathematics.
4. Candidate should have studied English as a compulsory subject in his class 10th and should have a good grasp over the communication in the same language.

While the above is the criteria that are set by the Ministry of education of various education boards both in Central and state government, we firmly believe that to pursue a course in diploma in electrical and electronics engineering the candidate should be:

1. Passionate about electricity, electronics, magnetism, physics Artificial Intelligence and virtual reality along with machine learning
2. Candidate should be extremely dynamic and curious to expand his or her horizon of knowledge because this is a field that keeps changing and updating by the day. One should be at the tip of their toe to keep learning new things every day.
3. The bend of mind and thought process of an aspirant should be in line with the course pedagogy of a diploma in electrical and electronics engineering.
4. Candidate should be highly determined and dedicated towards studies because not only is the syllabus very vast, the practical learning that one should get outside of the classrooms is extremely important to become well versed in electrical and electronics engineering

Find course details belonging to different streams all explained clearly so that you can decide whether you will have a bright career or not.

Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Admission Procedure

The following points should sum up the admission procedure for a diploma in electrical and electronics engineering

  • Complete 10th standard from a recognized board with a minimum 35% aggregate
  • Apply for colleges that you are aiming for through online applications or paper applications that are provided at that particular college campus
  • Certain colleges, especially private and deemed universities, will have their own separate entrance exams, Students have to clear the exams with a prescribed cut-off to get an admission seat in the college.
  • If the college is asking for a personality test interview, attend the interview.

Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Colleges

Below is the list of top colleges for pursuing a course in diploma in electrical and electronics engineering in India:

1. Narsee Monjee Institute, Mumbai
2. Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal Karnataka
3. Rashtreeya Vidyalaya College of Engineering, Bengaluru
4. Dayananda Sagar College of engineering, Bengaluru
5. Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore Tamil Nadu
6. SRM Institute of Science and Technology, SRM University, Chennai
7. MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru
8. Lovely professional University, Jalandhar
9. Andhra University College of Engineering, Vizag
10. Chandigarh University, Chandigarh

Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Syllabus PDF

Aspirants should remember that the syllabus and pedagogy for diploma in electrical and electronic engineering is more or less the same across many universities, not just in India but across the globe. However while the theoretical subjects might remain the same, the practicals and laboratories subjects and methodology of teaching might vary.

For a course like a diploma in electrical and electronics engineering, the academic infrastructure, laboratory equipment, proper information technology, and computer infrastructure are important and this infrastructure varies from University to University.

In this particular section of diploma in electrical and electronic engineering we have provided a list of subjects, syllabus, and methodology of teaching which is most common in all universities but it in the subsequent section we have also mentioned top colleges and one should remember that the methodology of teaching will be at an upscale level in the top colleges that we have mentioned.

Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Subjects List

1. Mathematics
2. Electrical
3. Electronics
4. Engineering drawing
5. CAD or computer-aided engineering drawing
6. Electrical machines
7. Computer communications
8. Computer networks
9. Manual and electrical power generation
10. Power electronics
11. Electrical wiring
12. Elements of electrical engineering
13. Applied science
14. Applied mathematics
15. Transmission and distribution
16. C programming
17. Switchgear and protection
18. Embedded system
19. Estimation specification
20. Electric motor
21. Electrical energy and management
22. Industrial application of electrical engineering

While the above subject mentioned are theoretical subjects, below we have given a list of practical subjects that are taught in diploma in electrical and electronics engineering course:

1. PLC and HDL lab
2. CSP lab
3. Electronics and electrical design lab
4. Electrical workshop
5. Power electronics lab
6. C programming lab
7. Electrical measurement lab
8. Electronics lab
9. Basic computer lab
10. Applied science and electrical wiring lab

See More:

Requirements for Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering

The course and structure of the pedagogy is typical in almost all public and private universities across the country for diploma in electrical and electronics engineering. However, the course structure and pedagogy might vary in other countries or it might also vary in certain private institutions within India. What really matters is the methodology of teaching and the extent of advanced laboratory infrastructure that a college has.

1. The whole course is divided into 6 semesters where each semester will have two laboratory subjects and at least four theoretical subjects
2. At the end of the course, students will have compulsory industrial visits to get first-hand experience of the market
3. In certain universities, students are also expected to complete a mandatory internship program in the company of their choice and also the field of their choice. They shall be assigned mentors or guides from the university to help them sail through the rigorous internship program.

Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Jobs

Below points will give an idea for a student on the job market and career growth after their graduation from the course of diploma in electrical and electronics engineering:

After completion of diploma in electrical and electronics engineering student can start working in the positions of:

1. Engineering trainee
2. Assistant engineer
3. Project manager
4. Editor or research
5. Junior lecturer or associate professor

The average salary for a diploma in electrical and electronics engineering varies highly depending on the competency of the student, the knowledge level, the location of the institution, and most importantly, the brand of the college that he or she is passing out from. However, on average, students should land a job that pays them or her at least 6 lacs per annum.

Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Companies that hire Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering

More importantly, a graduate of diploma in electrical and electronics engineering can land into the following top companies in the country:

1. Philips
2. Havells
3. BHEL (Bharat Heavy Electronics Limited)
4. Baja Autos
5. Crompton
6. Polycab
7. Finolex
8. HAL (Hindustan Aeronautics Limited)
9. Exide Industries
10. Seimens Indian Limited

By now an aspirant should have got a fundamental idea of what a diploma in electronics and electrical engineering holds and how their life will be twenty years down the lane after the completion of the said course. Although we have tried to cover all the topics in this particular article on the diploma in electrical and electronics engineering, we always recommend students to go through other articles of ours and compare the courses of electrical and electronics engineering in diploma with other courses and check whether it falls in lines with their ambitions and desires.

How to become an Astronomer in India | Eligibility Criteria, Entrance Exam, Colleges, Skillset

How to Become An Astronomer in India

How to Become An Astronomer in India?: For the past few years Indian Space and Research Organisation (ISRO) has achieved some of the great feats. If you are one of those who gets fascinated by the infinite number of unknown things existing in space and also want to study all the known celestial bodies such as the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter and others then you can choose to become an Astronomer. Once you become an astronomer you will get a chance to discover the whole universe. But not everyone can become an astronomer. There are certain challenges that you need to overcome but the career is lucrative and highly rewarding. In this article we will be discussing everything that you need to know in order to become an astronomer in India.

Refer to Course Details to know more about related courses and find details like Admission Process, Eligibility Criteria, etc.

What is the Job of an Astronomer?

Before discussing the job of an astronomer it is better to know about the subject itself, astronomy. Astronomy is one of the oldest branches of Science. In the field of astronomy collective knowledge of Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry is required. In the modern day and age astronomy has two distinct divisions and they are – Theoretical astronomy and the other one is Observational astronomy.

  1. Theoretical astronomy: In this field of astronomy several astronomical phenomena and position of celestial or cosmic objects are explained using analytical methods.
  2. Observational astronomy: All the possible data is collected of the universe that we can observe. Usually in an observatory a group of astronomers work together to observe objects such as stars, other galaxies and black holes et cetera.

An astronomer is someone who studies the whole universe and everything that is in contact with our own solar system. In short it can be said that the subject deals with everything beyond the atmosphere of the planet earth.

Eligibility Criteria to Become an Astronomer

The eligibility criteria may differ on the basis of the institution that you will choose to join. Some of the basic requirements are –

  • A candidate needs to complete the 10+2 level with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as core subjects.
  • You as an Aspiring astronomer need to select the field. The available options are Instrumental, Theoretical and Observational Astronomy.
  • If you are looking to be in the field of engineering then you can choose to go become an Instrumental or experimental astronomer.
  • In the field of Observational astronomy a candidate needs to choose at least one subject from the science stream.
  • In order to become an instrumental astronomer an aspirant needs to have a full time Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) degree in electronic communication.
  • A candidate can pursue a career in Theoretical astronomy only after completing the PhD in Physics.
  • To join any one of the courses in Astronomy a candidate needs to clear the entrance examination first. Only then on the basis of the rank obtained can he or she get a seat in any one of the institutions that offer the courses.

Entrance Exam for Astronomy Courses

Entrance Examinations are held across all over India every single year. By clearing the examination you can join any one of the reputed institutions.

  1. Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) examination: Candidates will be selected in the Indian Institute of Astrophysics after Joint entrance screening.
  2. After the completion of masters degree in Physics, Computer science, Astronomy, you can join a full time doctoral program in Interuniversity Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA). A candidate needs to clear UGC-Net, GATE et cetera.
  3. Other than that you can also choose to give Joint Entry Selection Test (JEST), Joint Astronomy Program Test (JAP).

You can also choose to join an Autonomous Research Institutions (ARI)

Colleges for Astronomy Course

Just like any other courses, astronomy courses are also offered at various levels. Three most popular courses at Bachelor degree level are –

  1. Bachelor of Science in Astrophysics – Course duration is 3 years.
  2. Bachelor of Science in Astronomy – Course duration is 3 years.
  3. Bachelor of Engineering – Course duration is 3 years.

Popular courses at masters degree level are –

  1. Master in Astronomy
  2. Master of Science in Astronomy

PhD courses that you can pursue after the completion of master’s degree are –

  1. Doctorate in Astronomy
  2. Doctorate in Astrophysics
  3. Doctorate in Atmospheric Sciences

Integrated courses are also available in this field. They are –

  1. M.Tech-PhD integrated programme in Astronomical instruments
  2. Integrated M.Sc and PhD. Programme in Astrophysics.

Colleges that you can join to pursue any one of the bachelor degree course programmes.

  • Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) – Chennai
  • Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) – New Delhi.
  • Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) – Kanpur
  • Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) – Mumbai
  • Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) – Kharagpur
  • Birla Institute of Technology and Science (INTSTB) – Pilani
  • National Institute of Technology (NIT) – Tiruchirapalli
  • Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) – Guwahati

After becoming a graduate from any one of these institutions you can choose to do masters in the same field from the following institutions.

  • Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) – New Delhi
  • Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) – Kanpur
  • Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (IITM) – Chennai
  • Indian Institute of Science (IIAS) – Banglore
  • Indian Institute of Technology (IIT BHU)-Varanasi
  • Indian Institute of Technology – Mumbai
  • Indian Institute of Technology – Guwahati

Skills Required to Become an Astronomer

In order to become an astronomer a candidate needs to possess certain skills. They are –

  • Scientific Knowledge: Adequate knowledge about all the scientific rules, hypotheses and phenomena is required to solve various types of problems.
  • Emphasis on Mathematics: Ability to solve complex mathematical problems.
  • Formation of Strategy: He or she should be able to form strategies by following all the instructions in any given situation.
  • Active Learning: An aspiring astronomer should have the capability to understand the complex mechanisms that he or she needs to deal with in the field of astronomy. This knowledge can only be provided in an observatory. So, Active learning capability at that very moment becomes necessary.
  • Good Listener: An astronomer must be a good listener as while working he or she will receive a lot of instructions which need to be listened to very carefully without wasting any kind of time.
  • System Evaluation and Analysis: Performance of every single working system in an observatory needs to be measured and after this evaluation, one also needs to analyse them.
  • Decision Making: As an astronomer on most occasions you will have a lot of options in front of you. You must have the ability to choose the right path for you.
  • Human Resource Management: If you are posted in the top position of an observatory then there will be several people working under you. You have to keep them motivated for work and also have to select the best people for a job.
  • Operation Analysis: To create an effective design of a product, you as an astronomer need to analyse the operation first. Only then you can have an idea about your requirements.
  • Financial Resource Management: Every single country has a set budget that astronomers can spend every year to discover space. You as an astronomer also need to keep an eye on the financial resources that you have.

Also, See:

Career Prospects of an Astronomer

Seats in the institutions in India are limited. So, if you want to study Astronomy or Astrophysics you need to go to IIST and have to study physical science. You can also choose to study from a foreign university but the fees will definitely be more. In India after completion of the course most of the Astronomers choose to join Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO).

You can join ISRO just after the completion of your bachelor degree. But if you choose to join international space research organisations such as NASA or CERN then you need to do your masters and it is better to complete the PhD. Start your career at any one of the space research organizations as an astronomer and you will always have a chance to improve and move forward in your career.

How to become an Astronomer in India

Recruiters of an Astronomer

Mainly space research organisations recruit astronomers. Other than that job profiles are –

Senior Technical Writer

  • Director Planetarium
  • Professor
  • Meteorologist
  • Researcher
  • Climatologist
  • Aeronautical Engineer
  • Astronomer
  • Astrophysicist

You can choose any one of these from the above mentioned jobs as all these jobs come with a lucrative salary package. You will get an impressive starting salary and the salary will increase with every passing year if you keep up your performance.

Salary That an Astronomer Can Expect

Depending on the field of study and degree you possess you can join a job. With the increasing experience and possessed skill set your salary will increase. In the beginning you can expect an annual salary of 1550000n USD.

Final Words on How to Become An Astronomer in India?

Some of the most eminent astronomers in the history of this world are Sir Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilei, Christiaan Huygens, Charles Messier and others. Your name will be etched in golden letters with all these famous people if you manage to discover something unknown in space. Hope this article has proven to be helpful for you and you have gained an idea about the career of an astronomer in India. So, if you are willing to pursue a career in Astronomy do not hesitate to do that as a bright future will be waiting for you ahead.