MBA Strategic Management lecture Notes Pdf Free Download: Students who are pursuing MBA 3rd sem should refer to this page for availing the best lecture notes for Strategic Management subject. These available strategic management notes and study materials can be downloadable in pdf format, so candidates can happily & easily access at any time. For the student’s exam preparation, we have provided MBA 3rd Semester PDF Study Material & Books of Strategic management subject with Pdf Download Links. Avail them by clicking on the attached links and prepare for the exams with the help of MBA Lecture Notes, Study Materials, and Books. Also, You can check Strategic Management MBA 3rd Sem Reference Books and Important Review questions list along with unit-wise MBA Strategic Management Syllabus from this page with the help of the below links.
Content Involved In This Article:
- About MBA Strategic Management Lecture Notes
- What is MBA Strategic Management?
- Why MBA Strategic Management Books & Notes are required?
- How to utilize MBA Strategic Management Textbooks & Notes?
- When we use Strategic Management Books?
- Download Strategic Management Notes for MBA 3rd semester in PDF
- Suggested Books for Strategic Management Subject in MBA 3rd Sem
- Updated MBA Strategic Management Syllabus – 3rd Semester
- MBA 3rd Sem Strategic Management Review Question
- FAQs on Strategic Management MBA Books & Lecture Notes Pdf
About MBA Strategic Management
A strategy is without any doubt, the key focal point for any corporate office in an organization that focuses on sustained long term business blueprints.
In simple terms, a long term plan and an outline for business are called strategy. And this subject holds value to an MBA student mainly because taking business decisions requires analytical and logical thinking capabilities, which the B-schools across the globe helps its students nurture.
Studying strategic management helps a student develop a bend of mind to take business decisions across all the business levels of the company. And this is of utmost importance because it nurtures the future leaders of the industry right from the beginner’s level.
Some of the key questions to which you will be able to find answers after reading this article:
- What?
- Why?
- How?
- Where?
- When?
If you are able to answer the above five fundamental questions, then you are ready to jump-start into the corporate world.
Also, Refer to the following links:
- Finance Notes
- MBA HR Reference Books
- Customer Relationship Management Notes
- MBA Subjects Semester wise
Let’s take it down one by one, shall we?
What is MBA Strategic Management?
Any long term business decision that you take which falls in line with the vision, mission, objective, and goals of the company, is called a strategy. These strategies that we take can be of two types:
- Internal strategy: Changes in the organizational structure and design of the firm in order to achieve the given targets and objectives falls under this category. Some of the internal strategies that companies take are:
- Cross-functional teams
- Horizontal hierarchical structure
- Changes in HR and talent acquisition policies
- Expansion and dilution
- Changes in the synergy of the various strategic business units
- External strategy: These are business decisions taken by the company with respect to external stakeholders such as distributors, customers, competitors, law enforcing agencies, etc., Some of the external strategies that the companies take, are:
- Strategic partnerships such as Joint Ventures, acquisitions, and mergers.
- Contracts such as buy-back contracts, rebate contracts, or flexible contracts.
- Pricing strategy which includes predatory and competitive pricing.
- Reverse engineering strategy- Usually followed in pharmaceutical industries.
These various decisions, standalone or taken in tandem, both external and internals, helps the business grow in the right direction.
Why MBA Strategic Management Books & Notes are required?
These are the five main reasons why strategic management lecture notes are important:
- Efficiency– Lining the everyday tasks with the vision of the company upon which the firm was founded is a tedious job. But nevertheless, it needs to be done so that the company does not lose focus and direction. A proper strategy in place increases the efficiency of resources and maximization of return on investments.
- Scale-It is an attribute that describes the ability of a process, network, software, or organization to grow and manage increased demand. A system, business, or software that is described as scalable has an advantage because it is more adaptable to the changing needs or demands of its users or clients.
- Sustainability– Integrating sustainable principles into the business model helps it achieve a long term rigid hold on the business without having to take risks at the heat of the moment. When sustainability is imbibed into the organization from the bottom i.e., Corporate level, functional level, and business level, then the company’s going concern is redundant as long as the sustainability is maintained. Government policies across the world are now following a sustainability model. The different sustainability that businesses should focus on are:
- Environmental sustainability
- Social sustainability
- Political sustainability
- Legal sustainability
- Profits– Profit describes the financial benefit realized when the revenue generated from a business activity exceeds the expenses, costs, and taxes involved in sustaining the activity in question. Any profits earned funnel back to business owners, who choose to either pocket the cash or reinvest it back into the business.
- Survival– There are various organizations and companies like Goldman Sachs, Tata, AT&T, etc. that have survived for more than a century now. This is possible if the strategic decisions taken by the top management is strong and has robust survival instincts across the spectrum, from geographical to political to behavioral segments.
MBA Strategic Management – How?
The “How” aspect of the question can be understood if we understand the following terms, which is basically a strategic planning life cycle,
- Design– Ideating and stoking of concepts lead to the required design. While in-depth market research and understanding of consumer behaviour is of utmost importance, we also need to understand the importance of designing services or products which is scalable and provides economy of scale in manufacturing.
- Analysis– Business analysis is an important field in business research. This helps managers and corporate level CEO make complex decisions. Analysis of both internal and external environments is done for an informed choice of business decision making. The following are some of the analysis techniques:
a. SWOT (Strength Weakness Opportunity and Threats) analysis
b. MOST (Mission Objective Strategy and Tactic) analysis
c. Business Process Modeling (BPM)
d. Use case modeling
e. Brain and body storming
f. PESTLE (Political Economical Social Technological Legal and Environmental) analysis
g. CATWOE (Customer, Actors, Transformation, World View, Owner, and Environmental Constraints) analysis. - Implementation is the process that turns strategies and plans into actions in order to accomplish strategic objectives and goals. Critical actions move a strategic plan from a document that sits on the shelf to actions that drive business
- Prioritization- This is a complex attribute, especially for multinational conglomerates that have many SBUs and functional level units to take care of. Prioritizing tasks and goals in sync with the demands and dynamics of the market and company resources is done by careful analysis of various data obtained and involving all the stakeholders of the company.
- Delivery- All the factors mentioned above leads to one important attribute of strategic management i.,e is delivery. Delivering results is the reason why all other steps are carried out. The proper delivery of results especially in cases where time is of essence adds value along the entire value chain of the product.
MBA Strategic Management – When we use Strategic Management Books?
As mentioned earlier, prioritization is of utmost importance for big firms to manage and direct the company towards its goals. Prioritizing decisions and tasks according to the needs of the markets and availability of the resources for multinational conglomerates like Coca Cola or Uniliver, which has several SBUs and subsidiaries under its umbrella, takes proper and timely analysis and forecasting techniques to run the business. Chunks of data are analyzed, scripted, and prioritized according to the decisions taken by CEOs and CFOs of these companies.
So when it comes to the question of “When” strategic management is required, a simple answer is all the time. It has to be built right from the beginning to survive and thrive in a crowded and competitive market.
B-schools across the world teach this subject with high priority so that students pursuing business studies learn to make decisions that are strategically viable and sustainable.
Download Strategic Management Notes for MBA 3rd semester in PDF links
The following table represents some of the best Strategic Management Lecture Notes & Textbooks Pdf download links. MBA students can use these books during exam preparation to know about strategic processes and techniques. Also, check the Question Papers PDF for MBA Strategic Management subject from the below table:
Strategic Management Complete Notes | Download |
MBA Strategic Management Lecture Notes ppt | Download |
Strategic Management pdf ebook | Download |
MBA Strategic Management TextBook Doc | Download |
Strategic Management Question Papers | Download |
Recommended Books for Strategic Management Subject in MBA 3rd Sem
Check out the subject experts suggested Strategic Management MBA Reference Books and get to know the concepts you need to look into. These recommended lecture notes for MBA strategic management assist you in your efficient preparation. Below the list of MBA Strategic Management Reference Books/Study Materials, not just for students but can also be used by professionals who want to improve their knowledge in strategy.
- Exploring Corporate Strategy by Johnson & Scholes, Publishing House: Prentice Hall
- The Strategy Process by Mint burg, Quinn, and Ghosal, Publishing House: Prentice Hall
- R.Srinivasan, Strategic Management -The Indian Context, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2012
- Strategic Management by Ireland, Hoskisson & Hitt, Indian Edition, Cengage Learning
- Concepts in Strategic Management & Business Policy by Thomas L. Wheelen & J. David Hunger, Pearson
- R.Srinivasan, Case Studies in Marketing – The Indian Context,5th Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2012
Updated MBA Strategic Management Syllabus – 3rd Semester
Also, we have decided to provide the Syllabus for Strategic Management MBA Subject as per the Latest Curriculum followed in a majority of the colleges along with the MBA 3rd Sem Strategic Management Notes & Books Pdf in this article. As you might witness minor variations in the Syllabus followed in certain colleges. However, the core part remains identical. Hence, look at the further modules and note down the entire MBA Strategic Management Syllabus before you start your preparation.
Unit I: Strategic Planning
Strategic Context and Terminology; Definition of Strategy; Difference between policy, Strategy, and Tactic;
Difference between Long Range Planning and Strategic Planning; Characteristics of Strategic Decisions
Unit II: Different Approaches to Strategy
Introduction to Different Approaches to Strategy; Incremental and Emergent Strategies; Implicit and Explicit Strategies; Approaches to Strategic Management; Strategic Implementation; Strategic Evaluation and Control; Planning Process: Feature, Importance, and Steps; Strategic Planning Process; Strategic Planning in the Next Millennium
Unit III: Strategy Formulation: Environmental Auditing
Environmental Analysis; Environmental complexity; Pestle Analysis; Porter’s 5 Force Analysis
Unit IV: Strategy Formulation: Strategic Direction
Introduction to Understanding Business; Competitor Analysis; Boston Matrix; International Dimensions of Strategy: Growth, Stability, Profitability, Efficiency, Market Leadership, Survival, Merger, and Acquisition; Core Competence
Unit V: Strategy Formulation: The Internal Audit
Bench Marking; the Use of McKinsey’s 7S Framework; SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats) Analysis; Value Chain Analysis; Scope of Activities and Markets
Unit VI: Strategy Implementation
The framework of Strategic Implementation: Concept, Factors Causing Unsuccessful Implementation of Strategy.
Activation Strategy; Structural Implementation; Functional Implementation; Behavioral Implementation;
Resource Mobilization and Allocation: Finance, Human Resources, Materials, and Time
Unit VII: Strategic Evaluation and Control
Strategic Evaluation and Control: Concept, Role, and Barriers; Control Process; Techniques of Strategic
Evaluation and Control
Important Review Question for MBA Strategic Management 3rd Sem Exam
The following questions will help you a lot during your exam preparation. So, study well for your strategic management MBA 3rd sem exam with the help of these questions & provided syllabus and Strategic Management MBA Lecture Notes pdf download links.
1) Discuss the nature and importance of strategic management.
2) Explain the concept of competitive advantage, and how to sustain it?
3) What is turnaround management? Explain the elements of a successful turnaround strategy.
4) What is meant by resource allocation? Explain techniques generally employed for allocating resources.
5) Outline the various qualitative and quantitative criteria for strategy evaluation and control? State the problems faced by strategists while fixing those criteria.
6) Briefly discuss the development of the theory of strategic management.
7) Discuss the role of leadership in strategy implementation.
8) Case Study: Mr. Palani, Chairman of a company just had a discussion with a group of local people. The group is known as ‘Council for EnvironmentalAction’ demanded an immediate reduction of the pollutants thrown into the air by the plants of the company. Mr.Palani had explained the company’s policy of gradual reduction of pollutants and promised to study the matter further.
But the group has not satisfied and asked for another meeting in a week’s time.Mr. Palani reluctantly agreed. Suggest a suitable proposal to present to the group at the next meeting to convince it totally.
FAQs on Strategic Management MBA Books & Lecture Notes Pdf
1. What is MBA Strategic Management?
Simply, a strategic management MBA, or strategy MBA, is a regular MBA subject with a specific concentration in strategy. According to some reports, an MBA in Strategic Management is basically different than an MBA concentration in a specific area of business, like finance, or marketing.
2. Which are the components of strategic management PDF?
Strategic management is the process of employing that kind of large-scale, objective-oriented path by using of three major components: Environmental scanning, strategy formulation, and implementation & strategy evaluation.
3. What are good books for strategic management?
In our point of view, there are 6 evergreen standard Books for MBA strategic management which cuts through the clutter:
- Contemporary Strategic Management – By Robert Grant
- Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done – By Larry Bossidy & Ram Charan
- How strategists really think. Tapping the power of analogy – By Gavetti & Rivkin
- The Strategy Process by Mint burg, Quinn, and Ghosal, Publishing House: Prentice Hall
- R.Srinivasan, Strategic Management -The Indian Context, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2012
- Strategic Management by Ireland, Hoskisson & Hitt, Indian Edition, Cengage Learning
We wish the information shared above regarding MBA Strategic Management Lecture Notes Pdf has been beneficial in clarifying your queries to the fullest. If you have any other queries, check out the recommended books for Strategic Management MBA 3rd sem subject along with the review questions from the above page. Or else leave your doubts in the below comment section and our team of experts will guide you at the earliest. Stay tuned to our site for the latest updates regarding best MBA Books, Syllabus, Course Details, Study Materials, etc.