Essay on A Visit To A Railway Station: Recently I went to the railway station after a long time. My father had to go there to receive his friend, who was coming to Delhi from Hyderabad. So, I went along my father to receive my uncle. There was a human sea all round and a great hustle and bustle everywhere. There were lots of cars, scooters, cabs and auto-rickshaws, waiting to pick-up friends, relatives and passengers.
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Short Essay on A Visit To A Railway Station 200 Words for Kids and Students in English
Below we have given a short essay on A Visit To A Railway Station is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.
People were waiting at ticket windows to make last-minute reservations for their journey. Many others were crowding the enquiry window for whatever information they needed. Everyone seemed to be in a great hurry and the noise was deafening.
After buying the platform tickets, we went in. Departure and arrival times of various trains were being announced on the public address system. The hawkers were shouting, trying to sell their wares. Then, there were the passengers, rushing from one platform to another, with porters carrying their heavy luggage. All this also added to the din.
As soon as a train arrived at the platform, there was even more confusion. People wanted to get into the train before it had completely stopped. This caused some discomfort to those passengers who were waiting to get off. Everyone was shouting.
Ticket checkers were standing at the exit gates, collecting tickets. Other railway staff were busy making various checks on the train. Some others were busy in the brake van, loading luggage and taking it off.
My uncle’s train was going to be 40 minutes late, so we found a place to sit and relaxed with cold drinks. Although it was very noisy, I think I had a good time at the railway station that day, watching all the activity and excitement.