NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Sanskrit Shemushi Chapter 7 सौहार्दं प्रकृतेः शोभा

Shemushi Sanskrit Class 10 Solutions Chapter 7 सौहार्दं प्रकृतेः शोभा


प्रश्ना 1.
अधोलिखितप्रश्नानामुत्तराणि एकपदेन लिखत
(क) वनराजः कैः दुरवस्थां प्राप्तः?

(ख) कः वातावरणं कर्कशध्वनिना आकुलीकरोति?

(ग) काकचेष्टः विद्यार्थी कीदृशः छात्रः मन्यते?

(घ) कः आत्मानं बलशाली, विशालकायः, पराक्रमी च कथयति।

(ङ) बकः कीदृशान् मीनान् क्रूरतया भक्षयति?

(च) मयूरः कथं नृत्यमुद्रायां स्थितः भवति?

(छ) अन्ते सर्वे मिलित्वा कस्य राज्याभिषेकाय तत्पराः भवति?

(ज) अस्मिन्नाटके कति पात्राणि सन्ति?

प्रश्ना 2.
अधोलिखितप्रश्नानामुत्तराणि पूर्णवाक्येन लिखत-
(क) नि:संशयं कः कृतान्तः मन्यते?
निःसंशयं जन्तुवः कृतान्तः मन्यते।

(ख) बकः वन्यजन्तूनां रक्षोपायान् कथं चिन्तयितुं कथयति?
बकः वन्यजन्तूनां रक्षोपायान् चिन्तयितुं कथयति यत् सः ध्यानमग्नः स्थितप्रज्ञ इव स्थित्वा सर्वेषाम् रक्षायाः करिष्यति।

(ग) अन्ते प्रकृतिमाता प्रविश्य सर्वप्रथम किं वदति?
प्रकृतिमाता प्रविश्य सर्वप्रथमं कथयति “भोः भोः प्राणिनः यूयम सर्वे एव में सन्ततिः। कथं मिथः कलहं कुर्वन्ति।

(घ) यदि राजा सम्यक् न भवति तदा प्रजा कथं विप्लवे?
यदि राजा सम्यक् न भवति तदा प्रजा नौकाइव विप्लवेत्।

प्रश्ना 3.
रेखांकितपदमाधृत्य प्रश्ननिर्माणं कुरुत
(क) सिंहः वानराभ्यां स्वरक्षायाम् असमर्थः एवासीत्।
सिंहः वानराभ्यां किमर्थ असमर्थः एवासी?

(ख) गजः वन्यपशून् तुदन्तं शुण्डेन पोथयित्वा मारयति।
गजः वन्यपशून् तुदन्तं केन् पोथयित्वा मारयति?

(ग) वानरः आत्मानं वनराजपदाय योग्यः मन्यते।
वानरः आत्मानं कस्मै योग्यः मन्यते?

(घ) मयूरस्य नृत्यं प्रकृतेः आराधना।
मयूरस्य नृत्यं कया आराधना?

(ङ) सर्वे प्रकृतिमातरं प्रणमन्ति।
सर्वे किम् प्रणमन्ति?

प्रश्ना 4.
शुद्धकथनानां समक्षम् आम् अशुद्धकथनानां च समक्षं इति लिखत-
(क) सिंहः आत्मानं तुदन्तं वानरं मारयति।

(ख) का-का इति बकस्य ध्वनिः भवति।

(ग) काकपिकयोः वर्णः कृष्णः भवति।

(घ) गजः लघुकायः, निर्बलः च भवति।

(ङ) मयूरः बकस्य कारणात् पक्षिकुलम् अवमानितं मन्यते।

(च) अन्योन्यसहयोगेन प्राणिनाम् लाभः जायते।

प्रश्ना 5.
मञ्जूषातः समुचितं पदं चित्वा रिक्तस्थानानि पूरयत-
स्थितप्रज्ञः, यथासमयम्, मेध्यामध्यभक्षकः, अहिभुक्, आत्मश्लाघाहीनः, पिकः।
(क) काकः…………………भवति।

(ख) ………………..परभृत् अपि कथ्यते।

(ग) बकः अविचलः………………..इव तिष्ठति।

(घ) मयूरः………………….इति नाम्नाऽपि ज्ञायते।

(ङ) उलूकः…………………पदनिर्लिप्तः चासीत्।

(च) सर्वेषामेव महत्त्वं विद्यते………………….।

प्रश्ना 6.
परिचयं पठित्वा पात्रस्य नाम लिखत-
(क) अहं शुण्डेन कमपि पोथयित्वा मारयितुं समर्थः।

(ख) मम सत्यप्रियता सर्वेषां कृते उदाहरणस्वरूपा।

(ग) मम पिच्छानामपूर्व सौन्दर्यम्।

(घ) अहं पराक्रमिणं भयंकरं वापि जन्तुं पराजेतुं समर्थः।

(ङ) अहं वनराजः। कथं सर्वे मिलित्वा मां तुदन्ति?

(च) अहम् अगाधजलसञ्चारी अपि गर्व न करोमि?

(छ) अहं सर्वेषां प्राणिनां जननी अस्मि।

(ज) एषः तु करालवक्त्रः दिवान्धः चास्ति।

प्रश्ना 7.
वाच्यपरिवर्तनं कृत्वा लिखत
उदाहरणम्- क्रुद्धः सिंहः इतस्ततः धावति गर्जति च।
– क्रुद्धेन सिंहेन इतस्ततः धाव्यते गय॑ते च।
(क) त्वया सत्यं कथितम्।
त्वं सत्यं कथितम्।

(ख) सिंहः सर्वजन्तून् पृच्छति।
सिहेन् सर्वजन्तून् पृच्छ।

(ग) काकः पिकस्य संततिं पालयति।
काकेन् पिकस्य सन्ततिं पालयते।

(घ) मयूरः विधात्रा एव पक्षिराजः वनराजः वा कृतः।
विधाता मयूरं एव पक्षिराजः वनराजः वा अकरोत।

(ङ) सर्वैः खगैः कोऽपि खगः एव वनराजः कर्तुमिष्यते स्म।
सर्वाः खगाः कोऽपि खगः एव वनराजः कर्तुम् इच्छाति स्म।

(च) सर्वे मिलित्वा प्रकृतिसौन्दर्याय प्रयत्नं कुर्वन्तु।
सर्वे मिलित्वा प्रकृति सौन्दर्याय प्रयत्नं कुर्वेयुः।

प्रश्ना 8.
समासविग्रहं समस्तपदं वा लिखत
(क) तुच्छजीवैः …………………………।
तुच्छजीवैः तुच्छैः जीवैः

(ख) वृक्षोपरि ………………………………।
वृक्षोपरि वृक्षस्य उपरि

(ग) पक्षिणां सम्राट् ………………………………..।
पक्षिणां सम्राट् पक्षिसम्राट

(घ) स्थिता प्रज्ञा यस्य सः …………………………।
स्थिता प्रज्ञा यस्य सः स्थित प्रज्ञः

(ङ) अपूर्वम् …………………………।
अपूर्वम् न पूर्वः

(च) व्याघ्रचित्रका …………………………।
व्याघ्रचित्रका व्याघ्र च चित्रकाश्च

प्रश्ना 9.
प्रकृतिप्रत्ययविभागं कुरुत/योजयित्वा वा पदं रचयत
(क) क्रुध्+क्त ………………………………….।
क्रुध्+क्त कुद्धः

(ख) आकृष्य ………………………………….।
आकृष्य आ + कृष् + ल्यप्

(ग) सत्यप्रियता ………………………………….।
सत्यप्रियता सत्यप्रिय + तल

(घ) पराक्रमी …………………………….।
पराक्रमी पराक्रम + ङीप

(ङ) कूक्त्वा …………………………….।
कू+क्त्वा कर्दयित्वा

(च) शृण्वन् …………………………….।
शृण्वन् शृणु + शतु


विचित्रे खलु संसारे नास्ति किञ्चित् निरर्थकम्।
अश्वश्चेत् धावने वीरः, भारस्य वहने खरः॥
महान्तं प्राप्य सद्बुद्धे! संत्यजेन्न लघु जनम्।
यत्रास्ति सूचिकाकार्य कृपाणः किं करिष्यति॥

‘शाण्डिल्यशतकम्’ से उद्धृत ये दोनों श्लोक भी इसी बात की पुष्टि करते हैं कि संसार में कोई भी छोटा या बड़ा नहीं है, सभी का अपना-अपना महत्त्व है जैसे- घोड़ा यदि दौड़ने में निपुण है तो गधा भारवहन में, सुई जोड़ने का कार्य करती है तो कृपाण काटने का अतः संसार की क्रियाशीलता और गतिशीलता में सभी का अपना-अपना महत्त्व है। सभी के अपने-अपने कार्य हैं, अपना-अपना योगदान है अतः हमें न तो किसी कार्य को छोटा या बड़ा, तुच्छ या महान् समझना चाहिए और न ही किसी प्राणी को। आपस में मिलजुल कर सौहार्द-पूर्ण तरीके से जीवन यापन करने में ही प्रकृति का सौन्दर्य है। विभिन्न प्राणियों से सम्बन्धित निम्नलिखित श्लोकों को भी पढ़िए और रसास्वादन कीजिए-

इन्द्रियाणि च संयम्य बकवत् पण्डितो नरः।
देशकालबलं ज्ञात्वा सर्वकार्याणि साधयेत्॥
काकचेष्टः बकध्यानी श्वाननिद्रः तथैव च।
अल्पाहारः गृहत्यागः विद्यार्थी पञ्चलक्षणम्॥
स्पृशन्नपि गजो हन्ति जिघ्रन्नपि भुजङ्गमः।
हसन्नपि नृपो हन्ति, मानयन्नपि दुर्जनः।
प्राप्तव्यमर्थ लभते मनुष्यो, देवोऽपि तं लङ्घयितुं न शक्तः ।
तस्मान्न शोचामि न विस्मयो मे यदस्मदीयं न हि तत्परेषाम्॥
अयं निजः परो वेति गणना लघुचेतसाम्।
उदारचरितानां तु वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्॥

वस्तुतः मित्रों के बिना कोई भी जीना पसन्द नहीं करता चाहे उसके पास बाकी सभी अच्छी चीजें क्यों न हों अतः हमें सभी के साथ मिलजुल कर, अपने आस-पास के वातावरण को तथा प्रकृति की सुरक्षा और सुन्दरता में सदैव सहयोग करना चाहिए वस्तुतः तभी हमारी ये कामनाएँ भी सार्थक हो सकती हैं-

सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः, सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु, मा कश्चित् दुःखभाग्भवेत्।।

तथा च
अधुना रमणीया हि सृष्टिरेषा जगत्पतेः।
जीवाः सर्वेऽत्र मोदन्तां भावयन्तः परस्परम्॥

These Solutions are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Sanskrit. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Sanskrit Shemushi Chapter 7 सौहार्दं प्रकृतेः शोभा.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics Chapter 6 Understanding Our Criminal Justice System

Understanding Our Criminal Justice System Class 8 Questions and Answers Civics Chapter 6

Civics Class 8 Chapter 6 NCERT Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Why do you think there is a rule that confessions made during police custody cannot be used as evidence against the accused?
Yes, because there is a possibility that the police may are harsh steps against the accused in order to make confessions.

Question 2.
Now let us return to the story of Shanti and answer the following questions :
1. When Shanti way arrested for theft, S.I. Rao also kept her brother Sushil in the police lockup for two days. Was it legal for the police to detain him? Does it violate the D.K Basu guidelines?
2. Did S.I. Rao do enough to question witnesses and complete evidence before arresting Shanti and filing a case against her? In keeping with the duties of the police as stated above, what else do you think S.I. Rao could have done as part of his investigation.
1. No, it was legal of the police to detect Shushil. It violates the D.K Basu’s guidelines.

2. No, S.I. Rao did not do enough to question witnesses and compile evidence before arresting Shanti and filing a case against her.

S.I. Rao should not have done anything in hurry. He should make investigations around the locality and ask different people about it. He arrested Shanti only on what Mr. Shinde told him. His decision was wrong because it was one-sided.

Question 3.
Now let us take a slightly different scenario. Shanti and her brother Sushil go to the police station to complain that Mr. Shinde’s 20 year old son had stolen Rs. 15,000 that they had been saving up. Do you think that the officer in charge of the police station will promptly lodge an FIR? List a few factors that in your opinion may influence the decision of the police to register or not register an FIR.
The officer-in-charge may not promptly lodge an FIR is such a situation. In my opinion, political and social status are a few factors may influence the decision of the police to register FIR or not.

Question 4.
What did the judge say in Shanti’s case after hearing the testimony of all the witnesses?
The judge said that the police did not invertegate Shanti’s case properly and thus, failed to prove that Shanti was guilty. This made Shanti innocent. The judge also showed enough evidence in favour of Shanti and finally acquitted her.

Question 5.
All of the processes, written in bold in page 74 (Text book) are crucial to a fair trail. Write in your own words that you understand of the following processes based on the above description of Shanti’s case.
1. Open Court
2. Basis of Evidence
3. Cross-examination of Prosecution witnesses

  1. Open Court—The trial is held in public view.
  2. Basis of evidence—Witnesses regarding the case are produced and discussed in the court. This becomes the basis of judgement .
  3. Cross-examination of Prosecution Witnesses: Both the Public Prosecutor and defence lawyer are allowed to ask questions to witnesses.

Question 6.
Discuss in class what might have happened in Shanti’s case if the following procedures had not been observed.
(a) If she was not defended by a lawyer.
(b) If the court had not assumed her to be innocent.
In both the cases, Shanti would not have got justice.

In a town called Peace Land, the supporters of the Fiesta football team learn that the supporters of the Jubilee football team in the nearby city about 40 km away have damaged the ground on which the Final between both teams is to be held the following day. A crowd of Fiesta fans armed with deadly weapons attacks the homes of the supporters of the Jubilee football team in the town. In the attack, 10 men are killed, 5 women are gravely hurt, many homes are destroyed and over 50 people injured.

Imagine that you and your classmates are now part of the criminal justice system. First divide the class into the following four groups of persons:

  1. Police
  2. Public Prosecutor
  3. Defence lawyer
  4. Judge

The column on the right provides a list of functions. Match these with the roles that are listed on the left. Have each group pick the functions that it needs to perform to bring justice to those who were affected by the violence of the Fiesta fans. In what order, will these functions be performed?

Roles Functions
Police hear the witness
record the statements of witnesses
Public Prosecutor cross examine the witnesses
take photographs of burnt homes
Defence Lawyer record the evidence
arrest the Fiesta fans
Judge write the judgment
argue the case for the victims
decide for how many years the accused will be put in jail
examine the witnesses in court
pass the judgment
get the assaulted women medically examined
conduct a fair trial
meet the accused persons

Now take the same situation but ask one student who is a supporter of the Fiesta Club to perform all the functions listed above. Do you think the victims would get justice if only one person performed all of the functions of the criminal justice system? Why not?
State two reasons why you believe that different persons need to play different roles as part of the criminal justice system.

Roles Functions
Police Take photographs of burnt homes as evidence
Arrest the Fieta fans
Get the assaulted women medically examined
Record the evidence
Public Prosecutor Record the statements of witnesses
Examine the witnesses in court
Defence Lawyer Cross-examine the witnesses
Argue the case for the victims
Meet the accused persons
Judge Listen to both the public prosecutor and defence lawyer
Write the judgment
Decides for how many years the occured will be put in jail.
Examine the witnesses in court
Pass the judgment
Conduct a fair trial.

(a) No. If the same person performs all the above functions there is no chance of a fair trail. Judgment can never be given if one person may be biased or prejudiced or against the accused or he may even get confused. He can be over-powered by anyone. This may affect the process of investigation and influence the judgement.

(b) I think there are many reasons that different persons need to play as a part of the criminal justice system.

  1. to cheat the corrupt practises
  2. to protect the right of life
  3. to give right judgment without any hindrance.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science History Chapter 8 Clothing: A Social History

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science History Chapter 8 Clothing: A Social History

Textbook Exercises

Question 1.
Explain the reasons for the changes in clothing patterns and materials in the eighteenth century.
The eighteenth century Europe witnessed changes in the clothing patterns and materials. The French revolution ended the sumptuary laws meant for the socially inferiors. From now on, both, men and women, in France,.began wearing clothing that was loose and comfortable. The colours of France—blue, white and red-became popular. The other political symbols too became a part of dress were the red cap of liberty, long trousers and the revolutionary cockade pinned on to the hat. The simplicity of clothing was meant to express the idea of equality, so significant in the French revolution.

Question 2.
What were the sumptuary laws in France?
The sumptuary Jaws were related to the dress and food codes during the medieval France/until the French revolution. The socially inferiors were to observe these laws, preventing them from wearing certain clothes, consuming certain foods and be erages (usually this referred to alcohol) and hunting game in certain areas. In medieval France, the items of clothing a person could purchase per year was regulated not only by income but also by social rank. The material to be used for clothing was also legally prescribed. Only royalty could war expensive materials like. ermine and fur, or silk, velvet and brocade.

Question 3.
Give any two examples of the ways in which the European dress codes were different from the Indian dress codes.
There are numerous differences between the dress codes of the Europeans and the Indians. One exaimple is while the Europeans wear hat, the Indians use turban or cap. Another difference, usually the dhoti by men and sari by women. These differences relate to the times before the coming of the British in India.

Question 4.
In 1805, a British official, Benjamin Heyne, listed the manufactures of Bangalore which included the following:
— Women’s cloth of different musters and names
— Coarse chintz
— Muslins
— Silk cloths
Of this list, which kind of cloth would have definitely fallen out of use in the early 1800s and why?
Muslins. Such a kind of cloth so fitted the body that it led to deformities.

Question 5.
Suggest reasons why women in nineteenth century India were obliged to continue wearing traditional Indian dress even when men switched over to the more convenient Western clothing. What does this show about the position of women in society?
Women in the 19th, century India wore the traditional Indian dress because they still were confined to the household duties. Men, on the other hand, were exposed to the outer world. As such, they began wearing the western-style clothing, especially those who were engaged in. East India Company. The women had to wear the traditional clothes because caste norms did not relish the changed dress codes of the women. Furthermore, the traditional clothing which women used to wear were comfortable one.

Question 6.
Winston Churchill described Mahatma Gandhi as a ‘seditious Middle Temple Lawyer’ now ‘posing as a half naked fakir’.
What provoked such a comment and what does it tell you about the symbolic strength of Mahatma Gandhi’s dress?
Winston Churchill was, by temperate and nature, an imperialist and by design, autocratic and arrogant. He made these comments about Gandhiji out of sheer jealousy, without knowing the support that half naked fakir’ had. Gandhiji’s strength lay in his simplicity and the live he had received form the millions of Indians for whom he not only lived, but died also. He, as the apostle of peace grandeur and simplicity, was much greater than millions of Churchills put together.

Question 7.
Why did Mahatma Gandhi dream of clothing the nation in khadi appeal only, to some sections of Indians?
Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) was the greatest of the great which India has produced. He had mass appeal, with millions of Indians following him blindly. He was a simple man and knew the plight of a common poor Indian. He dressed himself as simple as possible. The use of Khadi by the Indian spun through charakha was symbolic of India’s patriotism. He knew that the common Indians could hardly afford costly clothes. That is different thing that some sections of Indians didnot subscribe to his views.

These Solutions are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science History Chapter 8 Clothing: A Social History.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Geography Chapter 10 Life in the Deserts

Life in the Deserts Class 7 Questions and Answers Geography Chapter 10

Class 7 Geography Chapter 10 NCERT Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Answer the following questions :
(i) What are two types of deserts found in the world?
Following two types of deserts are found in the world
(a) Hot Deserts
(b) Cold Deserts

(ii) In which continent is the Sahara desert located?
Sahara desert is located in Africa.

(iii) What are the climatic conditions of the Ladakh desert?
The climatic conditions of Ladakh desert are extremely cold and dry.

(iv) What mainly attracts tourists to Ladakh?

(v) What type of clothes the people of the Sahara desert wear?
They wear heavy robes as prolection against dust storms and hot winds.

(vi) Name the trees that grow in Ladakh.
Due to high aridity, the vegetation here is scanty. There are scanty patches of grass and shrubs for animal to graze. Groves of willows and poplars are seen in the valley. During summer fruit trees such as apples, apricots and walnuts bloom.

Question 2.
Tick the correct answer :
(i) Sahara is located in which part of Africa
(a) Eastern
(b) Northern
(c) Western
(b) Northern.

(ii) Sahara is what type of desert
(a) cold
(b) hot
(c) mild
(b) hot.

(iii) The Ladakh desert is mainly inhabited by
(a) Christians and Muslims
(b) Buddhists and Muslims
(c) Christians and Buddhists
(b) Buddhists and Muslims.

(iv) Deserts are characterised by
(a) Scanty vegetation
(b) heavy precipitation
(c) low evaporation
(a) Scanty vegetation.

(v) Hemis in the Ladakh is a famous
(a) temple
(b) church
(c) monastery
(c) Monastery.

(vi) Egypt is famous for growing :
(a) wheat
(b) maize
(c) cotton
(a) wheat.

Question 3.
Match the following—
(/) Oasis (a) Libya
(ii) Bedouins (b) monastery
(Hi) Oil (c) Glacier
(iv) Gangri (d) depressions with water
(v) Lamayuru (e) Sahara
Ans. (0 Oasis (d) depressions with water
(ii) Bedouins (e) Sahara
(Hi) Oil (a) Libya
(iv) Gangri (c) Glacier
(v) Lamayuru (b) monastery

Question 4.
Give reasons :
(i) There is scanty vegetation in the deserts.
There is scanty vegetation in the desert due to extreme harsh temperature.

(ii) People of the Sahara desert wear heavy robes.
People of Sahara desert wear heavy robes for their protection against dust storms and hot winds.

Question 5.
Map Skills :
(i) On the outline map of Africa, mark the Sahara Desert.
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Geography Chapter 10 Life in the Deserts 1

(ii) On the outline map of India, mark the Karakoram Range, Zanskar Range, Ladakh and Zoji La pass.
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Geography Chapter 10 Life in the Deserts 2

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science History Chapter 7 History and Sports: The Story of Cricket

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science History Chapter 7 History and Sports: The Story of Cricket

Textbook Exercises

Question 1.
Test cricket is a unique game in many ways. Discuss some of the ways in which it is different from other team games. How are the peculiarities of Test cricket shaped by its historical Beginnings as a village game?
Test cricket is a unique game in many ways. It is different from other games. Some of the differences are :

  1. It is played for many days, three days earlier and five days later; the other games are played for a couple of hours; It is .time consuming.
  2. The cricket pitch has a length of 22 yards, though the ground of the game is fairly big; it does not lay down the dimension of the playing areas whereas other games such as hockey and football do.
  3. The cricket ground is either oval or circular; the ground for other game is usually rectangular.

The peculiarities of the test cricket have been shaped by its historical beginning. The rural/village game of cricket was played on village commons with no time limit, then it came to be three days’ game; and thereafter, the test cricket, for five days. A match meant bowling put a team twice. As the village life was slower, the cricket rules were made to conform to these situations. As the cricket was played at village commons, there was no limit of the size of the ground, and the boundaries were not specified distance-wise. Again, the cricket equipments, such as bat, stamps, bails have a rural element. All these are made up of wood, unlike the tools of the other games (golf and tennis etc.) which are industrially manufactured.

Question 2.
Describe one way in which in the nineteenth century, technology brought about a change in equipment and give one example where no change in equipment took place.
The 19th-century technology has brought about changes m the cricket equipment though, in numerous other ways, there has been no changes.

One change in cricket equipment relates to protective equipment such as pads, gloves, and helmet: these are the results of the 19th-century technology. There is no change in the equipment: bats, stump, bails, balls, remain as they were, though there are changes in their shapes and manufacturing.

Question 3.
Explain why cricket became popular in India and the West Indies. Can you give -reasons why it did not become popular in countries in South America?
Cricket became popular in India because the local elites such as Parsis and the settled Europeans encouraged it. It became popular in the West Indies because the white settlers and the people of the Indian origin made it popular.

Cricket is played in Britain and in countries which had the British colonies, i.e. in commonwealth countries. That is why it did not become popular in South America.

Question 4.
Give brief explanations for the following:
(i) The Parsis were the first Indian community to set up a cricket club in India.
(ii) Mahatma Gandhi condemned the Pentangular tournament.
(iii) The name of the ICC was changed from the Imperial Cricket Conference to the International Cricket Conference.
(iv) The significance of the shift of the ICC headquarters from London to Dubai.

  1. The Parsis were the people who came into close contact with the British because of their interest in trade and the first to westernise themselves, they were the first to set up a cricket club, i.e. the Oriental Cricket Club in Bombay.
  2. Mahatma Gandhi condemned the Pentangular tournament because it had the communally divisive element.
  3. The name was changed from the Imperial Cricket Conference to International Cricket Conference so to scrap the England- Australia influence on the conference.
  4. The shift symbolized the game’s centre of gravity to a place which is tax-free (Dubai).

Question 5.
How have advances in technology, especially television technology, affected the development of contemporary cricket?
The advances in technology especially television technology has affected the development of contemporary cricket. Television coverage changed cricket. It expanded the audience for the game by bringing cricket into small towns and villages. It also broadened cricket’s social base. Children who had never previously had the chance to watch international cricket could now watch and learn by imitating their heroes. The satellite technology created a global market for cricket. People in Jaipur can see the one-day being played at Dubai.

These Solutions are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science History Chapter 7 History and Sports: The Story of Cricket.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Sanskrit Shemushi Chapter 2 बुद्धिर्बलवती सदा

Shemushi Sanskrit Class 10 Solutions Chapter 2 बुद्धिर्बलवती सदा


प्रश्न 1.
अधोलिखितानां प्रश्नानाम् उत्तराणि संस्कृतभाषया लिखत-
(क) बुद्धिमती केन उपेता पितुर्गृहं प्रति चलिता?
बुद्धिमती पुत्रद्वयोपेता पितृगृहं प्रति चलिता।

(ख) व्याघ्रः किं विचार्य पलायित:?
व्याघ्रः इति विचार्य पलायितः, यत् इयं व्याघ्र मारी अस्ति।

(ग) लोके महतो भयात् कः मुच्यते?
लोके महतो भयात् बुद्धिमान् मुच्यते।

(घ) जम्बुकः किं वदन् व्याघ्रस्य उपहासं करोति?
जम्बुक: एवं वदन् व्याघ्रस्य उपहासं करोति, यत् “व्वया महत्कोतुकम् आवेदितं यन्मानुषात् अपि विभेषि”?

(ङ) बुद्धिमती शृंगालं किम् उक्तवती?
बुद्धिमती भंगालं उक्तवती यत् रे रे धर्त! व्वया मह्यं पुरा व्याघ्र त्रयं दत्तम्। विश्वास (अपि) अद्य एक आनीय कथं यासि इति अधुना वद।

प्रश्न 2.
स्थूलपदमाधृत्य प्रश्ननिर्माणं कुरुतसियार-
(क) तत्र राजसिंहो नाम राजपुत्रः वसति स्म। जल्दी चलो।
तत्र किम् नाम राजपुत्रः वसतिस्म?

(ख) बुद्धिमती चपेटया पुत्रौ प्रद्धतवती।
बुद्धिमती कया पुत्रौ पद्धतवती?

(ग) व्याघ्रं दृष्ट्वा धूर्तः शृगालः अवदत्।
कं दृष्ट्वा धूर्तः शृगालः अवदत्?

(घ) त्वं मानुषात् बिभेषि।
त्वम् कस्मात् बिभेषि?

(ङ) पुरा त्वया मह्यं व्याघ्रत्रयं दनम्।
पुरा त्वया कस्मै व्याघ्रत्रयं दनम्?

प्रश्न 3.
अधोलिखितानि वाक्यानि घटनाक्रमानुसारेण योजयत-
(क) व्याघ्रः व्याघ्रमारी इयमिति मत्वा पलायितः।
(ख) प्रत्युत्पन्नमतिः सा शृगालं आक्षिपन्ती उवाच।
(ग) जम्बुककृतोत्साहः व्याघ्रः पुनः काननम् आगच्छत्।
(घ) मार्गे सा एकं व्याघ्रम् अपश्यत्।
(ङ) व्याघ्रं दृष्ट्वा सा पुत्रौ ताडयन्ती उवाच-अधुना एकमेव व्याघ्रं विभज्य भुज्यताम्।
(च) बुद्धिमती पुत्रद्वयेन उपेता पितुर्गृह प्रति चलिता।
(छ) ‘त्वं व्याघ्रत्रयम् आनेतुं’ प्रतिज्ञाय एकमेव आनीतवान्।
(ज) गलबद्धशृगालक: व्याघ्रः पुनः पलायितः।
(1) च (2) घ (3) ङ (4) क (5) ग (6) ख (7) छ (8) ज

  1. (च) बुद्धिमती पुत्रद्वयेन उपेता पितुर्गृह प्रति चलिता।
  2. (घ) मार्गे सा एकं व्याघ्रम् अपश्यत्।
  3. (ङ) व्याघ्रं दृष्ट्वा सा पुत्रौ ताडयन्ती उवाच-अधुना एकमेव व्याघ्रं विभज्य भुज्यताम्।
  4. (क) व्याघ्रः व्याघ्रमारी इयमिति मत्वा पलायितः।
  5. (ग) जम्बुककृतोत्साहः व्याघ्रः पुनः काननम् आगच्छत्।
  6. (ख) प्रत्युत्पन्नमतिः सा शृगालं आक्षिपन्ती उवाच।
  7. (छ) ‘त्वं व्याघ्रत्रयम् आनेतुं’ प्रतिज्ञाय एकमेव आनीतवान्।
  8. (ज) गलबद्धशृगालक: व्याघ्रः पुनः पलायितः।

प्रश्न 4.
सन्धि/सन्धिविच्छेदं वा कुरुत-
(क) पितुर्गृहम् – ……….. + ……….
पितुर्गृहम् – पितुः + गृहम्

(ख) एकैक: – ……………… + ……….
एकैकः – एकः + एकः

(ग) ……………… – अन्यः + अपि
अन्योऽपि – अन्यः + अपि

(घ) …………….. – इति + उक्त्वा
इत्युक्त्वा – इति + उक्त्वा

(ङ) ……………. – यत्र + आस्ते
यत्रास्ते – यत्र + आस्ते

प्रश्न 5.
अधोलिखितानां पदानाम् अर्थः कोष्ठकात् चित्वा लिखत
(क) ददर्श – (दर्शितवान्, दृष्टवान्)
(क) पितुर्गृहम् – ……….. + ……….

(ख) जगाद – (अकथयत्, अगच्छत्)

(ग) ययौ – (याचितवान्, गतवान्)

(घ) अनुम् – (खादितुम्, आविष्कर्तुम्)

(ङ) मुच्यते- (मुक्तो भवति, मग्नो भवति)
मुक्तो भवति

(च) ईक्षते – (पश्यति, इच्छति)

प्रश्न 6.
(अ) पाठात् चित्वा पर्यायपदं लिखत
(क) वनम् – …………………..
वनम् – काननम्

(ख) नृगालः – …………………..
नृगालः – जम्बुकः

(ग) शीघ्रम् – …………………..
शीघ्रम् – तूर्णम्

(घ) पत्नी – …………………..
पत्नी – भार्या

(ङ) गच्छसि – …………….
गच्छसि – यासि

(आ) पाठात् चित्वा विपरीतार्थकं पदं लिखत –
(क) प्रथम: – …………
प्रथमः- द्वितीयः

(ख) उक्त्वा – …………
उक्त्वा – श्रुत्वा

(ग) अधुना – …………
अधुना – तदा

(घ) अवेला – …………
अवेला- वेलाम्

(ङ) बुद्धिहीना – ……..
बुद्धिहीना – बुद्धिमती

प्रश्न 7.
(अ) प्रकृतिप्रत्ययविभागं कुरुत
(क) चलितः – ………..
चलितः – चल + क्तः

(ख) नष्टः – ……………..
नष्टः – नश + क्त

(ग) आवेदितः – …………..
आवेदितः – आ + विद + क्त

(घ) दृष्टः – …………..
दृष्टः – दृश + क्त

(ङ) गतः – …………..
गतः – गम् + क्त

(च) हतः – …………..
हतः – हन् + क्त

(छ) पठितः – …………..
पठितः – पठ् + क्त

(ज) लब्धः – …………..
लब्धः – लभ् + क्त

(आ) उदाहरणमनुसृत्य कर्तरि प्रथमा विभक्तेः क्रियायाञ्च ‘क्तवतु’ प्रत्ययस्य प्रयोगं कृत्वा वाच्यपरिवर्तनं कुरुत –

यथा-तया अहं हन्तुम् आरब्धः – सा मां हन्तुम् आरब्मावती।
(क) मया पुस्तकं पठितम्। – ……………
अहं पुस्तक पठितवान्

(ख) रामेण भोजनं छतम्। – ………..
रामः भोजनं कृतवान्

(ग) सीतया लेखः लिखितः। – ……….
सीता लेख लिखितवती

(च) अश्वेन तृणं भुक्तम्। – ………..
अश्वः तृणं भुक्त्वान्

(ङ) त्वया चित्रं दृष्टम्। – ………….
त्वं चित्रं दृष्टवान्

अब्यपरीक्षोपयोगी प्रश्नाः

प्रश्ना 1.
प्रस्तुत पाठं पठित्वा अधोलिखित प्रश्नानां उत्तराणि लिखत –
(प्रस्तुत पाठ को पढ़कर निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखि)

I. एकपदेन उत्तरत
(क) नार्याः नाम किम् असीत?

(ख) वेला अपि का स्यात्?
वेलाप्य वेला

(ग) धूर्तः कः हसन्नाह?
भवान् कुतः भयात् पलायितः

(घ) भयाकुलचितः, कः नष्ट?

(ङ) पितुगृहं प्रति का चलिता?

II. पूर्णवाक्येन उत्तरत
(क) हसन् शृगालः किम् आह?
हसन् शृगालः आह-” भवान् कुतः भयात् पलायित:?”

(ख) ‘गच्छ जम्बुक!’ इति कः कथयति?
‘गच्छ जम्बुक!’ इति व्याघ्र कथयति।

(ग) यदि सा सम्मुखमीक्षते तर्हि कः हन्तव्यः?
यदि सा सम्मुखमीक्षते तर्हि अहं अन्तव्यः।

(घ) गलबद्धशृगालकः सहसाः कः नष्ट:?
गलबद्धशृगालकः सहसाः व्याघ्रः नष्टः?

(ङ) व्याघ्रजात् मदात् पुनरपि का मुक्ता?
व्याघ्रजात् भयात् पुनरपि बुद्धिमती मुक्त।

योग्यता विस्तार पुस्तक से

ददर्श-दृश् धातु, लिट् लकार, प्रथम पुरुष, एकवचन विभेषि ‘भी’ धातु, लट् लकार, मध्यम पुरुष, एकवचन।

प्रहरन्ती – प्र + ह धातु, शतृ प्रत्यय, स्त्रीलिङ्ग।
गम्यताम् – गम् धातु, कर्मवाच्य, लोट् लकार, प्रथमपुरुष, एकवचन।।
ययौ – ‘या’ धातु, लिट् लकार, प्रथमपुरुष, एकवचन।
यासि – गच्छसि।

गलबद्ध शृंगालकः – गले बद्धः नृगालः यस्य सः।
प्रत्युत्पन्नमतिः – प्रत्युत्पन्ना मतिः यस्य सः।
जम्बुककृतोत्साहात् – जम्बुकेन छतः उत्साहः – जम्बुककृतोत्साहः तस्मात्।
पुत्रद्वयोपेता – पुत्रद्वयेन उपेता।
भयाकुलचिनः – भयेन आकुलः चिनम् यस्य सः।
व्याघ्रमारी – व्याघ्र मारयति इति।
गृहीतकरजीवितः – गृहीतं करे जीवितं येन सः।
भयङ्करा – भयं करोति या इति।

शुकसप्ततिः के लेखक और काल के विषय में यद्यपि भ्रान्ति बनी हुई है, तथापि इसका काल 1000 ई. से 1400 ई. के मध्य माना जाता है। हेमचन्द्र ने (1088-1172) में शुकसप्ततिः का उल्लेख किया है। चौदहवीं शताब्दी में इसका फारसी भाषा में ‘तूतिनामह’ नाम से अनुवाद हुआ था।

शुकसप्ततिः का ढाँचा अत्यन्त सरल और मनोरंजक है। हरिदत्त नामक सेठ का मदनविनोद नामक एक पुत्र था। वह विषयासक्त और कुमार्गगामी था। सेठ को दु:खी देखकर उसके मित्र त्रिविक्रम नामक ब्राह्मण ने अपने घर से नीतिनिपुण शुक और सारिका लेकर उसके घर जाकर कहा-इस सपत्नीक शुक का तुम पुत्र की भाँति पालन करो। इसका संरक्षण करने से तुम्हारा दुख दूर होगा। हरिदत्त ने मदनविनोद को वह तोता दे दिया। तोते की कहानियों ने मदनविनोद का हृदय परिवर्तन कर दिया और वह अपने व्यवसाय में लग गया।

व्यापार प्रसंग में जब वह देशान्तर गया तब शुक अपनी मनोरंजक कहानियों से उसकी पत्नी का तब तक विनोद करता रहा जब तक उसका पति वापस नहीं आ गया। संक्षेप में शुकसप्ततिः अत्यधिक मनोरंजक कथाओं का संग्रह है।

हन् (मारना) धातोः रूपम्।

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Sanskrit Shemushi Chapter 2 बुद्धिर्बलवती सदा 1
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Sanskrit Shemushi Chapter 2 बुद्धिर्बलवती सदा 2

These Solutions are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Sanskrit. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Sanskrit Shemushi Chapter 2 बुद्धिर्बलवती सदा.