UPSC Mains Political science & International Relations Reference Books: Political science & International Relations is a optional subject for civil service examination. we are providing UPSC Mains Political science & International Relations books for reference. Here we suggested famous IAS books with author and publication name for UPSC 2020 exam. The following are the Political science & International Relations UPSC books are in Hindi medium and English.
IAS Mains Political science & International Relations Exam Date 2020 & Reference Books
IAS Mains Exam Update 2020: Civil Services IAS mains exam is going to be held in the month of June 2020. Usually, the exam will be held in two sessions. Morning Session will be from 9 AM to 12 PM whereas the evening session is held from 12 PM to 5 PM.
UPSC IAS Mains Political science & International Relations Exam 2020 will be held on June 2020
UPSC Mains Political science & International Relations Reference Books 2020
Objective Types
- Comparative Govt. & Politics- V N Khanna
- Comparative Govt. & Politics-K R Bombwal
- Comparative Politics-R. Chilkote
- India’s Struggle for Independence-Bipan Chandra.
- Introduction to Indian Constitution-D D Basu
- Introduction to Indian constitution-D D Basu.
- Our Constitution-S C Kashyap
- Our Parliament-S C Kashyap
- Political Theory-Amal Ray & Mohit Bhattacharya.
- Political Theory-Amal Ray, Mohit Bhattacharya.
- Political Theory-Eddy Ashirvatham
- Political Theory-O P Gauba
Subjective Types
Paper I Section A
- A History of Political thought -J.P. Suda
- A History of Political thought -Subrata Mukherjee, Susheela Ramaswamy
- For Manu & Kautilya – Foundations of Indian Political thought V.R. Mehta
- Modern Political Theory-Madan Gandhi
- Modern Political Theory-S.P. Verma
- Political Theory-Eddy Ashirvatham
- Political Theory-J.C. Johri
- Political Theory-Ray & Bhattacharya
Paper I Section B
- Comparative Govt. & Politics-J.C. Johri
- Comparative Govt. & Politics-Ronald Chilkote
- Foundations of Indian Political Thought-V.R. Mehta
- Govt. and Politics of India-W H Morris Jones
- Indian Govt and Politics-M P Singh, Himanshu Roy
- Indian Govt. and Politics-A.S. Narang
- Indian Govt. and Politics-J R Siwach
- Modern Indian Political Thinkers-V.P. Verma
- Politics in India-Rajani Kothari
Paper II Section A
- International Politics-Schuman
- Politics among Nations-Morganthu
- Theoretical aspects of International Politics-Mahendra Kumar
Paper II Section B
- International Politics-Bookhives
- Regular issues of Frontline & World Focus (magazine)
Political science & International Relations Subject in UPSC Mains Examination
UPSC Political Science & International Relations is a branch of social studies which deals with the study of government and its functioning in the country. The study of political science includes subjects like public administration, public law, political theory, international relations, political methodology and many more.
Why UPSC Reference/ Suggested Books are Vital?
UPSC Suggested Books for Political science & International Relations gives you a glimpse of background information(definitions, details, facts, dates) and can assist in focusing on your topic. It is a good place to begin your research. You can access the reference materials for UPSC Civil Services Exam like encyclopedias, handbooks, almanacs, and dictionaries. In order to excel in the UPSC Mains Examination refer suggested books for Political science & International Relations by Experts. Go through the compilation of books on this page and make your preparation easy.
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