Selina Concise Mathematics Class 8 ICSE Solutions PDF

Mathematics is always underrated by many students as the toughest subject. They just run away from it. As there is nothing to mug up in maths, that’s why the students fear mathematics, a lot.

Mathematics is one such subject which helps to develop the logical approach in students.  You cannot fall in love with maths overnight but certainly there are some tips by which will make you fall in love with maths forever. Follow the below mentioned tips for securing good marks in maths.

Selina Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 8 Mathematics – Free PDF Download

While preparing for exams

When you start preparing for the exams make sure you download the Selina Concise Mathematics Class 8 ICSE Solutions from on your mobile or laptop. Make a separate notebook for maintain all the notes reputed to theorems, formulas and other tricks.

Try to solve each and every problem yourself. If you get stuck somewhere, refer the solution book. After solving every problem, check your answer and approach from the solution book. This will help you know the latest examination pattern and the correct approach to be followed.

Understand the syllabus; this will help you know what exactly is expected from you. Solve some sample papers or last year papers; this will give you an idea on time management.

It is not simple to score 100% in Maths, but here are some keys for that:

  1. Learn every concept gradually. Don’t try to cover-up everything in one single day. You will stay confused and the result will be more devastating than before.
  2. Keep you formula notebook and solution book handy.
  3. Practice, practice and practice, until you are satisfied that the hidden concept is clear in your brain.
  4. Maths is one such subject which can be practiced anytime is it night or day.
  5. When you go to bed, just close you r eyes and try to memorize and refresh the formulas which you have learnt today.
  6. If you are weak in maths, give at least 2 hours for practicing questions every day. Even then if you are unable to grasp any concept, don’t hesitate to ask your teacher.

Tips during the Maths examination

  1. Keep your paper clean. Draw a proper margin and a rough space as well. Don’t scribble or do cutting or over writing. First think and then write. This will help you preventing unnecessary error correction.
  2. Maths is a scoring subject. Even if your answer is wrong, maths does have separate number for formulas as well i.e. step marking is followed.
  3. Make sure you copy the right figures from the question paper.
  4. Draw figures and graphs wherever necessary. All the geometry questions accompany a figure. You need to draw that as there are separate numbers for that too.
  5. First attempt the questions which you know and leave the dicey ones for the end. Don’t waste too much time over one problem, as the chances of your paper going un-attempted increases.

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