Are you looking for Class 11 chemistry notes? Then you are in the right place. We have come up with easy to grab notes which are smartly designed by the subject experts. These notes prove to invaluable aid for revising all the important points of the chapters and definitely make you score well.
Chemistry is a very interesting subject itself. From the three major branches of science i.e. Biology, Chemistry, and Physics; the branch of Chemistry is interconnected to the other two branches. Chemistry is linked with Biology to explain various chemical reactions occurring in various life forms.
And could be also related to Physics with respect to calculations. In short, we can say that Chemistry is the branch gives the knowledge about matter and its properties, various phenomenon of combination, etc. Also, the activities which we do daily like breathing, digestion, workout, etc. all can be easily explained with chemistry.
Class 11 Chemistry Notes – Free PDF Download Chapter wise
- Chapter 1 Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry Class 11 Notes
- Chapter 2 Structure of Atom Class 11 Notes
- Chapter 3 Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties Class 11 Notes
- Chapter 4 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure Class 11 Notes
- Chapter 5 States of Matter Class 11 Notes
- Chapter 6 Thermodynamics
- Chapter 7 Equilibrium Class 11 Notes
- Chapter 8 Redox Reactions Class 11 Notes
- Chapter 9 Hydrogen Class 11 Notes
- Chapter 10 The s-Block Elements Class 11 Notes
- Chapter 11 The p-Block Elements Class 11 Notes
- Chapter 12 Organic Chemistry Some Basic Principles and Techniques
- Chapter 13 Hydrocarbons Class 11 Notes
- Chapter 14 Environmental Chemistry Class 11 Notes
Revision notes are very easy to remember because of its format. Also, we do not need to open several books as all points are available in one place. Thus it saves lots of time and also muddling up with the books. As only key points are available in the notes and unnecessary ones are not included thus revision of several chapters can be made at a specific time.
Last minute stuffing during exams is so hard that is why notes are what recommended. It helps to gain confidence to appear in exams by providing an extra edge. Both class 11 and class 12 form the stepping stones of the career. As marks obtained in 11 and next year’s board exams decide the future of the student.
Thus students need to stay focused on the studies and make all the basic fundamentals clear as possible. Also in order to crack medical or engineering entrance exams, good knowledge of the subjects proves to be helpful.
We certainly understand your concerns that the syllabus is quite vast which make it hard to go through all the chapters at the time of examinations. That is why we have brought easily to learn notes which helps to summarise the key points of all the chapters and excel in examinations.
From examination point of view even it is entrance exam all the chapters are very important as any question can be asked from any of the chapters. Each chapter carries some specific weight age. That is why experts recommend going through all the chapters. And if you are left with very less time for exam preparation then only aid to prepare well for exams is revision notes.
11 standard Chemistry syllabus consists of topics from both inorganic and organic chemistry and comprises of total 14 chapters. According to previous year’s papers, it could be concluded that topics related to ‘Period Table of Elements’ like ‘The s-block elements’ and ‘The p-block elements’ are very important, going through these chapters properly could make you score.
Apart from this, ‘Thermodynamics’, ‘Equilibrium’ and ‘Redox Reactions’ are among important and must to go through chapters. And to pass out exams with flying colours easily, all you need to do is download these notes and start revising.