MCQ Questions for Class 9 Hindi Kshitij Chapter 16 यमराज की दिशा with Answers

Question 1.
कवि की मौं दक्षिण दिशा की ओर पैर करके सोने से क्यों मना करती थी?
(a) भगवान के रुष्ट होने के डर से
(b) यमराज के रुष्ट होने के डर से
(c) बीमारी के डर से
(d) वह उसको अशुभ मानती थी


Answer: (b) यमराज के रुष्ट होने के डर से

Question 2.
कवि ने अपनी माँ से क्या प्रश्न किया?
(a) यमराज का घर कहाँ है
(b) पृथ्वी क्यों घूमती है
(c) आकाश में कितने तारे हैं
(d) मेरी शादी कब होगी


Answer: (a) यमराज का घर कहाँ है

Question 3.
कवि को माँ के दक्षिण दिशा की ओर पैर न करके सोने से मना करने का सबसे बड़ा लाभ क्या हुआ?
(a) वह मृत्यु को समझ गया
(b) उसको उत्तर दिशा का ज्ञान हो गया
(c) उसको दक्षिण दिशा का ज्ञान हो गया
(d) वह ज्ञानवान बन गया


Answer: (c) उसको दक्षिण दिशा का ज्ञान हो गया

Question 4.
कवि के अनुसार हर दिशा में कौन है:
(a) घन
(b) ज्ञान
(c) राक्षस
(d) यमराज


Answer: (d) यमराज
आज हर दिशा में यमराज है।

Question 5.
कवि की माँ किस दिशा को मृत्यु की दिशा मानती थी?
(a) उत्तर
(b) पश्चिम
(c) दक्षिण
(d) पूर्व


Answer: (c) दक्षिण
दक्षिण दिशा को वै मृत्यु की दिशा मानती थी।

Question 6.
यमराज कैसी जाँखों सहित सब जगह विराज रहे
(a) दहकती आँखों सहित
(b) मद भरी आँखों सहित
(c) कुरूप आँखों से
(d) मृगनयनी आँखों से


Answer: (a) दहकती आँखों सहित

Question 7.
दक्षिण दिशा को लांघ लेना संभव क्यों नहीं है।
(a) दक्षिण दिशा दुर्गम है
(b) दक्षिण दिशा में समुद्र है
(c) पृथ्वी गोल है अतः कोई अंतिम किनारा नहीं है
(d) दक्षिण में यमराज का घर है


Answer: (c) पृथ्वी गोल है अतः कोई अंतिम किनारा नहीं है

Question 8.
चंद्रकांत देवताले का जन्म कब हुआ?
(a) सन् 1996 में
(b) सन् 1938 में
(c) सन् 1940 में
(d) सन् 1912 में


Answer: (a) सन् 1996 में
सन् 1996 में म.प्र. के बैतूल जिले में हुआ था।

Question 9.
चंद्रकांत देवताले का जन्म कहाँ हुआ?
(a) उत्तर प्रदेश के बस्ती जिले में
(b) मुजफ्फरनगर के तलेपुर गांव में
(c) म.प्र. के बैतूल जिले के जौल खेड़ा गाँव में
(d) बस्ती जिले के अगोना में


Answer: (c) म.प्र. के बैतूल जिले के जौल खेड़ा गाँव में

Question 10.
चंद्रकांत देवताले ने पी.एच.डी. किस विश्वविद्यालय से की है?
(a) मेरठ विश्वविद्यालय
(b) दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय
(c) इलाहाबाद विश्वविद्यालय
(d) सागर विश्वविद्यालय


Answer: (d) सागर विश्वविद्यालय

Question 11.
निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सी रचना चंद्रकांत देवताले की नहीं है?
(a) हड्डियों में छिपा ञ्चर
(b) दीवारों पर खून से
(c) लकड़बग्घा हंस रहा है
(d) झाड़ी पर टंगी आत्मा


Answer: (d) झाड़ी पर टंगी आत्मा

Question 12.
चंद्रकांत देवताले को निम्नलिखित में कौन-सा पुरस्कार मिला है?
(a) ज्ञानपीठ पुरस्कार
(b) माखनलाल चतुर्वेदी पुरस्कार
(c) पदमभूषण
(d) साहित्य अकादमी पुरस्कार


Answer: (b) माखनलाल चतुर्वेदी पुरस्कार

Question 13.
कवि की गाँ क्या जताने की कोशिश करती है।
(a) वह ईश्वर को अच्छी प्रकार जानती है
(b) वह अपने पुत्र से बहुत प्यार करती है
(c) वह ईश्वर से कभी नहीं मिली है
(d) यह बहुत बड़ी विदुषी है


Answer: (a) वह ईश्वर को अच्छी प्रकार जानती है

Question 14.
मों के कार्यों से कैसा आभास होता है?
(a) जैसे उसके कार्य बहुत सोच समझकर किए गये हैं
(b) जैसे वह सभी कार्य भगवान की मर्जी से करती है
(c) जैसे वह बहुल अनजान है
(d) जैसे उससे होशियार कोई नहीं है।


Answer: (b) जैसे वह सभी कार्य भगवान की मर्जी से करती है

Question 15.
कवि की माँ ने एक बार कवि से क्या कहा?
(a) ईश्वर का भजन करो
(b) मेहनत से पढ़ो
(c) दक्षिण दिशा में यमराज का घर है
(d) किसी से मत इरो


Answer: (c) दक्षिण दिशा में यमराज का घर है

काव्यांश पर आधारित बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न

“मैं दक्षिण में दूर-दूर तक गया
और मुझे हमेशा माँ याद आई
दक्षिण को लाँघ लेना संभव नहीं था
होता छोर तक पहुँच पाना
तो यमराज का घर देख लेता
पर आज जिधर भी पैर करके सोओ
वही दक्षिण दिशा हो जाती है
सभी दिशाओं में यमराज के आलीशान महल हैं
और वे सभी में एक साथ
अपनी दहकती आँखों सहित विराजते हैं।”
उपरोक्त काव्यांश के आधार पर निम्न प्रश्नों के संक्षेप में उत्तर दीजिए

Question 1.
कवि ने ऐसा क्यों कहा है कि दक्षिण को लॉय लेना संभव नहीं है?


Answer: पृथ्वी गोल है। पृथ्वी पर चाहे जितना भी चलो, कभी इसका अंतिम किनारा नहीं आता। इसलिए कवि कभी दक्षिण छोर को नहीं लाँघ पाया।

Question 2.
कवि के अनुसार आज हर विशा दक्षिण विशा क्यों हो गई है?


Answer: इस पक्ति का आशय यह है कि समाज के चारों ओर चोर, लुटेरे, बदमाश, भ्रष्टाचारी भरे पड़े हैं। चारों और मृत्यु तांडव नृत्य करती है। आज चारों ओर ही यमराज का घर है।

Question 3.
निम्न पंक्तियों का भाव स्पष्ट कीजिए-
“सभी विशाओं में यमराज के आलीशान महल है
और वे सभी में एक साथ
अपनी दहकती आँखों सहित विराजते हैं।”


Answer: भाव-आज सब ओर आतंक मचाने वाले हैं। अपने स्वार्थों के लिए किसी भी खून कर देने वालों की कमी नहीं है। समाज के हर कोने में मृत्यु के सौदागर बैठे हैं। जो अपनी कुपित आँखों से किसी का भी काम तमाम कर सकते हैं। ऐसे कार्य करने वालों के आलीशान मकान है, क्योंकि इनके पास धन की कमी तो नहीं होती। ये हत्या, लूटपाट, भ्रष्टाचार किसी भी तरीके से धन कमाकर ठाठ की जिंदगी जीने का प्रयास करते हैं।

मंजूषा से कविता का छूटा हुआ अंश चुनकर कविता की पंक्तियों को पूरा कीजिए।

(क) माँ की ईश्वर से मुलाकात हुई या नहीं …………. पर वह जताती थी जैसे।


Answer: कहना मुश्किल है

(ख) ………………………. उसकी बात-चीत होती है।


Answer: ईश्वर से

(ग) और उससे प्राप्त …………….


Answer: सलाहों के अनुसार

(घ) जिंदगी जीने और दुख बर्दाश्त करने के ………….


Answer: रास्ते खोज लेती है।

सही कथन के सामने (✓) और गलत कयन के सामने (✗) का चिह्न लगाइए।

(क) माँ ने कहा दक्षिण दिशा में भूत रहते हैं।


Answer: (✗)
माँ ने कहा कि दक्षिण दिशा यमराज की दिशा है

(ख) यमराज लोगों के प्राण हरता है। प्राण हरताहा


Answer: (✓)

(ग) कवि को लगता था कि माँ की ईश्वर से भेंट होती है।


Answer: (✓)

(घ) माँ ने कवि से कहा कि उत्तर की ओर पर करके मत सोना।


Answer: (✗)
मों ने कहा कि दक्षिण दिशा की ओर पैर करके मत सोना

(ङ) दक्षिण दिशा को लांघ लेना संभव है।


Answer: (✗)
दक्षिण दिशा को लांघ लेना संभव नहीं है

(च) आज यमराज हर दिशा में है।


Answer: (✓)

कविता की निम्नलिखित पक्तियों को व्यवस्थित करके पुनः लिखिए

(क) पर आज जिथर भी पर करके सोओ – माँ अब नहीं है
(ख) सभी दिशाओं में चमराज के आलीशान महल हैं – वही दक्षिण दिशा हो जाती है
(ग) अपनी दहकती आँखों सहित विराजते। – और वे सभी में एक है
(य) और यमराज की दिशा भी वह नहीं रही – जो माँ जानती थी


(क) – वहीं दक्षिण दिशा हो जाती है
(खा) – और वे सभी में एक साथ
(ग) – मा अब नहीं है
(घ) – जो माँ जानती थी।

Practice MCQ Questions on Indian Geography | Indian Geography Quiz Questions with Answers

MCQ Questions on Indian Geography

Indian Geography is a major subject in the part of General Awareness section for competitive exams & government exams. Exams like IAS, State PSC, SSC, UPSC, Bank, etc. will ask plenty of questions from Indian Geography. So, practice MCQ Questions on Indian Geography from this page and test your level of preparation. In this guide, we have provided various Indian Geography Quiz Questions and Answers with a clear-cut explanation.

Indian Geography Multiple Choice Questions & Answers

1. Kalgoorlie and Coolgardie – places famous for gold mines are located in:
A. Australia
C. England
D. South Africa


Answer: Option A
Explanation: Kalgoorlie-Boulder, known colloquially as just Kalgoorlie, is a city in the Goldfields-Esperance region of Western Australia, located 595 km (370 mi) east-northeast of Perth at the end of the Great Eastern Highway.

2. Tadoba national park known for sheltering tiger, panther and bear is located in:
A. Assam
B. Chandrapur (Maharashtra)
C. Karnataka
D. Tamil Nadu


Answer: Option B
Explanation : In the Chandrapur district of Maharashtra lies the Tadoba Andhari National park which shelters around 43 tigers till date. The tiger reserve is one of the fifty tiger reserves in India which also happens to be the largest and oldest national park in the state. The name of the national park was kept after the name of the God “Tadoba” who is worshipped by the local tribes, and Andhari is the name of the river which meanders between the forest.

3. In geography who propounded the theory of convectional current hypothesis?
A. Arthur Holmes
B. Carl Ritter
C. Arnaldo Faustini
D. Immanuel Kant


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Arthur Holmes postulated convection current theory in the year 1928–29. It is widely accepted driving mechanism for continental drift(moving apart) which lead to the foundation of modern plate tectonics. His main objective was to find the scientific explanation of origin of the continent and oceans. But it is also widely accepted concept of mountain building.

4. Apatanis are the tribes found in:

A. Himanchal Pradesh
B. Nagaland
C. Sikkim
D. Arunachal Pradesh


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The Apatani, or Tanw, also known by Apa and Apa Tani, are a tribal group of people living in the Ziro valley in the Lower Subansiri district of Arunachal Pradesh in India.

5. Genoa is leading seaport of:
A. Spain
B. Brazil
C. Italy
D. Canada


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The Port of Genoa is the major Italian seaport and it’s in competition with the ports of Marseille and Barcelona to be the biggest of the Mediterranean Sea. With a trade volume of 51.6 million tonnes, it is the busiest port of Italy by cargo tonnage.

6. The year ____ is called a Great Divide in the demographic history of India.
A. 1901
B. 1921
C. 1941
D. 1951


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The year 1921 is a “year of the great divide” in the demographic history of India when mortality started to decline leading to acceleration in the rate of population growth (the second stage).

7. Willandra Lakes Region a UNESCO Heritage site is located in:
A. The USA
B. Australia
C. The UK
D. Germany


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The Willandra Lakes Region is a world heritage site in the far west region of New South Wales, Australia.

8. The only private sector refinery set up by Reliance Petroleum Ltd. is located at
A. Guwahati
B. Jamnagar
C. Mumbai
D. Chennai


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The Jamnagar Refinery is a private sector crude oil refinery owned by Reliance Industries Limited in Jamnagar, Gujarat, India.

9. The only state in India that produces saffron is
A. Assam
B. Himachal Pradesh
C. Jammu and Kashmir
D. Meghalaya


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Jammu and Kashmir is the only state in India producing saffron.

10. The headquarters of International Astronomical Union (IAU) is located in:
A. Geneva
B. Mexico city
C. New york
D. Paris (France)


Answer: Option D
Explanation : International Astronomical Union (IAU), senior body governing international professional astronomical activities worldwide, with headquarters in Paris. It was established in 1919 as the first of a series of international unions for the advancement of specific branches of science.

11. With which country in the year 2010 did India propose to develop a solar city in India?

A. Japan
B. Russia
C. South Africa


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Japan is the country with which India propose to develop a solar city in India.

12. The Barak River is a famous river of:
A. The Western Ghat
B. Eastern Ghat
C. Satpura hills
D. Manipur hills


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The principal tributaries of the Barak in India are the Jirl, the Dhaleshwari, the Singla, the Longai, the Sonai and the Katakhal. From its source in the Manipur Hills near Mao Songsang, the river is known as the Barak River.

13. The headquarters of North Western Railway is located in:
A. Bhopal
B. Gwalior
C. Uday
D. Jaipur


Answer: Option D
Explanation : North Western Railway has its zonal headquarters at Jaipur. Furthermore, the zone is divided into four divisions headquartered at Jaipur, Ajmer, Bikaner and Jodhpur.

14. Three important rivers of the Indian subcontinent have their sources near the Mansarover Lake in the Great Himalayas. These rivers are
A. Indus Jhelum and Sutlej
B. Brahmaputra Sutlej and Yamuna
C. Brahmaputra Indus and Sutlej
D. Jhelum Sutlej and Yamuna


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Three important rivers of the Indian subcontinent have their sources near the Mansarover Lake in the Great Himalayas. These rivers are Brahmaputra, Indus and Sutlej.

15. The zonal soil type of peninsular India belongs to
A. red soils
B. yellow soils
C. black soils
D. older alluvium


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The zonal soil type of peninsular India belongs to red soils.

16. The largest river of all the west flowing rivers of the peninsular India is:
A. Tapti
B. Kaveri
C. Krishna
D. Narmada


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Unlike east flowing major rivers of peninsular India, Narmada and Tapi (Tapti) are west flowing rivers running parallel to Vindhyas and Satpura Ranges and do not form deltas. Narmada is the third longest river of peninsular India with a length of 1312 kilometers.

17. Between the valley of Narmada river in the north and the Tapti in the south lies:
A. The Satpura Range
B. The Vindhya Range
C. The Aravali Range
D. None of Above


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The Narmada and the Tapti are major rivers that drain into the Arabian Sea. The Narmada originates in eastern Madhya Pradesh ( India) and flows west across the state, through a narrow valley between the Vindhya Range and spurs of the Satpura Range. It flows into the Gulf of Khambhat.

18. Scunthorpe and Frodingham are:
A. The main mining centres of Britain
B. Agriculture centres of Britain
C. industrial centres of Britain
D. None of these


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Frodingham was a hamlet in Lincolnshire which has grown into a suburb of Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire. Although the village lay directly to the south of what is now Scunthorpe town centre, the name Frodingham is now often used to refer to the area directly to the north of the town centre. They are the main mining centres of Britain.

19. First Metro Railway was inaugurated in Kolkata:
A. 1982
B. 1987
C. 1984
D. 1990


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The underwater metro plan was thought of when the first metro service was inaugurated in Kolkata in October 24, 1984 by former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

20. India’s first Stock Exchange Bombay Stock Exchange was established in:
A. 1875
B. 1884
C. 1882
D. 1880


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The Bombay Stock Exchange, popularly known as BSE, is the oldest one in Asia. BSE was established in 1875 as The Native Share and Stock Brokers Association. The Tokyo Stock Exchange was established in 1878. The Bombay Stock Exchange, popularly known as BSE, is the oldest one in Asia.

21. Umiam Multipurpose Power Project is located in:
A. Himachal Pradesh
B. Meghalya
C. Sikkim
D. Nagaland


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Umiam Lake (commonly known as Barapani Lake) is a reservoir in the hills 15 km (9.3 mi) north of Shillong in the state of Meghalaya, India. It was created by damming the Umiam River in the early 1960s. Umiam Multipurpose Power Project is located in Meghalaya.

22. The world largest producer of natural gas is:
A. America
B. England
C. Russia
D. India


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Russia is the world’s leading natural gas exporter and leading natural gas producer, while also the second largest oil exporter and largest oil producer, though Russia interchanges the latter status with Saudi Arabia from time to time.

23. Xinhua is the Official News Agency of:
A. Japan
B. China
C. South Korea
D. North Korea


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Xinhua News Agency or New China News Agency is the official state-run press agency of the People’s Republic of China.

24. The index which refers to moisture deficit or surplus in an area is called:
A. Moisture Index
B. Humidity
C. Moisture Number
D. Dew Point


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The term used instead of ‘moisture budget’, e.g. by C. W. Thornthwaite (1955), and calculated from the aridity and humidity indices, as I m = 100 × (S − D)/PE, where I m is the moisture index, S is the water surplus, D is the water deficit, and PE is the potential evapotranspiration.

25. The study of plant communities in relation to their habitats of a given ecosystem is known as:

A. Seneology
B. Synecology
C. Ecology
D. Ecosystem


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Synecology is the study of group of organisms of different species which are associated together as a unit in form of a community. Also known as community ecology. Autecology helps us to understand the relationships between individual plants and environment.

26. The instrument which measures the intensity of solar radiation is called:
A. Barometer
B. Energymeter
C. Solarimeter
D. Speedometer


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The solarimeter measures routine global solar radiation on a plane or level surface. It has a thermocouple junction-sensing element. The sensing element is coated with a highly stable carbon based non organic coating, which delivers excellent spectral absorption and long-term stability characteristics. The sensing element is housed under two concentric fitting glass domes.

27. Any wind blowing down the slope of a mountain is called:
A. Anabatic Wind
B. Katabatic Wind
C. Down Falling Wind
D. Slope Wind


Answer: Option B
Explanation : A katabatic wind (named from the Greek word katabasis, meaning “descending”) is the technical name for a drainage wind, a wind that carries high-density air from a higher elevation down a slope under the force of gravity. Such winds are sometimes also called fall winds; the spelling catabatic winds also occurs. Katabatic winds can rush down elevated slopes at hurricane speeds, but most are not as intense as that, and many are of the order of 10 knots (18 km/h) or less.

28. The zone of low atmospheric pressure and ascending air located at or near the equator is called:
A. Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)
B. Outer-Tropical Convergence Zone
C. Intera-Tropical Convergence Zone
D. None of Above


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The Inter Tropical Convergence Zone, or ITCZ, is a belt of low pressure which circles the Earth generally near the equator where the trade winds of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres come together. It is characterised by convective activity which generates often vigorous thunderstorms over large areas.

29. Indian state known as garden spice is:

A. Karnataka
B. West Bengal
C. Kerala
D. Sikkim


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Kerala is one of the beautiful state in India, it is known for its rich sources. Some of the spices are: Pepper, Vanilla, Cardamom and Clove.

30. Rajiv Gandhi Environment Award is given for outstanding contribution to:
A. Health
B. Tourism
C. Agriculture
D. Contribution in the development of Neat technology


Answer: Option D
Explanation : This award is given to industrial units that make a significant contribution towards the development of new, or the innovative modification of existing, technologies or adoption and use of clean technologies and practices that substantially reduce or prevent environmental pollution. The award consist of a cash prize of Rupees Two lakh, trophy and citation.

31. Sandstone, conglomerate, limestone, shalepotash, loess, geyserites, chalk, coal, chert, halite are the examples of:
A. Igneous rock
B. Metamorphic
C. Sedimentary Rocks
D. None of Above


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Sandstone, conglomerate, limestone, shalepotash, loess, geyserites, chalk, coal, chert, halite are the examples of Sedimentary Rocks.

32. The second most important agro based industry of India after textiles is:
A. Dairy Industry
B. Pulp Industry
C. Processed Food Industry
D. Sugar Industry


Answer: Option D
Explanation : India is the second largest sugar producing country of the world after Brazil. In 1840, the first sugar industry was set up in Betia (Bihar). Sugar production is known in India since ancient times, but modern sugar industry in India developed in first decade of the twentieth century.

33. As per 2011 Census of India the state which registered lowest sex ratio (female per thousand males) is:
A. Rajsthan
B. Haryana
C. Odissa
D. Nagaland


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Sex ratio is used to describe the number of females per 1000 of males. In the Population Census of 2011 it was revealed that the population ratio in India 2011 is 943 females per 1000 of males. Haryana has the lowest sex ratio (877) in Indian states while in union territory Daman & Diu has lowest sex ratio of 618.

34. Selves are dense tropical rain forest of:
A. South America
B. North America
C. South Africa
D. Australia


Answer: Option A
Explanation : A dense tropical rain forest usually having a cloud cover, especially one in the Amazon basin of South America.

35. Seasonal movement of people and their herds from valley to mountain and vice-versa is known as:
A. Transgoing
B. Transhumance
C. Transcoming
D. Transmountain


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Transhumance is a type of pastoralism or nomadism, a seasonal movement of livestock between fixed summer and winter pastures. In montane regions (vertical transhumance), it implies movement between higher pastures in summer and lower valleys in winter. Herders have a permanent home, typically in valleys. Generally only the herds travel, with a certain number of people necessary to tend them, while the main population stays at the base. In contrast, horizontal transhumance is more susceptible to being disrupted by climatic, economic, or political change.

36. The industrial region of India which has the predominance of metal industries is:
A. Penisular Region
B. Chotanagpur Region
C. Delta Region
D. Brahmputra Region


Answer: Option B
Explanation : This region is located on the Chotanagpur plateau and extends over Jharkhand, Northern Orissa and western part of West Bengal. The birth and growth of this region is linked with the discovery of coal in Damodar Valley and iron ore in the Jharkhand-Orissa mineral belt. As both are found in close proximity, the region is known as the ‘Ruhr of India’.

37. The mean thickness of oceanic crust and continental crust is around:
A. 5 kilometer and 15 kilometer respectively.
B. 10 kilometer and 30 kilometer respectively.
C. 5 kilometer and 30 kilometer respectively.
D. 18 kilometer and 40 kilometer respectively.


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The mean thickness of oceanic crust and continental crust is around 5 kilometer and 30 kilometer respectively.

38. Mahe and Yanam are the parts of the Union Territory of:
A. Dadar Nagar Haveli
B. Chandigarh
C. Daman and Diu
D. Puducherry


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Puducherry lies in the southern part of the Indian Peninsula. The areas of Puducherry district and Karaikal district are bound by the state of Tamil Nadu, while Yanam district and Mahé district are enclosed by the states of Andhra Pradesh and Kerala respectively.

39. The most important breed of wool producing sheep in the world is:

A. Texel
B. Merino
C. Deper
D. Dorset


Answer: Option B
Explanation : By 1810 Australia boasted over 30,000 sheep and was one of the world Merino wool trade centers, together with the United States and Germany and by 1840 it was the most important Merino sheep grower, together with South Africa and New Zealand. The rest of the world focused on cross-bred and coarser-wool sheep breeds.

40. Saar is a famous field in:
A. The Netherlands
B. Australia
D. Germany


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The Territory of the Saar Basin (German: Saarbeckengebiet, Saarterritorium; French: Le Territoire du Bassin de la Sarre) was a region of Germany occupied and governed by the United Kingdom and France from 1920 to 1935 under a League of Nations mandate.

41. The place/city located at the confluence of river Euphrates and Tigris is:
A. Sydeny
B. London
C. Doha
D. Baghdad


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The place/city located at the confluence of river Euphrates and Tigris is Baghdad. Major canals that flowed from the Euphrates into the Tigris in the vicinity of Baghdad.

42. Which of the rock formations in India is the richest in fossil content?
A. Rift Valley
B. Delta
C. Gondwana
D. None of Above


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The Marine Gondwana Fossil Park is a unique exposure of fossiliferous marine Permian rocks of the Talchir formation dating back to around 280-240 million years ago. Located in the Manendragarh area of Chattisgarh’s Koriya district, the fossil faunal assemblage is indicative of the transgression of sea in this part of India about 20 crores of years ago.

43. India’s first marine national park is located in:

A. The Gulf of Mannar
B. Bay of Bengal
C. Arabian Sea
D. The Gulf of Khambhat


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park is a protected area of India consisting of 21 small islands (islets) and adjacent coral reefs in the Gulf of Mannar in the Indian Ocean. It lies 1 to 10 km away from the east coast of Tamil Nadu, India for 160 km between Thoothukudi (Tuticorin) and Dhanushkodi.

44. Singareni Coal fields is located in :
A. Narmada Valley
B. Karishna Valley
C. Godavari Valley
D. Kaveri Valley


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Singareni opencast coal mines at Manuguru on Godavari Valley Coalfields is located in the districts of Adilabad, Karimnagar, Khammam and Warangal in the Indian state of Telangana. It is the only coalfield in South India. It lies in the basin of the Godavari River.

45. Pochampat irrigation project lies on:
A. Narmada
B. Godavari
C. Krishna
D. Kaveri


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The Sri Rama Sagar Project also known as the Pochampadu Project is an Indian flood-flow project on the Godavari.

46. Which planet is known as sister of earth?
A. Mars
B. Venus
C. Mercury
D. Saturn


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Venus is very similar to Earth in size and mass – and so is sometimes referred to as Earth’s sister planet – but Venus has a quite different climate.

47. The study of universe is called:
A. Astrology
B. Astronomy
C. Cosmology
D. Universology


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Cosmology is the scientific study of the large scale properties of the universe as a whole. It is the study of universe as a whole: its birth, growth, shape, size and eventual fate.

48. The large natural ecosystem comprised of abiotic (land, air , water and soils of the concerned habitat) and biotic (plants, animals and micro-organisms) is called:
A. Genome
B. Abiome
C. Agenome
D. Biome


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The large natural ecosystem comprised of abiotic (land, air , water and soils of the concerned habitat) and biotic (plants, animals and micro-organisms) is called Biome.

49. Tilaiya Dam, Konar dam, Maithon Dam and Panchet Hill Dam have been constructed under:
A. The Narmada Valley Project
B. The Damodar Valley Project
C. The Krishna Valley Project
D. The Mahanadi Project


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Damodar Valley Corporation has a network of four major dams in Jharkhand, such as Maithon on Barakar river, Tilaiya on Barakar River, Konar Dam on Konar river,Panchet on Damodar river.

50. Titagarh, Amlai and Nepanagar are known for:
A. Sugar Industry
B. Ship Building
C. Iron and Steel Industry
D. Paper Industry


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Titagarh, Amlai and Nepanagar are known for Paper Industry.

51. The highest glacial lake of India located at the height of 17,745 feet in Garhwal Himalaya is:
A. Devtal
B. Roopkund
C. Kedartal
D. Homkund


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The highest glacial lake of India is Devtal which is located at the height of 17,745 feet AMSL in Garhwal Himalaya.

52. Project Tiger, one of the premier conservation efforts in the country was launched on:
A. 10 June 1975
B. 1 August 1973
C. 10 April 1975
D. April 1 1973


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Project Tiger is a tiger conservation programme launched in April 1, 1973 by the Government of India during Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s tenure.

53. Tungbhadra Multipurpose Project is a joint undertaking of:
A. Andra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu
B. Tamil Nadu and Karnataka
C. Kerala and Karnataka
D. Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka


Answer: Option D
Explanation : It is a joint undertaking by the governments of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. The project comprises a dam across the Tungabhadra River near Mallapuram. It is a power project of Gujarat equipped with power generating sets manufactured by Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited was inaugurated on October 12,1977.

54. In 1990 India ratified the world Heritage Convention of 1977 identifying four natural sites of outstanding universal value namely:
A. Kaziranga National park (Assam)
B. Keoladeo National Park (Rajasthan)
C. Sundarbans Biosphere Reserve (West Bengal)
D. Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve (Uttarakhand)
E. All of these


Answer: Option E
Explanation : In 1990 India ratified the world Heritage Convention of 1977 identifying four natural sites of outstanding universal value namely Kaziranga National park (Assam), Keoladeo National Park (Rajasthan), Sundarbans Biosphere Reserve (West Bengal) and Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve (Uttarakhand).

55. At present biosphere reserves that are included in world Heritage:
A. Nilgiri and Nanda Devi
B. Nokrek Gulf of Mannar and Sunderban
C. Simlipol and Pachmarhi
D. Above all
E. None of these


Answer: Option D
Explanation : At present biosphere reserves that are included in world are Heritage Nilgiri, Nanda Devi, Nokrek, Gulf of Mannar, Sunderban, Simlipol and Pachmarhi.

56. The radiant energy received by the earth and its atmosphere from the sun is called:

A. Insolation
B. Isotherm
C. Insoenergy
D. Albedo


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The energy received by the earth is known as incoming solar radiation which in short is termed as insolation. As the earth is a geoid resembling a sphere, the sun’s rays fall obliquely at the top of the atmosphere and the earth intercepts a very small portion of the sun’s energy.

57. The layer of ocean water between the depth zone of 300 m- 1000 m characterized by sharp change of temperature in the vertical section of sea water is called:
A. Isoline
B. Insiline
C. Thermoarea
D. Thermocline


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Thermocline, oceanic water layer in which water temperature decreases rapidly with increasing depth. A widespread permanent thermocline exists beneath the relatively warm, well-mixed surface layer, from depths of about 200 m (660 feet) to about 1,000 m (3,000 feet), in which interval temperatures diminish steadily.

58. A group of populations of different species living in the same habitat and interacting with one another is called:
A. Ecological Community
B. Zoological Community
C. Biological Community
D. None of Above.


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Organisms live within an ecological community, which is defined as an assemblage of populations of at least two different species that interact directly and indirectly within a defined geographic area.

59. Sand stone, Conglomerate, Limestone, Shale, Chalk and Coal are example of:

A. Igneous Rocks
B. Sedimentary Rocks
C. Metamorphic Rocks
D. None of Above.


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Sedimentary rocks are formed by the accumulation of sediments. There are three basic types of sedimentary rocks. Clastic sedimentary rocks such as breccia, conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, and shale are formed from mechanical weathering debris.

60. Dr. Waldimir Koppen – the great climatologist of Austria suggested in his new scheme of climatic classification:
A. Two major types of climate.
B. Four major types of climate.
C. Five major types of climate.
D. Three major types of climate.


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The Köppen climate classification scheme divides climates into five main climate groups: A (tropical), B (dry), C (temperate), D (continental), and E (polar).

61. The modern iron and steel industry in India had its beginning in 1870 when Bengal Iron Works Company was established in:
A. Kulti
B. Visnupur
C. Cossipore
D. None of Above


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Modern steel making in India began with the setting of first blast furnace of India at Kulti in 1870 and production began in 1874, which was set up by Bengal Iron Works.Tata Iron and Steel Company (TISCO) was established by Dorabji Tata in 1907, as part of his father’s conglomerate.

62. The planet which has maximum number of satellites is:
A. Saturn
B. Venus
C. Jupiter
D. Mars


Answer: Option C
Explanation : In 2019, Saturn has unseated Jupiter as the solar system’s most moon-bearing planet. Scientists discovered 20 previously unknown moons orbiting Saturn, which gives Saturn a grand total of 82 moons, flying past Jupiter’s 79.

63. Which river is known as Sorrow of Bihar?
A. Ganga River
B. Gandak River
C. Kosi River
D. Son River


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The Kosi River is known as the “Sorrow of Bihar” as the annual floods affect about 21,000 km2 (8,100 sq mi) of fertile agricultural lands thereby disturbing the rural economy.

64. The largest Indian mammal is:

A. Tiger
B. Hippopotamus
C. The Lion
D. Elephant


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The Asian (or Indian) elephant is the largest terrestrial mammal in Asia, with a maximum shoulder height of 3.2 m. It is smaller than the African elephant (Loxodonta africana), with relatively smaller ears, and the head (not the shoulder) is the highest part of the body.

65. The Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE) were created in:
A. 1985
B. 1987
C. 1989
D. 1990


Answer: Option B
Explanation : ICFRE is the largest organisation responsible for forestry research in India. ICFRE was created in 1987, under the Central Ministry of Environment and Forests (India), to direct and manage research and education in forestry sector in India. ICFRE is headed by a Director General with headquarters at Dehradun.

66. The inner planets include:

A. Mercury Venus Earth and Jupiter
B. Mercury Venus Saturn and Mars.
C. Saturn Jupiter Neptune and Uranus.
D. Mercury Venus Earth and Mars.


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The inner four planets are called terrestrial planets. That means that they are like the earth in some ways. The terrestrial planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, and the earth’s moon have similar compositions and densities. These planets are close to the sun, rocky, and dense.

67. The mean thickness of oceanic crust is:
A. 10 kilometer.
B. 8 kilometer.
C. 5 kilometer.
D. 4 kilometer.


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The mean thickness of oceanic crust is 5 kilometer.

68. The first large scale modern machine tool factory set up in public sector is :
A. 1953
B. 1955
C. 1957
D. 1959


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The Hindustan Machine Tools (H.M.T.) is the first large scale modem machine tool factory set up in public sector at Bangalore in 1953, with Swiss collaboration.

69. The first shore-based steel plant in India is:
A. Durgapur
B. Salem
C. Bhadravati
D. Vishakhapatnam Steel Plant (VSP)


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Visakhapatnam Steel Plant was separated from SAIL and RINL was made the corporate entity of Visakhapatnam Steel Plant in April 1982. Vizag Steel Plant is the only Indian shore-based steel plant and is situated on 33,000 acres (13,000 ha), and is poised to expand to produce up to 20 MT in a single campus.

70. Golden Quadrilateral Comprising National Highways connects:
A. Delhi-Mumbai-Chennai-Hydrabad-Delhi
B. Delhi-Mumbai-Chennai-Kollata-Delhi
C. Delhi-Mumbai-Benglore-Kollata-Delhi
D. Delhi-Mumbai-Benglore-Kollata-Hydrabad


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Golden Quadrilateral Comprising National Highways connects Delhi-Mumbai-Chennai-Kollata-Delhi (by six lane wuper highways).

71. The diesel locomotive works engaged in producing diesel locos is located in:
A. Varanasi
B. Vizag
C. Durgapur
D. Tuticorin


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The Diesel Locomotive Works (DLW) in Varanasi, India, is a production unit owned by Indian Railways, that manufactures diesel-electric locomotives and its spare parts. It is the largest diesel-electric locomotive manufacturer in India. It is located on DLW to BHU road of the metropolitan city of Varanasi.

72. The Mountain system of Alps, Carpathians, Transylvanian, Balkans are located in:
A. South America
B. New Zealand
C. Europe
D. North America


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The Mountain system of Alps, Transylvanian, Balkans are located in Europe.

73. The Chambal Valley Project is a joint venture of:
A. Rajasthan and Gujrat
B. Madhya Pradesh and Gujrat
C. Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh
D. Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The Chambal Valley Project: This is a joint venture of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh initiated in 1954 on the Chambal River (the main tributary of the Yamuna). The project aims at harnessing the Chambal River for irrigation, power generation and for prevention and control of soil erosion in the valley.

74. The largest satellite in the solar system is:
A. Titan
B. Ganymede
C. Europa
D. Setebos


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Ganymede is by far the largest moon and orbits around planet Jupiter with a diameter of 5,262 kilometers.

75. Vedanthangal Bird Sanctuary is located in:
A. Karnataka
B. Assam
C. Kerala
D. Tamil Nadu


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Vedanthangal Bird Sanctuary is a 30-hectare protected area located in the Kancheepuram District and Madurantakam taluk of the state of Tamil Nadu, India.

76. The line at which a day is lost or gained is called:
A. International Gain line
B. International loss line
C. Line of Control day and night
D. International Date line


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The International Date Line (IDL) is an imaginary line of demarcation on the surface of Earth that runs from the North Pole to the South Pole and demarcates the change of one calendar day to the next. It passes through the middle of the Pacific Ocean, roughly following the 180° line of longitude but deviating to pass around some territories and island groups.

77. The study of moon is called:
A. Lunarlogy
B. Selenology
C. Moonology
D. None of Above


Answer: Option B
Explanation : In Greek, our moon is named “Selene,” as is the moon goddess of ancient Greek mythology. The English word “selenology,” or the study of the moon’s geology, derives from it.

78. The portion of incident radiation (energy) without heating that surface reflected back from a surface of a body is called:
A. Streto
B. Ironodo
C. Albedo
D. Thermedo


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The ratio between the total solar radiation falling (incident) upon a surface and the amount reflected without heating the earth, is called ALBEDO (expressed as a decimal or as a percentage). The earth’s average albedo is about 0.4 (40 percent) ; that is, 4/10 of the solar radiation is reflected back into space.

79. The largest port of India is:
A. Kandla Port
B. Okha Port
C. Mumbai Port
D. Kolkata Port


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Jawaharlal Nehru port is the largest container port in India and is also known by Nhava Sheva. It is situated in Maharashtra (Mumbai). It accounts for more than half of total container volumes handled at India’s 12 public ports and around 40 percent of the nation’s overall containerized ocean trade.

80. Dul Hasti Project and Salal project are located at:
A. River Chenab
B. River Chambal
C. River Damodar
D. River Godavari


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Dulhasti power station is run-of-the-river with pondage scheme with an installed capacity of 390 MW (3 X 130MW) to harness the hydropower potential of river Chenab. It is located in Kishtwar district of Jammu & Kashmir.

81. The Vernal equinox occurs on:
A. January 29
B. March 21
C. April 1
D. May 25


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The Vernal equinox occurs on March 21.

82. The autumnal equinox occurs on:
A. August 23
B. September 23
C. October 23
D. November 23


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The autumnal equinox occurs on September 23.

83. Indira Gandhi Zoological Park is located in:
A. Hyderabad
B. Kolkata
C. Vishakhapatnam
D. Ahmedabad


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Indira Gandhi Zoological Park is located amidst Kambalakonda Reserve Forest in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India. It is the third largest zoo in the country. The zoological park is named after the former Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi. It was declared open to the public on 19 May 1977.

84. The predominant gases that constitute the sun are:
A. Hydrogen and Helium
B. Hydrogen and Methane
C. Methane and Helium
D. Methane and CO2


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The predominant element in the Sun is hydrogen, and then helium: by mass, it is 70% hydrogen, 28% helium.

85. Madumalai Sanctuary is located in:
A. Karnataka
B. Tamil Nadu
C. Kerala
D. Maharashtra


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The Mudumalai National Park and Wildlife Sanctuary also a declared tiger reserve, lies on the northwestern side of the Nilgiri Hills, in Nilgiri District, about 150 kilometres north-west of Coimbatore city in Tamil Nadu. It shares its boundaries with the states of Karnataka and Kerala.

86. Exfoliation is a type of:
A. Chemical Weathering
B. Soil Erosion
C. Physical Weathering
D. None of Above


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Exfoliation occurs as cracks develop parallel to the land surface a consequence of the reduction in pressure during uplift and erosion. It is a type of physical weathering.

87. World Water Day is observed on:
A. 22 December
B. 22 March
C. 18 April
D. 10 May


Answer: Option B
Explanation : World Water Day is an annual UN observance day (always on 22 March) that highlights the importance of freshwater. The day is used to advocate for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.

88. The largest state of India(area wise ) is:
A. Maharastra
B. Madhya Pradesh
C. Uttar Pradesh
D. Rajasthan


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Rajasthan is a state in northern India. The state covers an area of 342,239 square kilometres (132,139 sq mi) or 10.4 percent of the total geographical area of India. It is the largest Indian state by area and the seventh largest by population.

89. Hyderabad (in Telangana) is located on the bank:
A. Luni River
B. Gandak River
C. Mahanadi
D. Musi River


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Situated in the southern part of Telangana in southeastern India, Hyderabad is 1,566 kilometres (973 mi) south of Delhi, 699 kilometres (434 mi) southeast of Mumbai, and 570 kilometres (350 mi) north of Bangalore by road. It lies on the banks of the Musi River, in the northern part of the Deccan Plateau.

90. The River Cauvery rises on the western edge of:
A. Aravali
B. The Western Ghats
C. Satpuda Hills
D. The Eastern Ghats


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Cauvery river rises at Talakaveri on the Brahmagiri range in the Western Ghats in Karnataka at an elevation of about 1341 m and flows for about 800 km before its outfall into the Bay of Bengal. The Cauvery river system consists of 21 principal tributaries each with catchment area exceeding 250 Sq.Kms.

91. Primary Producers fall in two categories e.g.
A. Indigotrops and Xylotrops
B. Numerotrops
C. Xylotrops
D. Phototrophs and Chemotrophs


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Phototrophs and chemotrophs are two types of nutritional groups found in the environment. Most phototrophs are autotrophs, using the energy from sunlight to produce their food. Chemotrophs oxidize inorganic compounds or organic compounds as their energy source. They are the primary producers of food chains.

92. The Naharkatiya oil field is located in:
A. Gujrat
B. Bihar
C. Assam
D. Madhya Pradesh


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Naharkatia (also spelled as Naharkatia or Nahorkatiya) is a town and a town area committee in Dibrugarh district in the Indian state of Assam. It is well known for petroleum and gas reserves. Earlier, Duliajan, the head office town of Oil India Limited was in its circle.

93. The largest mangrove forest in the world is located in:
A. Kerala
B. West Bengal
C. Tamil Nadu
D. Madhya Pradesh


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The Sundarbans is a mangrove area in the delta formed by the confluence of Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna Rivers in the Bay of Bengal. It spans from the Hooghly River in India’s state of West Bengal to the Baleswar River in Bangladesh.

94. The water body separating Andaman and Nicobar is known as:
A. 9 degree channel
B. 8 degree channel
C. 10 degree channel
D. Indira Point


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The Ten Degree Channel is a channel that separates the Andaman Islands and Nicobar Islands from each other in the Bay of Bengal. The two sets of islands together form the Indian Union Territory (UT) of Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

95. Sun’s rays can make right angle only up to 23(1/2) and South latitudes because:
A. Rotation
B. Revolution
C. Shape of Earth
D. Earth is inclined at an angle of 66(1/2) on its axis.


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Sun’s rays can make right angle only up to 23(1/2) and South latitudes because Earth is inclined at an angle of 66(1/2) on its axis.

96. Which industry is developed in Shahdol and Nepanagar?
A. Paper and Pulp Industry
B. Agro Industry
C. Agricultural Industry
D. Rubber Industry


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Paper and Pulp Industry is developed in Shahdol and Nepanagar.

97. The Richter scale on which intensity/magnitude of a quake is measured was developed in:
A. 1933
B. 1932
C. 1935
D. 1939


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Richter scale (ML), quantitative measure of an earthquake’s magnitude (size), devised in 1935 by American seismologists Charles F. Richter and Beno Gutenberg. The earthquake’s magnitude is determined using the logarithm of the amplitude (height) of the largest seismic wave calibrated to a scale by a seismograph.

98. Masai Tribes are found in:
A. Australia
B. North America
C. South Africa
D. East Africa


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Maasai are a Nilotic ethnic group inhabiting northern, central and southern Kenya and northern Tanzania. They are among the best known local populations internationally due to their residence near the many game parks of the East African Great Lakes, and their distinctive customs and dress.

99. The largest producers of coffee in the world is:
A. India
B. Brazil
C. China


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Brazil is the largest coffee producing country in the world, and the history comes from last 150 years.

100. The law which states that wave-length of maximum radiation is inversely proportional to the absolute of the emitting body is known as:
A. Wien’s Displacement Law
B. Ohm’s Law
C. Ferel’s Law
D. Ampere’s Law


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The Wien’s Displacement Law states that a black body having a wavelength (λmax) carrying the maximum energy is inversely proportional to the absolute temperature (T).

101. The headquarters of North Eastern Railway is:

A. Lucknow
B. Patna
C. Kolkata
D. Gorakhpur


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The North Eastern Railway is one of the 18 railway zones in India. It is headquartered at Gorakhpur and comprises Lucknow, Varanasi and Izzatnagar or Bareilly division.

102. The Western Ghats are also known as:
A. The Sahyadris
B. Sivalik Range
C. Greater Mountain range
D. Satpuda Range


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The range is known as Sahyadri in Maharashtra and Karnataka. The Western Ghats meets the Eastern Ghats at Nilgiris in northwestern Tamil Nadu. Nilgiris connects Biligiriranga Hills in southeastern Karnataka with the Shevaroys and Tirumala hills.

103. Ankleshwar Basin (offshore) oil-fields is located in:
A. Gujarat
B. Assam
C. Madhya Pradesh
D. Maharashtra


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Ankleshwar Basin (offshore) oil-fields is located in Gujarat.

104. The major peaks like Mt. Everest, Kanchenjunga, Makalu, Dhaulagiri, Mansalu, Chooyu, Nanga Parbat and Annapurna all are situated in:
A. The Western Ghat
B. Sivalik Range
C. The Greater Himalayas (Himadri)
D. The Eastern Ghats


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The major peaks like Mt. Everest, Kanchenjunga, Makalu, Dhaulagiri, Mansalu, Chooyu, Nanga Parbat and Annapurna all are situated in The Greater Himalayas (Himadri).

105. The Highest peak of the Karakoram Range is:
A. Kanchanjhangha
B. Mt. K2 (Godvin Austin )
C. Dhawalagiri
D. Anay Mudi


Answer: Option B
Explanation : K2 also known as Mount Godwin-Austen or Chhogori at 8,611 metres (28,251 ft) above sea. K2 is the highest point of the Karakoram range and the highest point in both Pakistan and Xinjiang.

106. India is divided into:

A. Six Postal Zones.
B. Seven Postal Zones.
C. Eight Postal Zones.
D. Nine Postal Zones.


Answer: Option D
Explanation : There are nine PIN zones in India, including eight regional zones and one functional zone (for the Indian Army). The first digit of the PIN code indicates the region. The second digit indicates the sub-region, and the third digit indicates the sorting district within the region.

107. Rail coach factory is located in:

A. Durgapur
B. Vizag
C. Varanasi
D. Kapurthala (Punjab)


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Rail Coach Factory at Kapurthala in the Indian state of the Punjab is located on the Jalandhar-Firozpur line.

108. Vembanad Lake is located in:
A. Maharastra
B. Madhya Pradesh
C. Karnataka
D. Kerala


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Vembanad is the longest lake in India, and the largest lake in the state of Kerala. Spanning several districts in the state of Kerala, it is known as Vembanadu Lake in Kottayam, Punnamada Lake in Kuttanad and Kochi Lake in Kochi.

109. India’s first Atomic power plant is:
A. Kalpakkam
B. Tarapur
C. Narora
D. Cossipore


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Tarapur Atomic Power Station (T.AP.S.) was the first nuclear power plant in India. The construction of the plant was started in 1962 and the plant went operational in 1969. The 320 MW Tarapur nuclear power station housed two 160 MW boiling water reactors (BWRs), the first in Asia.

110. Where is the volcanic Mt. St. Helens situated?
A. United States of America
C. Canada
D. Australia


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Mount St. Helens is an active stratovolcano located in Skamania County, Washington, in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States of America. It is 50 miles northeast of Portland, Oregon and 96 miles south of Seattle, Washington.

111. Temperate grasslands of Eurasia are called:
A. Grasswood
B. Getepp
C. Steppe
D. Greenwood


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The Eurasian Steppe, also called the Great Steppe or the steppes, is the vast steppe ecoregion of Eurasia in the temperate grasslands, savannas, and shrublands biome.

112. The circulation and movement of soluble inorganic matter (nutrients) derived from sedimentary and atmospheric phases and reservoirs through organic phase of various biotic components and finally their return to inorganic phase is collectively called:
A. Chemical Cycles
B. Biogeochemical Cycles
C. Physical Cycles
D. Biological Cycles


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The circulation and movement of soluble inorganic matter (nutrients) derived from sedimentary and atmospheric phases and reservoirs through organic phase of various biotic components and finally their return to inorganic phase is collectively called Biogeochemical Cycles.

113. The middle zone of the earth with a thickness of 2780 km having an average density of 5.6 is known as:
A. Rosphere
B. Osophere
C. Pyrosphere
D. Cyrosphere


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The middle zone of the earth with a thickness of 2780 Km having an average density of 5-6 is known as Pyrosphere.

114. The instrument which records the seismic waves generated by the occurrence of earth-quakes is called:
A. Barometer
B. Gyrometer
C. Wavograph
D. Seismograph


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Seismograph, instrument that makes a record of seismic waves caused by an earthquake, explosion, or other Earth-shaking phenomenon. A record produced by a seismograph on a display screen or paper printout is called a seismogram.

115. Wild Ass Sanctuary is situated in
A. Assam
B. Gujarat
C. Madhya Pradesh
D. Maharashtra


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Indian Wild Ass Sanctuary also known as the Wild Ass Wildlife Sanctuary is located in the Little Rann of Kutch in the Gujarat state of India. It is spread over an area of 4954 km² .

116. The most important coal field in India is:
A. Jharia Coalfield
B. Rani Ganj Coalfield
C. Korba Coalfield
D. Singrauli Coalfield


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Jharia Coalfield is a large coal field located in the east of India in Jharia, Jharkhand. Jharia represents the largest coal reserves in India having estimated reserves of 19.4 billion tonnes of coking coal.

117. World Environment Day is observed on:
A. March 5
B. April 5
C. June 5
D. July 5


Answer: Option C
Explanation : World Environment Day (WED) is celebrated on the 5th of June every year, and is the United Nation’s principal vehicle for encouraging awareness and action for the protection of our environment.

118. The Beas project consisting of Beas-Satluj link and pong dam at Beas is the joint venture of:
A. Punjab Gujarat and Rajasthan
B. Punjab Haryana and Gujarat
C. Punjab Haryana and Rajasthan
D. Gujarat Haryana and Rajasthan


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The Beas project consisting of Beas-Satluj link and pong dam at Beas is the joint venture of Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan.

119. The crude Birth Rate is defined as:
A. No. of births per 10 thousand populations
B. No. of births per 20 thousand populations
C. No. of births per 50 thousand populations
D. No. of births per thousand populations


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The crude birth rate is the number of live births occurring among the population of a given geographical area during a given year, per 1,000 mid-year total population of the given geographical area during the same year.

120. McMohan Line lies between which of the following countries?

A. India and Pakistan
B. India and China
C. China and Pakistan
D. India and Afghanistan


Answer: Option B
Explanation : It is currently the effective boundary between China and India, although its legal status is disputed by the Chinese government. The line is named after Henry McMahon, foreign secretary of British India and the chief negotiator of the convention at Simla.

121. India is the seventh largest country in the world and occupies:
A. 7% of world area
B. 5% of world area
C. 4% of world area
D. 2.4% of world area


Answer: Option D
Explanation : India is the seventh largest country in the world, following Russia, Canada, USA, China, Brazil and Australia, in that order. It occupies 2.4% of the world’s total land but supports 16.7% of the population.

122. The Nagarjunsagar Dam project is located on:
A. Mahanadi
B. Krishna River
C. Godavari
D. Kaveri


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Nagarjuna Sagar Dam was built across the Krishna river at Nagarjuna Sagar where the river forms the boundary between Nalgonda District in Telangana and Guntur district in Andhra Pradesh states in India. The construction duration of the dam was between the years of 1955 and 1967.

123. River Damodar is a tributary of:
A. Rive Koshi
B. River Gandak
C. River Sutlej
D. River Hoogly


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Damodar River, river in northeastern India, rising with its many tributaries, notably the Bokaro and Konar, in the Chota Nagpur plateau of south-central Bihar state. It follows a generally eastward course for 368 miles (592 km) through West Bengal to join the Hugli (Hooghly) River southwest of Kolkata (Calcutta).

124. The Himalayas were uplifted from the:
A. Valcano
B. Plateau
C. Grass land
D. Tethys Geosynclines


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The excessive shrinking of the geosynclines, caused folding and the surplus sediments were raised as the Himalayan mountains. The Himalayan uplift out of the tethys sea and the subsidence of the northern flank of the peninsular plateau resulted in the formation of a large basin.

125. In India the percentage of population below poverty line is:
A. Less than 30%
B. Less than 50%
C. Less than 40%
D. Less than 10%


Answer: Option A
Explanation : India accounted for the largest number of people living below international poverty line in 2013, with 30 per cent of its population under the $1.90-a- day poverty measure, the World Bank said.

126. The imaginary line joining the land projecting towards the sea which is the landward limit of internal seawater is called:

A. Base Line
B. Sea Line
C. Land Line
D. None of Above


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The imaginary line joining the land projecting towards the sea which is the landward limit of internal seawater is called Base Line.

127. CGWB stands for:
A. Central Ground Water Board
B. Central Ground Water and irigation Board
C. Central Ground Welfare Board
D. None of Above


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Central Ground Water Board (CGWB), a subordinate office of the Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India, is the National Apex Agency entrusted with the responsibilities of providing scientific inputs for management, exploration, monitoring, assessment, augmentation and regulation of ground water resources of the country. Central Ground Water Board was established in 1970 by renaming the Exploratory Tube wells Organization under the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. It was merged with the Ground Water Wing of the Geological Survey of India during 1972.

128. Sundarban was declared a World Heritage Site because of its:
A. River Delta
B. Mangroves Forests and Biodiversity
C. Nearest to Bay of Bengal
D. None of Above


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The Sundarbans mangrove forest, one of the largest such forests in the world (140,000 ha), lies on the delta of the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna rivers on the Bay of Bengal. It is adjacent to the border of India’s Sundarbans World Heritage site inscribed in 1987.

129. The Greenhouse effect gases trap only the heat of:
A. All heat
B. UV Rays
C. Solar Radiation
D. Thermal Radiation


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The Greenhouse effect gases trap only the heat of Solar Radiation.

130. Which planet is called watery planet?
A. Venus
B. Earth
C. Mars
D. Mercury


Answer: Option B
Explanation : If you look down at our planet from outer space, most of what you see is water; 71% of the planet’s surface is covered by ocean and it is because of this that the Earth is sometimes called “the water planet”. Only about three-tenths of our globe is covered with land.

131. India shares maximum length of the border with:
A. Pakistan
B. Myanmar
C. Bangladesh
D. China


Answer: Option C
Explanation : India share its longest border with Bangladesh and that is 4093 km. Total length of the boundary, India shares with other countries is 15200 km.

132. Where is Silicon Valley located in?

A. U. S. A
C. Green Land
D. Russia


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Silicon Valley, in the southern San Francisco Bay Area of California, U. S. A. is home to many start-up and global technology companies. Apple, Facebook and Google are among the most prominent. It’s also the site of technology-focused institutions centered around Palo Alto’s Stanford University.

133. The highest percentage decadal growth rate of population as per 2011 Census was registered by:
A. Maharastra
B. Punjab
C. Haryana
D. Meghalaya


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The highest percentage decadal growth rate of population as per 2011 Census was registered by Meghalaya (27.8).

134. Ken, Betwa and Chambal are the rivers which merge with:
A. Damodar
B. Yamuna
C. Ganga
D. Godavari


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Chambal and Betwa join Yamuna at the Etawah district and Hamirpur town in Uttarpradesh. As we move to the East, Yamuna Joins Ganga at Triveni Sangam, Allahabad.Son River joins River Ganga near Patna, Bihar.

135. Cotton in India grows best on:
A. Black Soil
B. Red Soil
C. Late-rite Soil
D. Sandy Soil


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Black soils are poor in nitrogen, phosphorus and organic matter. The soils are generally rich in the montmorillonitic and beidellitic group of clay minerals. It is most suitable for the growth of cotton. It is also known or cotton soil as a reason.

136. What is the difference between the Indian Standard time and Greenwich Standard Time?
A. 5 Hour
B. 15 Hour and 30 minutes
C. 5 Hour and 30 minutes
D. 6 Hour and 30 minutes


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The difference between GMT and IST is it varies in time duration that is IST is 5 hours and 30 minutes ahead of GMT.

137. Project Tiger in India was started in:
A. The year 1985
B. The year 1982
C. The year 1980
D. The year 1973


Answer: Option D
Explanation : One of the most intensive conservation efforts in India, Project Tiger was launched in 1973. It envisaged the setting up of tiger reserves to help in maintaining the population of tigers. As per estimates, the number of tigers was about 40,000 at the beginning of the 20th century.

138. Lignite is a type of:
A. Iron
B. Steel
C. Coal
D. Gold


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Lignite, often referred to as brown coal, is a soft, brown, combustible, sedimentary rock formed from naturally compressed peat. It is considered the lowest rank of coal due to its relatively low heat content. It has a carbon content around 60–70 percent.

139. One horned rhinoceros is found in the states of:
A. West Bengal and Madhya Pradesh
B. West Bengal and Assam
C. Madhya Pradesh and Assam
D. West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The preferred habitat of an Indian rhinoceros is alluvial flood plains and areas containing tall grasslands along the foothills of the Himalayas. Formerly, extensively distributed in the Gangetic plains, today the species is restricted to small habitats in Indo-Nepal terai and northern West Bengal and Assam.

140. Wainganga river is a tributary of:
A. Kaveri
B. Godavari
C. Mahanadi
D. Gomati


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Wainganga (IAST: Wainagaṅgā) is a river in India, originating in the Mahadeo Hills in Mundara near village Gopalganj in Seoni Madhya Pradesh. It is a tributary of the Godavari River.

141. A river drains the water collected from a specific area which is called its:
A. Catchment Area
B. Collecting Area
C. Drain Area
D. None of Above


Answer: Option A
Explanation : A river drains the water collected from a specific area, which is called its ‘catchment area’. An area drained by a river and its tributaries is called a drainage basin. The boundary line separating one drainage basin from the other is known as the watershed.

142. The low flat central area of a basin of inland drainage is called:
A. Playa
B. Affusion
C. Afet
D. Aquifer


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Playas occupy the flat central basins of desert plains. They require interior drainage to a zone where evaporation greatly exceeds inflow. A saline playa may be called a salt flat, salt marsh, salada, salar, salt pan, alkali flat, or salina.

143. Which plateau lies between the Aravalli and the Vindhya ranges?
A. Malwa Plateau
B. Deccan Plateau
C. Chota Nagpur Plateau
D. None of Above.


Answer: Option A
Explanation : In the north-west are the Aravali range, running in south-west, north-east direction forming a discontinuous ridge. Thar Desert lies to the west of Aravali ranges. The southern boundary is demarcated by the Vindhya Range with Kaimur Hills in the eastern extent. The Malwa plateau lies between Aravalis and Vindhyas.

144. Green Index has been developed by:
C. United Nations Environment Programme
D. None of Above


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Green Index has been developed by United Nations Environment Programme.

145. The only South American nation through which both the Equator and the Tropic of Capricorn pass through?
A. Brazil
B. Ecuador
C. Peru
D. Guyana


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The Tropic of Capricorn lies at 23.5 degrees south of the equator and runs through Australia, Chile, southern Brazil (Brazil is the only country that passes through both the equator and a tropic), and northern South Africa.

146. The second zone of the interior of the earth extending from 30 kilometer to 2900 kilometer depth is:
A. Earth Crust
B. Mantle.
C. Outer Core
D. Inner Core


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The upper mantle begins at a depth of from 5 to 50 kilometers (3−30 miles) and extends to a depth of approximately 670 kilometers (400 miles) from the surface; the lower mantle extends from a depth of about 670 kilometers (400 miles) to about 2,900 kilometers (1,740 miles).

147. The average density of the outer-most layer (zone)- that is crust- of the earth is:
A. 1.2 to 5.0
B. 2.4 to 5.0
C. 2.1 to 3.0
D. 2.8 to 3.0


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The average density of the upper crust is 2.8 and that of the lower crust is 3.0. This difference in density is believed to be due to the pressure.

148. India’s three fourths of the total annual rainfall are received during:
A. South-west Monsoon Season
B. North East Monsoon Season
C. The Hot Weather Season
D. The Retreating of S.W. Monsoon Season


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The Arabian Sea current of the south- west monsoon which brings rain to the west coast of India. Much of the rainfall along the Western Ghats is orographic as the moist air is obstructed and forced to rise along the Ghats. Three fourths of the total annual rainfall is received during this season. The average rainfall over the plains of India in this season is about 87 per cent.

149. Paulo Alfonso hydroelectric power plant is located in:
A. Germany
B. Portugal
C. Brazil
D. Russia


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The Paulo Afonso Hydroelectric Complex (Complexo Hidrelétrico de Paulo Afonso), also known as the Paulo Afonso Complex, is a system of three dams and five hydroelectric power plants on the São Francisco River near the city of Paulo Afonso in Bahia, Brazil.

150. The leading producer of wind-power in the world is:
A. China
B. Germany
C. Brazil


Answer: Option A
Explanation : China has a installed capacity of 221 GW and is the leader in wind energy, with over a third of the world’s capacity. It has the world’s largest onshore wind farm with a capacity of 7,965 megawatt (MW), which is five times larger than its nearest rival.

151. The state of atmosphere in relation to its water vapour content refers to:
A. Relative Humidity
B. Relative Density
C. Precipitation
D. Frontal Humidity


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Relative Humidity is the amount of water vapour present in air. Water vapour, the gaseous state of water, is generally invisible to the human eye. Humidity indicates the likelihood for precipitation, dew, or fog to be present. The amount of water vapour needed to achieve saturation increases as the temperature increases.

152. Biospheric ecosystem consist of two major components e.g.
A. Biome and Habitat Component
B. Habitat Component and VertualComponent
C. Vertical Component and Biome Component
D. None of the above


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Biospheric ecosystem consist of two major components e.g. Biome Component (Plants and Animals) and Habitat Component (Physical Environment).

153. Solar energy received to earth takes:
A. Nine Minutes
B. 10 Minutes
C. Eight Minutes
D. 15 Minutes


Answer: Option C
Explanation : It takes sunlight an average of 8 minutes and 20 seconds to reach to the Earth.

154. Garampani Wildlife Sanctuary is located in:
A. West Bengal
B. Assam
C. Madhya Pradesh
D. Karnataka


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Garampani Wildlife Sanctuary is a 6.05-square-kilometre (2.34 sq mi) wildlife sanctuary located in Karbi Anglong district, Assam, India. It is 25 km (16 mi) from Golaghat.

155. Sabarmati, Mahi, Narmada and Tapti rivers form:
A. Delta
B. Potholes
C. Estuaries
D. None of Above


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Sabarmati, Mahi, Narmada and Tapti rivers form Estuaries.

156. The word “tsunami”belongs to:
A. Chinese
B. German
C. English
D. Japanese


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Tsunami is a Japanese word from a double root: tsu, meaning port or harbour, and nami, meaning wave. The word looks innocuous in simple translation, but to those who live on the rim of the Pacific it can spell disaster. Tsunamis are fast moving ocean waves which spread across the open water like ripples on a pond.

157. The national Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) was set up in:
A. 1970
B. 1975
C. 1978
D. 1980


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The company was founded on 7 November 1975 as “National Thermal Power Corporation Private Limited”. In 1983, NTPC began commercial operations (of selling power) and earned profits of INR 4.5 crores in FY 1982-83. By the end of 1985, it had achieved power generation capacity of 2000 MW.

158. Dharan, Abquiq , Quatif, Ain Dar, Ghawar and Safanija are the chief oil fields (petroleum regions) located in:
A. Egypt
B. Iran
C. Iraq
D. Saudi Arabia


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Dharan, Abquiq , Quatif, Ain Dar, Ghawar and Safanija are the chief oil fields (petroleum regions) located in Saudi Arabia.

159. Pykara hydroelectric power project is located at:
A. Godavari
B. Kaveri
C. Pykara River
D. Mahanadi


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The project is located at a distance of 16km downhill of the Pykara (Glenmorgan) power station. The Moyar HS also benefits by the water that is diverted from the Maravakandy Dam (located north-east of Masinagudi) through a flume channel.

160. The oil-gas fields Dighboi, Naharkatiya and Moran are located in:
A. Assam
B. Gujarat
C. Maharastra
D. Madhya Predesh


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Naharkatia (also spelled as Naharkatia or Nahorkatiya) is a town and a town area committee in Dibrugarh district in the Indian state of Assam. It is well known for petroleum and gas reserves. Earlier, Duliajan, the head office town of Oil India Limited was in its circle. However, the towns are close, within a 30-minute journey.

161. Which is known as thunder cloud?
A. Mid-Level Clouds
B. High-Level Clouds
C. Low-level Clouds
D. Cumulonimbus cloud


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Cumulonimbus (from Latin cumulus, “heaped” and nimbus, “rainstorm”) is a dense, towering vertical cloud, forming from water vapour carried by powerful upward air currents. If observed during a storm, these clouds may be referred to as thunderheads.

162. Cement industry is generally known as:

A. Source of raw material
B. Real Industry
C. Source of end products
D. All of the above


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Cement industry is generally known as source of raw material.

163. The first tidal power plant in India is located in:
A. Okha
B. Kochi
C. Vizag
D. Gulf of Kutch


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The Gujarat government is all set to develop India’s first tidal energy plant. The state government has approved Rs 25 crore for setting up the 50 MW plant at the Gulf of Kutch. It will produce energy from the ocean tides.

164. The Zasker range, the Ladakh range, the Kailas and the Karakoram Range are the main ranges of:
A. The Western Ghat
B. The Aravali
C. The Himalayan system
D. The Eastern Ghat


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The Zaskar range, the Ladakh range, the Kailas and the Karakoram Range are the main ranges of The Himalayan system.

165. The Sonapani glacier is the longest glacier of:
A. Sivalik range
B. Pir Panjal Range of the Himalayas
C. The Western Ghat
D. The Eastern Ghat


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Rising sharply to an average elevation of more than 13,000 feet (4,000 metres), it separates the Jammu Hills to the south from the Vale of Kashmir, beyond which lie the Great Himalayas. The major passes through the range include the Pir Panjal (11,462 feet [3,494 metres]) and Banihal (8,985 feet [2,739 metres]).

166. In India, the highest rainfall occurs along:
A. The West Coast North-East and hills of Meghalaya.
B. Pir Panjal Range of the Himalayas
C. The Eastern ghat
D. The Aravali


Answer: Option A
Explanation : In India, the highest rainfall occurs along the West Coast (on the Western Ghats), North-East and hills of Meghalaya.

167. Monpa, Daffla, Abor, Mishmi , Nishi and Nagas are the prominent tribal communities found in:
A. Sikkim
B. Himanchal Pradesh
C. Madhya Pradesh
D. Arunachal Pradesh


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Monpa, Daffla, Abor, Mishmi, Nishi and Nagas are the prominent tribal communities found in Arunachal Himalayas area.

168. The Gneiss is a coarse grained:
A. Volcanic Rock
B. Igneous Rock
C. Metamorphic Rock
D. Sedimentary Rock


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Gneiss is a common and widely distributed type of metamorphic rock. Gneiss is formed by high temperature and high-pressure metamorphic processes acting on formations composed of igneous or sedimentary rocks. Orthogneiss is gneiss derived from igneous rock (such as granite).

169. Gomardha Wildlife Sanctuary is located in:
A. Guhati
B. Raigarh
C. Gunna
D. Jaamnagar


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Gomarda wildlife sanctuary stretched across 277.82 sq km is 52 kilometer away from Raigarh and is named after the village Gomarda situated inside the sanctuary.

170. As per 2011 census data lowest decadal growth rate (state) has been registered in :
A. Kerala
B. West Bengal
C. Andhra Pradesh
D. Maharashtra


Answer: Option A
Explanation : As per 2011 census data lowest decadal growth rate (state) has been registered in Kerala (4.86%).

171. The leading producer of tea which accounts for about 28% of total production in the world is:
A. Kenya
B. India
C. Srilanka
D. Turkey


Answer: Option B
Explanation : India is world’s second largest tea producer after China. In 2013, India’s estimated tea production was 900 million kilograms, which counts for around 23-24% of global tea production. The top five producer countries of tea are China, India, Kenya, Sri Lanka and Turkey.

172. The narrow meandering bands of swift winds which blow in the midlatiludes near the tropopause and encircle the globe are known as:
A. Jet Stream.
B. Meander
C. Narrow wind band
D. None of these


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The narrow meandering bands of swift winds which blow in the mid latitudes near the tropo pause and encircle the globe are known as Jet Stream.

173. The first of the fourteen biosphere reserves of India which was established in 1986 is:
A. Sundarbans Biosphere Reserve
B. Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve
C. Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve
D. Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve was the first biosphere reserve in India established in the year 1986. It is located in the Western Ghats and includes 2 of the 10 biogeographical provinces of India. Wide ranges of ecosystems and species diversity are found in this region.

174. Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve is located in:
A. West Bengal
B. Tamil Nadu
C. Meghalaya
D. Uttarakhand


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The Nanda Devi National Park or Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve, established in 1982 , is a national park situated around the peak of Nanda Devi in the state of Uttarakhand in northern India. The entire park lies at an elevation of more than 3,500 m above mean sea level.

175. The average rainfall in India is about:
A. 100 cm
B. 125 cm
C. 110 cm
D. 140 cm


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The average rainfall in India is about 125 cm.

176. The highest peak of peninsular India is:
A. Dodabeta
B. Anaimudi
C. K2
D. Kanchanjangha


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Anamudi is the highest peak in the Western Ghats in India, having an elevation of 2,695 metres (8,842 ft). Anaimudi is also the highest point in South India.

177. Quartzite is metamorphosed from:
A. Limestone
B. Shale
C. Coal
D. Chalk


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Quartzite is a hard, non-foliated metamorphic rock which was originally pure quartz sandstone or Shale.

178. Limestone, Coal, Chalk, Shale are the examples of:
A. Sedimentary Rocks
B. Metamorphic Rock
C. Volcanic Rock
D. Igneous Rock


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Shale, sandstone, and limestone are the most common types of sedimentary rocks.

179. Granite and Basalt are the examples of:
A. Sedimentary Rocks
B. Metamorphic Rock
C. Volcanic Rock
D. Igneous Rocks


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Basalt and granite actually have quite a bit in common. Both are igneous rocks, which means that they cooled from a magma (the earth gets very hot just below the surface, and there is lots of liquid rock available). Both are made up of minerals from the silicate group, so both have large amounts of silicon and oxygen.

180. The Regur soil is:
A. Red Soil
B. Clay Soil
C. Black Soil
D. Sand Soil


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Black soil is also called Regur soil. It is black in colour and ideal for growing cotton. This type of soil is typical of the Deccan trap (Basalt) region spread over North-West Deccan plateau and is made up of lava flows.

181. The radius of earth is:
A. 6500 km
B. 6370 km
C. 6224 Km
D. 5553 Km


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The radius of the earth is 6370 km.

182. The crust and the upper-most part of the mantle up to a depth of 200 km from the surface of the earth is called:
A. Pyrosphere
B. Osophere
C. Cyrosphere
D. Lithosphere


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The mantle extends from Moho’s discontinuity (35 km) to a depth of 2,900 km (Moho-Discontinuity to the outer core). The crust and the uppermost part of the mantle are called lithosphere. Its thickness ranges from 10-200 km. The lower mantle extends beyond the asthenosphere.

183. The Earth’s core is made up of very heavy material mostly constituted by:
A. Iron and Aluminum
B. Aluminum and Nickel
C. Nickel and Iron
D. Nickel and Lead


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The solid, inner core of iron has a radius of about 760 miles (about 1,220 km), according to NASA. It is surrounded by a liquid, outer core composed of a nickel-iron alloy.

184. Earthquakes waves are of two types namely:
A. Body waves and surface waves
B. Circular and Body Waves
C. Body Waves and Vertical Waves
D. Circular and Vertical Waves


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The two main types of waves are body waves and surface waves. Body waves can travel through the earth’s inner layers, but surface waves can only move along the surface of the planet like ripples on water. Earthquakes radiate seismic energy as both body and surface waves.

185. The scale on which the intensity of an earth quake is measured is named after:

A. Newton
B. Einstein
C. Curie
D. Mercalli


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The Mercalli scale, named after Giuseppe Mercalli, measures the intensity of an earthquake by determining an earthquake’s effects.

186. The 99% mass of earth atmosphere is confines to the height of:
A. 16 Km from the Earth’s surface
B. 32 Km from the Earth’s surface
C. 64 Km from the Earth’s surface
D. 72 Km from the Earth’s surface


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Although our atmosphere extends upward for many hundreds of kilometers, 99% of the atmosphere’s mass is confined within a 30 km of the earth’s surface.

187. The gas which is largely responsible for green house effect is:
A. Ozone
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Methane
D. Water Vapor


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The greenhouse effect, in turn, is one of the leading causes of global warming. The most significant greenhouse gases are water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

188. The column of atmosphere is divided into five different layers namely:
A. Troposphere Lithosphere Mesosphere Ionosphere Exosphere
B. Troposphere Stratosphere Mesosphere Pyrosphers Exosphere
C. Troposphere Stratosphere Lithosphere Ionosphere Pyrosphers
D. Troposphere Stratosphere Mesosphere Ionosphere Exosphere


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The column of atmosphere is divided into five different layers namely Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Ionosphere, Exosphere.

189. The most important layer for all biological activity in the atmosphere is:
A. Troposphere.
B. Stratosphere
C. Mesosphere
D. Ionosphere
E. Exosphere


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Troposphere plays important role in moderating the temperature on earth that makes it habitable. This delicate exchange of energy between the earth’s surface and atmosphere forbids the earth from becoming too hot and too cold.

190. The flood plain along river banks formed by newer alluvium is called:
A. Meander
B. River Valley
C. Delta
D. Khaddar


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Alluvium, material deposited by rivers. It is usually most extensively developed in the lower part of the course of a river, forming floodplains and deltas, but may be deposited at any point where the river overflows its banks or where the velocity of a river is checked—for example, where it runs into a lake. The flood plain along river banks formed by newer alluvium is called Khaddar.

191. The Paithan (Jayakwadi) Hydro-electric project, completed with the help of Japan, is on the river
A. Ganga
B. Cauvery
C. Narmada
D. Godavari


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The Paithan (Jayakwadi) Hydro-electric project, completed with the help of Japan, is on the river Godavari.

192. The percentage of irrigated land in India is about
A. 45
B. 65
C. 35
D. 25


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The total arable land in India is 160 million hectares (395 million acres). According to the World Bank, only about 35% of total agricultural land in India was reliably irrigated in 2010.

193. The southernmost point of peninsular India, that is, Kanyakumari, is
A. north of Tropic of Cancer
B. south of the Equator
C. south of the Capricorn
D. north of the Equator


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The southernmost point of peninsular India, that is, Kanyakumari, is north of the Equator.

194. The pass located at the southern end of the Nilgiri Hills in south India is called
A. the Palghat gap
B. the Bhorghat pass
C. the Thalgat pass
D. the Bolan pass


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The pass located at the southern end of the Nilgiri Hills in south India is called the Palghat gap.

195. Which of the following factors are responsible for the rapid growth of sugar production in south India as compared to north India?,

A. I and II
B. I II and III
C. I III and IV
D. I II and IV


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Factors are responsible for the rapid growth of sugar production in south India as compared to north India are Higher per acre field of sugarcane, Higher sucrose content of sugarcane and Longer crushing period.

196. Which city is known as the Cotton Polis of India?

A. Ahmedabad
B. Mumbai
C. Kochi
D. Kolkta


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Mumbai is called the cotton polis because it was the home of textile mills in England. Mumbai due to its high humidity was ideal for setting up cotton textile mills and at one time there were 130 textile mills in Bombay.

197. The largest producer of diamond In India is:
A. Madhya Pradesh
B. Gujarat
C. Maharastra
D. West Bengal


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Madhya Pradesh is the only diamond producing state and is leading producer of copper conc., pyrophyllite and diaspore. State hosts country’s 68% diaspore, 41% molybdenum ore, 46% pyrophyllite, 32% diamond, 29% copper ore, 17% rock phosphate, 16% each of manganese ore and fireclay and 11% ochre resources.

198. World forestry Day is observed on:
A. April 20 Every Year.
B. May 10 Every Year.
C. June 5 Every Year.
D. March 21 Every Year.


Answer: Option D
Explanation : World Forestry Day is celebrated annually on 21st March to raise awareness about the importance and conservation of forests all over the world.

199. India’s biggest super Thermal power station is located In:
A. Narora
B. Cossipore (Kolkata)
C. Koradi near Nagpur
D. Kalpakkam


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Koradi Thermal Power Station (KTPS) is located at Koradi near Nagpur, Maharashtra. The power plant is one of the four major power plants in Vidarbha – a power surplus region of India.

200. India established Durgapur, Rourkela and Bhilai steel plants in collaboration with:
A. Germany Britain and Russia respectively
B. Britain Germany and Russia respectively
C. Russia Germany and Britain respectively
D. Britain Russia and Germany respectively


Answer: Option B
Explanation : India established Durgapur, Rourkela and Bhilai steel plants in collaboration with Britain, Germany and Russia respectively. Durgapur – Britain, Rourkela – Germany, Bhilai – Russia.

201. The principal copper deposits of India lie in which of the following places?
A. Hazaribagh and Singbhum of Bihar
B. Khetri and Daribo areas of Rajasthan
C. Anantapur in Andhra Pradesh
D. Siwaliks in Uttar Pradesh and in Karnataka


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The principal copper belt of India lies in Singhbhum and Hazaribagh in Jharkhand. The mining centres are located at Mosabani, Ghatsila, Thobani and Badia of Singbhum, Hazaribagh of Bihar, the Khetri and Dariba areas of Rajasthan, and Agnigundala of Andhra Pradesh.

202. Which of the following are true regarding Jhum cultivation in India?,

A. I II and III
B. II and III
C. I and II
D. I and III


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The following that are true regarding Jhum cultivation in India are It is largely practiced in Assam, It is referred to as ‘slash and burn’ technique and In it, the fertility is exhausted in a few years.

203. The Yarlung Zangbo river, in India, is known as
A. Ganga
B. Indus
C. Brahmaputra
D. Mahanadi


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The Yarlung Zangbo river, in India, is known as Brahmaputra.

204. The Salal Project is on the river
A. Chenab
B. Jhelum
C. Ravi
D. Sutlej


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Salal Dam also known as Salal Hydroelectric Power Station, is a run-of-the-river power project on the Chenab River in the Reasi district of the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir.

205. The only zone in the country that produces gold is also rich in iron is
A. North-eastern zone
B. North-western zone
C. Southern zone
D. None of the above


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The only zone in the country that produces gold is also rich in iron is Southern zone.

206. The percentage of earth surface covered by India is
A. 2.4
B. 3.4
C. 4.4
D. 5.4


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The percentage of earth surface covered by India is 2.4.

207. Which among the following is/are the major factor/factors responsible for the monsoon type of climate in India?
A. I
C. II III and IV
D. I II III and IV


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The major factors responsible for the monsoon type of climate in India are location, thermal contrast, upper air circulation and inter-tropical convergence zone.

208. The present forest area of India, according to satellite data, is
A. increasing
B. decreasing
C. static
D. decreasing in open forest area but increasing in closed forest area


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The present forest area of India, according to satellite data is decreasing.

209. The India’s highest annual rainfall is reported at
A. Namchi Sikkim
B. Churu Rajasthan
C. Mawsynram Meghalaya
D. Chamba Himachal Pradesh


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Mawsynram is a village in the East Khasi Hills district of Meghalaya state in north eastern India, 65 kilometres from Shillong. Mawsynram receives one of the highest rainfalls in India.

210. The refineries Mathura, Digboi and Panipat are set up by
A. Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
B. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.
C. Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.
D. Crude Distillation unit of Madras Refineries Ltd.


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The refineries are Mathura, Digboi and Panipat are set up by Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.

211. What is the predominant type of Indian agriculture?
A. Commercial agriculture
B. Extensive agriculture
C. Plantation agriculture
D. Subsistence agriculture


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The predominant type of Indian agriculture is subsistence agriculture.

212. The Radcliffe line is a boundary between
A. India and Pakistan
B. India and China
C. India and Myanmar
D. India and Afghanistan


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The Radcliffe Line, the border between the Union of India and the Dominion of Pakistan is revealed. On 17th August 1947 the Radcliffe Line was declared as the boundary between India and Pakistan, following the Partition of India.

213. Which of the following has a potential for harnessing of tidal energy in India?
A. Gulf of Cambay
B. Gulf of Mannar
C. Backwaters of Kerala
D. Chilka lake


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Gulf of Cambay has a potential for harnessing of tidal energy in India.

214. The typical area of sal forest in the Indian peninsular upland occurs
A. on the western ghats
B. between the Tapti and the Narmada
C. to the north-east of the Godavari
D. on the Malwa plateau


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The typical area of sal forest in the indian peninsular upland occurs on the Malwa plateau.

215. The state having a largest area of forest cover in India is
A. Arunachal Pradesh
B. Haryana
C. Madhya Pradesh
D. Assam


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Madhya Pradesh has the largest forest cover of 77,522 sq. km. in terms of area in the country followed by Arunachal Pradesh with the forest cover of 67,321 sq. km.

216. The most plausible explanation for the location of the Thar desert in western India is
A. the obstruction caused by the Aravalis to the rain-bearing wind that proceeds to the Ganga Valley
B. the evaporation of moisture by heat
C. the absence of mountains to the north of Rajasthan to cause orographic rainfall in it
D. that the moisture carried by the South-west monsoon is driven away by the dry upper air current


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The most plausible explanation for the location of the Thar desert in western India is the absence of mountains to the north of Rajasthan to cause orographic rainfall in it.

217. The northern boundary of the peninsular plateau of Indian runs parallel to the Ganga and the Yamuna from Rajmahal hills to a point near
A. Allahabad
B. Delhi
C. Gwalior
D. Jaipur


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The northern boundary of the peninsula plateau of India runs parallel to the Gange and the Yamuna from Rajmahal hills to a point near Delhi.

218. Which of the following food grain crops occupies the largest part of the cropped area in India?
A. Barley and maize
B. Jowar and bajra
C. Rice
D. Wheat


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Rice is the most cultivated crop in India. India is the world’s second-largest producer of rice, behind China. Rice was cultivated on an area of around 32.5 million hectares during the fiscal year 2002-2003.

219. The number of major languages, recognized in the Indian Union as official language, are
A. 15
B. 22
C. 12
D. 9


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The Eighth Schedule of the Indian Constitution lists 22 languages, which have been referred to as scheduled languages and given recognition, status and official encouragement. In addition, the Government of India has awarded the distinction of classical language to Kannada, Malayalam, Odia, Sanskrit, Tamil and Telugu.

220. The oldest rocks in India are reported from
A. Dharwar region Karnataka
B. Aravalli range Rajasthan
C. Vindhyan range Madhya Pradesh
D. Siwalik range Punjab


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Dharwad is the district headquarters of Dharwad district in the state of Karnataka, India. It was merged with the city of Hubballi in 1961 to form the twin cities of Hubballi-Dharwad. It covers an area of 200.23 km² and is located 425 km northwest of Bengaluru, on NH-48, between Bengaluru and Pune. The oldest rocks in India are reported from Dharwar region, Karnataka.

221. Which of the following groups of rivers originate from the Himachal mountains?
A. Beas Ravi and Chenab
B. Ravi Chenab and Jhelum
C. Sutlej Beas and Ravi
D. Sutlej Ravi and Jhelum


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The drainage systems of the region are the Chandra Bhaga or the Chenab, the Ravi, the Beas, the Sutlej and the Yamuna. These rivers are perennial and are fed by snow and rainfall. Groups of rivers originate from the Himachal mountains are Beas, Ravi and Chenab.

222. Which of the following groups of states has the largest deposits of iron ore?
A. Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka
B. Bihar and Orissa
C. Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra
D. West Bengal and Assam


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Bihar and Orissa states have the largest deposits of iron ore.

223. Which of the following union territories of India has the highest density of population per sq km?
A. Pondicherry
B. Lakshadweep
C. Delhi
D. Chandigarh


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Delhi has a population density of 11,297 persons per sq km.

224. Which atomic power station in India is built completely indigenously?
A. Kalpakkam
B. Narora
C. Rawat Bhata
D. Tarapore


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Madras Atomic Power Station (MAPS) located at Kalpakkam about 80 kilometers (50 mi) south of Chennai, India, is a comprehensive nuclear power production, fuel reprocessing, and waste treatment facility that includes plutonium fuel fabrication for fast breeder reactors (FBRs) is the only atomic power station in India.

225. The south-west monsoon contributes ____ of the total rain in India.
A. 86%
B. 50%
C. 22%
D. 100%


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The south-west monsoon contributes around 86 percent of the total rain in India.

226. The Shimla Convention is an agreement that sets
A. Shimla as a tourist spot
B. Shimla as the capital of Himachal Pradesh
C. boundary between India and Tibet
D. None of the above


Answer: Option C
Explanation : India’s claim to a part of its north-east territories, for example, is largely based on the same agreements – notes exchanged during the Simla convention of 1914, which set the boundary between India and Tibet – that the British appear to have simply discarded.

227. Which of the following events took place in the Cenozoic era?
A. Formation of the rockies India collides with Asia and the formation of the Himalayas and the Alps
B. Formation of the Appalachians and central European mountains
C. Splitting of India from Antarctic
D. Breaking up of Pangaea


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Formation of the rockies, India collides with Asia and the formation of the Himalayas and the Alps took place in the Cenozoic era.

228. The oldest oil field in India is the ____ field, in ____
A. Anleshwar Gujarat
B. Bombay High Maharashtra
C. Nawagam Gujarat
D. Digboi Assam


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Digboi in Assam is an oil town that can be traced to the early 18th century, when oil was first discovered here. Digboi can proudly boast of two unique features: a 100-year-old extant oilfield and the world’s oldest operating oil refinery.

229. Unlike other parts of the Indian Coast, fishing industry has not developed along the Saurashtra coast because
A. there are few indentions suitable for fishing
B. of overwhelming dependence on agriculture and animal husbandary
C. the sea water is relatively more saline
D. of industrial development leading to widespread pollution of coastal area


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Unlike other parts of the Indian Coast, fishing industry has not developed along the Saurashtra coast because of overwhelming dependence on agriculture and animal husbandry.

230. The mountain building in Himalayas began
A. about 45 million years ago
B. when the continental plates of India and Eurasia converged on each other
C. both (a) and (b)
D. None of the above


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The mountain building in Himalayas began about 45 million years ago when the continental plates of India and Eurasia converged on each other.

231. The outer Himalayas lie between
A. the lease Himalayas and the Indo Gangetic plain
B. the foot hills and the Indo Gangetic plain
C. the greater Himalayas and the lesser Himalayas
D. Indo-Gangetic plains and the peninsula


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The outer Himalayas lie between the lease Himalayas and the Indo Gangetic plain.

232. Which of the following geographical features have played a great unifying role in strengthening the forces of homogeneity of the Indian people?,

A. I
C. I and II
D. I II III and IV


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Geographical features that have played a great unifying role in strengthening the forces of homogeneity of the Indian people are the expanses of water surrounding the peninsula, the Himalayan Mountains, the vastness of the country and the presence of the Indian ocean.

233. Which of the following drainage systems fall into Bay of Bengal?
A. Ganga Brahmaputra and Godavari
B. Mahanadi Krishna and Cauvery
C. Luni Narmada and Tapti
D. Both (a) and (b)


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Drainage systems fall into Bay of Bengal from Ganga, Brahmaputra, Godavari, Mahanadi, Krishna and Cauvery.

234. The oldest oil refinery in India is at
A. Digboi Assam
B. Haldia near Kolkata
C. Koyali near Baroda
D. Noonmati Assam


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Digboi in Assam is an oil town that can be traced to the early 18th century, when oil was first discovered here. Digboi can proudly boast of two unique features: a 100-year-old extant oilfield and the world’s oldest operating oil refinery.

235. The oldest mountains in India are
A. Aravalis
B. Vindhyas
C. Satpuras
D. Nilgiri hills


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The Aravalli Range, an eroded stub of ancient mountains, is the oldest range of fold mountains in India. The natural history of the Aravalli Range dates back to times when the Indian plate was separated from the Eurasian plate by an ocean.

236. Which of the following groups of rivers have their source of origin in Tibet?
A. Brahmaputra Ganges and Sutlej
B. Ganges Sutlej and Yamuna
C. Brahmaputra Indus and Sutlej
D. Chenab Ravi and Sutlej


Answer: Option C
Explanation : All the 10 major river systems of Asia including the Indus, Sutlej, Brahmaputra, Irrawady, Salween and Mekong originate in the Tibetan plateau. Among the following groups of rivers have their source of origin in Tibet are Brahmaputra, Indus and Sutlej.

237. Which of the following measures are effective for soil conservation in India?,

A. I and II
B. II and IV
C. III and IV
D. I II and III


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Measures that are effective for soil conservation in India are afforestation and Limiting shifting cultivation. Afforestation is the establishment of a forest or stand of trees (forestation) in an area where there was no previous tree cover. Shifting cultivation is an agricultural system in which plots of land are cultivated temporarily, then abandoned and allowed to revert to their natural vegetation while the cultivator moves on to another plot.

238. Which of the following crops needs maximum water per hectare?
A. Barley
B. Maize
C. Sugarcane
D. Wheat


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Sugarcane crops needs maximum water per hectare. The crop water need or crop evapotranspiration consists of transpiration by the plant and evaporation from the soil and plant surface.

239. The watershed between India and Myanmar is formed by
A. the Naga hills
B. the Garo hills
C. the Khasi hills
D. the Jaintia hills


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The water shed between India and Myanmar is formed by Naga hills. These lies in the borders of India and Burma.

240. The originating in the Himalayan mountain complex consists of how many distinct drainage systems of the Indian Subcontinent?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The originating in the Himalayan mountain complex consists of three distinct drainage systems of the Indian subcontinent.

241. The percentage of India’s total population employed in agriculture is nearly
A. 40%
B. 50%
C. 60%
D. 70%


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The percentage of India’s population employed in agriculture is nearly 70%.

242. Which of the following important rivers of India does not originate from the Western Ghats?
A. Cauvery
B. Godavari
C. Krishna
D. Mahanadi


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The Western Ghats form one of the four watersheds of India, feeding the perennial rivers of India. The major river systems originating in the Western Ghats are Godavari, Kaveri, Krishna, Thamiraparani and Tungabhadra. Mahanadi does not originate from the Western Ghats.

243. Which of the following areas or regions is most prone to earthquakes?
A. Ganga-Brahmaputra valley
B. Deccan plateau
C. Plains of northern India
D. Western ghats


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Ganga-Brahmaputra valley areas or regions is most prone to earthquakes. Generally, the areas having trap rock or basaltic rock are prone to earthquakes.

244. The proportion of forest to the total national geographical area of India as envisaged by National Forest Policy is
A. 30.3%
B. 33.3%
C. 38.3%
D. 42.3%


Answer: Option B
Explanation : 33.3% of the total geographical area should be under forest/tree cover.

245. Which of the following dams has generations of power more than irrigation as its main purpose?
A. Gandhi Sagar
B. Hirakud
C. Periyar
D. Tungabhadra


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Gandhi Sagar dams has generations of power more than irrigation as its main purpose. The Gandhi Sagar Dam is one of the four major dams built on India’s Chambal River. The dam is located in the Mandsaur, Neemuch districts of the state of Madhya Pradesh. It is a masonry gravity dam, standing 62.17 metres (204.0 ft) high, with a gross storage capacity of 7.322 billion cubic metres from a catchment area of 22,584 km2 (8,720 sq mi).

246. Which of the following crops is regarded as a plantation crop?
A. Coconut
B. Cotton
C. Sugarcane
D. Rice


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Coconut crop is regarded as a plantation crop. The coconut tree (Cocos nucifera) is a member of the palm tree family (Arecaceae) and the only living species of the genus Cocos. The term “coconut” (or the archaic “cocoanut”) can refer to the whole coconut palm, the seed, or the fruit, which botanically is a drupe, not a nut.

247. Which of the following countries leads in the production of aluminium and its products in the world?
A. Australia
B. France
C. India


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Among the following USA leads in the production of aluminium and its products in the world. As a whole, China has the maximum production.

248. The natural region which holds the Indian subcontinent is
A. equatorial climate change region
B. hot deset
C. monsoon
D. mediterranean


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Monsoon is traditionally defined as a seasonal reversing wind accompanied by corresponding changes in precipitation, but is now used to describe seasonal changes in atmospheric circulation and precipitation associated with the asymmetric heating of land and sea. Usually, the term monsoon is used to refer to the rainy phase of a seasonally changing pattern, although technically there is also a dry phase. The term is sometimes incorrectly used for locally heavy but short-term rains, although these rains meet the dictionary definition of monsoon.

249. The most ideal region for the cultivation of cotton in India is
A. the Brahmaputra valley
B. the Indo-Gangetic valley
C. the Deccan plateau
D. the Rann of Kutch


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Deccan plateau is the most ideal region for the cultivation of cotton in india. Because of the thick dark soil also known as regur soil which is widely found in Deccan plateau, this place is suitable for cultivation of cotton.

250. Which of the following are true with respect to the Indian Peninsular Plateau?,

A. I II and III
B. I and II
C. I II III and IV
D. I III and IV


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The following that are true with respect to the Indian Peninsular Plateau are The southern plateau block is formed mainly of granite and gneiss, The Deccan lava plateau is an elevated tableland consisting of horizontally arranged lava sheets, The Malwa plateau dominates the Vindhyam scraps, forming the northern flank of the plateau and The trough of the Narmada and Tapti are interposed between the Vindhyan and the Satpura ranges.

251. Which of the following types of soil are mostly confined to river basins and coastal plains of India?
A. Alluvial soils
B. Black soils
C. Laterite soils
D. Red soils


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Alluvial soil are mostly confined to river basin and costal plain as river tends to erode the soils and deposit the heavy fertile soil near river and it’s adjacent areas.

252. The two states of India, most richly endowed with iron ore, are
A. Bihar and Orissa
B. Madhya Pradesh and Orissa
C. Bihar and West Bengal
D. Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The two states of India, most richly endowed with iron ore, are Bihar and Orissa.

253. The most fertile region of India is
A. the Himalayas
B. the central Highlands
C. the Indo-Gangetic plain
D. peninsular plateau


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The Indo-Gangetic Plain, also known as the Indus-Ganga Plain and the North Indian River Plain, is a 630-million-acre (2.5-million km2) fertile plain encompassing Northern regions of the Indian subcontinent, including most of northern and eastern India, the eastern parts of Pakistan, virtually all of Bangladesh and southern plains of Nepal.

254. Which of the following groups accounts for over 90 per cent of India’s annual coal production?
A. Bihar Orissa and West Bengal
B. Bihar Orissa and Madhya Pradesh
C. Orissa Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu
D. West Bengal Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Bihar, Orissa and West Bengal accounts for over 90% of India’s annual coal production.

255. The significant shifts in Indian agriculture during green revolution include
A. non-food grains reported some spectacular progress and shift in the cropping pattern
B. major food grains in the eastern regions productions decreased and in the northern states increased
C. both (a) and (b)
D. None of the above


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The significant shifts in Indian agriculture during green revolution include both non-food grains reported some spectacular progress and shift in the cropping pattern and major food grains, in the eastern regions productions decreased and in the northern states increased.

256. The number of major ports in India is
A. 5
B. 8
C. 13
D. 15


Answer: Option C
Explanation : There are total 13 major sea ports of India,out of which 12 are government and one, Ennore port of Chennai is the corporate one.

257. Which of the following is a peninsular river of India?
A. Gandak
B. Kosi
C. Krishna
D. Sutlej


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The peninsular Rivers in India include the Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, Cauvery, Narmada, and Tapti or Tapi. Together they drain a significant portion of rural India. These rivers carry both religious and cultural significances in the lives of Indian people. Krishna among the following is a peninsular river of India.

258. Which of the following is the most important raw material for generation of power in India?
A. Coal
B. Mineral Oil
C. Natural Gas
D. Uranium


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Coal is one of the most important sources of energy and is being used for various proposes such as heating of housed, as fuel for boilers and steam engines and for generation of electricity by thermal plants. Coal is found in abundance in our country and it is the most important source of energy in our country.

259. When it is noon IST at Allahabad in India, the time at Greenwich, London, will be
A. midnight GMT
B. 17 30 hours
C. 06 30 hours
D. None of the above


Answer: Option C
Explanation : When it is 12:00 pm in Allahabad, there will 6 30 hrs in London as it is 5 hrs 30 minutes behind IST.

260. Which country has the largest coast line?
B. Australia
C. Canada
D. India


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Canada (202,080 km) has the longest total coastlines in the world, and these hold great cultural, military, and economic importance for each of them.

261. The river Godavari is often referred to as Vridha Ganga because
A. it is the older river of India
B. of its large size and extent among the peninsular rivers
C. there are a fairly large number of pilgrimage centres situated on its banks
D. its length is nearly the same as that of the river Ganges


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The river Godavari is often referred to as Vridha Ganga because of its large size and extent among the peninsular rivers.

262. The scarcity or crop failure of which of the following can cause a serious edible oil crisis in India?
A. coconut
B. Groundnut
C. Linseed
D. Mustard


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The scarcity or crop failure of Groundnut can cause a serious edible oil crisis in India. The peanut, also known as the groundnut, goober, or monkey nut, and taxonomically classified as Arachis hypogaea, is a legume crop grown mainly for its edible seeds. It is widely grown in the tropics and subtropics, being important to both small and large commercial producers.

263. The pennines (Europe), Appalachians (America) and the Aravallis (India) are examples of
A. old mountains
B. young mountains
C. fold mountains
D. block mountains


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The pennines (Europe), Appalachians (America) and the Aravallis (India) are examples of old mountains.

264. Which of the following factors are responsible for present crisis in the jute industry in India?,
A. I and II
B. I II and III
C. I and III
D. II and III


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Factors that are responsible for present crisis in the jute industry in India are The decline in overseas market and Inadequately supply of raw jute.

265. Which of the following factors are responsible for India’s failure to fully exploit the inland fisheries during the last five decades?,
A. I II and III
B. I and II
C. I and III
D. II and III


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Factors that are responsible for India’s failure to fully exploit the inland fisheries during the last five decades are Silting and pollution of the inland water bodies and Lack of marketing facilities.

266. Gold is mined in:
A. Karnatka
B. Maharastra
C. Orissa
D. Uttar Pradesh


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The main minerals found in Karnataka are listed below: Gold: The Kolar Gold Fields in Kolar used to be one of the major producers of gold in India, before it shut down. Presently the gold mines of Hutti and Raichur produce almost 84 per cent of the country’s gold.

267. The source of Kaveri River lies in –
A. Sahyadri
B. Brahmagiri hills
C. Gavaligarh
D. Amarkantak


Answer: Option B
Explanation : River Kaveri originates in the Brahmagiri hills in Kodagu, in a place called Talakaveri (head of Kaveri). It starts its journey from the small pond called as Kundike pond, later the two tributaries known as Kanake and Sujyoti joins it. All these three rivers meets at the point called Bhagamandala.

268. Which State has the largest reserves of Lignite Coal?
A. Gujarat
B. Kerala
C. Rajasthan
D. Tamil Nadu


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The largest lignite reserve in India is located at Neyveli in Tamil Nadu. At places, these coal seams are more than 15 metres thick. This coal has more than 35 per cent carbon content. Neyveli Lignite Corporation has been set up for multipurpose use of this coal, after enrichment of its carbon content.

269. Which of the following rivers makes an estuary?
A. Krishna
B. Kaveri
C. Ganga
D. Narmada


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The Narmada, Periyar and Tapti are the only long rivers, which flow west and make estuaries. An Estuary is a partly enclosed coastal body of water with one or more rivers or streams flowing into it, and with a free connection to the open sea. Only West following rivers of India forms Estuary.

270. Which of the following is known as the morning star?
A. Saturn
B. Jupiter
C. Mars
D. Venus


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Because it seems In addition to being known as the evening star, Venus was also called the morning star because it could be seen for a few hours before the Sun grew too bright. The planet actually becomes brightest before the Sun rises or just after sunset.

271. Which of the following is largest planet?

A. Jupiter
B. Neptune
C. Saturn
D. Mars


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The largest planet in our solar system by far is Jupiter, which beats out all the other planets in both mass and volume. Jupiter’s mass is more than 300 times that of Earth, and its diameter, at 140,000 km, is about 11 times Earth’s diameter.

272. Black soil is favourable for cultivation of-
A. Cotton
B. Coffee
C. Rice
D. Tea


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Black soils are poor in nitrogen, phosphorus and organic matter. The soils are generally rich in the montmorillonitic and beidellitic group of clay minerals. It is most suitable for the growth of cotton. It is also known or cotton soil as a reason.

273. The largest producer of Sugar in India is

A. Bihar
B. Karnataka
C. Maharashtra
D. Uttar Pradesh


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Uttar Pradesh (UP) will be the largest producer of sugar in India; followed by Maharashtra, which is expected to trail marginally behind UP. Also, sugar production in Karnataka will recover to its near normal levels (five-year average).

274. The Sahyadri is another name of:
A. Western Ghat
B. Vindhya Range
C. Shivalik Range
D. Eastern Ghat


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Western Ghats also known as Sahyadri (Benevolent Mountains) is a mountain range that covers an area of 140,000 km² in a stretch of 1,600 km parallel to the western coast of the Indian peninsula, traverse the States of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Goa, Maharashtra and Gujarat.

275. Which of the following pairs is correct?
A. Maharashtra – Paradeep
B. Tamil Nadu – Mangalore
C. Gujarat – Kandla
D. Karnataka – Tuticorin


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Kandla is a seaport in Kutch district of Gujarat in western India.

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MCQ Questions on Agriculture and Soil in Indian Geography MCQ Questions on Indian Rivers, Lake, and Water
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MCQ Questions on Environment and Ecology in Indian Geography MCQ Questions on Population and Tribes in Indian Geography
MCQ Questions on Miscellaneous Indian Geography MCQ Questions on World Climate and Weather
MCQ Questions on World Agriculture, Minerals and Industries MCQ Questions on World Environment and Ecology
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MCQ Questions on World Climate and Weather | World Climate and Weather Objective Type Questions with Answers

MCQ Questions on World Climate and Weather

Having knowledge of world climate and weather topics is essential for every citizen. In all competitive exams, you will find few questions on world climate and weather. In order to attempt them correctly, practicing these World climate and weather multiple choice questions and answers is the best option. So, download MCQs on World climate and weather in geography subject and enhance your speed and accuracy while answering in real-time tests.

World Climate and Weather MCQ Quiz Questions and Answers

1. The chief industry of Afghanistan is ________
A. Cotton textiles
B. Carpet making
C. Sugar refining
D. Automobile manufacturing


Answer: Option B
Explanation: The chief industry of Afghanistan is Carpet making. Carpet making is the most important handicraft industry, but it has suffered with the flight of rug makers during the civil war and since the 2001 US-led bombing campaign.

2. Venice in Italy and Vienna in Austria are famous for ________
A. Pottery
B. Glass industry
C. Chemical industry
D. Textile industry


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Venice in Italy and Vienna in Austria are famous for Glass industry. For centuries, Venetian glassblowing was world famous. By the 13th century, glass had become a primary export for Venice. Everyone wanted it and everyone wanted to know how it was made. Vienna was also as famous as Venice.

3. The Appalachian coal fields, one of the important coal fields in the world, are located in ________
A. China
B. Great Britain
C. U.S.
E. Russia


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The Appalachian coal fields, one of the important coal fields in the world, are located in U.S.A. Appalachia is one of three coal-mining regions in the United States; the others are the Interior coal region, and the Western coal region, which includes the Powder River Basin.

4. Monazite is an ore of
A. Copper
B. Iron
C. Thorium
D. Titanium


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Monazite is an ore of Thorium. Monazite is a rare phosphate mineral with a chemical composition of (Ce,La,Nd,Th)(PO4,SiO4). It usually occurs in small isolated grains, as an accessory mineral in igneous and metamorphic rocks such as granite, pegmatite, schist, and gneiss.

5. Which of the following is a type of farming that involves both the growing of crops as well as raising of livestock?
A. Intensive Farming
B. Mixed Farming
C. Dairy Farming
D. Dry Farming


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Mixed farming is a type of farming in which crops are grown alongwith raising of livestock such as cows, buffaloes, sheep, goats.

6. Which one of the following terms for natural vegetation is associated with Siberia?
A. Selva
B. Taiga
C. Pampas
D. Savanna


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Taiga vegetation is associated with Siberia. Taiga, also called boreal forest, biome (major life zone) of vegetation composed primarily of cone-bearing needle-leaved or scale-leaved evergreen trees, found in northern circumpolar forested regions characterized by long winters and moderate to high annual precipitation.

7. The location of a cement industry is mostly based on ________.
A. Nearness to a port
B. Where demand is high
C. Where transportation facilities are available
D. Availability of raw materials


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The location of a cement industry is mostly based on availability of raw materials. A significant factor which aids the growth of this sector is the ready availability of the raw materials for making cement, such as limestone and coal.

8. Wheat and rice in China are cultivated in
A. Lower Yangtse Basin
B. Hwang Ho Basin
C. The Lower Si Basin
D. South East Coast


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Wheat and rice in China are cultivated in Lower Yangtse Basin. Paddy rice is the major grain crop in China, grown mainly in the Yangtze River valley and southern China, and on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. The output of wheat accounts for slightly more than one fifth of the total output of grain; it is planted throughout China but mainly on the North China Plain.

9. What is the main natural cause of disruption of road in hilly areas?
A. Landslide
B. Falling of Trees
C. Traffic
D. Road Construction


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Landslides occur naturally as the mass of earth collapses from the mountain. Hence it becomes cause of disruption of roads in hilly areas.

10. Coniferous forests are in the region of ________
A. High humidity and high temperature
B. Low rainfall and very low temperature throughout the year
C. Low mean annual temperature throughout the year and very cold winter
D. Heavy rainfall and high temperature during summer


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Coniferous forests are in the region of low rainfall and very low temperature throughout the year. Precipitation in coniferous forests varies from 300 to 900 mm annually, with some temperate coniferous forests receiving up to 2,000 mm. The amount of precipitation depends on the forest location. In the northern boreal forests, the winters are long, cold and dry, while the short summers are moderately warm and moist.

11. The metallic minerals are
A. Asbestos mica graphite
B. Iron ore copper lead
C. Coal oil natural gas
D. Salt potash sulphur


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The metallic minerals are Iron ore, copper, lead. Metallic minerals contain metal in raw form.Metallic minerals occur in rare, naturally formed concentrations known as mineral deposits. These deposits can consist of a variety of metallic minerals containing valuable metals such as nickel (pentlandite), copper (chalcopyrite), zinc (sphalerite), lead (galena) and gold.

12. Which one of the following natural regions is best known for the production of grapes?
A. Hot deserts
B. Monsoon
C. Equatorial
D. Mediterranean


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Mediterranean regions is best known for the production of grapes. Grapes, cultivated for the fruit or for making wine, grow very well in the region thanks to the mild temperature and ideal moisture conditions in many areas of the region. Each sub-region has grapes that offer specific flavors. Sherry is grown in the Andalusia in Spain, Nero d’Avola from Sicily, Patrimonio from Corsica (there are also wines in Greece, Algeria, Morocco, Israel).

13. Over 90% of the world’s biomass is in
A. Tropical rain forests
B. Freshwater wetlands
C. Top soils
D. Oceans


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Over 90% of the world’s biomass is in Tropical rain forests. Tropical rainforests are the most complex of the world’s ecosystems in terms of the physical structure that they develop, and also in their tremendous biodiversity of species and community types. Because of these characteristics, tropical rainforests represent the acme of ecosystem development on Earth.

14. The major oil producing area in U.S.A. is ________
A. Texas-Louisiana belt
B. California-Colorado belt
C. Ohio-Indiana belt
D. Appalachian region


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The major oil producing area in U.S.A. is Texas-Louisiana belt. Texas serve as the headquarters for oil production activities in the basin.

15. The method of soil conservation in which stones grass, soil are used to build barriers along contours and trenches are made in front of the barriers to collect water is called?
A. Mulching
B. Contour barriers
C. Rock dam
D. Terrace farming


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The process of forming contour strips with the help of stones, grass and soil which intercept the downslope flowing of water is done to prevent soil erosion in hilly terrains. These strips of stone, grass and soil are called contour barriers.

16. The clouds float in atmosphere because of
A. Low Temperature
B. Low Velocity
C. Low Pressure
D. Less Density


Answer: Option D
Explanation : As we move upwards altitudewise the density of atmosphere decreases. Lower atmosphere is denser than upper atmosphere Clouds are formed in upper tropospheric level hence are less dense when compared to lower tropospheric level (lower atmosphere).

17. Deciduous trees are those ________
A. That grow up straight
B. That grow plenty in dry places
C. That never bear fruits
D. That shed their leaves during a certain season


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Deciduous trees are those that shed their leaves during a certain season. Most deciduous trees have broad leaves that are susceptible to being damaged during cold or dry weather.

18. The Ruhr-Westphalia region is a famous industrial region of ________
A. Scandinavia
B. Russia
C. North America
D. Germany


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The Ruhr-Westphalia region is a famous industrial region of Germany. The Ruhr Valley in Germany, which encompasses the industrial cities of Bochum, Dortmund, Duisburg, Essen, and others, is one of the most industrialized areas of the country.

19. Which of the following biomes is known as “Bread basket of the World”?
A. Mid Latitude Grassland
B. Taiga
C. Mediterranean
D. Tropical Savanna


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Mid Latitude Grasslands (prairies) termed as “Bread basket of the world” as it is food grain rich region. As ‘Wheat’ is temperate food crop. It is grown in this region extensively in big farms for commercial purpose.

20. Among the following countries, the only one to have about half of its area under cultivation is ________
A. China
B. India
C. Japan


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Among the following countries, the only one to have about half of its area under cultivation is India. India is the world’s largest producer of milk, pulses and jute, and ranks as the second largest producer of rice, wheat, sugarcane, groundnut, vegetables, fruit and cotton. It is also one of the leading producers of spices, fish, poultry, livestock and plantation crops. Worth $ 2.1 trillion, India is the world’s third largest economy after the US and China.

21. World’s leading producer of fertilizers is ________
A. U.K.
B. India
C. U.S.
D. Russia


Answer: Option C
Explanation : World’s leading producer of fertilizers is U.S. Uralkali and Belaruskali are the largest producers of potash fertilizers in Eastern Europe. EuroChem, which is headquartered in Switzerland, is the fifth largest producer by capacity, followed by CF Industries (CF), which is headquartered in the United States.

22. Which one of the following is a landlocked country?
A. Bulgaria
B. Hungary
C. Romania
D. Ukraine


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Hungary is a landlocked country located on the Danube River Basin in Central Europe. Its bound by Slovakia to the north, Ukraine to the northeast, Romania to the east, Croatia and Serbia & Montenegro to the south as well as Slovenia and Austria to the west.

23. The Himalayas have snowline at 4300 m whereas in the Alps mountain, it is at 3000 m. This is because the ________
A. Himalayas have denser forest cover
B. Himalayas face the monsoon winds
C. Himalayas are higher than the Alps
D. Himalayas are located in the lower latitudes


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The Himalayas have snowline at 4300 m whereas in the Alps mountain, it is at 3000 m. This is because the himalayas are located in the lower latitudes.

24. Which one of the following regions of the world is called “the bread basket of the world”?
A. Temperate grassland
B. Tropical monsoonal region
C. Mediterranean region
D. Savana grassland


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Temperate grassland of the world is called “the bread basket of the world”. “The breadbasket of Europe” Ukraine is known as the breadbasket of Europe; along with the U.S. and Australia, it’s one of the world’s top wheat exporters. And a lot of the wheat leaves the country via the Crimean peninsula.

25. The greatest diversity of animal and plant species occurs in ________
A. Temperate deciduous forests
B. Tropical moist forests
C. Heavily polluted rivers
D. Deserts and Savannas


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The greatest diversity of animal and plant species occurs in tropical moist forests. Tropical rainforests support the greatest diversity of living organisms on Earth. Although they cover less than 2 percent of Earth’s surface, rainforests house more than 50 percent of the plants and animals on Earth. Rainforests have 170,000 of the world’s 250,000 known plant species.

26. Which of the following gives the maximum Oxygen
A. Green Forest
B. Desert
C. Grassland
D. Phytoplankton


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Phytoplanktons are the tiny ocean plants that live near the oceanic surface. These are responsible for maximum oxygen present on Earth.

27. ________ affect the rate of humus formation of soil.
A. Flora ; Fauna
B. Time
C. Temperature
D. Parent rock


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Humus is the biotic component of soil and without humus soil is just a rock in crushed form. Humus is the life giving component of soil and is formed by the decomposition of flora and fauna.

28. The world’s highest hydel power project ‘Rongtong’ is located in ________
A. Rangoon
B. Kathmandu
C. Himachal Pradesh
D. Beijing


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The world’s highest hydel power project ‘Rongtong’ is located in Himachal Pradesh. Rongtong is a 2MW project that is located in the Lahaul-Spiti district on Rongtong Nullaha, a tributary of Spiti river. Located at an elevation of 3,600 metres in a snow adhered region, this was the first hydel project executed for the socio-economic upliftment of the tribals of this area. It is one of the highest in the world.

29. The maximum amount of energy in the present day world is provided by ________
A. Atomic energy
B. Coal
C. Hydroelectric power resources
D. Liquid fuels


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The maximum amount of energy in the present day world is provided by Coal. Coal power in the United States accounted for 39% of the country’s electricity production at utility-scale facilities in 2014, 33% in 2015, 30.4% in 2016 and 27.4% in 2018 Coal supplied 12.6 quadrillion BTUs of primary energy to electric power plants in 2017.

30. What is the most important edible crop of Australia?
A. Maize
B. Barley
C. Wheat
D. Rice


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Wheat is the temperate crop and it is grown vastly in Australia adding its value to Australian economy. Most of southern Australia lies in temperate zone.

31. Nights are cooler in the deserts than in the plains because ________
A. Sand radiates heat more quickly than the earth
B. The sky remains clear most of the time
C. Sand absorbs heat more quickly than the earth
D. None of the above reasons


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Nights are cooler in the deserts than in the plains because Sand radiates heat more quickly than the earth. Because deserts have such little water vapor in the air, it makes it harder to trap heat or cold in a desert. At night, the sun no longer heats the desert and the heat from the day doesn’t stay trapped. Because of this, some deserts can get cold at night, dropping to below 40F, which is definitely coat weather.

32. India is the largest producer and consumer of
A. Rice
B. Tea
C. Coffee
D. Sugar


Answer: Option B
Explanation : India is the largest producer and consumer of Tea. Tea is the highly famous and also highly consumed product in India. In India, tea is produced in the large amount and expert to the other countries. There are many tea plantations in Kerala, Nilgiri, Assam, Karnataka, Tripura, etc. are some of the topmost tea production states in India. Tamil Nadu plays the major role in the tea production.

33. Wind power is employed prominently in ________
A. France
B. Holland
C. Saudi Arabia
D. Canada


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Wind power is employed prominently in Holland. The Dutch government has set a target of 6,000 MW of onshore wind power by 2020 and 4,450 MW of offshore wind power by 2023. This will contribute towards the Dutch target of 14% renewable energy use out of total energy use by 2020 and 16% by 2023.

34. The flower bud which is used as spice, is obtained from?
A. Cinnamon
B. Cardamom
C. Clove
D. Coriander


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Cloves are flower buds with aroma which are used as spice. Their native place is Maluku Island, Indonesia.

35. Coal, which is almost pure carbons which hardly has any impurities, which is smokeless and which finds use in the steel industry is called
A. Coking coal
B. Anthracite
C. Bituminous coal
D. Lignite


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Coal, which is almost pure carbons which hardly has any Impurities, which is smokeless and which finds use in the steel industry is called Coking coal. Coking coal, also known as metallurgical coal, is used to create coke, one of the key irreplaceable inputs for the production of steel. The property that really sets coking coals apart from other coals is its caking ability, which is the specific property required in order to make coke suitable for steel making.

36. Which of the following trees is not a soft wood variety?
A. Fir
B. Mahogany
C. Pine
D. Spruce


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Mahogany trees is not a soft wood variety. Mahogany is a straight-grained, reddish-brown timber of three tropical hardwood species of the genus Swietenia, indigenous to the Americas and part of the pantropical chinaberry family, Meliaceae.

37. What is the reason of duration of cold wave in America?
A. Bio-diversity and Habitat
B. Climate and Energy
C. Political Administration
D. Polar Vortex


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Polar Vortex is low pressure area lying in the Upper Tropospheric level near Earth’s pole. The Southward shifting of such a low pressure area bring cold waves in America in winter.

38. Which of the following is an example of Mid-latitude desert ?
A. Sahara desert
B. Arabian desert
C. Thar desert
D. Patagonia desert


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Patagonia desert is an example of Mid-latitude desert. Patagonia is a desert in the rain shadow of the Andes. The Patagonian Desert, also known as the Patagonian Steppe or Magellanic Steppe, is the largest desert in Argentina and is the 8th largest desert in the world by area, occupying 673,000 square kilometers (260,000 mi2).

39. Word “Steppe” is related to which of the following biomes?
A. Grassland
B. Tropical Forest
C. Savanna
D. Coniferous Forest


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Steppes are found in South Europe, Central Asia, and parts of South America and Southern Africa etc. The complex climatic conditions like hot summers and cold winters, with an average of 250mm-500mm rain. They are of two types:- Sub Tropical and Temperate Steppes. Mostly shrubs occur here.

40. The region famous for various types of wine and champagne is
A. Eastern Europe
B. Western Europe
C. Mediterranean Sea
D. Grassland


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Region around the Mediterranean Sea is famous for growing citrus fruits such as oranges, grapes etc. from which wine & champagne are made. Countries like France is famous for its wine & champagne production.

41. Factory farming is the characteristic of
A. North-western North America
B. North-western Europe
C. Eastern Europe
D. South-east Asia


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Factory farming is the characteristic of North-western Europe. From its American and West European heartland factory farming became globalised in the later years of the 20th century and is still expanding and replacing traditional practices of stock rearing in an increasing number of countries. In 1990 factory farming accounted for 30% of world meat production and by 2005 this had risen to 40%.

42. Most of the Japanese industries are located on the ________
A. Hokkaido coast
B. Honshu coast
C. Shikoko coast
D. Kyushu coast


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Most of the Japanese industries are located on the Hokkaido coast. The region is gaining attention as a manufacturing industry cluster. The island of Hokkaido is located at the north end of Japan.

43. Brazil has become the world’s largest producer of coffee mainly because ________
A. The Brazilian plateau is well drained land
B. The climatic conditions are suitable
C. The “terra-rosa” soil is very fertile
D. The coffee plant is native of Brazil


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Brazil has become the world’s largest producer of coffee mainly because the “terra-rosa” soil is very fertile. It is marked by fertile, almost purple, terra rosa, because of basalt present in it.

44. What is the meaning of “Cloud Burst”
A. Appearance of clouds in sky
B. Very heavy rain with heavy storm
C. Sowing of crop seeds in cloudy weather
D. Formation of artificial rain


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Extremely heavy precipitation in short time period alongwith hail & thunder capable of bringing flood is termed as ‘cloud burst’. Such a phenomenon is observed during monsoons in Uttarakhand.

45. Which vegetation is called natural cattle country ?
A. Savanna
B. Downs
C. Selva
D. Prairies


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Downs is called natural cattle country. The Darling Downs contains the largest deposit of rich black agricultural soils in Australia.

46. Doldrums pressure belts lies in between which of the following latitudes?
A. 5°N to 5°S
B. 35° to 60° N and S
C. 25° to 35° N and S
D. 35° to 45° N and S


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The Doldrums are located a little north of the equator, but the effects can be felt from 5 degrees north of the equator to 5 degrees south of it.

47. Where was the world’s first oil-well drilled in the nineteenth century ?
A. Baku in Russia.
B. Titusville in Pennsylvania U.S.
D. Digboi in Assam India
E. Dhahran in Saudi Arabia


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The world’s first oil-well drilled in Titusville in Pennsylvania, U.S.A. in the nineteenth century. On August 27, 1859, George Bissell and Edwin L. Drake made the first successful use of a drilling rig on a well drilled especially to produce oil, at a site on Oil Creek near Titusville, Pennsylvania.

48. Which of the following deserts does not lie in the Northern Hemisphere?
A. Gobi
B. Kalahari
C. Sahara
D. Thar


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Kalahari deserts does not lie in the Northern Hemisphere. It lies on the Southern hemisphere.

49. The thermal equator is found
A. At the equator
B. South of the geographical equator
C. North of the geographical equator
D. At the tropic of cancer


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The thermal equator is found in North of the geographical equator. The thermal equator (also known as “the heat equator”) is a belt encircling the Earth, defined by the set of locations having the highest mean annual temperature at each longitude around the globe.

50. No trees are found in Tundra biome near polar region of northern hemisphere. This is due to ________
A. Snowfall inhibits plant respiration
B. Frozen ice beneath the surface soil (permafrost) restricts root growth
C. Less wind movement and inadequate sunlight
D. Low temperature which restricts development of reproductive organs


Answer: Option B
Explanation : No trees are found in Tundra biome near polar region of northern hemisphere. This is due to Frozen ice beneath the surface soil (permafrost) restricts root growth. There are no deep root systems in the vegetation of the arctic tundra, however, there are still a wide variety of plants that are able to resist the cold climate. There are about 1,700 kinds of plants in the arctic and subarctic.

51. Land breeze is a cold breeze which flows from land to
A. Sea
B. Forest
C. Desert
D. None of these


Answer: Option A
Explanation : During the night hours, land cools quickly as compared to adjacent ocean. So low pressure develops lover sea as air here rises up. Hence, the land breeze rushes to fill the vacuum towards sea surface as during night high pressure is maintained over land.

52. Put the following ores in descending order of their iron content:,1. Haemetite,2. Magnetite,3. Limonite,4. Siderite
A. 1 2 3 4
B. 2 1 3 4
C. 2 1 4 3
D. 1 2 4 3


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The following ores in descending order of their iron content are Magnetite, Haemetite, Limonite and Siderite.

53. Identify the correct descending order of production of wood pulp of the following countries: ,1. USA,2. Sweden,3. Japan,4. Canada
A. 1 3 2 4
B. 2 4 1 3
C. 1 4 2 3
D. 2 3 1 4


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The correct descending order of production of wood pulp of the following countries are Sweden, Canada, USA and Japan.

54. The Rhur-Complex is a major Industrial centre in
A. North America
B. Germany
C. Europe
D. Former USSR (now defunct)


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The Rhur-Complex is a major Industrial centre in Germany.Many of the cities in the Ruhrgebiet used to have a lot of heavy industry. The Ruhr Area is bordered by the rivers Ruhr River to the south, Rhine River to the west, and Lippe to the north.

55. World’s largest synthetic rubber and tyre making centre is ________
A. Cleveland
B. Sharon
C. Akron
D. Wheeling


Answer: Option C
Explanation : World’s largest synthetic rubber and tyre making centre is Akron. Numerous rubber companies operated in or near Akron, Ohio, making this city the “Rubber Capital of the World.” Among the large-scale rubber producers to have factories in the area were the B.F. Goodrich Company, the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, and the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company.

56. The vertical speed of air is called
A. Wind
B. Air current
C. Air outburst
D. Velocity of air


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Air currents can be horizontal as well as vertical currents. The vertlcal air currents can be mechanically and thermally induced. Mechanically induced are the ones which occur at convergence & divergence points of air on earth, also locally when air rises vertically due to topography, while thermally induced vertical air currents occur when air expands & rises due to heat & the above lying cooler air comes down.

57. The hot desert of the world are generally found near ________
A. The equator
B. The doldrums
C. The horse latitude
D. The Tundras


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The hot desert of the world are generally found near the horse latitude. The hot and dry weather conditions led to the formation of many well-known deserts. The Sahara desert in Africa is located in the horse latitudes north of the equator. The Kalahari desert and the Australian desert are both located in the horse latitudes south of the equator.

58. Agriculture involving both crops and livestock is known as
A. Dairy farming
B. Mixed farming
C. Dry farming
D. Truck farming


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Agriculture Involving both crops and livestock is known as Mixed farming. Mixed farming is an agricultural system in which a farmer conducts different agricultural practice together, such as cash crops and livestock. The aim is to increase income through different sources and to complement land and labour demands across the year.

59. ________ determines colour, texture, chemical properties, mineral content and permeability of soil.
A. Flora ; Fauna
B. Time
C. Climate
D. Parent rock


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Parent rock determines colour, texture, chemical properties, mineral content and permeability of soil. The most important abiotic factor in formation of soil is regarded as parent rock as the color, texture and permeability of soil are shaped according to parent rock.

60. Grasslands are called Pampas in
A. Africa
B. South America
C. Britain


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Grasslands are called Pampas in South America. The Pampas of South America are a grassland biome. They are flat, fertile plains that covers an area of 300,000 sq. miles or 777,000 square kilometers, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Andes Mountains. It is found primarily in Argentina and extends into Uruguay.

61. The Llanos and Campos of South America are examples of ________
A. Coniferous forest regions
B. Deciduous regions
C. Equatorial regions
D. Savanna regions


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The Llanos and Campos of South America are examples of Savanna regions. Llanos is a vast tropical grassland plain situated to the east of the Andes in Colombia and Venezuela, in northwestern South America.

62. Fog, clouds, mist are examples of ________.
A. Aerosol
B. Solid sol
C. Foam
D. Gel


Answer: Option A
Explanation : All aerosol is a cloud of solid or liquid particle in a gas. Fog,clouds and mist are examples of aerosol as these fromed in atmosphere around soild or liquid particiles.

63. Which one of the following activities occupies the largest area of the world?
A. Commercial plantation
B. Pastoral herding
C. Commercial grain farming
D. Subsistence agriculture


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Pastoral herding occupies the largest area of the world. Pastoral farming (also known in some regions as ranching, livestock farming or grazing) is a form of agriculture aimed at producing livestock, rather than growing crops. Examples include dairy farming, raising beef cattle, and raising sheep for wool.

64. What is the name of the temperate grassland of South America?
A. Pampas
B. Prairies
C. Veld
D. Savanna


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Pampas is the name of the temperate grassland of South America. The Pampas of South America are a grassland biome. They are flat, fertile plains that covers an area of 300,000 sq. miles or 777,000 square kilometers, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Andes Mountains. It is found primarily in Argentina and extends into Uruguay.

65. The highest annual precipitation occurs in ________
A. Canadian Shield
B. Ganga basin
C. Siberian Plains
D. Amazon basin


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The highest annual precipitation occurs in Amazon basin. Relative to other large river basins in the world the Amazon receives high levels of rainfall annually. The tropical rainforest that occupies a large proportion of the basin is supported by high amounts of rainfall, where on average annual rain fall is over 3,000 millimetres.

66. Which of the following types of forests mostly grow in the belt lying between 50° N and 70° N ?
A. Temperate hardwood forests
B. Temperate coniferous forests
C. Temperate deciduous forests
D. Tropical evergreen forests


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Temperate coniferous forests mostly grow in the belt lying between 50° N and 70° N. Temperate coniferous forests are found predominantly in areas with warm summers and cool winters, and vary in their kinds of plant life. Temperate coniferous forests are common in the coastal areas of regions that have mild winters and heavy rainfall, or inland in drier climates or montane areas.

67. Mid-latitude forests have:,I. deciduous forests,II. coniferous forests,III. evergreen forests
A. I and II
B. II and III
C. I and II
D. Only II


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Mid-latitude forests have deciduous forests and coniferous forests.

68. Mosses and Lichens are the characteristic vegetation of ________
A. Hot desert region
B. Mediterranean region
C. Temperate region
D. Tundra region


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Mosses and Lichens are the characteristic vegetation of Tundra region. Tundra lies to the north of the taiga in North America and Eurasia; the vegetation is dominated by grasses, sedges, lichens, mosses, heathers, and low shrubs.

69. In India, which type of forest among the following occupies the largest area?
A. Montane Wet Temperate Forest
B. Sub- tropical Dry Evergreen Forest
C. Tropical Moist Deciduous Forest
D. Tropical Wet Evergreen Forest


Answer: Option C
Explanation : In India, Tropical Moist Deciduous Forest occupies the largest area. The tropical monsoon deciduous forests are found in areas receiving annual rainfall of 100 to 200 cms in India, with a distinct dry and rainy seasons and a small range of temperature.

70. What type or vegetation is associated with South Africa?
A. Veld
B. Steppes
C. Pampas
D. Prairies


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Veld type of vegetation is associated with South Africa. To most South African farmers today the “veld” refers to the land they work, much of which has long since ceased to be “natural.” Various types of veld may be discerned, depending upon local characteristics such as elevation, cultivation, and climate. Thus, there is a high veld, a middle veld, a low veld, a bush veld, a thorn veld, and a grass veld.

71. Which of the following countries is rich in oil?
A. Indonesia
B. Pakistan
C. Singapore
D. Thailand


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Indonesia is rich in oil. Indonesia is rich in resources, with proven and potential conventional energy reserves of more than 7 billion barrels of oil and about 150 trillion cubic feet of gas.

72. Which of the following regions and dominant crops is wrongly matched?
A. Tropical monsooon-rice
B. Tundra-market gardening
C. Temperate grassland-cereals
D. Cold Temperate-softwood


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Tundra-market gardening is wrongly matched. Approximately 1,700 species of plants live on the Arctic tundra, including flowering plants, dwarf shrubs, herbs, grasses, mosses, and lichens. The tundra is characterized by permafrost, a layer of soil and partially decomposed organic matter that is frozen year-round.

73. Which one of the following countries produces the largest amount of crude steel of the world?
A. Japan
C. South Korea
D. China


Answer: Option D
Explanation : China produces the largest amount of crude steel of the world. The biggest steel producing country is currently China, which accounted for 49.2% of world steel production in 2017.

74. Many Savanna regions are unable to support good crops because ________
A. They have large tall grasses which form a canopy over the good crops and do not allow them to grow
B. There are large number of animals in this region which eat up the crops
C. The climate is too hot for the crops to grow
D. They have poor lateritic soil


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Many Savanna regions are unable to support good crops because they have large tall grasses which form a canopy over the good crops and do not allow them to grow.

75. Which of the following towns is incorrectly matched to its chief industry ?
A. Chicago-Agricultural Implements
B. Kansas-Meat Packing
C. Los Angeles-Automobiles
D. Dresden-Optical Apparatus


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Los Angeles is also a major producer of furniture and fixtures, as well as petroleum products and chemicals, print material, rubber goods, electronic equipment, and glass, pottery, ceramics, and cement products. Los Angeles is the nation’s largest port in terms of value of goods handled and tonnage.

76. Deciduous trees
A. Depend on others for its food
B. Lose their leaves every year
C. Do not lose their leaves
D. Do synthesis of their food


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Deciduous means “to fall off at maturity”. It is used for trees that lose leaves seasonally,mostly in Autumn. eg. Teak, Oak, Maple, Elm.

77. Deliquescence rises in
A. Warm Moist and Airy Condition
B. Cold Moist and Airy Condition
C. Cold Dry and Still Condition
D. Warm Dry and Airy Condition


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The process in which a substance absorbs moisture from atmosphere till the moment it gets totally dissolved in that moisture & forms solution is called deliquescence. For such an activity warm, moist & airy conditions are required.

78. Rice in Myanmar is cultivated along the deltas of ________ river.
A. Salween
B. Menam
C. Mekong
D. Irrawaddy


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Rice in Myanmar is cultivated along the deltas of Irrawaddy river. Rice is the most important food grain in Burma (Myanmar). Nearly 60 percent of the country’s total rice crop comes from the 4 states that occupy the Irrawaddy River Delta and adjacent coastline to the east, around the Gulf of Martaban.

79. Which of the following is the main ore for aluminium?
A. Calcite
B. Bauxite
C. Magnesite
D. Limonite


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Bauxite ore is the main source of aluminum and contains the aluminum minerals gibbsite, boehmite, and diaspore.

80. What is the meaning of Willy-Willy?
A. Tropical Cyclone near Australia
B. Earthquake
C. High Tide
D. Tropical Cyclone near India


Answer: Option A
Explanation : In Austrialia a tropical cyclone is named as Willy Willy. In different parts of the world it is known by different names like, Hurricane in Caribbean Sea, U.S.A. , Mexico, Typhoon in Japan, China, Phillipines; Cyclone in South Asia.

81. Where are rare plantless forest found?
A. Alpine
B. Tundra
C. Chaparral
D. Taiga


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Tundra forests occur in polar regions and also in high altitudes (alpines) of Himalayas and Andes. These forests are composed of mosses & lichens which are small living organisms.

82. The place on the Earth’s surface above the focus is called the
A. Focus
B. Incentre
C. Epicentre
D. Circumcentre


Answer: Option C
Explanation : During an earthquake the energy store in earth are released from focus. Epicenter is the point on earth’s surface that lies directly above focus.

83. Deserts such as Sahara are generally found between 20° and 30° latitudes in western parts of the continents. This is because these regions ________
A. Are very hot throughout the year
B. Have offshore winds throughout the year
C. Have warm offshore currents
D. Lie in the belt of the doldrums


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Deserts such as Sahara are generally found between 20° and 30° latitudes in western parts of the continents. This is because these regions have offshore winds throughout the year.

84. Which is the world’s largest desert?
A. Sahara
B. Gobi
C. Thar
D. Takala Makan


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The largest (nonpolar) desert in the world is the Sahara, in north Africa, which spans an area measured at roughly 3.5 million square miles. The United States’ contiguous 48 states could easily fit in the desert. It spans more than 3,000 miles across Africa, stretching from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea.

85. Which of the following climatic type suffers change due to shifting of the World’s Pressure Belts?
A. Equatorial type
B. Tundra type
C. Tropical desert type
D. Monsoon


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Monsoon type of climate suffers change due to shifting of the World’s Pressure Belts. The shifting of the pressure belts cause seasonal changes in the climate, especially between latitudes 30° and 40° in both hemispheres.

86. Which of the following minerals is needed for generation of nuclear power?
A. Potassium
B. Aluminium
C. Cadmium
D. Uranium


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Uranium is needed for generation of nuclear power. The isotope U-235 is important because under certain conditions it can readily be split, yielding a lot of energy. It is therefore said to be ‘fissile’ and we use the expression ‘nuclear fission’. Meanwhile, like all radioactive isotopes, they decay.

87. A form of condensation which reduces the visibility and causes breathing problems, is
A. Dew
B. Frost
C. Smoke fog
D. Fog


Answer: Option C
Explanation : In the foggy conditions mostly during winters the smoke released from industries combine with fog to form smoke fog, also known as smog. It is highly polluted & causes breathing problem.

88. During the early period of Industrial Revolution industries were located primarily
A. Near major ports
B. On the banks of navigable rivers
C. Near coal fields
D. Near nodal centres


Answer: Option C
Explanation : During the early period of Industrial Revolution industries were located primarily near coal fields. Coalfields helped to make the regions where they were located prosperous.

89. The role of spines in the desert plants is ________
A. To protect themselves from the herbivores.
B. To provide more surface for photosynthesis
C. To save the moisture from evaporation.
D. None of the above


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The role of spines in the desert plants is to save the moisture from evaporation. Cacti have leaves that have evolved into spines, which help minimize water loss by evaporation and screen the plant from the sun. Their thorny spines also help protect them from predators. Within hours after a rainfall, the cactus’ roots sprout tiny rootlets to help absorb water even more quickly.

90. Precipitation in the form of a mixture of rain and snow is called
A. Drizzle
B. Hail
C. Sleet
D. Snow


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Precipitation in the form of a mixture of rain and snow is called Sleet. When the temperature near the ground surface are lower than temperatures of above lying layers. Then precipitation occurs in the form of sleet as raindrops frezes into ice while falling. It happens mostly in winter.

91. Which one of the following is found on the western coast of continents between 30° and 40° latitudes?
A. Tropical Grassland Region
B. Hot Desert Climate Region
C. Mediterranean Climate Region
D. Temperate Climate Region


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Mediterranean Climate Region is found on the western coast of continents between 30° and 40° latitudes. Mediterranean climate zones are typically located along the western sides of continents, between roughly 30 and 45 degrees north and south of the equator.

92. Which country is the largest oil producer in the world ________
A. Kuwait
B. U.S.
D. Russia
E. None of these


Answer: Option B
Explanation : U.S.A is the largest oil producer in the world. The United States is the top oil- producing country in the world, with an average of 14.86 million b/d, which accounts for 15.3% of the world’s oil.

93. In the world production of natural rubber, India ranks ________
A. Second
B. Third
C. Fourth
D. Fifth


Answer: Option C
Explanation : In the world production of natural rubber, India ranks Fourth. Output estimates released by the Association of Natural Rubber Producing Countries (ANRPC) showed India had slipped to the fifth spot in production, below Vietnam and China, in 2013. India was at the fourth place in 2012 after Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia.

94. Trees with hardwood and dense canopy are generally found in ________
A. Deciduous forests
B. Evergreen forests
C. Tidal forests
D. Alpine forests


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Trees with hardwood and dense canopy are generally found in Evergreen forests. Hardwood trees like rosewood, ebony, mahogany are common.

95. Petroleum is generally found in ________
A. Igneous intrusions into sedimentary strata
B. Old fold mountains
C. Alluvial deposits of the river valleys
D. Folded marine sedimentary rocks


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Petroleum is generally found in folded marine sedimentary rocks. Sedimentary rocks Petroleum may occur in any porous rock, but it is usually found in sedimentary rocks such as sandstone or limestone. Sandstones, because of the inherent porosity between their grains, often become excellent reservoirs for oil or natural gas.

96. The essential feature of shifting cultivation is
A. Rotation of crops
B. Rotation of fields
C. Single cropping
D. Use of plenty of fertilizer


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The essential feature of shifting cultivation is rotation of fields. Shifting agriculture, system of cultivation that preserves soil fertility by plot (field) rotation, as distinct from crop rotation.

97. Cork is chiefly produced in ________
A. Baku (Russia
B. Havana (Cuba)
C. Cadiz (Spain)
D. Leeds (England)


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Cork is chiefly produced in Cadiz (Spain). Following the disastrous forest fires in Portugal in 2003, Spain has become the world’s biggest single producer of cork.

98. Fog is an Example of
A. Gas in dispersed gas
B. Gas in dispersed liquid
C. Gas in dispersed solid
D. Liquid in dispersed solid


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Fog is an example of naturally occuring aerosol. A colloid of liquid droplets in air or gas is termed as aerosol.

99. Which one among the following covers the highest percentage of forest area in the world?
A. Temperate Coniferous forests
B. Temperate Deciduous forests
C. Tropical Monsoon forests
D. Tropical Rainforests


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Temperate Coniferous forests covers the highest percentage of forest literacy rate in the world. Temperate coniferous forest is a terrestrial biome found in temperate regions of the world with warm summers and cool winters and adequate rainfall to sustain a forest.

100. Which of the following natural regions is not found in the Torrid Zone?
A. Equatorial forests
B. Monsoon regions
C. Temperate deserts
D. Tropical grasslands


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Temperate deserts regions are not found in the Torrid Zone. Temperate deserts are found in the latitudes between tropical and polar regions. They typically have similar aridity to and lower temperatures than tropical deserts.

101. Haematite is an ore of
A. Copper
B. Lead
C. Iron
D. Zinc


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Haematite is an ore of Iron. It is an iron oxide with a chemical composition of Fe2O3. It is a common rock-forming mineral found in sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks at locations throughout the world. Hematite is the most important ore.

102. Which one of the African countries is richer than others in gold and diamond?
A. Zambia
B. Zaire
C. Botswana
D. Angola


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Zaire is richer than others in gold and diamond in African country.

103. Arrange the following geographical regions in proper order:,I. Tundra,II. Shrub,III. Taiga,IV. Deciduous


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The following geographical regions in proper order are Tundra, Taiga, Deciduous and Shrub.

104. Which of the following countries is well known for diamond cutting industry?
A. Belgium
B. Norway
C. The Netherlands
D. Switzerland


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Belgium is well known for diamond cutting industry. Antwerp’s diamond district, also known as the Diamond Quarter (Diamantkwartier), and dubbed the Square Mile, is an area within the city of Antwerp, Belgium. More than 80% of Antwerp’s Jewish population works in the diamond trade; Yiddish was, historically, a main language of the diamond exchange.

105. Which of the following countries is the biggest producer of mango?
A. India
B. China
C. Indonesia
D. Malaysia


Answer: Option A
Explanation : India is the biggest producer of mango. It is one of the most prominently grown fruit in the world. It is also known as the King of Fruits and is a very important and cherished fruit of India. India ranks at number 1 slot in the production of Mango all over the world leaving China and Thailand behind.

106. Cooperative farming is well-developed in:,I. Denmark,II. Belgium,III. Russia,IV. Sweden
A. I and IV
B. I III and IV
C. II III and IV
D. I II and IV


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Cooperative farming is well-developed in Denmark, Belgium and Sweden.

107. Which of the following is/are ‘rain cloud’?,1. Cirrus, ,2. Nimbostratus,,3. Cumulonimbus, ,4. Altocumulus
A. 1 and 2 only
B. 2 and 3 only
C. 3 and 4 only
D. 1 and 4 only


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The word ‘nimbus’ signifes clouds, literally meaning rain clouds. Cumulonimbus are the clouds which expand vertically and cause heavy rainfall with thunderstorm & lightening.

108. Which one of the following areas is dominant in hunting and gathering?
A. Hot desert
B. Cold desert
C. Tropical forest
D. Temperate grassland


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Tropical forest areas is dominant in hunting and gathering. Hunters and gatherers living in tropical forests represent an important part of the total range of variation among contemporary hunting and gathering societies. Studies of tropical forest hunting and gathering peoples have contributed to our perceptions of the foraging way of life.

109. The hottest place in the world is ________
A. Tehran Iran
B. Jaisalmer India
C. Dallol Ethiopia
D. Azizia Libya


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The hottest place in the world is Azizia, Libya. On Sept. 13, 1922, El Azizia made history after a weather station there recorded the highest temperature ever directly measured on Earth: a blistering 136.4 degrees Fahrenheit.

110. The biggest producer of Uranium in the world is ________
A. France
B. India
C. U.S.
E. Zaire


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The biggest producer of Uranium in the world is U.S.A. Canada, the second biggest uranium producer in the world, hosts the world’s biggest – the McArthur River uranium mine – while Kazakhstan, the largest uranium producing country.

111. The most effective farming method for returning minerals to the soil is
A. Contour ploughing
B. Terracing
C. Crop rotation
D. Furrowing


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The most effective farming method for returning minerals to the soil is Crop rotation. Crop rotation can be defined as the practice of growing several dissimilar or different crop types in the same area in sequential seasons. Crop rotation is beneficial both to the environment and to the farmer.

112. Which of the following pairings is incorrect ?
A. Isohytes-Humidity
B. Isobars-Pressure
C. Isotherms-Temperature
D. Isohels-Sunshine


Answer: Option A
Explanation : An isohyet is a line on a map which connects points that have the same amounts of precipitation in a given period or for a particular storm.

113. Which one among the following countries is the largest producer of Bauxite?
A. Australia
B. Brazil
C. West Indies
D. India


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Australia is the largest producer of Bauxite. Australia is the largest producer of bauxite in the world, with 74.9 million tonnes produced in 2011.

114. Which of the following generally produces the largest quantity of oranges?
A. U.S.A
B. Spain
C. Brazil
D. China


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Brazil generally produces the largest quantity of oranges. Brazil is the leading orange producer in the world producing about 30% of the world’s output. 94% of the country’s orange production is concentrated in the state of Sao Paulo. Brazil is also the leading exporter of orange fruits and orange juice.

115. The biggest producer of Rice is
A. India
B. Pakistan
C. China
D. Burma


Answer: Option C
Explanation : China is the world’s largest rice producer — around 193 million metric tons (FAO 2008), which accounts for as much as 35% of total world rice production. China is the world leader in hybrid rice production. China tops the list with 144,560 million tons of rice production, India comes second.

116. The largest exporter of cotton textile in the world is ________
A. U.S.
C. China
D. Japan
E. India


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The largest exporter of cotton textile in the world is India. India exported cotton (chapter 52) of worth US$ 9,925.85 Mn in 2013-14. India has overtaken Italy and Germany, and is now the second largest textile exporter in the world. India was the third-largest supplier of textiles and clothing to the US in 2013, contributing about 6.01 per cent of its total imports.

117. The leading producer of “bort” variety of diamond in the world is ________
A. South Africa
B. Zaire
C. Ghana
D. Angola


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The leading producer of “bort” variety of diamond in the world is Zaire.

118. What does acid rain contain which destroys plants?
A. Nitrate
B. Ozone
C. Carbon Monoxide
D. Sulphuric Acid


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Acid rain contains sulphuric acid. The atmospheric pollution such as industrial coal burning & fossils harms forests & water bodies, gases such as oxides sulphur & nitrogen after combining with rain water and acids. Thus destroy plant.

119. Milan, Turin and Genoa industrial triangle is in
B. France
C. Former USSR
D. Italy


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The city of Turin joins Milan and Genoa to create the famous “industrial triangle” of Italy, itself playing a major economic role for the country, most notably as the “Automobile Capital of Italy.”

120. Which is the biggest coffee producing country in the world?
A. India
B. Brazil
C. Peru
D. Argentina


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Brazil lies in the tropical zone enriched by Amazon basin with humid climatic conditions through out the year. It is the largest producer of coffee in the world. On 2nd comes Vietnam, 3rd is Colombia.

121. Which of the following industries uses mica?
A. Glass and Pottery industry
B. Electrical industry
C. Steel industry
D. Textile industry


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Electrical industries uses mica. It is used in paints as a pigment extender and also helps to brighten the tone of coloured pigments. It is a superior insulator. So in the electrical industry it is used as thermal insulation, and in electronic equipment as electrical insulators.

122. Which of the following are associated with Saudi Arabia? ,1. High proportion of urban population,2. Extensive agriculture pattern,3. Considerable extent of land under pasture lands,Select the correct answer using the codes given below
A. 1 2 and 3
B. 1and 2
C. 2 and 3
D. 1 and 3


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The following that are associated with Saudi Arabia are High proportion of urban population, Extensive agriculture pattern and Considerable extent of land under pasture lands.

123. The Appalachian highland of North America are economically important mainly because of ________
A. Ready source of timber and water power
B. Natural passes facilitating easy movement
C. Large number of both summer and winter tourist centres
D. Rich mineral wealth forming the basis of flourishing industries


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The Appalachian highland of North America are economically important mainly because of rich mineral wealth forming the basis of flourishing industries.

124. The country which tops in the production of cocoa is ________.
A. Ghana
B. Brazil
C. Ivory Coast
D. Nigeria


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Cocoa is tropical crop and is vastly produced western African countries. Ivory Coast is the tropical country leading in production of cocoa. It is main cash crop of Ghana. Ghana alorigwith Ivory coast, Nigeria, Cameron & Togo collective supply 2/3 of cocoa to world.

125. The greatest average annual precipitation is in ________
A. Hawaii
B. India
C. Philippines
D. West Indies


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The greatest average annual precipitation is in Philippines. The mean annual rainfall of the Philippines varies from 965 to 4,064 millimeters annually.

126. Which of the following trees shed their leaves once in a year?
A. Deciduous trees
B. Coniferous trees
C. Evergreen trees
D. Both deciduous and coniferous trees


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Tropical deciduous forests are those which shed their leaves for a specific period of time. Tropical decideous forests are widely spread in India specially in states of Andhra Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, M.P, Maharashtra, Odisha and Telangana.

127. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?
A. Tundra region – Lichens and Mosses
B. Mediterranean region – Groundnut and Potato
C. China Type region – Tea and Sugarbeet
D. West-European region – Corn and Wheat


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Lichens, which are made up to fungi and algae, grow on rocks. Many tundra animals, such as caribou, rely on lichens to survive; they dig through the layers of snow to eat lichens in winter. Mosses can grow on rocks or in very shallow soils. Many species have the ability to dry out and still grow back several years later, when more moisture may be available. Mosses can continue photosynthesis and growth in colder temperatures than the flowering plants of the tundra.

128. The production of natural rubber is dominated by ________
A. South America
B. South-east Asia
C. Central Africa
D. Mediterranean region


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The production of natural rubber is dominated by South-east Asia. Rubber is replacing natural forests in Mainland Southeast Asia.

129. Which of the following is fastest growing tree ?
A. Teak
B. Sal
C. Eucalyptus
D. Banyan


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Eucalyptus is fastest growing tree. Eucalyptus is a fast growing tree and sub-species with several varieties and hybrids. It can be planted on agricultural lands both as monoculture and as a component of agro-forestry programmes.

130. Which of the following is not correctly matched?
A. Isohaline-Lines joining points of equal salinity in sea
B. Isohels-Lines joining areas of equal rainfall
C. Lsobath-Unes joining points of equal seabed depth
D. Isobars-Lines joining areas of equal atmospheric pressure


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Isohels are line drawn on a map connecting points that receive equal amounts of sunlight.

131. Extensive mechanized wheat cultivation is carried out in
A. Tropical Savannas
B. Temperate grasslands
C. Equatorial regions
D. Mediterranean lands


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Extensive mechanized wheat cultivation is carried out in temperate grasslands. The temperate grasslands are ideal for extensive wheat cultivation. The cool, moist spring stimulates early growth and the light showers in the ripening period help to swell the grains to ensure a good yield.

132. Which of the following regions specializes in the cultivation of citrus fruits?
A. Equatorial region
B. Mediterranean region
C. Polar region
D. Tundra region


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Mediterranean regions specializes in the cultivation of citrus fruits. Citrus fruits, like lemons, oranges, and grapefruits, grow well in the Mediterranean region due to a similar root structure as olive trees, but also because the fruits have thick skins, which are well adapted to the climate.

133. Plantation agriculture is a specialised form of agricultural practice carried out in
A. Temperate region
B. Tropics and subtropics
C. Urbanised region
D. Coastal region


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Plantation, a usually large estate in a tropical or subtropical region that is cultivated by unskilled or semiskilled labour under central direction. Such plantations frequently depend on foreign capital and agricultural training and tend to exploit the labour forces of native populations.

134. Llanos are the grassland of
A. Guyana highland
B. Brazilian highland
C. Argentina
D. Chile


Answer: Option A
Explanation : A vast tropical grassland plain, Los Llanos is situated to the east of the Andes in Venezuela and Columbia in North West of South America. The whole region is floodedwith Grassland and Savanna biome.

135. Which of the following countries is the world’s largest producer of coal?
A. Russia
B. China
C. India
D. U.S.


Answer: Option B
Explanation : China is the chief coal producer while the United States comes in second. Other major coal producers are India and Australia. Five countries, namely China, the United States, Russia, India and Japan accounted for over 75% of worldwide coal consumption.

136. Which of the following forest is resistant to cyclones?
A. Alpine Forest
B. Mangrove Forest
C. Evergreen forest
D. Monsoon forest


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Mangroves grow in coastal areas of Tropical region and act as buffer in between land & sea. To a certain extent they can control ferocious winds & waves surging inward during cyclones.

137. The Hawaiian Islands specialise in the cultivation of
A. Cotton
B. Rice
C. Sugarcane
D. Tobacco


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The hawaiian islands specialise in the cultivation of sugarcane. Sugarcane was introduced to Hawaii by its first inhabitants and was observed by Captain Hegwood upon arrival in the islands in 1841. Sugar quickly turned into a big business and generated rapid population growth in the islands with 337,000 people immigrating over the span of a century.

138. The largest quantities of bauxite is found in ________
A. Tropical latitudes
B. Mid-latitudes
C. High-latitudes
D. Temperate lands


Answer: Option A
Explanation : The largest quantities of bauxite is found in Tropical latitudes. It is found mostly in wet subtropical or tropical climates, and is the chief source material for the world’s aluminum production industry.

139. Which of the following manmade calamities is social calamity?
A. Landslide
B. Interpenetration of Salt Water
C. Home Cremation
D. Ozone Depletion


Answer: Option C
Explanation : During home cremation lots of pollutant as gases and smoke are released in the atmosphere directly. This cultural process lead to environmental concerns.

140. Which one of the following deserts is famous for its deposits of nitrates?
A. Atacama
B. Kalahari
C. Gobi
D. Sahara


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Atacama deserts is famous for its nitrate deposits. The desert is littered with approximately 170 abandoned nitrate (or “saltpetre”) mining towns, almost all of which were shut down decades after the invention of synthetic nitrate in Germany at the turn of the 20th century. The towns include Chacabuco, Humberstone, Santa Laura, Pedro de Valdivia, Puelma, María Elena, and Oficina Anita.

141. Which of the following pair is correctly matched-,1. Northern China – Rice,2. Southern China – Wheat,3. Candy Basin – Coffee,4. Malaysia – Natural Rubber
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Malaysia is the leading rubber producer. Wheat is grown in the North China & rice is grown in the South China

142. Golden Revolution refers to
A. Sericulture
B. Horticulture
C. Apiculture
D. Viticulture


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Golden Revolution refers to Horticulture. Golden revolution is about Honey and Horticulture production. During this period there is huge production of fruits, vegetables, honey and other horticulture products.In India , the period between 1991 to 2003 is termed as Golden Revolution.

143. Which of the following is the leading producer of rice?
A. Australia
B. Argentina
C. China
D. Cuba


Answer: Option C
Explanation : China is the world’s largest rice producer — around 193 million metric tons (FAO 2008), which accounts for as much as 35% of total world rice production. China is the world leader in hybrid rice production.

144. Grasses are almost absent in ________
A. Tropical moist deciduous forest
B. Tropical dry evergreen forest
C. Tropical semi-evergreen forest
D. Tropical wet-evergreen forest


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Grasses are almost absent in Tropical wet-evergreen forest. An evergreen forest is a forest made up of evergreen trees. They occur across a wide range of climatic zones, and include trees such as conifers, live oak, and holly in cold climates, eucalypts, acacias and banksias in more temperate zones, and rainforest trees in tropical zones.

145. Loess is ________ soil.
A. Wind-deposited
B. Water-deposited
C. Volcanic
D. Black cotton


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Loess is wind-deposited soil. Loess is a type of silt which forms fertile topsoil in some parts of the world. Loess deposits are usually a few meters thick. One of the key characteristics of these deposits is the ‘cat steps’. The soil has few clay particles to hold it together.

146. Monazite is an ore of
A. Copper
B. Iron
C. Thorium
D. Titanium


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Monazite is an ore of Thorium. Monazite is a rare phosphate mineral with a chemical composition of (Ce,La,Nd,Th)(PO4,SiO4). It usually occurs in small isolated grains, as an accessory mineral in igneous and metamorphic rocks such as granite, pegmatite, schist, and gneiss.

147. The location of a cement industry is mostly based on ________.
A. Nearness to a port
B. Where demand is high
C. Where transportation facilities are available
D. Availability of raw materials


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The location of a cement industry is mostly based on availability of raw materials. A significant factor which aids the growth of this sector is the ready availability of the raw materials for making cement, such as limestone and coal.

148. In which form can the cultivable land be defined?
A. The land which can grow the crops
B. Waste land + fallow land
C. Old fallow land + new follow land
D. Total fallow land + net sown land


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Cultivable land is the one in which food crops can be cultivated. These include fallow land which is used for farming normally but it is left alone for sometime in order to gain fertility & the net sown area is the land in which crops are grown presently.

149. Wheat and rice in China are cultivated in
A. Lower Yangtse Basin
B. Hwang Ho Basin
C. The Lower Si Basin
D. South East Coast


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Wheat and rice in China are cultivated in Lower Yangtse Basin. Paddy rice is the major grain crop in China, grown mainly in the Yangtze River valley and southern China, and on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. The output of wheat accounts for slightly more than one fifth of the total output of grain; it is planted throughout China but mainly on the North China Plain.

150. Which of the following natural regions has specialised in cultivation of fruit trees?
A. Mediterranean region
B. Warm Mid-latitude East Margin region
C. Tropical East Margin region
D. Mid-latitude Grassland region


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Mediterranean region has specialised in cultivation of fruit trees. Citrus fruits, like lemons, oranges, and grapefruits, grow well in the Mediterranean region due to a similar root structure as olive trees, but also because the fruits have thick skins, which are well adapted to the climate.

151. What is the main natural cause of disruption of road in hilly areas?
A. Landslide
B. Falling of Trees
C. Traffic
D. Road Construction


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Landslides occur naturally as the mass of earth collapses from the mountain. Hence it becomes cause of disruption of roads in hilly areas.

152. Economy of Brazil is mostly dependent on ________
A. Tea
B. Coffee
C. Rice
D. Maize


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Economy of Brazil is mostly dependent on Coffee. Brazil leads the way as the largest coffee-producing nation in the world, achieving annual coffee production figures of 2,592,000 metric tons, compared to the second-largest producer Vietnam, with 1,650,000 metric tons, and Columbia in third spot with 810,000 metric tons.

153. Which country produces the maximum amount of timber?
A. United States of America
B. Brazil
C. Nigeria
D. Sweden


Answer: Option A
Explanation : U.S.A produces maximum timber in the world. Most timber is produced from Coniferous forest of Alaska region like softwood timber of Pine, Fir, Spruce.

154. Coniferous forests are in the region of ________
A. High humidity and high temperature
B. Low rainfall and very low temperature throughout the year
C. Low mean annual temperature throughout the year and very cold winter
D. Heavy rainfall and high temperature during summer


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Coniferous forests are in the region of low rainfall and very low temperature throughout the year. Precipitation in coniferous forests varies from 300 to 900 mm annually, with some temperate coniferous forests receiving up to 2,000 mm. The amount of precipitation depends on the forest location. In the northern boreal forests, the winters are long, cold and dry, while the short summers are moderately warm and moist.

155. Mocha coffee is grown in
A. Iraq
B. Brazil
C. Argentina
D. Yemen


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The Mocha coffee bean is a variety of coffee bean originally from Mocha, Yemen. It is harvested from the coffee-plant species Coffea arabica, which is native to Yemen.

156. What does the machine tool industry produce?
A. It produces tools for the repair of machines
B. It produces machines with a high component of precision tools
C. It produces machines which can be used by other industries for the production of their finished goods
D. None of these


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The machine tool industry produces machines which can be used by other industries for the production of their finished goods.

157. Which of the following minerals is obtained from placer deposits?
A. Copper
B. Tin
C. Manganese
D. Aluminium


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Tin minerals is obtained from placer deposits. Placer deposits are loose unconsolidated and semi-consolidated materials. It forms by surface weathering, erosion of the primary rocks, transportation and concentration of valuable minerals.

158. Which of the following statements is correct?
A. Steppes are the temperate grasslands of South America
B. Prairies are the temperate grasslands of North America
C. Pampas are the temperate grasslands of South Australia
D. Forests-with trees which do not shed their leaves seasonally are called deciduous forests


Answer: Option B
Explanation : It is actually ‘a sea of grasses’. The prairies cover parts of the United States of America and parts of Canada. The Rocky Mountains bound them in the West. The Great Lakes cover them in the east. The tributaries of Mississippi drain the prairies in the USA. On the other hand, the tributaries of the Saskatchewan Rivers drain the prairies of Canada.

159. Which of the following cyclone had devastated Bangladesh in November 2007?
A. Dean
B. Vutiye
C. Sidr
D. None of these


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Sidr was the tropical cyclone in Indian Ocean which devastated Bangladesh coast in 2007. It was category 5 tropical storm on Saffire- Simpson Scale.

160. Silk textiles are mainly produced in ________
A. Japan and U.S.
C. Japan and China
D. China and India
E. U.S.


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Silk textiles are mainly produced in China and India. China continues to lead the world in silk production, followed by its next-door neighbor, India. China and India are the two leading silk producers today. The Silk industry actually began between 5,000 and 3,000 BC in China. It reached India around 140 AD. The Silk Road also facilitated the smuggling of silkworm eggs into the Mediterranean and from there into the rest of Europe.

161. Onshore breeze develops in
A. Day
B. Night
C. Both A and B
D. Season


Answer: Option A
Explanation : As the land gets heated quickly when compared to water, the air above land rises upwards, the Sea breeze rushes to fill in the vacuum hence on shore breeze develops due to low pressure over land & high presure over sea.

162. On moving from a pole to the equator we find that the population of plants and animals ________
A. Decreases
B. Increases
C. Remains unchanged
D. Does not show any consistent behavior


Answer: Option B
Explanation : On moving from a pole to the equator we find that the population of plants and animals Increases. Animals and even plants, have adapted for life in a certain type of climate — and as temperatures warm, they may relocate to continue living in those same types of conditions.

163. Instrument for measuring blueness of the sky or ocean is called ________.
A. Bathymeter
B. Ceraunograph
C. Cyanometer
D. Barometer


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Instrument for measuring blueness of the sky or ocean is called Cyanometer. A cyanometer is an instrument for measuring ‘blueness’, specifically the colour intensity of blue sky.

164. Which of the following countries is the richest coal producing nation in Europe?
A. France
B. Germany
C. Great Britain
D. Poland


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Germany is the richest coal producing nation in Europe. The commercial exploitation of coal in Germany began in the mid-18th century in areas such as the Ruhr region. Germany is currently the fourth largest producer of coal in the European Union. Coal is the primary source of electricity in Germany, and its output of 43.8 million tons makes up 1.1% of the total world production. The production of coal has declined in recent years due to concerns about the environment.

165. The largest producer of coffee in the world is
A. Ivory coast
B. Brazil
C. India
D. Mexico


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Brazil lies in the tropical zone enriched by Amazon basin with humid climatic conditions through out the year. It is the largest producer of coffee in the world. On 2nd comes Vietnam, 3rd is Colombia.

166. I.R.20 is a high yielding variety of which of the following
A. Cotton
B. Rice
C. Wheat
D. Sugarcane


Answer: Option B
Explanation : It is an Indian variety of modern rice developed in the state of Tamil Nadu.

167. Wine production is mainly carried out in which of the following natural regions?
A. Equatorial region
B. Savanna
C. Mediterranean region
D. Coniferous forests


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Wine production is mainly carried out in Mediterranean region. Regions bordering the Mediterranean Sea account for three-quarters of the world’s production of wine. Some 85 per cent of grapes produced, go into wine. The long, sunny summer allows the grapes to ripen.

168. The Amazon forests are a type of?
A. Tropical Forest
B. Temperate Forest
C. Temerate Evergreen Forest
D. Tropical Seasonal Forest


Answer: Option A
Explanation : These are Tropical Rain Forest lying with in the tropical zone in the Amazon basin of South America. It is enrich in many species.

169. Which country started the cultivation of potatoes in Europe?
A. German
B. Spanish
C. Dutch
D. Portuguese


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Presumably sailors returning from South America brought Potato with themselves to Spain which were planted in the hinterland.

170. The country which leads in the production of rubber is ________
A. Australia
B. Indonesia
C. Malaysia
D. Thailand


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The country which leads in the production of rubber is Indonesia. Since the 1980s, the Indonesian rubber industry has been experiencing steady production growth. Indonesia is one of the leading rubber producing country in the world, it is second largest natural rubber exporter after Thailand.

171. The Temperate grasslands of North America are known as
A. Pampas
B. Downs
C. Steppe
D. Prairie


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Prairies are enormous stretches of flat grassland with moderate temperatures, moderate rainfall, and few trees. When people talk about the prairie, they are usually referring to the golden, wheat-covered land in the middle of North America.

172. Shifting agriculture is most commonly practised in
A. Forests
B. Deserts
C. Plain areas
D. Grass lands


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Shifting agriculture is most commonly practised in forests. Shifting cultivation is an agricultural system in which areas of land are cultivated for a short time. Then they are left to grow back their natural vegetation, while the farmer moves to another area.

173. What is known as Soil-free Farming?
A. Hydroponics
B. Humidity up gradation
C. Interlude crops
D. Sericulture


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Hydroponics is the process in which plants are grown in sand, gravel or liquid by adding nutrients but without soil.

174. Dry winds (Harmattan) blows in Sahara Desert from
A. South to North
B. East to West
C. West to East
D. North to South


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Harmattan (hot wind) blow from North East, East direction towards the western direction in the Sahara Desert of North Africa.

175. The sudden decline in atmospheric pressure indicates
A. Clear Weather
B. Storm
C. Rain
D. Cold Weather


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The barometer drops suddenly depicting low pressure zone & unsettled weather system developing such as storm.

176. Oolong tea is ________
A. A scented tea
B. Tea cultivated in home gardens
C. A variety of tea cultivated in Taiwan
D. Green leaf tea of China


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Oolong tea is a variety of tea cultivated in Taiwan. Oolong tea is the main type of tea that is produced and consumed in Taiwan. There are many kinds of oolong teas produced in Taiwan. Taiwanese teas can be classified according to their regional origin, seasonality and processing method. The flavors of oolong teas change dramatically from season to season.

177. Which country ranks top in the mining of gold?
A. Canada
B. U.S.
D. China
E. South Africa


Answer: Option A
Explanation : South Africa ranks top in the mining of gold. This country is long been known to be the largest producer of gold in Africa. Its operations in gold mining begun in the 1880s when gold was first discovered in Witwatersrand area in the Gauteng Province. This discovery led to a gold rush in the area; as a result many more places were discovered for gold mining. For many years until 2006, South Africa was the world’s dominant gold producer, but recently other countries have surpassed South Africa: China, Russia, Canada, the United States, Peru and Australia.

178. World’s largest manufacturers of Motor Vehicles are ________
A. Russia and Japan
B. U.K. and France
C. U.S.
D. and Japan
E. U.S.


Answer: Option C
Explanation : World’s largest manufacturers of Motor Vehicles are U.S.A. and Japan. Japan has been one of the world’s Top 3 car producing countries since the 1960’s, securing its status as a world leader in automotive manufacturing and technology.

179. Teak and Sal are the principal trees in the forests known as ________
A. Dry deciduous
B. Dry evergreen
C. Tropical moist deciduous
D. Tropical moist evergreen


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Teak and Sal are the principal trees in the forests known as Tropical moist deciduous. The trees drop their leaves during the spring and early summer when sufficient moisture is not available. The general appearance is bare in extreme summers (April-May). Tropical moist deciduous forests present irregular top storey [25 to 60 m]. Heavily buttressed trees and fairly complete undergrowth. These forests occupy a much larger area than the evergreen forests but large tracts under these forests have been cleared for cultivation.

180. Iron ore mining in the former Soviet Union are in
A. Kiruna
B. Mesabi and Gegobic
C. Krivoi Rog and Kerch basin
D. Lorraine field


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Iron ore mining in the former Soviet Union are in Krivoi Rog and Kerch basin. About 70% of all iron ore production is concentrated in the Krivoy Rog Basin, which is the largest basin in the post-Soviet era with total reserves of 20 billion mt.

181. Power minerals are
A. Manganese platinum tungsten
B. Mica potash sulphur
C. Coal oil natural gas
D. Lead zinc bauxite


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Power minerals are Coal, oil, natural gas. A natural resource such as coal, gas, or oil that, once consumed, cannot be replaced. Most energy resources currently in use are non-renewable while the renewable ones (such as wind and solar power) are not well developed. Also called depletable resource.

182. Which of the following is not one of the by-products of mineral oil?
A. Naphtha
B. Sulphur
C. Aniline dyes
D. Paraffin wax


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Sulphur is not one of the by-products of mineral oil. Sulphur produced as a by-product of ferrous and non-ferrous metal smelting is produced in the form of sulphuric acid.

183. Wood pulp comes from ________
A. Equatorial region
B. Temperate region
C. Mediterranean region
D. Coniferous forest region


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Wood pulp comes from Coniferous forest region. Coniferous forests are made up from very few tree species (pine, spruce, fir and larch) and the floor of the forest supports little vegetation. The soil is thin, acidic and low in nutrients.

184. The leading producer of sulphur is ________
A. Canada
B. Spain
C. U.S.
E. Italy


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The leading producer of sulphur is Spain. The main consumer of sulphur was fertilizer industry which accounted for about 77% is Spain ( Sulphur).

185. Which of the following determines the quality of agro-products?
A. I.S.I.
B. Eco Product
D. Green Product


Answer: Option C
Explanation : AGMARK certifies agro products on the basis of set standards which are approved by Directorate of Marketing & Inspection, a Government of India agency eg. Darjeeling Tea, Basmati rice etc.

186. From, the point of view of international trade, Bahrein islands are noted for petroleum and ________
A. Fishing
B. Ship building
C. Iron and steel
D. Pearl fishing


Answer: Option D
Explanation : From, the point of view of international trade, Bahrein islands are noted for petroleum and Pearl fishing. “Pearling, testimony of an island economy” by the Bahrain Ministry of Culture, the international media has consistently referred to it as the “Bahrain pearling trail”.

187. Long treeless grassy palms are characteristics of ________
A. Campos
B. Llanos
C. Pampas
D. Prairies


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Long treeless grassy palms are characteristics of Pampas. Pampas grass is a perennial plant and can reach 4 metres (13 feet) in height. The long sharped-edged leaves fold at the midrib and form a dense tussock (tufted bunch). Female plants bear silvery plumelike flower clusters about 30 to 90 cm (1 to 3 feet) long. The feathery seeds are readily dispersed by the wind.

188. Which of the following sequence is correct in their declining productivity?
A. Mangrove Ocean Grassland Lakes
B. Ocean Lake Grassland Mangrove
C. Ocean Mangrove Lakes Grassland
D. Mangrove Grassland Lake Ocean


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The correct following sequence in their declining productivity are Ocean, Mangrove, Lakes and Grassland.

189. In which of the following region, it rains throughout the year?
A. Mediterranean
B. Equatorial
C. Tropical
D. Temperate


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Convectional rainfall occurs in the Equatorial region throughout the year.

190. Merino sheep rearing is the predominant pastoral activity in ________
A. Australia
B. Argentina
C. Denmark
D. Sweden


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Merino sheep rearing is the predominant pastoral activity in Australia. The Merino is one of the most historically relevant and economically influential breeds of sheep. The wool of any Merino sheep, whether reared in Spain or elsewhere, is known as “merino wool”.

191. Which type of forest belt supplies most of the world’s requirement of newsprint?
A. Coniferous forest
B. Deciduous forest
C. Evergreen forest
D. Mediterranear forest


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Coniferous forest belt supplies most of the world’s requirement of newsprint. By mechanical and chemical means, timber is pulped to make wood pulp. This is used as a raw material for papermaking and newsprint.

192. Which one of the following countries has the highest agricultural production in Europe?
A. France
B. Switzerland
C. Denmark
D. Germany


Answer: Option A
Explanation : France has the highest agricultural production in Europe. France has the biggest utilized agricultural acreage (UAA) of Europe and is the biggest producer of agricultural goods (in value, around 116.3 billion euros). In 2012, France is also first in cow meat production, second in cow milk production and third in pig meat production.

193. Which of the following is the largest producer of copper?
A. Ghana
B. Malaysia
C. Australia
D. Chile


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Chile is the largest producer of copper. Chile, the world’s leading copper producer by far, produced an estimated 5.8 million metric tons of copper in 2017.

194. The Prairies of North America are
A. Tropical Forest
B. River Basin
C. Animal Farm
D. Temperate Grasslands


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The Prairies of North America are Temperate Grasslands. Temperate grasslands, savannas and shrublands. Known as prairies in North America, pampas in South America, veld in Southern Africa and steppe in Asia, Temperate Grasslands, Savannas, and Shrublands differ largely from tropical grasslands in the annual temperature regime as well as the types of species found here.

195. Major wheat and rice producing area in China is ________
A. Hwang-Ho basin
B. Yangtse-basin
C. Si-Kiang basin
D. All the above


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Major wheat and rice producing area in China is Hwang-Ho basin, Yangtse-basin and Si-Kiang basin.

196. Evergreen forests are found in
A. Monsoon region
B. Deserted region
C. Mediterranean region
D. Equatorial region


Answer: Option D
Explanation : In Equatorial region, convective rain occur throughout the year providing much needed water to plants which keeps them green throughout the year. The region lies with in Tropic of Cancer & Tropic of Capricorn. It is multilayered dense forest. Few species are Westen Red Cedar, Scots, Jack Pine.

197. Which is the largest forest covering 25% of world’s land?
A. Tropical rain forest
B. Taiga forest of Siberia
C. Monsoon forest
D. Temperate forest of Europe


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Also termed as Boreal Forest (snow forest) it lies in Eastern Siberia covering more than quarter of Russian territory. Amassed by coniferous trees it contains pines, spruces & larches.

198. Which of the following characterises the desert forests?
A. Pointed leaves
B. Dense leaves
C. Canopy leaves
D. Broad leaves


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Pointed leaves characterises the desert forests. Most desert plants have small leaves, spikes for leaves, or no leaves at all. The smaller or fewer leaves a plant has, the less water is lost during transpiration since it has less surface area open to the sun and wind.

199. Grasslands which not support any trees are called ________
A. Lanos
B. Campos
C. Savanna
D. Steppes


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Grasslands which not support any trees are called Steppes. A steppe is a dry, grassy plain. Steppes occur in temperate climates, which lie between the tropics and polar regions.

200. The term ‘Granary of the world’ is related to ________ type.
A. Monsoon
B. Temperate
C. Mediterranean
D. Laurentian


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The term ‘Granary of the world’ is related to Mediterranean type.

201. Which country leads the world in the export of oil?
A. Venezuela
B. Saudi Arabia
C. Iraq
D. Iran


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Saudi Arabia leads the world in the export of oil. Saudi Arabia is the world’s number one oil exporter and the country with the largest amount of oil reserves. Formed in 1932, the country was responsible for 15.9% of global oil exports in 2017, totaling $133.6 billion in value.

202. Soil having high content of aluminum and iron oxide is also known as ________.
A. Meadow soil
B. Pedalfer soil
C. Chemozen soil
D. Podzols oil


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Soil having high content of aluminum and iron oxide is also known as Pedalfer soil. Pedalfer is sub-division of zonal classification of soil with high aluminium and iron oxides. It occurs in humid regions of earth’s surface.

203. Los Angeles is famous for ________
A. Golden beaches
B. Scenic beauty
C. Film studios
D. Rocket launching station


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Los Angeles is famous for Film studios. There are many famous film studios.

204. Which of the following set of country is known as “Golden Crescent”, world’s largest opium Industry?
A. Myanmar Laos and Thailand
B. Afghanistan Iran and Iraq
C. Afghanistan Pakistan and Iran
D. Myanmar Malaysia and Thailand


Answer: Option C
Explanation : These three countries are opium producing countries located strategically between Central, Southern & Western Asia. Hence named as “Golden Crescent”.

205. Which of the following country is not an exporter of tea?
A. Srilanka
B. United Kingdom
C. India
D. Kenya


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Kenya, India & Sri Lanka are famous tea producing tropical spots of the world exporting tea throughout the globe. Hence, U.K. is the tea importing country.

206. Which of the following pairs of countries are the leading manufacturers of cement in the world?
A. U.S.
B. and Russia
C. Japan and Russia
D. China and India
E. U.S.


Answer: Option C
Explanation : China and India are the leading manufacturers of cement in the world. The cement industry has changed significantly in recent years through trans-national consolidations and co-operations. Much of the potential is in emerging markets, especially China and India. Emerging markets represent approximately 90% of the worldwide market today while western Europe and North America account for most of the remainder.

207. Which of the following is most important for absorption of heat radiated from the Sun as well as from the Earth?
A. Carbon dioxide
B. Oxygen
C. Carbon monoxide
D. Nitrogen


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas which helps in absorption of heat radiated from sun as well as earth. Carbon dioxide is one of the gases which absorb and reemit infrared radiations.

208. The polar regions are sparsely populated because of
A. Lack of minerals
B. Unsuitable climatic conditions
C. Infertile land
D. Mountainous topography


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Polar regions have extreme climatic conditions such as permanently frozen land, very low temperature (in negatives) etc which are unsuitable for large selltements.

209. Smog is a Mixture of
A. Air and Water Vapour
B. Water and Smoke
C. Fire and Water
D. Smoke and Fog


Answer: Option D
Explanation : In the foggy conditions mostly during winters the smoke released from industries combine with fog to form smoke fog, also known as smog. It is highly polluted & causes breathing problem.

210. Snow line is ________
A. The altitude below which no snowfall occurs
B. The altitude only above which the snowfall occurs and this snow melts during summer
C. The altitude above which snow never melts
D. The altitude above which the snow melts regularly to give rise to perennial rivers


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Snow line is the altitude above which snow never melts. Snow-line is the limit above which snow never melts. The height of the snow-line generally varies with latitude.

211. Postaz are temperate grassland in ________
A. Australia
B. South Africa
C. Hungary
D. Egypt


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Postaz are temperate grassland in Hungary. Temperate grasslands are located north of the Tropic of Cancer (23.5 degrees North) and south of the Tropic of Capricorn (23.5 degrees South). The major temperate grasslands include the veldts of Africa, the pampas of South America, the steppes of Eurasia, and the plains of North America.

212. What type or vegetation is associated with Australia?
A. Pampas
B. Downs
C. Canada
D. All the above


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Vegetation associated with Australia is downs.

213. Which of the following minerals and their ores are correctly matched?,1. Zinc-calamine,2. Platinum-iridium,3. Tin-cassiterite,4. Copper-carnolite
A. 1 2 and 3
B. 1 and 4
C. 2 3 and 4
D. 1 and 3


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Zinc-calamine and Tin-cassiterite minerals and their ores are correctly matched.

214. The main mineral constituents of the continental mass water ________ and alumina.
A. Iron Oxide
B. Silica
C. Water
D. Oxygen


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The main constituents of Earth’s continental mass are water, silica and alumina and that is why the upper portion is generally termed as “SIAL”.

215. The Ruhr coal fields area of ________ is a major industrial area of the world.
B. Erstwhile USSR
C. Australia
D. Germany


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The Ruhr coal fields area of Germany is a major industrial area of the world. Ruhr is the main centre of Germany’s coal, iron and steel production.

216. Which of the following statements about forests is not correct?
A. Coniferous forests of high latitudes yield soft wood
B. Between 2000 m and 3000 m elevation on the Himalayas grow deodar chinar and walnut
C. Forests in equatorial regions of India are less dense than the monsoon forests
D. Large-scale exploitation of forests has caused soil erosion and repeated floods


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Forests in equatorial regions of India are more dense than the monsoon forests. Monsoon forests are especially well developed in Southeast Asia and are typified by tall teak trees and thickets of bamboo.

217. The method of soil conservation in which bare ground between plants is covered with layer of organic matter like straw is called?
A. Mulching
B. Contour barriers
C. Rockdam
D. Terrace farming


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Mulching is the process of forming a protective covering of rotting vegetable (organic) matter to reduce evaporation and soil erosion.

218. Which of the following forest is the forest with maximum bio diversity?
A. Tropical
B. Temperate
C. Monsoon
D. Equatorial


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Equatorial forests are also termed as Evergreen forests. They are a sub-type of tropical rain forests. They have maximum bio diversity.

219. Which one of the following countries has the largest known reserves of oil ?
A. Kuwait
B. Iran
C. Iraq
D. Nigeria


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Kuwait has the largest known reserves of oil. The country has an estimated 94 billion barrels of proven oil reserves, about 9 percent of the world’s total.

220. Consider the following statements concerning United Arab Emirates:,1. Oman is one of the seven Emirates which form the United Arab Emirates.,2. Dubai is the capital of United Arab Emirates.,3. Fishing and tourism are the key industries of United Arab Emirates.,Which of these statements is/are correct?
A. 1 and 2
B. 3 only
C. 2 and 3
D. 1 2 and 3


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Fishing and tourism are the key industries of United Arab Emirates. Dubai, the UAE’s business and tourist centre, is the country’s biggest fish consuming market followed by Abu Dhabi and Sharjah.

221. In which country, slash and burn agriculture is known as “Milpa”?
A. Venezuela
B. Brazil
C. Central America
D. Mexico and Central America


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The slash and burn agriculture is known as ‘Milpa’ in Mexico and Central America, ‘Conuco’ in Venezuela, ‘Roca’ in Brazil, ‘Masole’ in Central Africa, ‘Ladang’ in Indonesia, ‘Ray’ in Vietnam. Slash and burn agriculture is also known as shifting agriculture. It is an old agricultural method followed in many tribal regions of the world. In India such a practise is termed “Jhum” in the North-East.

222. Typhoon comes in
A. Mexican gulf
B. Indian ocean
C. Arctic Ocean
D. China and Japan sea


Answer: Option D
Explanation : In Austrialia a tropical cyclone is named as Willy Willy. In different parts of the world it is known by different names like, Hurricane in Caribbean Sea, U.S.A. , Mexico, Typhoon in Japan, China, Phillipines; Cyclone in South Asia.

223. The World’s largest producer of wool is ________
A. India
B. Russia
C. U.S.A
D. Australia


Answer: Option D
Explanation : The World’s largest producer of wool is Australia. Australia is the world’s number one producer of premium quality fine wool, and is the largest producer of all wools by value and volume. The total wool produced in Australia is 324, 900 tonnes (greasy).

224. In the Semi-arid and Temperate grasslands, the most commonly found animals are ________
A. Donkeys and horses
B. Reindeers
C. Camels
D. Sheep and goats


Answer: Option D
Explanation : In the Semi-arid and Temperate grasslands, the most commonly found animals are Sheep and goats.

225. A large number of species are found within a small unit of area of ________
A. Mangrove coastal forests
B. Coniferous temperate forests
C. Deciduous monsoon forests
D. Wet evergreen equatorial forests


Answer: Option D
Explanation : A large number of species are found within a small unit of area of Wet evergreen equatorial forests. Wet evergreen forests are found in the south along the Western Ghats and the Nicobar and Andaman Islands and all along the north-eastern region. It is characterized by tall, straight evergreen trees that have a buttressed trunk or root on three sides like a tripod that helps to keep a tree upright during a storm.

226. Consider the following statements:,1. Biodiversity is normally greater in the lower latitudes as compared to the higher latitudes,,2. Along the mountain gradients, biodiversity is normally greater in the lower altitudes as compared to the higher altitudes.,Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both I and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Both the given statements are correct. Biodiversity is normally greater in the lower latitudes as compared to the higher latitudes and Along the mountain gradients, biodiversity is normally greater in the lower altitudes as compared to the higher altitudes.

227. What are ‘Igloos’?
A. A kind of animal hunted by Kalahari Bushmen
B. A kind of animal domesticated by aboriginal inhabitants of Australia
C. Mammoth mammals found in the Pacific Ocean
D. A dome-shaped house or a hut built of blocks of hard snow in which the Eskimos live


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Igloo is a dome-shaped house or a hut, built of blocks of hard snow, in which the Eskimos live. An igloo is a small building made of snow. Igloos were first built by the Inuit people.

228. The prediction of storm is made, when atmospheric pressure
A. Rises suddenly
B. Rises gradually
C. Decreases suddenly
D. Decreases gradually


Answer: Option C
Explanation : The prediction of storm is made, when atmospheric pressure decreases suddenly. The barometer drops suddenly depicting low pressure zone & unsettled weather system developing such as storm.

229. Which of the following pairs is incorrect ?
A. Buenos Aires-Dairy Products
B. Bangkok-Aircrafts
C. Manchester-Cotton Textiles
D. Plymouth-Ship building


Answer: Option B
Explanation : Bangkok is Thailand’s capital, is a large city known for ornate shrines and vibrant street life.

230. Which of the following statements is false?
A. Tropical evergreen forests have very little undergrowth
B. Tropical monsoon forests have dense undergrowth
C. Temperate evergreen forests have rainfall throughout the year
D. Coniferous forest are mostly deciduous


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Coniferous forests consist mostly of conifers, trees that grow needles instead of leaves, and cones instead of flowers. Conifers tend to be evergreen, that is, they bear needles all year long. These adaptations help conifers survive in areas that are very cold or dry. Some of the more common conifers are spruces, pines, and firs.

231. The number of economic minerals associated with sedimentary rocks is
A. More than that associated with igneous rocks
B. Less than that associated with igneous rocks
C. Same as that in igneous rocks
D. Unknown


Answer: Option B
Explanation : The number of economic minerals associated with sedimentary rocks is less than that associated with igneous rocks.

232. Which is the best variety of cotton in the world?
A. Sea Island
B. Upland American
C. Egyptian
D. Indian short fibres


Answer: Option A
Explanation : Sea Island cotton has extra long staple length upto 34 mm due to which it is considered the best cotton in the world.

233. Which of the following natural regions is known as ‘the big game country’ or ‘a land of safari’?
A. Tropical deserts
B. Equatorial regions
C. Temperate Grassland regions
D. Savanna or Tropical Grassland regions


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Savanna or Tropical Grassland regions is known as ‘the big game country’ or ‘a land of safari’. It is also called ‘Sudan’ or ‘Savannah type’ or ‘Tropical grassland type’. Tropical grasslands are located near the equator, between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. They cover much of Africa as well as large areas of Australia, South America, and India. Savannas are generally found between the desert biome and the rainforest biome.

234. The Sea water is more salty than rain water because
A. Sea creatures salt
B. Air around sea is salty
C. Rivers pours salt from the soil into sea
D. There are salt mines in sea surface


Answer: Option C
Explanation : Rivers while passing through rocky places weather the rocks & erode them, during weathering of rocks, its mineral content in form of salt gets eroded which is dumed in sea along with river water.

235. Which of the following regions bear mainly the Coniferous forests?
A. Southern part of India
B. South America
C. Southern island of New Zealand
D. Central Eastern and Western parts of North America


Answer: Option D
Explanation : Central, Eastern and Western parts of North America regions bear mainly the Coniferous forests. Taiga generally referred to in North America as boreal forest or snow forest, is a biome characterized by coniferous forests consisting mostly of pines, spruces, and larches.

236. Zebras inhabit ________
A. Coniferous forest regions
B. Downs
C. Equatorial regions
D. Savanna lands


Answer: Option D
Explanation: Zebras inhabit Savanna lands. Zebras are native to southern and central Africa. Although zebras are very adaptable animals as far as their habitats are concerned, most zebras live in grasslands and savannas.

MCQ Questions for Class 9 Hindi Kshitij Chapter 15 मेघ आए with Answers

Question 1.
अकुलाई लता किसका प्रतीक है?
(a) वियोग से व्याकुल प्रियतमा का
(b) साधारण लड़की का
(c) हरी-भरी बेल का
(d) रोती हुई कन्या का


Answer: (a) वियोग से व्याकुल प्रियतमा का

Question 2.
नदी किसका प्रतीक है?
(a) प्रेयसी का
(b) दहती धारा का
(c) गाँब की युवती का
(d) वर्षा का


Answer: (c) गाँब की युवती का

Question 3.
ताल किसका ‘प्रतीक है?
(a) कटोरे का
(b) घर के सदस्य का
(c) पानी से भरे खेत का
(d) दादल का


Answer: (b) घर के सदस्य का
पानी से भरे कटोरे का।

Question 4.
‘ताल’ पानी परात भरकर क्यों लाया?
(a) जिससे मेहमान का स्वागत किया जा सके
(b) जिससे मेहमान की प्यास बुझाई जा सके
(c) जिससे पानी को इकट्ठा किया जा सके
(d) उपर्युक्त में से कोई नहीं


Answer: (a) जिससे मेहमान का स्वागत किया जा सके
मेहमान का स्वागत करने के लिए।

Question 5.
‘बयार’ किसका पर्याय है?
(a) वर्षा
(b) जल
(c) बादल
(d) हवा


Answer: (d) हवा
हवा का पर्यायवाची।

Question 6.
कौन-सा पर्याय दामिनी का नहीं है?
(a) वपला
(b) तड़ित
(c) यामिनी
(d) सौदामिनी


Answer: (c) यामिनी

Question 7.
अधु का तद्भव कौन-सा शब्द है?
(a) औंसू
(b) जल
(c) बादल
(d) नौर


Answer: (a) औंसू

Question 8.
पूल घाघरा उठाकर क्यों भागी?
(a) पीछे से मेघ आ रहा था
(b) डर के कारण भाग गई
(c) मेघ के आने पर औधी भी आ गई
(d) वर्षा शुरू हो गई थी


Answer: (c) मेघ के आने पर औधी भी आ गई

Question 9.
ताल क्यों प्रसन्न हो गवा?
(a) बादल को देखकर
(b) मेघ बरसने से उसमें पानी भर गया था
(c) मेहमान को देखकर
(d) हवा को देखकर


Answer: (b) मेघ बरसने से उसमें पानी भर गया था

Question 10.
सर्वेश्वर दयाल सक्सेना का जन्म उत्तर प्रदेश के बस्ती जिले में सन् हुआ।
(a) 1997 में
(b) 1927 में
(c) 1910 में
(d) 1907 में


Answer: (b) 1927 में
सन् 1927 में हुआ था।

Question 11.
सर्वेश्वर दयाल सक्सेना बच्चों की कौन-सी पत्रिका के सम्पादक थे?
(a) बालभारती
(b) चंपक
(c) पराग
(d) सुमन सौरभ


Answer: (c) पराग
इन्होंने पराग का सम्पादन किया।

Question 12.
निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सी रचना सर्वेश्वर दयाल सक्सेना की नहीं है?
(a) बंद गली का आखिरी मकान
(b) काठ की घटियों
(c) ऍटियों पर टंगे लोग
(d) जंगल का दर्द


Answer: (a) बंद गली का आखिरी मकान

Question 13.
‘बरस बाद सुध लीन्हीं में प्रिया के किस भाव की अभिव्यक्ति हुई है?
(a) प्रेम भाव की
(b) उपालंभ की
(c) उदारता की
(d) कृतज्ञता की


Answer: (b) उपालंभ की
उपालंभ भाव की।

Question 14.
मेघ के आने पर ‘बयार’ पर क्या असर हुआ?
(a) यह मंद गति से चलने लगी
(b) वह बिल्कुल रुक गई
(c) तेज गति से चलने लगी
(d) हवा गर्म हो गई


Answer: (c) तेज गति से चलने लगी

Question 15.
कविता में मेघ का आगमन किस रूप में हुआ है?
(a) मेहमान
(b) जल
(c) बालक
(d) हाथी


Answer: (a) मेहमान
मेहमान (पाहुन) के रूप में।

Question 16.
गली-गली में खिड़कियाँ दरवाजे क्यों खुलने लगे?
(a) ठंडी हवा के लिए
(b) रास्ते में आते-जाते लोगों को देखने के लिए
(c) बादल को देखने के लिए
(d) उपर्युक्त कोई कारण ठीक नहीं


Answer: (c) बादल को देखने के लिए

Question 17.
बूढ़ा पीपल किसका प्रतीक है?
(a) देवता का
(b) गाँव के सम्मानीय बुजुर्ग का
(c) छायादार वृक्ष का
(d) अतिधि का


Answer: (b) गाँव के सम्मानीय बुजुर्ग का

काव्यांश पर आधारित बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न

“बूढे पीपल ने आगे बढ़कर गुहार की,
‘बरस बाद सुधि लीन्ही’
बोलो अकुलाई लता ओट हो किवार की,
हरसाया ताल लाया पानी परात भर के।
मेघ आए बड़े बन-ठन के संवर के।
क्षितिज अटारी गहराई दामिनी दमको।
‘क्षमा करो गाँठ खुल गई अब भरम की’,
बाँध टूटा झर-झर मिलन के अनु इरके।”

Question 1.
बूढे पीपल ने आगे बढ़कर किसका स्वागत किया और क्यों?


Answer: बड़े पीपल ने आगे बढ़कर बादल रूपी अतिथि का स्वागत किया, क्योंकि गाँव में ऐसा ही होता है कि जब कोई अतिथि आता है तो सबसे पहले घर का बुजुर्ग ही उसका स्वागत करता है।

Question 2.
‘बरस बाद सुधि लीन्ही’-किवाड़ की ओट लिए लता ने ऐसा क्यों कहा?


Answer: साता ऐसा कहकर बादलों को उलाहना दे रही है, क्योंकि वह काफी दिनों से उनको प्रतीक्षा में थी, परन्तु वह नहीं आए। वे आज आए तो उन्हें प्यार भरा उलाहना दे रही है।

Question 3.
ताल पानी की परात क्यों लेकर आया?


Answer: गाँवों में परंपरा है कि जब पाहुना आता है तो उसके पैर टूकर उसका स्वागत किया जाता है। पाहुने के पैर भुलवाने के लिए ही तालाब से पानी की परात लेकर आया।

Question 4.
भ्रम की कौन-सी गाँठ खुल गई है, जिसके लिए क्षमा मांगी गई है।


Answer: काफी दिनों से बादल नहीं बरसे थे। बादल आते थे, चले जाते थे, परन्तु आज वादल आकर बरसने लगे। अतः अब वर्षा होगी या नहीं होगी, यह प्रम दूर हो गया।

Question 5.
उपरोक्त काव्यांश में से अनुप्रास अलंकार के दो उदाहरण छाँटिए।


Answer: बरस बाद सुधि लीन्हीं। हरसाया ताल लाया पानी परात भर के।

मंजूषा से उपयुक्त शब्द/वाक्यांश छाँटकर रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए

(क) पेड़ झुक झोंकने लगे …………….. उचकाए


Answer: गरदन

(ख) ………………., धूल भागी घाघरा उठाए


Answer: आंधी चली

(ग) वोंकी चितवन उठा, ……………….. चूँघट ताके


Answer: नदी ठिठकी

(घ) बूढ़े ………………. आगे बढ़कर जुहार की


Answer: पीपल ने

(ङ) क्षितिज अटारी गहराई …………….. दमकी


Answer: दामिनी

(च) बाँध टूटा झर-झर मिलन के …………..


Answer: अघु ठरके।।

सही कथन के सामने (✓) और गलत कयन के सामने (✗) का चिह्न लगाइए।

(क) मेघ आए कविता में मेघ की तुलना अतिथि से की


Answer: (✓)

(स) मेघ के आने से पहले हवा चलने लगती है।


Answer: (✓)

(ग) हरसाया पीपल परात में पानी भरकर लाया।


Answer: (✗)
हरसाया ताल पानी की परात भर कर लाया

(घ) किवाड़ की ओट में खड़ी लता ने मेघ को उलाहना दिया।


Answer: (✓)

(छ) मेघों को देखने के लिए लोग दरवाजे खिड़कियाँ खोलने लगे।


Answer: (✓)

(च) मेघ बड़ी सादगी के साथ गांव में आए।


Answer: (✗)
मेघ बन-ठन कर सँवर कर आए।

कविता की निम्नलिखित पंक्तियों को व्यवस्थित ढंग से पुनः लिखिए

(क) क्षितिज अटारी गहराई – मिलन के अधु टरके
(ख) क्षमा करो गाँठ खल गई – बन-ठन के सैंबर के
(ग) बाँध टूटा झर-झर – अब भरम की
(घ) मेघ आए बड़े – दामिनी दमकी


(क) – दामिनी दमकी
(ख) – अद भरम की
(ग) – मिलन के अश्रु डरके
(घ) – बन-ठन के सेंवर के।

MCQ Questions for Class 9 Hindi Kshitij Chapter 14 चंद्र गहना से लौटती बेर with Answers

Question 1.
रीवा के पेड़ कैसे हैं?
(a) सुंदर
(b) कोटेदार कुरूप
(c) लम्बे-लम्बे
(d) छायादार


Answer: (b) कोटेदार कुरूप

Question 2.
कवि सारस के साथ हरे खेतों में क्यों जाना चाहता है?
(a) यहाँ के सौंदर्य को देखने
(b) यहाँ मटर खाने व गन्ने चूसने
(c) वहाँ वह चुपके एपके सारस कुगल की प्रेम की बातें सुनने
(d) पूमने के लिए


Answer: (c) वहाँ वह चुपके एपके सारस कुगल की प्रेम की बातें सुनने
चुपके-चुपके सारत युगल प्रेमी की बातें सुनने।

Question 3.
‘यह हरा ठिगना चना बाँधे मुरैठा शीश पर छोटे गुलाबी फूल का’ पंक्ति में निहित अलंकार बताइए
(a) यमक
(b) श्लेष
(c) रुपक
(d) मानवीकरण


Answer: (d) मानवीकरण
मानवीकरण अलंकार चने को मानव की तरह दिखाया है।

Question 4.
‘प्रकृति का अनुराग अंचल हिल रहा है पंक्ति में कौन से अलंकार हैं?
(a) रूपक
(b) मानवीकरण
(c) अनुप्रास
(d) उपर्युक्त सभी


Answer: (d) उपर्युक्त सभी
रूपक, अनुप्रास एवं मानवीकरण अलंकार है।

Question 5.
किसने अपने हाथ पीले कर लिए हैं।
(a) सरसों ने
(b) बने ने
(c) अलसी ने
(d) फागुन ने


Answer: (a) सरसों ने
सरसों ने अपने हाथ पीले कर लिए हैं।

Question 6.
अलसी के लिए किस विशेषण का प्रयोग किया है?
(a) लजीली
(b) हठीली
(c) शर्मीली
(d) उदंड


Answer: (b) हठीली
अलसी के लिए हठीली विशेषण का प्रयोग हुआ है।

Question 7.
चाँदी का बड़ा-सा गोल खंभा किसे कहा गया है?
(a) अलसी के पेड़ को
(b) सरसों को
(c) पेड़ की डाली को
(d) पोखर में पड़ने वाले सूर्य के प्रतिबिंब को


Answer: (d) पोखर में पड़ने वाले सूर्य के प्रतिबिंब को

Question 8.
पोखर के किनारे पर चुपचपाप पड़े पानी कौन पी
(a) सोप
(b) मगरमच्छ
(c) पशु
(d) पत्थर


Answer: (d) पत्थर
पत्थर पानी पी रहे हैं।

Question 9.
चिड़िया को कवि ने क्या कहा है?
(a) पूर्व
(b) भददी
(c) चतुर
(d) सुंदर


Answer: (c) चतुर
चतुर चिड़िया।

Question 10.
चने को कवि ने क्या कहा है?
(a) ठिगना
(b) हठीला
(c) पतली कमर वाला
(d) कठोर


Answer: (a) ठिगना
ठिगना कहा है।

Question 11.
इस कविता में निम्न में से किसका वर्णन नहीं हुआ है?
(a) सरसों
(b) चना
(c) पोखर
(d) पीपल


Answer: (d) पीपल
इस कविता में पीपल का वर्णन नहीं है।

Question 12.
चंद्र गहना से लौटती बेर कविता में किस ऋतु का। वर्णन है
(a) वर्षा प्रतु का
(b) शरद ऋतु का
(c) वसंत ऋतु का
(d) ग्रीष्म प्रतु का


Answer: (c) वसंत ऋतु का
वसंत ऋतु का वर्णन है।

Question 13.
केदारनाथ अग्रवाल को किस वाद का कवि माना जाता है
(a) छायावाद का
(b) प्रयोगवाद का
(c) प्रगतिशीलता का
(d) प्रगतिवाद का


Answer: (d) प्रगतिवाद का
ये प्रगतिवाद के कवि हैं।

Question 14.
निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सी रचना केदारनाथ अग्रवाल की नहीं है?
(a) नींद के बादल
(b) बादल राग
(c) युग की गंगा
(d) पंख और पतवार


Answer: (b) बादल राग
‘बादल राग’ यह कृति निराला जी की है।

Question 15.
केदारनाथ अग्रवाल का जन्म कब और कहाँ हुआ?
(a) उ. प्र. के बौदा जिले में सन् 1917 में
(b) इलाहाबाद में सन् 1915 में
(c) म.प्र.रीबा में सन् 1911 में
(d) लखनऊ में 1915 में


Answer: (a) उ. प्र. के बौदा जिले में सन् 1917 में

काव्यांश पर आधारित बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न

देख आया चंद्र गहना।
देखता हूँ दृश्य अब मैं
मेड़ पर इस खेत की बैठा अकेला।
एक बीते के बराबर
यह हरा ठिगना चना,
याँधे मुरैठा शीश पर
छोटे गुलाबी फूल का,
सज कर खड़ा है।
पास ही मिल कर उगी है
बीच में अलसी हठीली
देह की पतली, कमर की है लचीली,
नील फूले फूल को सिर पर चढ़ा कर
कर रही है. जो छुए यह
हूँ हृदय का दान उसको।

Question 1.
कवि एवं कविता का नाम लिखिए।


Answer: कवि-केदारनाथ अग्रवाल, कविता-चंद्र गहना से लौटती बेर।

Question 2.
चने के पौधे को देखकर कवि ने क्या कल्पना की है?


Answer: कवि जब गुलाबी फूलों से सजे-धजे चने के पौधे को देखता है तो कवि को लगता है कि यह सज-धज कर अपनी प्रेयसी से मिलने जा रहा है।

Question 3.
अलसी को देखकर कवि ने क्या कल्पना की है?


Answer: अलसी को देखकर कवि ने काल्पना की है जैसे यह कोई पतली एवं लचकदार कमर वाली कोई जिरी लड़की हो और इसने नीले फूलों वाला दुपट्टा ओद रखा हो और इसकी यही जिद है कि जो उससे आकर प्रणय निवेदन करेगा उसको ही वह अपना हृदय दे देगी।

Question 4.
कवि चंद्र गहना देखकर लौटते हुए कहाँ रुक गया और क्यों?


Answer: कवि चंद्र गहना देखकर सौटते हुए खेतों के बीच खेत की मेड़ पर बैठ जाता है। ग्राम का अद्भुत सौंदर्य कवि के किसान मन को बरबस अपनी ओर खींच लेता है। कवि प्रकृति के सौंदर्य में खो जाता है।

Question 5.
अलसी का पौधा कैसा होता है?


Answer: अलसी का पौधा दो-तीन फीट लंबा होता है। उसकी रहनियाँ एकदम पतली होती हैं। अलसी पर नीले फूल आते हैं। अलसी के बीजों से भरी उसकी कली छोटे से कलश जैसी नजर आती है।

मंजूषा से निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों उपयुक्त उत्तर छोटकर उनके सामने लिखिए

(क) चने ने अपने सिर पर क्या बांध रखा है?


Answer: गुलाबी फूलों का मुस्टा (पगड़ी)

(ख) कदि ने अलसी को क्या कहा है?


Answer: कवि ने अलसी को हठीली कहा है

(ग) अलसी के फूल किस रंग के होते हैं?


Answer: अलसी के फूल नीले रंग के होते हैं

(घ) सपानी कौन हो गई है?


Answer: सरसों सयानी हो गई है

(ङ) किसका अनुराग अंचल हिल रहा है?


Answer: प्रकृति का

(च) पोखर में क्या उट रहा है?


Answer: छोटी-छोटी लहरियों

(छ) सरोवर के किनारे पानी कौन-पी रहे हैं।


Answer: सरोवर के किनारे पत्थर पानी पी रहे हैं।

नीचे अव्यवस्थित ढंग से कविता की कुछ पंक्तियाँ दी गई हैं उनको व्यवस्थित करके पुनः लिखो।

एक बीते के बराबर,
बांधे मुरैठा शीश पर
सजकर खड़ा है
यह हरा ठिगना चना
बीच में अलसी हटीली
पास ही मिलकर उगी है
छोटे गुलाबी फूल का


एक बीते के बराबर
यह हरा ठिगना बना,
बाँधे मुरेठा शीश पर
छोटे गुलाबी फूल का
सज कर खड़ा है।
पास ही मिलकर उगी है
बीच में अलसी हटीसी

सही कथन के सामने (✓) और गलत कथन के सामने (✗) का चिह्न लगाइए।

(क) कवि खेत की मेड़ पर अकेले बैठा है।


Answer: (✓)

(ख) कांवे ने चंद्रमा के प्रतिबिम्ब को चाँदी का गोल खंभा कहा है।


Answer: (✗)
कवि ने पोखर में पड़ रहे सूर्य के प्रतिबिंब को चाँदी का गोल खंभा कहा है

(ग) सरसों हाथ पीले करके व्याह मंडप में पधारी है।


Answer: (✓)

(घ) चने का कद ठिंगना है।


Answer: (✓)

(ङ) कवि जबलपुर के जंगल देखकर आया है।


Answer: (✗)
कवि चंद्रगहना देखकर लोटा है।