Village Life Essay: Even though the big towns and the metropolises are facing the great problem of the migration of the population to these towns, still India lives in the villages. 80% population of the country lives in the villages. But with all the development schemes launched and being launched for the improvement and development of the village life, the life therein remains still backward, where much still remains to be done, much to be desired.
- Long Essay on Village Life 500+ Words in English
- Short Essay on Village Life 200+ Words in English
- 10 Lines on Village Life
- What is Village explain?
- Why villages are important?
- What are the advantages of village life?
- What are the disadvantages of village life?
Long and Short Essays on Village Life for Kids and Students in English
Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘Village Life’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on the Village Life of 400-500 words. This long essay about Village Life is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Village Life of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.
Long Essay on Village Life 500+ Words in English
Below we have given a long essay on Village Life of 500+ words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.
In several parts of the country, even the basic needs are not available. Clean drinking water, proper shelter and sanitation, proper health care all these are crying needs of India’s rural areas. India is a vast country and in spite of large scale projects launched from time to time to better the looks and life of our rural folk, much still remains to be desired.
It was as far back as in 1952 that the community development programme was launched. Under this programme was planned the supply of improved seeds, modem implements and chemical manures to the farmers most of the rural population are agriculturists minor irrigation projects were started, facilities to improve the breed and looking after of the live-stocks was taken up, some village industries were also pushed up.
The ‘integrated rural development programme’ intended to provide employment to the rural population. Big irrigation projects, construction of huge dams had been taken up to supply to our farmers timely water for their crops, electricity to their tube wells.
A rural health programme was launched in the year 1977 and by 1982-83 it was expected to cover the entire rural population under this scheme. Community health workers were trained and are being trained to render the barely necessary and immediate medical aid.
Employment facilities to the rural population were also envisaged to be provided the target was fixed at by the year 1987. But there still remains much to be desired, much to be achieved. For the benefit of the milk producers of the rural population a scheme called ‘Operation Flood’ was launched; the plan behind this programme was to establish a direct link between the rural milk producers with the processing units established in the urban areas. Along with this had been launched the scheme of improving the quality of milch cattle by the method of artificial insemination. Such centres for artificial insemination were established at every block level.
Short Essay on Village Life 200+ Words in English
Below we have given a short essay on Village Life is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.
Universalization of education for rural children and literacy to the adults have also been schemes launched but not the expected headway could be made in this direction.
Of course, the ‘Panchayati Raj’ system has been introduced in almost all the states of the country. This is a decentralization policy to make the democratic process to reach the grassroots and make the rural population the dispensers of justice at their own level in all possible ways. It has caught up with the rural folk though much still requires to make this system free from discriminations and discussions.
What is intended and needed is that the rural masses should have a better living, more health facilities, more economic gains for their products, more prosperity, more education, more employment. The commodities that they produce should give them enough gains and exploitation by the middle man may be eliminated. More roads, better transport facilities and greater communication level for this majority population are dreams of the rural development programmes planned and envisaged.
Much has been achieved but still much more is required to be done. Fifty years of independence but only about fifty per cent of the achievement targets this presents a grim picture. Villages and villagers have to be freed from age-old superstitions and raised up to a respectable level. Economic independence and education are the basics which alone can do what is intended and planned.
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10 Lines on Village Life
- India is facing a gigantic problem of the migration of the rural population to the towns.
- In several parts of the country, even the basic needs are not available.
- The cause of this is that the rural life, the villages have not witnessed that improvement and development in spite of all development schemes launched since, as far back as 1952.
- Life of the village is full of contentment and happiness as people aren’t in a hurry always unlike city life.
- There have hardly been any facilities of irrigation, availability of electricity, fertilizers, seeds, care of the livestock, employment, rural health education and transport.
- The commodities that they produce should give them enough gains and exploitation by the middle man may be eliminated.
- The Panchayat Raj System plans to decentralize the system and place most of the schemes in the hands of the Panchayats.
- Villages and villagers have to be freed from age-old superstitions and raised up to a respectable level.
- Life in the village is very simple and the majority of people are involved in farming during day time.
- Economic independence and education are the prime needs for better village life.
FAQs on Village Life Essay
A village is a place where people live, normally in the countryside. It is usually larger than a hamlet and smaller than a town or city.
2. Why villages are important?
The village plays an important role in maintaining the ecological balance as it is a place which is covered by greenery which overcomes the green cover which is less in the cities and also it is a shelter for various animals.
3. What are the advantages of village life?
You get to see the Pollution Free Environment in villages. In addition, to that Cost of Living is extremely low and you can enjoy the beauty of nature.
4. What are the disadvantages of village life?
Educational and Working Opportunities are far less compared to cities. This is the drawback with villages.