Social Media Essay: The poet encapsulates the futility of our continuous struggle for survival in this world of cut-throat competition. In spite of the consensus that the most beautiful and worthy pleasures for human existence are for free, the rat race for materialistic pursuit inevitably drags us all. As constraints of time crept in to limit the social involvement of individuals, concerns about this diminishing human network and increasing isolation became bolder. Technology tried to rescue humanity by providing a platform- a virtual alternative for a real problem. But has the solution managed to simplify or added to the complexities of social networking? As a social animal, the need to communicate and share has been an intrinsic part of human beings.
“What is this life, so full of care?
We have no time, to stand and stare.”
The evolution from nomadic existence to settling in a societal relationship provided a much desired stability to human life form. Sharing of joys, sorrows, fears, anxieties, thoughts and ideas amongst the individuals in neighborhood lent beauty to human social existence.
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Long and Short Essays on Social Media for Students and Kids in English
If you are searching for a well-written Essay on Social Media then we have provided a 600-word long Essay on Social Media with good content. We have also provided a short 200-word Essay on Social Media in English. Both these essays can be used by students of class 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
Read More: Social Media Essay 250 Words
Long Essay on Social Media 600 Words in English
Long and Short Essays on Social Media is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.
Celebrations of fairs and festivals in a common festive spirit enveloping the neighborhood reflected the bonhomie springing from the “real” social networking. The pace of change in lifestyles has been rapid over the past few decades. The lively neighborhood chats, the leisurely evening strolls and sharing of tales with neighbors for unending hours appear as post retirement indulgences. The cut throat competition for grades in schools, deadlines for submissions of projects in colleges and the need to professionally outsmart others to survive leaves us bereft of time to enjoy the simple pleasures of sharing in a social milieu.
The advent of internet and information technology, however, presented a new dimension to the social networking phenomenon. With traditional communication methods failing to keep pace with demands of instant communication, several new platforms for exchange emerged in the virtual world. From use of pigeons, telegrams and fax communication leapfrogged into an era of e-mail and internet messengers. With technology as a facilitator, distances were diminishing.
E-mails soon became a medium for exchange of views, thoughts and information globally within the wink of an eyelid. Business gained immensely as vast amount of data could be exchanged globally without any time lag. The platform was also cost-effective when compared to the existing telecommunication scenario. Though it gave a big boost to social connectivity, a bigger platform was yet to emerge.
The last decade has witnessed growth and proliferation of the social networking sites, providing a virtual world to connect with people globally. MySpace, Linkedln, OpenBC, Orkut and FaceBook have become integral part of lives of most net using community. These sites provide a platform for user to create a profile and quench the very fundamental need of human existence-the social connectivity.
A profile creation on these sites is first step towards entering a virtual world of opportunities. It enables one to search for friends, acquaintances, relatives, teachers, employers and anyone globally and remain “in touch” with the person. Sharing of views, thoughts, ideas, data and pictures has been facilitated by regular updates. School and college farewells are no more final goodbyes to the classrooms as the virtual connectivity fills in for the real absence of those friends. People have discovered lost friends and made several new ones in their ever-expanding friend list on such sites.
Tremendous popularity of these sites is evident form the result of several surveys amongst the net users, which vouch for considerable time spent on these sites for “connecting”. The phenomenon which grew in form of groups discussing common interest or affiliated to same alma mater became open for all subsequently. Though most popular amongst youth and teenagers, even the parents are finding it increasingly useful to relive nostalgia by connecting with their childhood friends or being “friend” of their child on internet.
Social networking in virtual medium has refocused on the basic need of an individual to connect to people and share. Simple human tendencies were getting lost in the humdrum of a pacy struggle of survival. The viral nature of expansion of membership indicates a desire to seek belongingness in the members of present society. These sites, with their impersonal nature of communication, also provide flexibility to the individual to escape any uncomfortable conversation at a single click.
Social networking in virtual medium can be immensely helpful in widening domains of tastes and knowledge. While real networking on face to face basis may not provide one with opportunities to make friends globally, these sites draw down the gender, region, linguistic or other boundaries. This also helps in downplaying any apprehension and prejudices one may carry in making a new approach. This networking aids the knowledge of diverse cultures, music, foods, languages and traditions. Friends from different parts of the globe can share the distinctiveness of their part of the world through views and pictures.
Another advantage of breaking barriers in a connected world is enrichment from experts. Groups and communities formed on these sites around a common hobby or interest can be highly rewarding for the members. The exchange of ideas and details about the pursuit is an excellent means to further one’s interest in the field. Advice and counseling from experts in that domain proves invaluable bonus, which may not have materialized through a real face to face networking.
Social networking in a virtual world also provides a platform to showcase one’s talent globally. Many videos of talented singers, dancers, instrumentalists aspiring for a breakthrough are uploaded regularly on You-tube. They all might not manage to eye catch any mentor, yet with increasing “views” of the video, will bestow happiness of appreciation and recognition, which is priceless for any artist.
In a day to day interaction, these sites provide a useful medium to share information with multiple contacts. Changes in ones’ contact phone number, correspondence address or a job switch can be intimated to all by a single posting on these sites.
Batch parties can be coordinated and venue, date, timing can all be conveniently “posted” to all concerned. Whether an alumnus meet or a farewell party, the “virtual” world facilitates easy notification for people to gather in “real” scenarios. The virtual world based social networks have proved immensely useful in reaching out to larger people in case of emergencies and disasters. Several administrators have off-late used social networking platforms to contact agencies for relief and rescue measures. A stage of emergency management, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery have simplified due to backbone of the networking tool.
A single message can be relayed and passed to multiple users to arrange for a required blood group in scenarios where real life communications face constraints of limited reach. Delhi Police has been constructively using Facebook page to publicize about notorious elements and eliciting community help. Information about vital places like ATMs, blood banks, hospitals, schools, collectorate office can be obtained from any person of that city by simply posting the query on their “wall”. Social networking on internet, due to wide reach, has potential to formulate and circulate opinions in a vibrant civil society.
The Arab Spring demonstrated this potential to the fullest as the entire region erupted in a pro-democracy mood. Videos and pictures of heavy handedness of the regime splashed on the social networking sires exposed the brutality and united the emotions of people. It also provided a medium to plan marches, venues and timings when physical contact amongst the protestors was restricted by the regime. The power of masses could be displayed on “real” streets but the medium which managed this “real” revolution remained a “virtual” one.
The pictures posted on these sites have also led to several unfathomable revelations. The open availability of some of these messages and pictures has helped many authorities to understand realities, which could have been conveniendy brushed under the carpet. At times, parents and principal have uncovered lies of their wards about partying or alcoholism through the uploaded accessible pictures. At other instances, police has managed to catch criminal gangs by discussion of their modus operandi or tracked missing people by describing them to “real” people on this “virtual” medium. Employers have snooped in to find employees bunking offices on pretext of emergency at other place or sharing unacceptable views about the organization. Thus, access and transparency have increased manifold often to the inconvenience of many.
Like every other tool of technology, social networking in virtual space has its dark angles. The activities involving tabbing at computer keys to generate responses and variation on screen have been found to be addictive for many youngsters. The addictive behavior is not only consuming their precious time but also producing disastrous consequences at times. Networking through a virtual platform presents one with anonymity to present only one aspect of our personality.
The pictures splashed on the sites and the messages are selectively relayed to create an image which is “like-able” and “acceptable” to larger society. It is a form of escapism from oneself and realities of one’s life by displaying a “happening” image of one. Addicts can hardly wait for an event to finish or new dress to be purchased before splashing them online to garner positive comments. Favourable comments are waited for and much time is lost in peeping into insignificant events in lives of people who hardly matter but shine on our profiles as “friends”.
The time devoted by an individual in isolation tabbing away at keyboard for social activity could have been creatively used to pursue a hobby or interest, contributing to the growth of an individual. This entire duration of virtual connectivity disconnects him from his “real” surroundings and “real” people. The participation level in real world activities diminish and concern for family, friends and other face to face relationships decreases. While the person manages to stay “in-touch” and reduces distances with a geographically distant friend, often the distances between his real close ones sitting next to him increase tremendously.
The present day trend of networking has also raised concern about a slew of mental health related issues. Intense use of this medium has been generating focusing or concentration problems for the youth. The virtual environment conditions the individual for small attention span as he gets accustomed to quick instant responses from his friends. Also, as the person simultaneously “handles” multiple chats, his focus for a particular response is sufficiently low. The quality of talks is also superficial and often lacks gravity, laced with emotions, as found in face to face interactions. This leads to problems in adjusting to real people and their responses in the real world with the person showing irritable impatience.
Psychologists also point out that such “addicted” behavior displays “a need of constant reassurance” that they exist. Other manifestations emerge in form of worsened communication skills with difficulty of articulation of thoughts into proper words. The virtual networking involves quick commenting and use of emoticons (emotion displaying icons) which effects the growth of proper word usage and spell sense.
Addictive involvement in virtual social network cuts the individual away from reality. The interest in pursuits like games and shopping is also decreased as even these interests are satisfied through online ventures on related sites. Another issue causing concern relates to poor judgment capability of the teenagers in selecting online friends. Bullying or harassment by posting threat messages, publicizing private messages or embarrassing pictures or spreading rumors has caused bouts of avoidable anxiety and depression amongst teenagers.
Such bullying incidents, with associated ignominious humiliation, have also led youth to extreme steps of taking their own lives. Cases of sexual advancements by pedophiles who pose as teens and lure youngsters into real world contact have sent shivers down the spines of users who treat this as an innocuous medium. Researchers have shown that lack of face to face network could alter the way genes perform, upset the immune responses, hormone levels, functioning of arteries and influence mental performances which causes increased risk of health problems as cancer, stroke, heart diseases and dementia, along with undermining social skills and ability to read body language.
Short Essay on Social Media 150 Words in English
Short Essay on Social Media is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
Virtual social networking sites, not only provide medium for communication but also provides opportunity for extension of one’s personality into virtual world by asking one to disclose their hobbies, gender, likes, dislikes, educational and professional backgrounds. Often fake profiles are created to portray a desired image or trick people into eliciting information. Such networks have also helped offices to expand business through wide circle of contacts and spend less on advertising by giving them marketing opportunities at a low cost. However, employees indulging in such networking during office hours have raised concern about decreased productivity.
Hackers also target social networking sites as they can commit frauds or launch malware attacks. They have also indulged in data or identity theft by asking for personal details. The third party applications on FaceBook may not be totally safe. Some have potential to be used to infect computers with malicious codes which can be used to collect data from the user’s site.
Like any other product of human creation, internet and virtual networking has its own share of pros and cons. Many a times, the awareness of “privacy settings” to prevent identity theft or theft of personal information is missing, which is used to commit frauds or shopping in other persons’ account. In this commercial world and materialistic lifestyles, social networking is essential but the virtual can never replace the warmth of real networking. The scarcity of time cannot force one to substitute virtual for real. The joy of shared smiles, the enthusiasm of articulating thoughts with laced emotions, contortions of face and movement of hands along with interjecting the loved ones’ narratives to put one’s own additions has its own irreplaceable charm.
Virtual world has diminished distances and enhanced the number of people in our friend list. But are they “all” really our “any-time” depending source we can turn to in distress? Can a beaming voice of “Happy New Year” by replaced by scribbling the same on the profile of your loved one? Can a comforting hands’ touch or shoulder to cry on be replaced by widening virtual contacts? Networking in virtual world has helped us maintain links with people and improved access to a wider world at our fingertips; however it demands moderation as a healthier alternative to enable people to derive the best of the benefits it can deliver.