Role of Media in Communal Harmony Essay: The values and ethos enshrined in the constitution have been the guiding force in making a path of stability and progress for the nation. The institutions deriving their vitality from these golden tenets and furthering this wisdom and philosophy into society maintain a healthy progressive balance. With the roll of time in this independent nation, the three pillars-executive, legislature and judiciary‘-have successfully shouldered the responsibility of navigation in troubled waters.
Threat to sovereignty, deepening of democracy, promotion of inclusivity in every sphere of life or maintaining communal cohesiveness have all received at different times collaborative contributions from these wings of the Indian system. A fourth pillar has emerged over time to lend stability to the edifice and uphold the constitutional ethos and play a constructive part in the journey of nation building. The role of media as this all pervasive force, expected to compliment the traditional structures cannot be undermined in the present day scenario. This is an age of media’s overpowering presence in every domain. As the accessibility to information simplifies, media manages to meet our senses through every other device.
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Long and Short Essays on Role of Media in Communal Harmony for Students and Kids in English
Here we have provided one brief long essay of 500 words, one short essay of 100-150 words, and ten important lines covering the topic.
Long Essay on Role of Media in Communal Harmony 600 Words in English
Diversifying from conventional sources of newspaper, magazines, television and radio, it now greets us through internet sites, billboards and mobile based ads. We are never too far from its all embracing presence. It is this reach which bestows media with a baggage of expectations and responsibility, in sensibly tackling the situations affecting the society at large. Amongst several situations in the society where the role of media can be scrutinized and responsibility assigned, communal flare-ups remain a sensitive segment.
The diversity and richness of threads weaving the fabric of Indian society forms the cause of it’s’ strength. The plurality of caste, colour, religion, language Essays bestows us a unique set-up, rich with opportunities and challenges. In unity lies our strength, but we still have witnessed occasions where trivial situations have snowballed into major communal flare-ups.
The present day media is itself struggling on the crossroads of conflicting demands. The arena has expanded to promote competition between different brands-both in print and electronic media. The competition to attract eyeballs has recklessly clouded the fundamental role media was designed to perform. Often the ethics of responsible journalism are sacrificed at the altar, in bargain of sensationalism in reporting.
Communal flare-ups can be often traced back to some minor incident which could have been nipped in the bud. In contrast, they explode with evil repercussions, staining the smooth fabric of the society. Innocent lives are lost, families destroyed and properties ruined by invoking religious sentiments. Religion- the garb with the warmth of the same Almighty, albeit of different colours, is given a notorious interpretation and projected as the dividing wall on such occasions. The situation poses a challenge to the state machinery where each element has to work responsibly in restoring peace and order in minimal time to minimize the damage from the unmindful acts of perpetrators.
Can media be abdicated from all responsibility in such an eventuality? The free nation guarantees under Article 19 of Fundamental Acts, the freedom of expression, with media deriving its powers. But can the principle of self-restrain to deliver responsible reporting be discarded in the face of such challenges to the social harmony? The power of media transmits the voices and images of riot struck families straight into our living rooms. With photographs of horror splashed across the front pages and bold lettering announcing the numerical record of the ghastly act, the coverage manages to transmit the fear and horror of the locality across geographical barrier.
The flare-ups in one corner of the nation is dished out, often with inciting remarks, unaccountable figures and opinionated version of causes to every part of the nation. In a race to grab the eyeballs, the breaking news culture promotes the high speed transmission to acclaim being the first channel to beam the images of the horror. Often the research into the real cause of the outbreak is sidelined and the focus shifts to use of provocative language and promotion of blame game.
Irresponsible journalism ends up inflaming passions of community rather than highlighting the unmindful acts of few individuals. In such testing times, the media is expected to fulfill its role of fourth pillar in the system effectively and promote all possible measures to bring back calm and order in the society. Such Essays times are the litmus test to judge the level of responsibility displayed by media in complementing authorities to normalize the situation.
An irresponsible reporting ends up making statements of gross generalization, demonizing an entire community for the pervert acts of a few. The words used-both by the print and electronic media-should be calibrated, measured $ and befitting the situation. A regulator for this purpose would face heavy resistance from media fraternity, but then these are the situations when self-regulation is put to real test. Sensitive situations of communal flare-ups are often covered by novice reporters who skip the ground realities to indulge in self-investigated judgments and opinionated reporting. Often the personal biases of the reporter or the channel cloud the vision of the media, incapacitating it to present the objective realities of the situation.
Though large segment of Indian population has been swarmed by the availability of information, the discretion to dissect and analyze every news item is not a popular attribute. Most consumers in general and the rural population in particular, receive the news-piece on face value. Efforts are not made to scrutinize the report and decipher the finer unsaid elements. There is an implicit trust in media and the voice of the reporter carries enough weight for people at large. With its ability to highlight mis-governance and plight of the common man, media is seen as the voice of the masses. This rust has developed over years and hence the portrayal of any event by media makes a significant impact. The realty is seen through the lens of media. And this underlines the need of all the more sincerity and ethics in journalism in times of communal discord.
The curative role of media in maintaining communal harmony, post a communal event is immense. Steering away from any exaggeration or unmindful indulgence in blame game, media must confine itself to facts, without stressing on religious affiliations. The need of the hour is to invoke the humanity, which forms the base of all religions, rather than focus on the religious hues of the victims or perpetrators. Media can be the calming influence, working in tandem with the administration to bring a semblance of sanity back in the locality. It must relay the message of peaceful coexistence by broadcasting messages of reconciliation, brotherhood and harmony. Media must return to the basic of upholding national interest against any other narrow plausible gain while delivering its report.
Media’s role in maintaining communal harmony is not linked to curative actions, but also has preventive aspects. All the ethos and values of constitution need to be continuously re-inforced amongst the population to enable them take Essays incipient deep roots in the society. With its all pervasive coverage and continuous impact on almost entire population of the nation, media must promote peaceful coexistence between people of different region, religion and languages.
It must promote seminars, debates and discussions bringing forth the richness of the pluralistic social existence. It can involve celebrities to deliver such meaningful messages of maintaining communal harmony.
Short Essay on Role of Media in Communal Harmony 150 Words in English
Short Essay on Role of Media in Communal Harmony is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
Stories of tolerance, trust and understanding between neighbors of different religions abound in different corners of the nation. Tele-series focusing on such human bonding which are more deep and fundamental than the shallow barriers of religion can be played on television and radio to deliver the message of communal harmony. The power of media, as the voice of a vibrant civil society cannot be snubbed. As the fourth pillar of system, its’ constructive role in nation building must be appreciated and utilized in full measure.
On one hand it acts as the mirror to the government of the day to rectify the apathy and shortcomings in facilitation, while on other it has the power to influence masses and bring about corrective action. It can be the force multiplier which magnifies goodness and values in the society. Any sort of communal disturbance jolts the society and the nation. As levels of tolerance take a dip in a fast paced society, the role of media in portrayal of events and perception building has a far reaching effect. Any communal disturbance affects the healthy pace of development of the society and the nation.
Trade, manufacturing and tRe economy suffers but worse is the evaporation of trust, affection and understanding between the communities. This vacuum is tough to fill and must be prevented from being created at all. It is here that media must act as a messenger of peace and harmony. It must act as a medium which not only highlights the facts but also rouses the larger question to enable people question the sanctity of such reckless spurts of violence. Media’s positive role can be the most significant difference in mitigating damage.
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