My School Essay: I study in St. Jhonson School. My school is really big and grand. The clock tower of my school is so huge and tall that one can see it from far. In fact, it serves as a landmark in the area.
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Short Essay on My School 200 Words for Kids and Students in English
Below we have given a short essay on My School is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This short essay my school on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.
There are thirty rooms and a large playground in my school. We also have beautiful gardens and lawns, which have a variety of plants and trees. There are two gardeners to look after the gardens.
All our teachers are highly qualified and competent. They are very loving and kind. Our principal, a middle-aged person, is also a very nice person. He is well-known and was given a state award last year. He rarely punishes any student though he is quite particular about the discipline, and under him we feel like one big family.
We have a very large library, with thousands of books on various subjects. We also get plenty of interesting magazines to read. Each student is issued a library card, with which he or she can borrow two books at a time. I try and visit the library every day.
School debates and functions are held in the large central hall. For those interested in sports, our school offers the best of facilities and equipment. Everything about my school is interesting and I enjoy being there. I am truly proud of my school.