Good Manners Essay: A person’s behaviour says a lot about him or her. A well-mannered person is liked by all, whereas an ill-mannered person is not. Good manners are nothing more than being kind, polite and considerate to others. It simply means that we should be respectful to the people around us and to our environment.
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Short Essay on Good Manners 200 Words for Kids and Students in English
Below we have given a short essay on Good Manners is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.
Good manners reveal a person’s upbringing. They speak not only about that particular person but also about his or her family; because it is at home that we acquire most of our habits. Children always copy the behaviour of their parents and elders.
We should try not to hurt others by our speech or actions. We should always try to be kind and polite to everyone. It is important to listen when the other person is speaking. Littering the road, spitting in public, playing loud music in cars or public transport or at public places and homes, are all examples of bad manners.
Simply by going to a big or good school does not mean that one can acquire good manners. A truly educated person will always be well-mannered.