Depression is a severe mental health problem that harms the way you think, the things you do and the way you act about it. It is one of the common diseases among students and young adults. Depression leads to lethargy, sadness and lack of interest in the activities that you once liked. The physical and emotional problem that comes along with depression leads to functional disability at the workplace.
According to a survey report, one in fifteen students suffer from depression every year. It also says that one in five people is likely to suffer from depression once in their lifetime. Although there is no specific age for depression to appear, however, it is expected to hit in the mid-twenties, especially among teens and college students. There is a 40% chance of having depression from hereditary parents if first degree. Good news is that it is treatable.
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How is Depression Different from Sadness?
When you are going through hard times, or you lose a job or a loved one, the feeling of grief is normal. People often develop sad feelings which are quite normal. However, sometimes the sadness leads to fewer activities in life which are misled to depression.
Depression, on the other hand, is different from sadness. Sadness or grieving procedure varies from person to person. They both have a lot of similarities like intense sadness, loss of appetite, lack of interest in activities and so on. However, they both are different in meaningful ways.
- When you are grieving for your deceased loved ones, pain comes in waves with both positive and negative memories. However, in case of depression mood changes and interests decreases for more than two weeks.
- When you are sad about losing a job, it doesn’t fade your self-esteem. On the contrary, in the case of depression, a feeling of worthlessness is experienced.
- Often sadness makes a person want to be the deceased one as they cannot think of living their life alone. The same is not the case of depression. People tend to take their lives in case of dead relatives or often end up winded in their room for months.
Studies suggest that often sadness and depression can be present together. Sometimes losing a job or a loved one can take a toll on a person which leads to lack of sleep, lethargy, worthlessness and more. This is why help is critical to decide the course of treatment.
Major Symptoms That Helps to Identify Depression
Often people fall into depression without any immediate cause. Therefore, people often confuse it by claiming it to be “Going through a phase”. Here are some mild to severe symptoms that will help you to identify depression-
- Mood changes to sad or depressive.
- Losing interest in activities that were favourite once.
- Loss of appetite with weight loss problems.
- Fatigue and loss of energy.
- Sometimes shaking fingers or sitting still or slow speech which often goes unnoticeable.
- Self-loathing and feeling of worthlessness.
- Unable to think, make decisions or work.
- Thinking of death and suicide.
Other than personal problems, there are various other medical conditions like a brain tumor that might end up causing depression.
Depression in College Students: How to Cope with and Treatment Plans!
Millions of college students are suffering from depression due to the extreme amount of stress and pressure. Lack of exercise, low food and sleeping habits are common threads of depression among young adults. Some failed relationships, anxiety on academics and the stress of ending up with a good job are taking a toll on the undergraduate students.
Risk Factors of Depression and Its Outcome
The ideal situation that leads to depression is that most of the students are not ready for university life. Leaving old friends and making new along with study, classes, and the environment change can make a significant impact on the life of a student.
According to a survey, it is seen that almost 13% of the significant depression is seen among adolescents. This raise in cases has led the professional’s study on why the ratio has increased in past decades and how to overcome it.
In the past few years, the leading cause of death among people between the age of fifteen to thirty is depression. The suicidal feeling is of immediate concern and needs attention. Various universities have set up counselling sessions and therapies for students to share their feelings and try to get help.
Tips for College Students to Cope-Up With Depression
Depression is an easily treatable disease with therapies and medication. However, for college students, sometimes the irregular lifestyle can be a cause and hence medicine is not the only way to treat it. Here are some tips that college students can follow to recover from depression.
Psychotherapy- No one should be alone to cope up with depression. Psychotherapy sessions help the individual to figure out the exact problem and find a solution for it. According to the American psychological association, depression symptoms can be reduced and treated well with therapy sessions.
Psychotherapy can go wrong if you don’t find the right therapist for you. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, therapists consider several factors for the sessions they provide. If you had visited a therapist before which didn’t help doesn’t mean that it will never. It merely means that the therapist was not the correct fit for you.
Today, many colleges consider therapy sessions and free counselling to study their mental health and help and support them.
Practice Mindfulness- Mindfulness is nothing but staying in the present situation and focusing on it. While it may sound simple, it is quite challenging to do so when you are depressed. It takes practice to connect and focus on the present moment. Since college students need to work on a lot of things in a day, it becomes hard for them to focus on one single thing or stay in the present.
However, there are various ways to cope up with the situation and practice mindfulness. Trying yoga at home or attend classes can be a plus point. You can also listen to audio meditation and attend classes for better results. According to a study conducted by NPR, the reports show that the meditation made a positive effect on managing depression.
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy is a therapy model that helps an individual to practice various mindfulness exercises at home under the guidance of a therapist. The survey conducted by the American psychological association suggests that mindfulness not only helps with depression but also reduces it to reappear again.
The best part about the exercise is that you can practise it anywhere without letting people know. If you ever feel you are getting into depression, a simple breathing exercise can help you get through it and put you back on track.
Amidst Nature– Nature has its way of healing wounds. Reports show that nature plays an active role in how our mind and body works, and it is one of the remedies to treat depression.
Ecotherapy, also known as green therapy, is nothing but a model of psychology that helps to improve your mental condition by connecting with nature and spending some time in the fresh air.
Did you know that Japan has a custom known as “forest bathing”, which means spending time around trees? Experts suggest that this therapy by Japan has proven to lower blood sugar levels, blood pressure, reduce producing stress hormones and fills one with lots of positivity and well being.
Many college campuses have beautiful trees and hiking trails. Even a short walk around the greenery has shown magnificent results. Therefore, if you don’t feel right or if things are falling apart, try to take a weekend tour in the mountains or coast to get a glimpse of nature.
Exercise Everyday– one of the best medicine for both mental and physical fitness is exercise. Daily exercise like a simple walk every morning can boost metabolism, keep your heart strong and healthy, lower blood pressure levels, reduce fat, and strengthen your muscles.
Not only these, but exercises have also proved to be great medicine to cure mental health problems like anxiety, stress reduction, and depression. The daily routine can improve your memory and boost your thinking skills.
According to research conducted by WebMD, exercises have proven to treat moderate depression in young adults. However, it is often undermined. Anyone going through depression will find it hard to get up every morning and exercise.
Today, colleges provide recreational centers to the students like gymnasiums, that consist of treadmills and weight rooms, basketball and baseball courts even swimming pools. These courses and retreats fall under the course fees whether you use them or not.
If you are suffering from mild depression and find it difficult to reach out to the gym, you can start by only taking a walk. Scientists say that even a twenty-minute walk thrice a week can make a significant impact on your mental health. The production of endorphins helps to keep your mind healthy.
Keep Your Social Life Active– Attending College involves staying away from family and friends. Starting a new life in a new place or country can be difficult and influences your mental health.
According to a study conducted by the international journal of mental health show that social life and support helps to decrease stress, thus reducing depression among college students. Since pressure is one of the common factors that feed depression, it is essential to start building a social status to reduce stress.
You can feel depressed if you do not participate in activities or not try to make friends. Loneliness and social distance are the two leading causes of depression. Therefore, reaching out for support is necessary when you step into your new phase of college life.
If you are an introvert and feel shy to make friends, try joining a group or team for projects which involve interaction and group are studying. It will distress you, help you focus on your project and even help you to make conversations with your friends.
Other than these, you should always call and email your old friends to stay in touch. This will help you to share your day with your family, and you can be more in the clear rather than confining yourself in a closed space.
Like Nick Vujicic Says: Depression is Not the End!
Are you dealing with depression in College? Are you thinking of packing your things and quit College? If you believe life is not giving you enough to continue, get help.
This is the story of Nick Vujicic, a guy with the rare disorder known as Tetra-Amelia syndrome. The features of the condition are the absence of all four limbs. A child with no limbs had no hope for life. He thought he had no opportunities and hence, no future. Everyone teased and mocked him for being different. Suffering from severe depression, he attempted suicide when he was eight years old and ten years old.
Today Nick Vujicic is a renowned speaker with more than thirty thousand standing invitations. He visited more than sixty countries; he runs a for-profit and non-profit venture. Nick has also written two books and performed in a music video. He also played an award-winning performance in a short film and is a successful man with a wife and kid.
Nick Vujicic talks about love and the values of life. He talks about how believing in yourself can be the greatest strength one ever has. With the emerging death cases among college students, mental health awareness is essential.
Is Depression a Mental disease?
Depression is a mental illness and is quite common among people today. It is treatable, and it is also known as a “major depressive disorder”.
Can lack of sleep be a reason behind depression?
Insomnia alone can never be the cause of depression. However, often the cause of lack in sleep can cause depression. Too much stress or a change of environment can be a reason behind insomnia, hence the depression.
Is There Any Other Way to Treat Depression Than Medication?
There are various other ways to treat depression. Acupuncture, yoga, meditation, hypnosis, exercises are some of the traditional ways to treat clinical depression.
If you are depressed or if the symptoms match your mental condition, look out for help. Mental illness is as critical as physical illness and is easily treatable.