In this article, we have mentioned conversations between a doctor, patient and attendant based on multiple scenarios. Patients can suffer from multiple types of conditions, like stomach ache, infection, cancer, etc. Effective communication is essential to get your point through correctly to the examiner. Therefore, this article is aimed to resolve any complicated treatment conversations between a doctor and a patient.
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Simple Conversations Between Doctor and Patient
1. Conversation between a doctor and a patient about an eye infection
Patient: Good morning, doctor.
Doctor: Good morning, what brings you here today?
Patient: I am having trouble with my eyes. They have been itchy, sore and watery since last night. I think they are a little bit swollen too.
Doctor: Let me take a look. Your eyes are indeed swollen and red too. Did you scratch them?
Patient: I did scratch them because they were itchy.
Doctor: You should never scratch your eyes with your hands, as it is possible that you might transfer germs to your eyes. Whenever you feel itchy or sore, always wash them with cold water.
Patient: I did wash them with water and also put some saline eye drops, but all of that was in vain. The itch won’t go away. It has even started to pain.
Doctor: This looks like an eye infection. Many people are having it owning to the weather change. I’ll put some eye drops for now and will also prescribe the eye drops for later use.
Patient: Please give me something that will give me instant relief. I wasn’t able to sleep last night because of the pain.
Doctor: Here, open your eyes so I can put the drops. Remember, do not scratch your eye with your hands or any cloth. Use this drops at least four to five times a day and keep washing your eyes with cold water. If you do not get any relief, visit me in the evening.
Patient: Thank you, doctor. Hopefully, I will not have to revisit you!
2. Conversation between a doctor and a patient about sudden chest pain
Doctor: Hello, what seems to be the problem?
Patient: I have chest pain.
Doctor: How did the pain begin? What were you doing?
Patient: I was resting, and suddenly felt a stinging sensation around my chest region.
Doctor: Did you workout before? Almost half of the ischemic conditions occur after physical activity, emotional stress, or after consumption of alcoholic beverages.
Patient: No doctor, I did not work out or consume any alcoholic beverage.
Doctor: Have you previously ever had the same sort of pain?
Patient: No, I have not.
Doctor: Can you please describe the pain and how long has it been bothering you?
Patient: My chest feels constricted as if I am drowning. It has been approximately 30 minutes since I felt the pain. Sometimes it is a stabbing pain, other times it subsides, and begins anew.
Doctor: Tell me, exactly where it hurts?
Patient: It’s on my sternum, then it expands on both sides of my chest mostly on the left side.
Doctor: Have you used any medication?
Patient: Nitro-glycerine, but I don’t think it had any effect.
Doctor: Do you have any other problems? You appear very pale to me right now.
Patient: I have a hard time catching my breath sometimes, feels like I am choking.
Doctor: I will prescribe you some medicines for temporary relief, but I recommend you to get an ECG done, and visit me immediately.
Patient: Thank you, doctor, I will soon visit you with my ECG reports.
3. Conversation between a doctor and the patient after surgery
Doctor: Hello, welcome back. I did not think I would need to see you again.
Patient: Yes, doctor, me neither.
Doctor: Tell me, how are you feeling after the surgery?
Patient: I feel terrible, my entire body is aching, and I can’t stop shivering. My vision is blurry, my mouth is dry, and I feel fragile and dizzy when I get out of the bed.
Doctor: That is to be expected after a severe operation.
Patient: I know, but I get so warm that I feel like I am burning up, and recently my body feels itchy.
Doctor: You have a fever or maybe an infection, describe exactly where you are aching the most.
Patient: I think my back and legs hurt the most, they are throbbing, and I think they are also swollen.
Doctor: Okay, I am going to check your temperature and your pulse. You may need an antibiotic if you have an infection.
Patient: Can you give me something for the pain, my whole body is sore, and my head is aching too.
(the doctor places a thermometer under the patient’s tongue and waits for the result)
Doctor: Your temperature seems fine, so you don’t have any fever. I will prescribe you some pain killers, for now, but I think this is just a post-surgery pain.
Patient: Thank you. I hope the pain goes away fast.
4. Conversation between a doctor and a patient about severe stomach pain
Patient: Good evening, doctor.
Doctor: Good evening. Please sit down.
Patient: I’ve got a stomach ache, doctor.
Doctor: I see, what do you feel?
Patient: I have got sharp pain and heartburn.
Doctor: How long have you had this pain and acidity?
Patient: For two days now. It does not go away! I eat, and after every meal, my stomach hurts. At night the pain seems to double up.
Doctor: Is the pain continuous, or does it come and go occasionally?
Patient: It comes and goes. It hurts me the most after every meal. Other times, the pain isn’t that severe.
Doctor: Is there any kind of food that affects you?
Patient: Greasy ones and food which has got coconut milk in it.
Doctor: Okay, and wherein the abdomen does it hurt? Please point it out. Does the pain travel to your chest or shoulder?
Patient: It hurts in the middle. Sometimes, the pain travels across my abdomen.
Doctor: You said you have heartburn besides the pain too, right?
Patient: Yes, doctor. After a burp, I feel a kind of sour taste.
Doctor: Have you notice any change in the consistency of your bowel movement? By any chance, have you noticed blood or a colour change?
Patient: It is a bit softer and slightly greenish. I did not see any blood in my bowel movement.
Doctor: Alright. I will examine your faeces to check if there is any kind of parasite. I would also like to examine your upper gastrointestinal system through x-rays and contrast.
(Doctor calls for support staff and lets him know about the X-ray that needs to be done)
Doctor: It is effortless. You will have to drink a thick substance, and the radiologist will see how you digest the substance. They will see the movement of your stomach. I have let the staff know about your X-Ray. Please follow him. Do you have any questions before that?
Patient: With so many medical tests, I was wondering if I have an ulcer.
Doctor: We need to think of that too. That is why I want that test. An x-ray of the upper intestine sometimes cannot detect an ulcer or other irritation. If the pain persists after some antibiotics, you will need an endoscopy. Any other questions?
Patient: No, doctor, thank you very much.
Doctor: Good. Get your x-ray done immediately since we have a vacancy now, and visit me as soon as you get your reports. Goodbye.
Patient: Goodbye, doctor. I will see you soon.
5. Conversation between a doctor and a patient about joint pain
Patient: Good morning, doctor.
Doctor: Good morning, please come in.
Patient: I’ve been having some pain in my joints recently, especially the knees.
Doctor: How long have you had the pain?
Patient: I’d say it started three to four months ago. It has been getting worse recently.
Doctor: Are you having any other problems like weakness, fatigue or headaches?
Patient: Well, I have certainly felt under the weather.
Doctor: Right. How much physical activity do you get? Do you play sports?
Patient: Some. I like to play tennis about once a week. Other than that, I take my dog on a walk every morning.
Doctor: I understand. Let’s have a look. Please point to the area where you have the pain.
(patient points at his knees)
Patient: It hurts right here.
Doctor: Please stand up and put your weight on your knees.
(doctor touches the spot)
Doctor: Does this hurt?
Patient: Yes, it hurts a lot.
Doctor: It seems you have some inflammation in your knees. However, I cannot feel anything broken.
Patient: That’s a relief!
Doctor: I will prescribe you some ibuprofen. Suppose you don’t find that it in the shop, get aspirin instead. The swelling should go down, and you will feel much better. Visit me after two weeks if the pain remains.
Patient: Thank you so much, doctor. I will get the medicines at once.
6. Conversation between a doctor, patient and an attendant about breast cancer
Doctor: Good afternoon, please come in and make yourself comfortable. How may I help you?
Attendant: Good afternoon, doctor. This is my mother, and she has noticed and abnormality her breasts recently.
Doctor: It’s okay. Tell me about it. Is it a lump or did you notice any change in the consistency of the breast tissues?
Patient: Doctor, I have felt a thickening which is like a lump near my underarm area. I am terrified and suspect that it is breast cancer.
Doctor: Don’t be terrified. Lumps or thickening are indeed a sign of this disease, but they are always not the symptom. Did anyone in your family ever have breast cancer?
Patient: No doctor, but why does that matter?
Doctor: The risk of breast cancer is higher if your father, mother, sister, or daughter ever had the disease. The risk is even higher if your family member had breast cancer before the age of fifty. If no one in your family had this cancer, then there is a chance you don’t either.
Attendant: That gives us a little bit of relief. We are ready to go through everything available to make this disease go away.
Doctor: Of course. Let me ask you a few questions before we proceed. Do you do any kind of physical activity or consume alcohol at all?
Patient: I walk to the market every day, and that is it. I also have never consumed alcohol, doctor.
Doctor: That sounds good. Did you ever get radiation therapy done to your chest?
Patient: No, doctor, I never have.
Doctor: Okay. I can see that you are relatively fit according to your age, so that seems like a good sign as well. However, we will carry out all the tests required to confirm.
Attendant: What are the tests needed, doctor?
Doctor: The first thing you have to do is a Mammogram. It will take an X-ray picture of the tissues inside your breast, and it will show any lump that you cannot feel if they exist. If lumps are found then further tests have to be conducted.
Patient: I am a little scared. Can you tell me what other tests?
Doctor: If an abnormal area is found after a mammogram, you will further need to get an ultrasound done. The lumps can also be solid, filled with fluid. They are called cysts and are usually not cancer. After that, you might need to perform a biopsy as it is the only way to tell for sure if cancer is present.
Attendant: Alright doctor, so we have to get a mammogram done, I suppose.
Doctor: Yes, get a mammogram done and bring me the reports. We will immediately begin the rest of the procedures after that.
Patient: Thank you so much, doctor!
Attended: Thank you.