What is the percentage increase/decrease from x to y: The percent increase/decrease calculator helps grade students and all others who want to calculate the percentages. It is a free online mathematical & useful tool to calculate the increase/decrease from one value to another with respect to the percentage of the original amount. Usually, students calculate percent increase and percent decrease by using the percent change formula or direct formulas earlier.
But now, various useful percentage calculators are generated on the web to help you all in your lengthy calculations. That’s why we are also come up with the new calculator ie., What is the percentage increase/decrease from x to y. For more details, go through the upcoming sections and get a detailed explanation on how to calculate the percent increase and percent decrease along with solved examples.
What is the Percentage Increase/Decrease?
A percent of Increase/Decrease is also known for percent of change that is defined as increased or decreased the percent of the amount with respect to the original amount. The formula for the percent change or percent of Increase/Decrease is
Percent increase = [(new value – original value)/original value] * 100 & Percent decrease = [(original value – new value)/original value] * 100 |
When the output increases, i.e., the percent change is positive, then the percent of change is a percent increase. When an output decreases, ie., the percent change is negative, then the percent of change is a percent decrease.
How to Calculate Percent Increase from X to Y?
It is necessary to follow the below simple steps to calculate the percent increase with ease.
- Identify the original value and the new value.
- Input the values into the formula.
- Subtract the original value from the new value, then divide the result by the original value.
- Multiply the result by 100. The answer is the percent increase.
- At last, check your answer with the help of our percentage increase calculator.
To make this even more clear, we will get into an example using the percent increase formula in the next section.
Real-World Problems Using Percentage Increase Formula
Assume a $1500 loan increased in value to $2000 dollars in a year. What is the percent increase of the loan?
Solution for What is the percentage increase from 1500 to 2000:
Given original value = 1500, new value = 2000
Place the values into the formula ie.,
Percent increase = [(new value – original value)/original value] * 100
= (2000-1500)/1500 * 100
= (2000/1500-1) * 100
= 133.33333333333 – 100 = 33.33 percent increase
Therefore, the percentage increase from 1500 to 2000 is 33.33 %.
Steps for Calculating Percent Decrease from X to Y
Firstly, it is important to know how to calculate the percent decrease to understand the concept deeply to make the lengthy calculations to simple. If you want to know how to calculate the percent decrease from x to y then follow the same procedure that you have seen in percent increase calculation. The only change you can see in this process is the Percent decrease formula. There is a slight change in the percent decrease formula instead of this all steps are the same. Okay, let’s get started with the process of calculating the percent decrease from x to y.
If the original value is greater than the new value, then the percent of change decreased. If the percent of change decreased, then the percent of change is a percent decrease. The percent of decrease is the difference between original and new values divided by the absolute value of the original value and multiplied by 100%. Hence, the formula to calculate percent decrease is as follows,
Percent decrease = [(original value – new value)/original value] * 100
To do quick calculations it is better to use the simple and handy free online calculator tool which is available on our page. Definitely it will give you the exact result without any errors. Also, you can see the detailed explanation of the percentage calculation below the calculator.
In order to provide a better understanding, you have taken a real-time example in the below section. Just have a look at the solution and grasp the steps that should be followed.
Real-World Problems Using Percentage Decrease Formula
Suppose we have the same loan value after one year of $2000. A year later the value decreased to $1500. What is the percent decrease?
The percent decrease would be determined as follows:
First, take the percentage decrease formula i.e.,
Percent decrease = [(original value – new value)/original value] * 100
substitute the original and new values into the formula, then we have
= [(2000-1500)/2000] * 100
= [500/2000] * 100
= 0.25 * 100 = 25 percent decrease
Therefore, the percent difference from 2000 to 1500 is 25% decrease.
How to Calculate Percent Change in Two Simple Methods?
Here are two methods to determine a percentage change, practice with the one that you prefer most:
Method 1:
Step 1: Calculate the change (subtract old value from the new value)
Step 2: Divide that change by the old value (you will get a decimal number)
Step 3: Convert that to a percentage (by multiplying by 100 and adding a “%” sign)
Note: when the new value is greater than the old value, it is a percentage increase, otherwise it is a decrease.
Method 2:
Step 1: Divide the New Value by the Old Value (you will get a decimal number)
Step 2: Convert that to a percentage (by multiplying by 100 and adding a “%” sign)
Step 3: Subtract 100% from that
Note: when the outcome is positive it is a percentage increase, if negative remove the minus sign and call it as a percentage decrease.
Stepwise procedure to use our What is the percentage increase/decrease from x to y Calculator
Our percentage increase/decrease calculator is simple & easy to use while calculating lengthy percentage math problems. This is an online mathematical tool that requires two real numbers to find the percentage increase or decrease of the original value. It is important to follow the below steps and get clarity on how to use percentage increase/decrease calculator:
- First, enter the original and new values in the input fields. Remember that these two input values must be real numbers, as long as the original value must be nonzero.
- Now, click on the Calculate button to start the process of computation.
- Finally, in just a fraction of seconds percentage difference from x to y calculator will generate the output.
FAQs on Percent Change Calculator or Percentage Increase/Decrease Calculator
1. How do you calculate the percentage increase and decrease?
First and foremost calculate the difference between the two values that you are comparing. Now, divide with the original value and multiply the answer by 100. If the percentage % value is positive then it is a percent increase. Else, if it is a negative value then it is a percent decrease.
2. How do you find the Percentage difference?
Percentage difference can be determined as subtract old value from the new value and then Divide that change by the old value. Later, convert that to a percentage by multiplying by 100 and adding a “%” sign. Or else, just by using our What is the percentage increase/decrease from x to y Calculator, you can easily find the percentage change.
3. What is the formula for Percentage Increase?
The formula for Percent of increase = (final amount − original amount ÷ original amount|) × 100, original amount ≠ 0
4. What is the formula for Percentage Decrease?
The formula for Percent of Decrease = (original amount − final amount ÷ original amount|) ×100, original amount≠0
5. How do I calculate a 5% increase?
- At first, Divide the number you are adding the increase to by 5.
- Next, multiply the value by 0.01.
- Add the product of the previous step to your original number.