UPSC Mains Sociology Reference Books: Sociology is a optional subject for civil service examination. we are providing UPSC Mains Sociology books for reference. Here we suggested Best IAS books with author and publication name for UPSC 2020 exam. The following are the Sociology books are in Hindi medium and English.
IAS Mains Sociology Exam Date 2020 & Reference Books
IAS Mains Exam Update 2020: Civil Services IAS mains exam is going to be held in the month of June 2020. Usually, the exam will be held in two sessions. Morning Session will be from 9 AM to 12 PM whereas the evening session is held from 12 PM to 5 PM.
UPSC IAS Mains Sociology Exam 2020 will be held on June 2020
UPSC Mains Sociology Reference Books 2020
- Abrahamson Mark, Urban Sociology, Prentice-Hall Inc, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1980
- Andreas Hess, Concept of Social Stratification, European and American Models, Palgrave, Houndmills, NY , 2001
- Bottomore. T.B. Sociology: A GFuide of problem and Literature Allen and Unwin, London – 1972.
- Cuff, Sharrock, and Francis, Perrspective in Sociology, Routledge, NY 1995
- D.K.S. Roy, Social Development and the Empowerment of Mariginalised Groups: Perspectives and Strategies, Sage, New Delhi- 2001
- Etzioni, Amitali, Modern Organization, Prentice Hall, NY, 1995
- Giddens, Anthony, Capitalisation and Modern Social Theory, University Press Cambridge, 1971
- Hamilton , Malcom, B. The Sociology of Religion, Routledge, London , 1995.
- Haralombos, M, and Heald, R,M. Sociology: Themes and Perspectives, Oxford. Delhi – 1980.
- Haris C. C., The Sociology Enterprises: A Disscussion of Fundamental Concept, St. Martin Press Inc., New
- York, 1980
- Harris C.C., The Family, Allen and Unwin, London – 1977
- Herton and Hunt, Sociology, Mcgraw- Hill International, Singapore 1984
- Randall Collins, Theoretical Sociology, Harcourt Brace and Company, Florida, 1996.
- Smelser, N.J.The Sociology of Economic Life, Prentice Hall, New Delhi – 1988.
- Williams, Malcom, Science and Social Science: An Introduction, Routledge, London , 2000.
- Wilson John, Introduction to Social Movements, Basic Books, NY , 1998.
Paper II
- Beteille Andre Sociology, Oxford, New Delhi – 2002
- Beteille Andre, Essay in Contemporary Sociology, Oxford, Delhi – 1987.
- Beteille Andre, Social Inequality of Indian Penguine, London, 1978.
- Beteille Andre, The idea of Natural, Inequality and other Essays, Oxford, Delhi – 1987.
- Chandrani and Chandrani, Essay in Rural Sociology, Rawat, Jaipur -2000.
- Desai, Neera, and Krishnaraj, Women and Society in India,New Delhi – 1990.
- Gallenter Masrc, Competing, Inequalities, Oxford, NY 1998.
- Gupta, Dipasnkar, Interrogating Caste, Penguine, New Delhi – 2000.
- Joshi, P C Sociol Science and Development: Quest for Relevence, Hasr-Anand Publication, Delhi 1995.
- Mandelbaum, David, Society in India, University of California, Press Berkreley, 1970
- Shah A M Family in Contempory India, Orient Longman, New Delhi – 2001.
- Sharma K L (ed) Sociolo Inequilities in Indian , Profiles of Caste Class, Power and Sociol Mobility, Rawat, Jaipur 1945.
- Singer Milton and Cohen B S Structure and chasnge in Indian Society, Weener Grin Foundation for Anthropological Research 1968.
- Singh Yogender Cultural Change in India, Rawat, Jaipur, 2002.
- Singh Yogender, Modernization of Indian Tradition, Thompson Press, New Delhi – 1973.
- Srinivas and Shah, The Myth of the self sufficiency of the Indian Village, The Economic weekly, 12:1375-1378
- Srinivas M N Social Change in Modern India, Berkeley,University of California Press 1966.
- Srivnivas M N Caste in Modern India and Other Essays, Asia Publishing House, Bombay -1962
- Unnithan T K , Indra Dev and Singh, Y, (eds) Towards a Sociology of Culture in India, Prentice Hall, new Delhi – 1965.
Reference Books for Objective Types
- Chapters from a good book on Demography and Urban geography (Can consult Geography Text for this)
- Cultural Anthropology -Madan and Majumdar
- Dhilion Guide.
- Harlambus – Introduction to Sociology
- IGNOU Material
- Modernisation of Indian Tradition – Y. Singh
- Oxford Dictionary / Collins
- Political System – Smelser.
- Social Anthropology – Madan & Majumdar.
- Social Demography – Asha & Bandhi.
- Sociology – Horton and Hunt
- Sociology – Sachideva & Vidhya Bushan.
- Sociology – T.B. Bottomore.
- Sociology Dictionary – William P. Scott.
- Sociology Themes & Perspectives – Moralambose & R M Heald.
- Spectrum Guide.
- Tribal India – L.P. Vidhyarthi
- Unique Guide.
Reference Books for Subjective Types
- Abraham and Francis – Sociological theory
- Caste its 20th Century Avatar – M N Srinivas
- IGNOU notes (especially for thinkers and topic on Indian system)
- L.P. Vidhyarthi – Tribal India
- Niel J Smelser for Economy and Society
- participation as freedom – Amartya Sen and Jean Dreze
- Ram Ahuja: Social problems in India
- Ram Ahuja: Society in India
- Y. Singh – Modernisation of Indian Tradition
- Y. Singh – Social Change in India
- Y. Singh – Social tradition in India
- Yojana (Independence day special 2001 on population)
Sociology Subject in UPSC Mains Examination
UPSC Mains Sociology is a study of social beings. It is a social science that uses various methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis to develop a body of knowledge about social order, acceptance, and change. Many sociologists aim to conduct research that may be applied directly to social policy and welfare, while others focus primarily on refining the theoretical understanding of social processes. Subject matter ranges from the micro-sociology level of individual agency and interaction to the macro level of systems and the social structure.
Why UPSC Reference/ Suggested Books are Vital?
UPSC Suggested Books for Sociology gives you a glimpse of background information(definitions, details, facts, dates) and can assist in focusing on your topic. It is a good place to begin your research. You can access the reference materials for UPSC Civil Services Exam like encyclopedias, handbooks, almanacs, and dictionaries. In order to excel in the UPSC Mains Examination refer suggested books for Sociology by Experts. Go through the compilation of books on this page and make your preparation easy.
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