NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English An Alien Hand Chapter 3 The Desert are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English An Alien Hand Chapter 3 The Desert.
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English An Alien Hand Chapter 3 The Desert
Comprehension Check (Page 16)
Question 1.
From the first paragraph
(i) pick out two phrases which describe the desert as most people believe it is ;
(ii) pick out two phrases which describe the desert as specialists see it. Which do you think is an apt description and why ?
(i)The two phrases are :
– an endless stretch of sand
– dry, hot, waterless and without shelter.
(ii) The two phrases are :
– a beautiful place
– the home of a variety of people, animals and plants. The description of specialists is apt because they speak on the basis of their study.
Question 2.
The phrases on the left in the following box occur in the text. Match each of them with a phrase on the right.
Comprehension Check (Page 19)
Question 1.
A camel can do without water for days together. What is the reason given in the text ?
A camel can do without water for days together. The reason is that it can drink a lot of water at one time. Camels do not sweat. So this water lasts for days together.
Question 2.
How do the smaller desert animals fulfil their need for water ? (Imp.)
Smaller desert animals fulfil their need for water from their food. Some of them eat other animals and get the required water from meat. Others eat plants and seeds. They get the needed water from the plant juices.
Question 3.
In a desert the temperature rises during the day and falls rapidly at night. Why ? (V. Imp.)
Where there is moisture in the air, it makes a protective cover for the earth. This blanket prevents the very hot rays of the sun (from) reaching the earth. So the temperature does not rise very high during the day. The same cover prevents the heat from leaving the earth during the night. That is why there is not much variation in the day and night temperature.
There being no moisture in the desert, such a cover is missing. So the earth becomes too hot during the day and very cold during the night. The temperature rises during the day and falls during the night.
(Page 19)
Do the following activities in groups.
Question 1.
Describe a desert in your own way. Write a paragraph and read it aloud to your classmates. Answer
A desert is a dry place. Its main characteristic is the lack of water. As a result a desert has little vegetation and is thinly populated. However, there may be occasional rain and then the desert becomes beautiful like a tropical garden. The deserts can be very hot like the Thar or very cold like Ladakh. As there is little moisture in the air, there is no cloud cover to.stop the heat. So there is a great variation in the temperature. The days are generally very hot and the nights very cold. !
Question 2.
Go to the library and collect information about the lifestyle of people in desert areas—their food, clothes, work, social customs, etc. Share this information with the group.
Please try yourself.
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