Free PDF Download of CBSE Science Multiple Choice Questions for Class 8 with Answers Chapter 7 Conservation of Plants and Animals. Science MCQs for Class 8 Chapter Wise with Answers PDF Download was Prepared Based on Latest Exam Pattern. Students can solve NCERT Class 8 Science Conservation of Plants and Animals MCQs Pdf with Answers to know their preparation level.
Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 Science MCQs Pdf
1. Deforestation means
a) Planting more trees
b) Designing a forest
c) Demanding a forest
d) Clearing of forests and using that land for other purposes.
Answer: (d)
2. Ill effect of deforestation is it
a) Increases temperature of earth
b) Increases pollution level
c) Increases CO2 level of atmosphere
d) All of the above
Answer: (d)
3. Increased level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere traps the heat rays reflected by the earth causing an increase in the temperature on the earth. This is
a) Local warming
b) House warming
c) Global warming
d) Country warming
Answer: (c)
4. Part of the earth which supports life where living beings exists is called ____
a) Atmosphere
b) Biosphere
c) Biology
d) Biodiversity
Answer: (b)
5. Variety of organisms existing on the earth, their interrelationships and their relationship with the environment is called
a) Diversity
b) Biosphere
c) Biology
d) Biodiversity
Answer: (d)
6. Species of plants and animals which are found exclusively in a particular area are called
a) Endemic species
b) Exotic species
c) Local species
d) Specific species
Answer: (a)
7. Animals whose numbers are reducing to a level that they might face extinction are
a) Reducing species
b) Extinction species
c) Endangered species
d) Dangerous species
Answer: (c)
8. ____ is the Source book which keeps a record of all the endangered animals and plants.
a) Blue Data book
b) Red Data book
c) Green data book
d) Black data Book
Answer: (b)
9. Migratory birds fly to far off places in a particular season of the year because that place becomes
a) Very cold
b) Very hot
c) People hunt birds
d) Birds donot
Answer: (a)
10. Reforestation means
a) Planting trees
b) restocking of the destroyed forests by planting new trees.
c) Cutting trees
d) Burning trees
Answer: (b)
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