How To Effectively Study Without Getting Distracted | Reasons Why Students Get Distracted While Studying

Focus on Studies without Getting Distracted

Distractions are Everywhere. Be it your phone, or your favorite series calling out to you, distractions are everywhere. We know it is straightforward to get distracted while studying. Distracted studies are terrible for you. They can lead to a poor understanding of the concepts you are learning, or sometimes not understanding anything at all!

Nod if you are a victim of this scenario: you follow a sentence with your eyes repeatedly while simultaneously thinking about something exciting. Until after half an hour, you realize you have just wasted limited time being distracted.

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You might think you have spent hours and hours studying, but in reality, it comes down to mere minutes. And it is not enough. Instead of wasting any time, sitting in front of your desk daydreaming, we are going to tell you how to study with your full concentration comprehensively.

First, let us talk about the reasons why people are so easily distracted while studying. Understanding your flaws will let you decide on the best way to solve the problem.

Reasons Why Students Get Distracted While Studying

1.Lack Of Interest

You might feel that you will complete all your work today and sit down to study with great enthusiasm. Then, gradually after ten minutes of concentrated studying, your mind begins to trail off to the wonderlands of Narnia.

Where did you go wrong? You had the intent, so what was off? Your interest. You might be more interested in what is going on in the 3rd season of such and such show, or who was talking about what.

2. Unclear Goals

You go to your room to study and think that you will complete as much syllabus as possible in one sitting. Sound familiar? Many of us do this, and this leads to trailing off into your thoughts. It is best not to take too much into your plate at once. It makes you overwhelmed, and you tend to get distracted easily.

3. Do not study in specifically designated areas.

Students think that they can study while their sibling is busy playing in the same room or studying in front of the television. Studying in unsuitable areas ruin your concentration, and make you submit to your distraction.

4. Fail to Strategically block out distractions

You know what your distractions are. You are cautious and aware of them. But you find yourself acting out on one.

5. Focus on getting long term goals instead of the task beforehand

You sit down to study and imagine yourself becoming a successful person in your field. You think about what your speech will be when you win the Nobel Prize. In the meantime, your exams are drawing nearer, and you are no further than you were when you began.

6. Have no tracking system

You look up the question answers for your syllabus and become indulgent in working out the questions. Suddenly you realize that you have been working out the answers you already know, and are avoiding the ones of which you are unsure. Hence, instead of moving forward, you are circling the portions you have already completed.

7. Relying on smartphones instead of traditional study materials

You believe that the current generation should ditch the traditional note-taking and practising, and can effectively substitute hours of studying with your book for a quick video on YouTube about the topic. You open the app with positive intent and end up watching hours and hours of cute dog videos.

To sum all the points, you get trapped in endless loops of mind wandering. According to scientists from the journal NeuroImage, most learners have no strategy to help them focus on the task.

Not only do people have multiple tabs open on their browsers to allow themselves to endlessly distracted by notifications on their phones, but they cannot enter into the ‘flow’ of studying.

Many simple tricks can effectively help you to focus on your studies. You can calm your thoughts with simple breathing techniques during studies to help you concentrate.

Avoiding Distraction

The distractions that keep you from studying maybe both internal or external. Internal distractions are bodily or physiological needs. External needs are things like technology, people, etc.

1.Keeping Distractions To A Minimum

Sometimes study time can overlap with other family activities. You might need to participate in other tasks while you wish to study. But, you can make sure that you concentrate by making sure the room is quiet. Play some classical music, and ensure you have proper, bright lighting.

2. Eat Something Beforehand

Sometimes you may feel hungry after getting into the flow of studying. Instead of getting out of your flow, eat something before sitting down to study. But make sure not to overeat, since overeating will make you sleepy.

3. Put Your Phone On Do Not Disturb

For obvious reasons, students need to put their phone away, or at least put them on Do Not Disturb mode. Your phones have all the tempting applications possible. With games, social media, and a selfie camera, the possibilities of getting distracted are endless.

4. Installing Ad Blocker

Many students need to use the internet for studies. While using the computer, there are a variety of ads and notifications that may pop up, trying to grab your attention. Avoid these by installing the free chrome extension, the Ad Blocker.

5. Maintain A Distraction Sheet

Professionals believe in doing only one thing at a time. When they are writing, they only write. They do not stop to look for missing information. It is because if they do stop for a few minutes to look up any information, their focus is broken. They will destroy their flow. It is much more challenging to build momentum than to stay in momentum and continue.

6. How To Focus On Studying

Believe it or not, there are hoards of reasons why people are distracted apart from the reasons above. Surrounded by the sea of distractions, let us discuss how not to drown in it.

7. Set Clear And Achievable Goals

You already know that getting too much on your plate can become a disaster. It never works. You get overwhelmed and boycott the task altogether. What you can do is that you can create goals you can achieve within a fixed time. Fanciful overreaching does not work, and it needs to change.

8. Make Learning Fun

Studying can be plain and boring. To make it fun to study, you can incorporate what you learn in real life. For example, you can find apps to input answers to questions from the subject you studied.

9. Create a Routine

You might often have trouble keeping all your notes and printouts organized. For such a situation, you can maintain a strict routine.

10. Stay Organized

Another thing you can work on is organizing your study material. If you have different pieces of information scattered throughout the computer, it becomes difficult to go through them. Make it a point to store information according to the chapter, book, etc.

11. Consistency

It is not difficult to create a routine. It is much more challenging to maintain it. Try not to deviate from it. You can ease yourself into the process by keeping easy tasks in the beginning and putting plenty of breaks. You can later modify it to as required. Either way, it is best not to put too much at once in the beginning but make sure to follow the routine strictly until it becomes second nature to you.

12. Work In A Space That Works For Everyone

When you are with your family, they can be a significant source of distraction. Whether it is by being distracted by children or your relatives, they cannot always appreciate your study time. Hence, find the perfect time when your family is least likely to disturb you. You could move to your room and study, or you can be more productive when you are near your mom and dad while they are busy working. Select the ideal environment to make the most out of your study time.

13. Use A Calendar

You can use a calendar and write down your routine in it. Suppose you have a deadline for a project coming, or have an upcoming exam. Mark it in the calendar. You will find it much easier to organize your materials and complete your work on time. This way, work won’t pile up, and you will not be overwhelmed by it.

14. Space Out After A Study Period

It is important to space your studies, and have time to zone out after studies. Experts say that if you let your mind wander after studying something, it is incredibly beneficial.

15. A Fixed Studying Place Or Places

Your brain is used to match the information you learn with your surroundings. For example, you might have heard about the Memory Palace technique. It is based on this very fact. If you use a fixed set of locations to study, your mind will have a change of scenery, while still being able to connect to space and the information.

16. Studying With Books Instead Of A Device

If possible, you can try and study mostly from real books instead of digital ones. There are plenty of reasons. Firstly, physical books do not vibrate or pop up with a notification. Secondly, you can use the pages of your books to remember small, useful information.

17. Train Your Attention Span

Try out brain exercises. They help to train your brain to focus on a subject for a more extended period. Use techniques like the memory palace to connect random images from your life with something you just learnt. This exercise is excellent to increase your attention span while memorizing information.

18. Try To Focus On Your Vision When You Feel Frustrated

When you feel demotivated, try to think of the bigger picture. Think about what you want to achieve. Understand that the only way to get it is by overcoming the present by studying. If you focus only on the short term goals, you will feel frustrated and empty.

19. Enjoy The Journey

In addition to being efficient, try and enjoy the process because ultimately that is what truly matters. To spice up your studies, you can try a rapid brainstorming session with a friend. Go through the study materials then sit together with them, or over the phone and see how many points you can remember.

20. Pay For Coaching Classes

If you are just not motivated enough or don’t understand the matter, it is best to rely on the expert. With coaching classes, you will be motivated. You will need to pay some money. Hence, you will tend to get the sessions and have fantastic attendance. Even if it is a group session, it is practical too.

21. Participate In Study Groups

Study groups are when you meet up with your friends, over the phone or physically, and discuss the matter in your syllabus.

22. Split Up The Work Into Sections

It is not easy for students to stay focused on their big assignments or homework. Just the thought of finishing a fifty-page assignment makes them want to cry. Hence, never let your work pile up. Dividing the work created these finish lines, which are a fantastic motivation. If you divide the fifty pages to ten pages per day, you can finish it much quicker. Think about how you can section your work calmly. Try not to freak out. You have got this.

23. Track Your Progress

Sometimes, the biggest motivation is how far you have come. When you find your tasks unmanageable and frustrating, try to look back into how much work you have already finished. You might have to study the remaining one hundred pages, but look at the nine hundred pages you have already gone through! Tell yourself that it is not worth quitting after coming this far.

24. Reward Yourself

When you complete the section of work assigned for the day, give yourself small rewards. Do something that you like. Go out for a brisk walk, listen to music, play with your dog, and eat snacks, whatever keeps you going.

25. Use A Simple White Notebook

Never underestimate the power of a white notebook. Get a nice pen and a notebook. Make it your forever companion.

26. Do Not Multitask

You may think that your mind can handle some studying with some texting and social media surfing. Well, it is difficult for your mind to concentrate on one thing when it keeps getting interrupted with another. Hence, try to focus on one thing: studying.

27. Take Care Of Your Body

You cannot focus on studying if you are unwell.

28. Sleep

Sleep is a vital factor in every aspect of your life. If you have a good night’s sleep, and your mind is well-rested, you will feel much more active. On the other hand, a restless night of sleep will hamper your studies since you will be too tired to process any new matter.

29. Meditate

All know the benefits of meditation. Cannot concentrate on your studies? Try out a short five minutes meditation session before sitting down.


We have already shared a ton of information above. But there is an easy way to ease your way: Pick out any one of the above tips then put it to action. Then incorporate another one. Very soon, you will have a nice pile of habits to create a wonderful sense of really getting involved with your studies.

Surely there are going to be times when you have to make changes. Something may come up. But the more you use these tips to help you study, the better and more comfortable you will find to get back on course.

Studying is a part of your life. There is no means by which you can avoid it. So why not do it the easy and fun way instead of the frustrating and challenging way?

It is not humanly possible and necessary to give up the worldly pleasures of watching YouTube, or online series. Make it a point to do what you like after you have finished an assigned session of studies and work. Create a schedule for when you can watch videos and entertain yourself. Avoid the temptation to do so in the middle of tasks.

Remember to have fun with your studies. Learning can be tedious, but it is what is best for you. Remember, successful people are not unique; they work hard enough to succeed.

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