Diploma in Automobile Engineering | Eligibility Criteria, Syllabus, Fee Structure & Jobs

Diploma in Automobile Engineering

Diploma in Automobile Engineering: Diploma in Automobile Engineering is simply a basic course that the candidates can choose right after completing the education of class 10th and also pursue further higher education. During the course, the candidate gets a chance to learn and explore their skills like installation, maintenance and diagnostic work (a problem associated with the Automobile), its devices and equipment. Automobile Engineer is a person who has been trained to take on various jobs in the Automobile Industry, such as designing, manufacturing, developing, inspecting and testing motor vehicles and parts. We are the primary user of motor vehicles extensively in our day to day lives for the transportation of people and goods.

Get to Know More about other types of Course Details in Stream wise, and Category wise

About Diploma in Automobile Engineering

Diploma in Automobile Engineering course helps the candidates to acquire specified merchandise from the automobiles for his or her personal use. Through this study, candidates may learn customer relationships, automobiles and marketing research, also taking a comprehensive view of sales and management. They can discover exciting ways to make a difference in the world of automobiles and the ability to work within either management or supervisory capacities at any location.

Automobile engineering is an engineering science that has elements of different fields of engineering like Mechanical, Electrical, Electronic Engineering, Software Engineering and Safety engineering as applied to the planning for build and operates automobiles, buses and trucks with their respective engineering systems. It is also known as indeed for sub-branches of Mech engineering.

An automobile engineer is also known as a vehicle engineer and an automotive engineer. As we know, there has some quality and skills also required to thrive in this industry:-

A candidate pursuing a diploma in Automobile Engineering is well trained in designing, testing and understanding the parts and working of various parts of the Automobile, which could help them get a job in the automobile industry. The desirous student can do further studies and get direct admission in the 2nd year of bachelor’s degree.

How is a Diploma in Automobile Engineering Course Suitable?

Candidates who wish to upgrade themselves and seek employment in design and development, manufacturing, maintenance and servicing industries are a good suit for it.

The course is suitable to encourage an intellectual and ethical environment in which both skill and spirit will become to provide high-quality education training in the field of Automobile.

Diploma in Automobile Engineering Course Details

The Duration of the Diploma in Automobile Engineering program is three years. The whole academic year is consists of 6 semesters, each semester having a period of 6 months.

How can we say a Diploma in Automobile Engineering Course Beneficial?

Diploma in Automobile Engineering Eligibility Criteria

Diploma in Automobile Engineering Admission Procedure

The admission process for Diploma in Automobile Engineering course is based on the merit list. Merit list made based on marks obtained in the Xth board examination.

However, certain institutes may conduct its entrance examination based on the Class Xth syllabus for admission in Diploma in Automobile Engineering.

Diploma in Automobile Engineering Syllabus

To understand the knowledge of this program, we must have to look at the subject which is present in this program. Let’s look at some important subjects:

Semester 1st

Semester 2nd

3rd Semester

Semester 4

Semester 5

Semester 6

List of Colleges Offering Diploma In Automobile Engineering

Here, the list of some top colleges in India providing Diploma In Automobile Engineering are listed below:-

Diploma in Automobile Engineering Fee Structure

The tuition fees vary from university to university or College to College. There is no fixed limit. It may vary according to their facilities available for study and doing practical work. The average annual fee ranges from 10000 to 2lakha per annum.

Job Description and Carriers Prospect

We know the candidates opted for Diploma in Automobile Engineering may have the tremendous opportunity of self-employment, or they can do some well-known job profiles available in the Government sector also. Like – Assistant Engineer, Assistant Motor Inspector, Technical Assistant, RTO Employee and Apprentice.

We can’t ignore the need for the transportation sector. Its demand is growing at a decent pace. This growth has resulted in diverse job opportunities for automobile technicians and engineers! Automobile manufacturing companies and their service sector are the prime recruiters.

Here, a list of some of the well-known job profiles are-

Top Recruiters for Automobile Engineer

Here, list of some well know recruiters are listed below:-

Salary for an Automobile Engineer

In the case of self-employment, it depends on your work and gratitude, how much you learn and build expertise in that field.

If you got government jobs, then it will depend on pay Band and also depends on department and job grades.

In case you are private employees in the Automobile Industry, and also you are fresher then you can expect a salary of around 15k to 20k. It may increase according to your experiences.

FAQ’s on Diploma in Automobile Engineering

Question 1.
What is the other name of Automobile Engineers?

An automobile engineer is also known as a vehicle engineer and an automotive engineer.

Question 2.
What is the duration of the course Diploma in Automobile Engineering?

The duration of the Diploma in Automobile Engineering course is three year and six semesters.

Question 3.
What is the average fee for Diploma In Automobile Engineering?

It depends on College to College, and also the facilities provided by the institution. But on an average fee ranges between 10k to 2lakhs. Approximately.

Question 4.
What is the most popular specialization of the job role in a Diploma in Automobile Engineering?

There are some most important job roles for those who opted this course are:

Question 5.
What is the skill learned by the students during the period, of course?

The students get a chance to learn and explore their skills like installation, maintenance and diagnostic work (a problem associated with the Automobile), its devices and equipment.


Diploma in Automobile Engineering Course is an Ocean of skills. Patience, hard work and dedication towards your work are also a must be needed for this sector. Therefore, you need to have good communication skills. After learning and developing knowledge in any field mentioned above could lift you to the stairs of success and open the doors of better career opportunities—all you need to grab this opportunity as early as possible.


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