Top 10 Career Options After B.Planning

1. Urban Planner: As an urban planner, you'll be responsible for analyzing land use, designing development projects, and creating master plans for cities and towns.

2. Regional Planner: Regional planners focus on broader geographical areas, considering economic, social, and environmental factors when developing plans for regions, states, or even countries.

3. Environmental Planner: Environmental planners work to minimize the environmental impact of development projects.

4. Transportation Planner: Transportation planners focus on designing, developing, and managing transportation systems, including roads, railways, and public transportation networks.

5. Landscape Architect: Landscape architects design outdoor spaces, considering aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability.

6. GIS Analyst: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analysts use specialized software to collect, analyze, and visualize spatial data.

7. Building Inspector: Building inspectors ensure compliance with building codes and regulations by inspecting construction sites and issuing permits.

8. Land Use Planner: Land use planners focus on the allocation of land for different purposes, such as residential, commercial, and industrial use.

9. Real Estate Developer: Real estate developers acquire land, secure financing, and oversee the construction of buildings and other structures.

10. Urban Designer: Urban designers focus on the aesthetics and functionality of urban spaces.

Remember, this list is not exhaustive, and many other career paths can be explored with a B.Planning degree. The specific career path you choose will depend on your interests, skills, and career goals.