National Science Day 2024: 9 Things Student Must Know About CV Raman

1. The Raman Effect: His most famous discovery! It describes how the wavelength of light changes when scattered by a molecule, providing insights into the molecule's structure.

2. Nobel Prize Laureate: In 1930, he became the first Asian and non-white person to win a Nobel Prize in any of the sciences.

3. Early Brilliance: He excelled in academics throughout his life, passing his matriculation exam at age 11 and completing his Master's degree at just 19.

4. Not Just Academia: He held a civil service job as Assistant Accountant General before his passion for science led him to pursue research full-time.

5. Founder of the Indian Academy of Sciences: In 1934, he founded this prestigious institution in Bangalore to promote scientific research in India.

6. Raman Research Institute: After retirement, he established this institute in Bangalore where he continued research until his passing.

7. Bharat Ratna: In 1954, he was awarded India's highest civilian honor for his extraordinary contributions to science.

8. Nature Lover: He had a deep appreciation for nature's beauty, studying the optics of flowers, crystals, gems, and even peacock feathers.

9. Inspiration to Generations: His life's work continues to inspire aspiring Indian scientists, proving that groundbreaking research can be achieved anywhere in the world.