Check How To Start Your Railway Exam Preparation From Scratch For Beginners

1. Understand the Exam: – Identify the specific Railway exam you're targeting (e.g., RRB NTPC, ALP, JE). Each exam has a different syllabus and eligibility criteria.

2. Familiarize Yourself with the Syllabus: – Download the syllabus and analyze the topics covered in each subject.

3. Build a Strong Foundation: – Focus on core concepts in Mathematics, Reasoning, and General Science. Revisit your high school textbooks or NCERT books.

4. Gather Study Materials: – Invest in good quality reference books or online resources that align with the specific exam syllabus.

5. Develop a Study Plan: – Create a realistic and achievable study schedule that allocates time for each subject based on its weightage and your strengths/weaknesses.

6. Prioritize Practice: – Regularly solve practice questions from previous years' papers and mock tests.

7. Stay Updated: – Dedicate time for General Awareness by following current affairs through news websites or apps.

8. Consider Coaching (Optional): – Explore coaching institutes or online coaching platforms if you need additional guidance and structured learning.

9. Join Online Communities: – Participate in online forums or groups dedicated to Railway exam preparation to connect with other aspirants, share strategies, and stay motivated.

10. Focus on Time Management: – Practice solving questions within the stipulated time frame mimicking the actual exam environment.