6 Grad School Networking Tips

1. Embrace Your Tribe: Connect with classmates through events, online forums, or study groups.

2. Don't Skip the "Less Comfortable" Events: Attend conferences, workshops, or guest lectures beyond your specific field.

3. Be Prepared & Engaged: Arrive early for events, introduce yourself confidently, and ask insightful questions.

4. Establish a Professional Presence: Create a polished online profile (LinkedIn) showcasing your skills and experience.

5. Leverage Informational Interviews: Connect with professionals in your field for career guidance and insights.

6. Be Proactive & Follow Up: Show genuine interest by sending thank-you notes after connecting with individuals.

Remember, networking is about building genuine connections and fostering mutually beneficial relationships. By following these tips and taking initiative, you can create a strong network that supports you throughout your academic journey and beyond.