10 Do or Die Biology Chapters for NEET 2024

1. Cell Biology (8%) - Understand cell structure, function, cell cycle, and transport processes.

2. Biological Classification (8%) - Master the classification of living organisms into kingdoms, phyla, etc.

3. Plant Anatomy & Physiology (8% each) - Grasp plant structure, function, transport, reproduction, and nutrition.

4. Animal Anatomy & Physiology (11% each) - Delve into animal structure, function, transport, excretion, locomotion, and control.

5. Genetics (10%) - Genetics is fundamental -  understand Mendelian inheritance, molecular genetics, and mutations.

6. Human Physiology (18%) - This high-weightage section covers human body systems, functioning, and homeostasis.

7. Ecology & Environment (12%) - Grasp ecological principles, population dynamics, ecosystem interactions, and environmental issues.

8. Diversity in Living World (10%) - Explore the vastness of life forms, their classification, adaptations, and conservation.

9. Reproduction (10%) - Understand  modes of reproduction in various organisms, including humans.

10. Biology and Human Welfare (8%) -  Learn applications of biology in medicine, agriculture, and biotechnology.