10 Best JavaScript Books For Beginners to Advanced

1. Eloquent JavaScript by Marijn Haverbeke: – A comprehensive introduction to JavaScript that covers everything from the basics to advanced topics. – The book is well-written and easy to follow, with plenty of code examples. – It also includes a number of interactive exercises that help you practice what you've learned.

2. JavaScript: The Definitive Guide by David Flanagan: – A comprehensive reference guide to JavaScript, covering all aspects of the language. – The book is packed with information, but it's well-organized and easy to use. – It's a great resource for both beginners and experienced developers.

3. Head First JavaScript Programming by Elisabeth Robson: – A beginner-friendly book that teaches JavaScript in a fun and engaging way. – The book uses a lot of graphics and exercises to help you learn the material. – It's a great way to get started with JavaScript if you're new to programming.

4. JavaScript and jQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development by Michael van der Heijden: – A book that teaches you how to use JavaScript and jQuery to create interactive web pages. – The book includes a lot of code examples and interactive exercises. – It's a great resource for learning how to build dynamic and responsive web pages.

5. You Don't Know JS by Kyle Simpson: – A series of books that covers advanced topics in JavaScript. – The books are very well-written and easy to understand. – They're a great resource for learning about the latest features of JavaScript.

6. Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja by John Resig, Bear Bibeault, and Josip Maras: – A book that teaches you advanced JavaScript techniques. – The book is full of tips and tricks that will help you write better JavaScript code. – It's a great resource for experienced developers who want to take their JavaScript skills to the next level.

7. JavaScript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford: – A book that focuses on the most important parts of JavaScript. – The book is well-written and easy to understand. – It's a great resource for learning the essentials of JavaScript.

8. JavaScript for Web Developers by Jeremy Clark: – A book that teaches you how to use JavaScript for web development. – The book covers topics such as DOM manipulation, event handling, and AJAX. – It's a great resource for learning how to build dynamic and interactive web pages.

9. Professional JavaScript for Web Developers by Nicholas C. Zakas: – A book that teaches you advanced JavaScript techniques for web development. – The book covers topics such as performance optimization, asynchronous programming, and testing. – It's a great resource for experienced developers who want to take their JavaScript skills to the next level.

10. JavaScript Design Patterns by Stoyan Stefanov: – A book that teaches you how to use design patterns in JavaScript. – The book covers a variety of design patterns, such as Singleton, Factory, and Observer. – It's a great resource for learning how to write well-organized and maintainable JavaScript code.